Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1929, p. 33

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Julv 26, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 33 NORTH ~HORE MOTOR CLUBS PLAN BIG Non-Stop Test of 'Proves HOUDAY FOR ORPHANS Roosevelt [ ts Dependability sted, Winnetka. north shore MarmonRoosevelt dealer. For a year 'round average. an hour and twelve minutes a day is slightly better than the driving of an everyday automobile owner. The record-breaking Roosevelt test, therefore, offers conclusive proof, not only of the advantages of the straighteight type of engine, but of the stamina and dependability of the Roosevelt car itself, according to Thomas E· Jarrard , general sales director of the Marmon Motor Car company. During the entire eighteen days, eight hours and. thirty minutes of the run, neither the engine of the Roose velt nor the car itself stopped for any reason, gasoline, oil and water being replenished while in motion from a "mother" car. It was impossible, of course, to make major repairs or adjustments since the car was constantly in motion under its own power. ... Join With Buaineas Associations in Providing Orphans' Day at Lincoln Park ·· Wednesday, August 21, will be a . · go ld letter da y f or Cl ucago orp h an s a nd inmates of ho f th d TAXES BOOST GOOD ROADS s or outing e age On that date the me annual fo r· Special motor vehicle taxes pay onethe little ones and old folk s will be . ut es of driving each day during an third of the costs of road building, according to the Chicago Motor club. held. at Lincoln park under th e au - entire ye ar , according to W . T . Werspices of the Orphan s' Autom ohile - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- ------=-- -- __:___:_____:_______::_______ Day as sociation o f Chicago. It is planned. to entertain 5,000 guest s at this, the twenty- fifth annual outing. A special prog ram has been arran g ed for the silver jubilee includ ing !f1Usic, vaudeville. clown s, pun ch and JUdy show, a dog and pon y circu s WORLD CAR VALU and other features dear to th e hea rt s of the unfortunate s. . The cost of entertaining th ese wards o f Chicago is mode st en1 ug h-only one dollar per child. It \viii be neccessa ry to rai se a fund ·o f $5.000 an d to provide one th nusand. cars. Th ose wh o wi sh to contribut e car s ~··~ :E'tlllw · · ·..,...._ or a c he ck o f any am o unt , n o mat te r ..._,,,.. Jf6fWe to Bafl/ ho w small, may co mmuni ca te wit h Ro be rt K . S loa n, ca re oi Chi cago Mo to r Live rym e n 's assr.c ia ti on . 211 \\:est \Va cke r driv e, ph o ne S tate 4852. fh e O rphan s' Aut o mobil e da ,· i ~ a h ~1 g- e s tahli s hed in stitutio n, but cnn wt t h th e aut om o bil e in co mm o n u:-;e t he edge of the enj oy m e nt i~ no l ~s~ k.ee n t.ha n in th e days of th e firs t joy nd e~ 111 th e ho r sel ess ca rri ao·e d;tn Th e pe rman e nt o rgani za ti o n~ kn c~ ~n ; as the O rphan s' A uto mo bile D a,· a.;~t) ciati o n, was form ed in 191 3. \\' illi ;m1 !~ . e h ~ t er ~ s t h c pre s id en t t h is yea r I he spo nsonng o rga niz a tions ar e th e l_. hi cago Aut omo bile Trad e assoc iat iO n, Chi_cag o Mot or c lub. Chi cago 1·~ o t o r Ltve rym e n's assoc ia ti L m . }.! L'dmah ~[ o t o r club, Th e Aut olll nbile HOUSANDS of people who tore is the "world's easiest steering." Club , of Illi:w i.s, \\'oodla \\·n 13u sin ess M en s ass octatr o n a nd So uth Ce ntn l drive the Twin-Ignition-motored a ss ociati o n. < Nash "400" Ambassador have dis- And the Ambassador is one of the Thi s y ear mo re than forty orph a n covered that the most luxurious easiest riding cars ever built. The ages and other in stitution s will be in type of motoring is not necessarily wheelbase is 130inches. The springs cluded. in the g atherin g . The world 's r ecord automotive non stop endurance run of 440 hours and 30 minutes established by a Roo sevelt straight-eight on th e Indianapolis Speedway is equivalent, as far as time is concerned, to an average o f slightly mor e than one hour and twelve min- LEA.DS ASH liDO" TN I IN MOTOR I· $1980 \\' TnE AMBASSADOR BYNASH T -TWIN-IGNITION-MOTORED prohibitive in price. ·Nerves Tire More Quickiy Th~~ Muscles in Driving . Aft e r clnvtng a car 250 mile s or mo·-e a d~y, that tired feeling does no t c or~1 e trom a very marked mu scular fat~que but is rath er the re sult of nerv e fatrque, repo rts th e touring bureau o f th e C~1icago Motor club. The s tateme nt ts ha sed on the re sult s ·o f test s· rrc e nth· ·mad e upon ten perso ns wh o had driven 250 mile s. The t es ts COlllJ)f;se d det crminati un oi th e carbor~ dioxide combining power o f th e hl o.od, ir~as~nuch as the presence of ~arb o nrc acrd 111 the s.v stem is a leadIng- product of fatique, and a blood co.unt. The latter wa s tak e n t o cl eter "tnlll e the number of white cells in th e bloo d. Th e white corpu scles multiph· \\·hen poi on contaminates the snt en1 . ~nd ~ rc extremely active in eliminating 111 Obvious to every eye is the style and thoroughbred character of this charming motor car. There i5 beauty in the purity and grace of every line and curve. There is luxury in every item of interior dress and decoration, from ·inlaid walnut panellings to the deep, overstuffed cushions, upholstered in fabrics restricted to fine car manufacture. An.d equally obvious, to those who know good motor cars, is the high quality of .. 400" engineering and Ambassador performance. Here, in this moderately priced car, is the Twin-Ignition motor, the year's most notable achievement in power. :Another very attractive "400" fea- are built ·of special process alloy steel, individually destgned for Am· bassador size and weight, and otJtboard moMIIted Houdaille double ac· tion, hydraulic shock absorbers are regular equipment. Other features of convenience and quality which Nash volume makes it possible for you to have at Am· bassador price, are Bijur Centralized Chassis Lubrication and Chromium-nickeled bumpers front and rear-at no extra charge. Volume and its manufacturing economies plus Nash engineering skill make possi.;le this value. More than 168,000 Nash "400s" were btJill and sold in the 12 mtmths G~t ended) since the "400" intt'OdNctitm. It. The te sts revealed an averag-e decrease in carbon dioxide combiningpower o f 15 per crnt, and 25 ner cent mcrease in average white-cell couut. The e r esults ..clearh· indicate nerve fatigue, rather than ;,1u scular exhau stion . A larg-e part of this enervation can be averted, the touring hureau declared by starting the tour in good physical condition . Delivered, Fully Equipped P1·ire Rtmge of 23 Nash "400" models, $930 to S2US, includes Touring, Roadster, Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria and Sedan Models SUBURBAN MASH CO. Phone Winnetka 2707 547 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka

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