Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1929, p. 20

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20 WII .. METTE L'IFE ] uly 26, 1929 BOY SCOUT NEW· S of the NORTH SHORE TROOPS A ttgular feature page prtpared each week by member· of the Boy Scout Press club, North Shore Area Council candidatt' passt' S before becoming a member L)i the order. The candidat cs selected by the lodge were Stephen Bnluks. Cordon Cutler. lolm Fischer. Ccnrge Hinn. Jr., Karl J). King, Jr.. Carl · \fr\lanus, Harold E. Spinney, Jr., Col. Louis \\.adelaer, and Peter \\'hitc. The following morning otht'r camptrs found tho se . ckctl'd as candidatt' :l passing through their ordea l, part \.. f "'hich \\'as to maintain silcnc~.: · for a numhcr nf htHJrs. Fnr each \\'Ord ~poken it \\'as required that they .spend ;11wther half hour in silence and ~lwuld thl'y . peak mor · than nineteen ,,·onls. thn· \\Tre autnmatically rcicckd In· tlic lodge. That l'\'tning the ~nrmal ~nitiatinn ' \l'rl'11Wil\' \\·as pl'~ ttH·med and all the candidates became mt·mhl'rs nf the order. The nfficl'rs of the lodge are Jt)hn nl'tak. Prescott Lothrop. l~ohnt J(ing. ():-car CnL'ptH: :-, I>a,·id Hichs. \f \Tt)Jl l'. 1\yhnlt, and Carl ~I c \1 anu:~ . Second Scout Group Starts Ca1np Period; Find NI any Hold overs Last Frida\' night Scouts and their leaders leit for the second session at Camp ~I a-Ka- j a- \\.an. Thi id_cal camping spot is located seventeen_ mtles from Elcho. Quite a number ot hovs staved o\'tr frnm the first period. The . ho{·s " ·ho arc atknding the .ccond period arc : Troop 2. \\ ilmctte-Edwin II. Andrews Cordon Cutler, \\'illiam Youngquist.' Edward ~lee. Troop 3, \\' ilmctte-J eromc B. :\ e\'ins. James K. Hirsch. Troop 4, \\' ilmctte- Bill .-\kcl\', Patti J{. Leach, j r., Charles (~. ~iurcau. \\'alter H. Robinson, Paul SterJH:r, Robert \\'ill is. Troop 5. \ \'ilmctte-( under leadership oi :\]yin Bart hnloml'w) john Bartholomew. I :ill J~tl\\'l' n, hh\·ard nristol. J·:d,,·ard J>ierks, l:ill\' Fr~.:c.·man. Donald P. ~I in nr. F rl'd -R()bi n :-;on, \\'hart on Lucke l\ogers. James Schrol·cler, Russell \\'\·k. Gt·t)rge Yeoman, Hilly kat1.. Tr;H)Jl ~. \\'ilmdte-( under leadership t1 i I oh n C. H ];l\·loc k l L~.:e B Ia \'l(lc k, loh;1 E. Dcrnehi..L'Irich Ikrnchl ,. \\'al- ' icr Haas, 11 art in Herbcnlwlz, \\.il1)<.'rt h~ ttnz. Lud\\'ig Skng, Charles Taylor. Tn 1np ] .?. \ \'ilmct tc-john He am. Richard \V. Tiorn, Jame. F. nuna hn, ·. lr.. Hobert Link. Charles P. :\I in or~ Harry \fin or, Howard \ \"ilkim. Troop 13. Kenil\\'orth R(lht·rt Burns. Hnbert Fulton, Stanln· }Jillman. 11ates Little, Peter L. Cilhert. Stanley Knight, Shope Krietl', Frank \\'illiams. Trunp 15, \\' innetka-Bilh· Chichc:tt·r. James Goetz. Jr.. Piwl L·rio!l. Troo1; 17, \\'i nnctka-~lo rri s backer, Lee 0' Brien, David \\'a! key. Troop IH, \\'innetka-Aibert Bohnl'n, Mahlung Shapp. Troop 19, \\'innetka -Knight Aldrich. Troop 20, \\'innl'tka-Harry \\". Brown. Troop 21, Glencol'--Harry F. Kcatnr. .l r. Trt op 22, Clencoe-Boh :\f nutton, Huh .:\yhcrg. I~ichard Sem\\·ay, 1\nhert Sh.oets. Troop 23, Glencoe~l o tlc·y Bryant, Edwin Grauer. Kenneth Hess, Harry Hirst, Ralph Potter. Troop Jl. Highland Park-( under leader. hip Robert Anspach) \Villia:n :\uspac h. Clifton Franklin, Hamiltnn Herman. Randolph Herman, Dirk Johnson, Hiram L. Kennicott, DaYitl LaHue, Harry G. Lankford, John \f eyers. Dick Pctt, \Varner Tnrriff, 1\nhcrt G. \Vhit e. Troop 32, Highland Park-Richard Suess. Troop 33, Highland Park-john Davidson. judso n \\.ell., Robert Fox, Jack 1foran. Troop 35, R<l\·inia·- H O\\'a rd Bo\\'man, Thct)dnre Lent, Charles ·Phillipps, Peter \\'h ite . Troop 38, Highland Pa·rk -James E. \f undst ock, Henry Schcski, Jr. 'l'rt)Op ~5. Lake Forest-Edward Bax, Edwin Hleicr, Clifford Holm, Charles J(iddlt. Hichard Lindquist. Ian ~lc Phcrson. \\'i lliam ~[orris, Russell Pester. David T. Tibbetts, Jim Tibbetts. ~I ar\'in \\'e lls. Tro )p -lo, Lake Forest-"hennt.:t h 1£ onoha n, Dick f c 1lo\\'s, Gordon Kelley. Troop SO, Deerfield-Gordon E. Clavt'y. Rnhcrt E. Ginter. Sturges Lochridge. Troop 52. Deerfield (under leadership of John Huhn) Edward E. Cazel. Donald Clark. Russell Foxworthy. James R. Getty, Harold Huhn. Edmund Koebelin, Lewis Stryker .1. Kenneth Vetter. ' Troop 55. Glenview-Joseph A. Roseman. Thl· new rnunril training camp of thl· \"t1rtl1 ~lll1rt: :\rca cnuncil located ALL SCOUTS ATTENTION! Camp ~1a-Ka-ja-\\,an is just the at Fklw. \\'i:- .. \rill he dedicated Sa(It's swell out herl:. md:t~· . :\ug11st 3, acrnrding to Karl D. thing for you. There arc hears, wolves, and deer. King t~i \\ · ilnwt tt·, prcsidcn t of th ~ There is fishing (still fishing and castC'nttnciJ. ing). They sern· WtHHicrful meal" out The dediratic111 will he held at this here. All tlw~c wl](l arc rnming up t in1<.' h~· catJ->t' it ma rh t ht: end nf the ,,·itlwut their :-:.cnutmastn will belong to the prm·isional t rnnp. The camps ~eetmd !-ts:-itlll uf camp and the hegillarc numbered from Pill' to four. Camp ning· oi the third st·s~ion. S1nce the three is th<: JHO\·isit)nal troop. He sure new campers itlr tht· third ses:-inn and Ct·me ~ Tlwrc is · iun awaiting ynu. arri,·e at -l :4.; in thl' morning and th . - \\'alter H. Htlhinstln, Troop -l. \\'ilramp<:rs fnr the second sessitln l<'a \'L mettc. at 11 : IS in the morning, there \rill he NEW TROOP IN COUNCIL at lea . t .?00 ram pcrs and their lt:adt rs prcse1tt fpr the ccn.· nwny \\·hirh " ·iii :\nntltn IH'\\' troup has hl'l'll adckd br hrld at t hr ramp het\\'l'l'll thl' h1111rs til thl' cnuncil which brings tht..: t·nof 8 and 1) :30 t)'clt)ck. rnlhnl'nt up to it~rty-fiH· trtHlpS and The dediL·atitln n-rt'llltmie~ \\'ill he JO(,<J ~rnut:-. . This llt'\\. Troop is \"11. pn·reckd hy a re,·i~..·"· ni t hl' Srtlllt s 72 tli LiiH·rt \'Yilk and the Ill'\\. Scouts and tht ir ll'ackr~ and \rill he r·lltrludc d arl' \\'ilirl'd - Brumm, l'harks Clt·nwn')\' a :-htlrt rxhil>ition ni ~l'\llltcraft :-t·n. I )llll;dd C . J·:nnis. Pa.ul ~I ascn a;HI l'an~pcraft a:- i~ ht·in . !.! taught in hrink. :\kxandcr lbcllnff. :\ugust 1\a,J Iuff. Charks Prorttlr, 1-: cllttl'lh \IL·camp. Sarln· and \\'illiam \\.ilsnn. Jllllll :\ largr attvndanrt· nl tht· part·nt:- \\'. l~inl is Scoutmaster. and Jll'tlpk i rt)lll t h(' nnrt h :-hnrl' ;utd Sknkic ralky towns i~ ant icipa tl'cl. HOME FROM CAMP AlllltmllCt'lllvllt ni tht· principal speak~t·,· ~..·ra I Lknctll' ~CPllt s rl'lurtJt·d er ft)r the urrasiun \\·ill he mack tll':Xt IHllllL' last Saturdar t·n·ning irom week. Further iniPnnati1lll can l>t.' (lh - Camp ~la - 1-.:a - Ja-\\·a;t whnl' thn· harL· t~tinnl hr calling thr rnunril hl'ad - spt·nt thl' pa.st t\\'ll \H'l'ks k;1rning quart~.:r:-- . . tl'kpht)Jlt' I li.~..:hland Park man\· things ahtHit ramp lift> . 2431. \\'h .\· not makt· yt)ttr plans nnw 1·\-l'r\'\ltlt' llf tht· htl\·s r~..·purt:-. a t"ll it' to SJll'IHI thr \\'<.'l'k-t·nd in this beau- timt· at camp and. ma;1y arl.' l'Xpcrting tiful Yaratinn land and he preq·nt · It l r t' t 11 r 11 Ill' x t n ·:u. fnr t hi:-- tl\Casinn? ~rn·ra I ramping sdllg~ an cl t1t her:\n·rt: k:trlll·d hy thl' htl_\'S and ~hey \\'cl!tld sing thesl' at ramptin: aftt·r First Period Campers Do nwss t'al'h da,·. Thl'sl' :--1ll1gs mt·ant a Splendid Pioneering Job J, l! in the st;irit ul t ltc ramp. TrOtlp .?.? was in Camp One \\'i~h About ti ity Scnu ts ret u rnt·d last Saturd;t\' l'\'rning irnm the initial 'l'rPnp 33 and was under the dirt·ctitlll tll I.lt)nl \\'ightman, as~istant ~Ctlllt period t.)f Camp ~la -ha-Ja- \\'an . Tla·irs had htt'n an unique t'XIWri- mastcr. of thr latter lrtHlp. Tr,)tlp 23 CilCl' in opl'ning and \)ccupying as the was !t)ratcd in Camp Ft)tJr with Trthlp first group uf rampns this tine new .! of \\' ilmc t tc . Ct )!nne I \\.aei t lat·r \\'a:-camp f,)r ht)ys ui thl' :\tlrth Shnrc in charge uf Trth1p .!3 whik Karl D. > locattd tln Spring lake . The _ ,. found King, .I r. cnmmandcd TrL)(lJl a largl' mt·ss hall on a hill O\'t·rlot)k- \lc)tk~· Hr~·ant. Trnnp .?3 . ing thl' lake from the l"a~t. an ice house. a cnmpktt· \\'atn system for Chicago ·Scout Leader drinking. wa shing. etc. They walked Installs Lodge at Camp along paths and trails to tht· fnur \\'ednl·scla,·. lui\' li. E. L·rnt·r Cnndunits ni the camp each oi wh id1 consisted of eight tents ten ll\· hn·ln· ied man. Scout. ex.ect;ti\'l' t~i thr Chicagc1 facing in awund a circle. These rnuncil. and a third ckgn·t· llll'lllht·r , f camps Wt're ftrst knnwn hy numbers. the Orcler nf the :\rrn\\·, arri\'l'd at and the first grnup in camp had the lamp ~la -Ka-Ja- \\'an to install the opportunity t)f naming thl'St' \·arious Ill'\\' ~mth SltnrL' IL1dge of this SL'Crl't urcler (.!' the ntl\' ~rt)\ltS. unit s. ~I r. CtHHiman . :uldrt·sst·d the entirl' TrP<lp .?.? and 33 in Camp Ont.· chnse ramp :!t t'\Tning mess and again later Camp Ftl:xtire a~ thl' naml' t)f thi:-; unit. i n t h e e n· 11 i n g d u r i n g t h l' · i n ~ t a II at i o 11 Camp T\\'ll was 1lCCllpit·d In· Trut)P S rl'l11t)nics. :\t tlll'SS hl' Jlt)illted tltlt of \\ 'ilmttll' and "· a~ naml·d ~r t·nom- that lte had learned a great deal ir1):11 inee. The Prtl\·i:--innal tr,H)Jl w.t:- quarhis \'tSit tn Camp ~fa-Ka-Ja-\Ya.J. t<'rl·d in Camp thrt't' and 11tH ht·in~ ~fainh· he mr·ntionl·d the fact that as u 11 <In In r a I k ad n :- h ip. 1r it the n am t' ;t tll'\~· ramp ~tarting tHtt and using t'or the :-ecnnd pt'riPd ctmpl·rs t,) the trt)np camping plan with !neal chon-.e . Camp lllttr \\·a:-. ncrupit·d In leader~. ~la-1-~.a-_la- \\'an \Yas leadin.l! Tropp-, 2 ;tnd .?3 and :-l'ln·tt·d Camil , n·n the l'hicagn camps where tlH' Shawnce as a name. Thn· abn erl.'rtcd plan is being \rnrkcd in during th!~ a gate irnm which a :-ig1.1 hl·aring this umnwr's arti\·itil's. name hangs: Later in thr en·ning h~..· JHlinted nut Thl' tir~t ramt·n:- at l'amp ~I a - Ka- ·IJa t all llH'Illht.·rs t)i camp sht)ttld !tad Ja- \\'a n did a gn· a t de a I o i p in nn· r i n g !t)nd. dean. Sctltltlikt· lin·~ in nrder work and llltldt Pi it "ill Lt-,t as ln ng ttl qualify for memhvrship in tht· Order as thl' ramp and n·main a~ a llllllltt- tlf the Arrnw. .\itn ~I r . cl)Odman ment to tht· ~ncttb whu attt'll<kd th r l1ad installed the Ill'\\' lodge, the oftlce:-s fir _t ~<:'~~it~n. Thn· did not haw th -.· and members of the nrganizatinn prnadyantage that tlttl-.c C(lllling aftt·r L'l'rded with the calling out cercmnny them \\ill han· hut tht·,· l>lai't'cl tht . i11 which the candidates fnr membt-r-trail tc· a gn·atn and fi11er campin)..! .. hip \\'l'rt· ralh-d away from thl' rL·st exptrience ft·r l'\·(·r~· set ·ut on tht. t·i thl' camp and instructed regarding North ~hore.-LloYd \\'ightman. their nrdeal. through which each Many Scouts Win Honors at Close of First Camp La:-,t Frida,· t'\'l'llillg at ~ n'cl!lck tht' final l'anlp . tirt' pr1lgf<lll1 of thL' tirst period at Camp .\la - Ka-Ja - \\'an wa:'i openl'd \\'ith a Court nf I fonor Ct't'l'lllc)ny during \\·hirh L'\Try :-:.rout whn l1acl cnmpktl'd a tL,.st fnr a merit l>adgL· 11r i1)r a rank rcn·in·d It;~ rertiticak . . \itn thL' l'tntrt nf Honor \lr. .\lc~lann~ :utll01111Ct·d that thr.: r : ~cnuts. \ ' nnott llrP\\11. Carl Huneke, and lack \fc1r;u1 had tarlin in the day lla~scd thl'ir "negillllL'r's" test in :-\\·imming and hl' a\\'ankd tltl'm hadgts fpr this accnmpli:-hmt·nt. :\l'xt ~lr. \lr\lanth read tilt· list ni "SatisfactPn" campns \\·hich ,,·as a~ follows: l;u.:k .-\lls\n1rth. Edwin :\nclerson. n1tly .\nspach . .\!Jan Bensnn. Hilh· Bn\\Til. Ld\\'ard Hristtll. Ycrnon Brt)\\·n . L:turellrL· uckmastl'r. Robert Burns. \\'illiam Fischn. lll1\rard Fogg. J-It·nn· Ft)..;ter. \\"illiam Frt·eman, Rogns 1~\idman. Fd\\in (~raucr. Kenneth HL·~s. 1\\)hnt Ht'\Yitt. lames Hirsch, HalT\. 1Iirst. Tedch· i losking, Carl 1rlllll:kt·. lhttCL' .I L'tni~nn. Robert John!'l\11. !.~illY Katz. Kki11k. David La Hu·' . :\h·in LarSL)Il, PercY LloHI. Billv \1 athl'\\'S, Edward \1 ee. \\'iliiam \telchoir. HL'nn· ~I iller. Dnnald ~finor, I\ a !ph :\ f nrrk Robert \I o ult tm. Robert \"yhnrg, 1\ t Jhert RassntusSCit, Theodort.· Reed. Billy Rc herts, Locke Rogers, Jamt's Schrol'der. Robert Sheets, Paul Stt·ntt·r. Rnbt·rt Thiel. Judson \ \' e lis. 1 ctl'r \ \'hite. Fr.a n k \\.illiam ~ .. J~ussl·ll \\"ylc .. George Yenman, \\'il liam Ytnlllgquist. Tht1se who Sl'Cured the \fa-Ka-la\\'an "\!"\\·en': J·:d\\'in .\1Hierson. Den Hrit1n, ~tephen Brlh)ks. \·~..·nwn Tirm,·n. Laurence nuckmastcr. Cnrdt1n Cutl,:r. Ed\\·ard Dierks. Tohn Fischer. Howard Fngg, l\t)gers Fridman, Robert He\\'itt, Ccnrge Hinn. James Hirsch, llarry Hirst. ] a me:; Ht)fflll an. Ed ·ward ~lt:c, \\ 'i lliam \f clclwir. Donald \finor, Thl'IHlnre R t.. ed. Fred Hohi nsnn, Lock(' 1\t Jger..;. J a me~ ~chrncdcr. The inll ,, ,,·ing :-cnuH \\TI'L' ratt.·d as "Honnr Campers"· Hen Brion, Stephen nrnoks. Cordnn Cutin. Ed"·ard Dierks. Jt)hn Fischer. Ceorgc Hinn, James Hoffman. Freel Robinson. Junior Liic Sa,·ing te.sts were passed by John Fischc1·. Dt)Jlalcl )dinor. Peter \\'hite. .I ames Hirsch. Ben Brion, Fred Rohin~<lll, H vnry Foster, Kenneth Hess, ~f otley Bryant. Edward Dierk., an-:.1 Ralph :\1 orris passed the Senior Life Sa ,·ing requirements. The tamp fire closed '"ith songs that at! scouts at camp had come to cherish. · s,\'a-

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