8 WILMETTE LIFE July 26, 1929 ~~~----~ -~ - ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ON VACATIONS THE INDUSTRIAL WORKSHOPS OF CHICAGO Lin~eri({, Negligees, Maids' Aprons and Uniforn1s Smocks, \Voven Rugs and Baby Blankets 1 \II Articles ~lade by the Handicapped and Not Sold for Profit I George Estes, paying teller; Miss Leona Hoffman, bookkeeper; and Miss Rosemary Bleser, savings teller at the \Vilme tte State b~nk, started on their annua l ,·acations last Saturday. Wilmette Health Facts I ~ ! Summer Display Room: MARION I. CALKINS SHOP 724 Eln1 Street, Winnetka --- ~. -~- Now ready! New FRIGIDAIRE Five new cases of whoovi11g- cou~h The :\I isse" Adele and ~ elly Moore were reported by the \Vilmette He<l:lth of Salem, Ill., arc the guests · this week department during- the week endmg uf :\lr. and ~Irs. Arthur . M. Long,. 401 Mondav, 1uly 22. On that date tw elve Tenth treet. case s the disease \\' ere active, while -o.:...... . t,,.o quarantines had been released dur~f iss Certruclc \\'i ll ott. 1300 Ash- ing the \\·eek. land avenue, had as her house guest . T h e onlv other di sease which showed for the past t\\'O weeks ).[iss Anna increased . activit\· was chicken pox. Scheffler, of Chicago. Four new cases were reported, one was relea sed. and five \\'ere active. There are no pneumonia ca . es in the Villa!!e at pre se nt, and measles, which recenth· had shown the usual seaso n:1l acti,·ih·. has disappeared entirely, seven cases having- been released during th e \\·cek ending Juh· 22. Scarlet fc,·e r has been held in check. and onh· t\\·o case:' are active. according to the hcalt h report. The t otal number of quarantines acti,·e on Juh· 22 \\'as nineteen. The ClliHiiti nn of the \Yater in \\'il llH~ tte beach \\'as reported good. of .. Porcelain- on- steel outside and inside and equipped mith the faJDous ··~old ~ontrol" The Kenilworth Garden club held ih last meetinQ" at the home of Mr ·. Cu,· Littell. .t22 \\'oodstock a\·enue, Ke;1 ih,·orth. ~f rs. S. D. Flood gave the lecture nn "Engli~h Ganlcns ." \Irs . Flonrl 1s also a n.:sicknt of Kenil\\' nrt !J. -0- .... \fiss Ceorf.!iana hHder, 16 \\'anrick J'enil\\'nrth. ,,·ill entertain al a luncheon and bridg-e party tnday at 1he :\orth Shore Country club. inr her cnu:->in. \I iss Josephin~ Lconard . rt\Tilt!C, -0- \lr . and ).[rs. Gcnrge ~ - ~n(·pp c- r and tl1eir ia111ih· ,)f 1404 \I apk a ,·enue, will lean· ~atu.rd;w for a three \Hcks' !rip. The,· \\'ill tlWtnr to Cun Flint. ~I inn . . o..·u'205* installed and making · i~e ID your kit~hen Now we offer n new Frigidaire-a model that i~ finished 'vith Porcelain-onsteel outside and inside. Note how the shch·cs arc spaced. Plenty of roont for tall ('On Lainers. And even the lowest shelf is so far front the floor that you don't have to stoop to reach it. All Jnct·hanistn is enclosed 'vithin ·the t~ahinct. It's so quiet you don't hear it start, or stop, or run. Yes, it's a real Frigidaire in every respc<'L · · · even to the famous "Cold Control"-one of the most important de,·cloprncnts in electric refrigeration. This simple patented device enables Jr'itl&. the Frigidaire "Cold Control" you can regrdate the freezing time in your Fridigaire just as you regulate the cooking time in the oven of your gCM Jtove. JEWELRY of CHARACTER specialize in designing and the making of platinum a n d go l d j~welry. We are diamond setters, w~tch, dock and jewelry repairers. and dealers in p~arls, diamonds and other preciou5 stones. . We also featu r~ stationery engraving for our hshionable pltrons. w~ you to govern at will the time required to freeze ice cubes and to In.a ke frozen salads or desserts. It gives you complcJ,c control over Frigidaire's surplus power. A few dollars down puts this or any other Frigidaire in your home. Then you can pay the balance under General Motors liberal terms-terms arranged to suit you. Come in, see a demonstra· tion, and get all the facts-today. MR. I2 PAGLIARULO'S years experi~nce in the shops of Spaulding~ 8 Co. is your guuantee. r 7 Years in the Same Location STOVER CO. :\lh·hi-.cun t: \ 1lii1>1HII .\H. H~llt·lnlt·h St., (l;d 16:ll Sh··rmu.1 ..\H·, t:r····nlt>af HI\U at ~. Jllc·hl-.can .\ \'t'.) Jtantlolph 1~1:! 49~0 111-.chluud l'urk ~"!:! ( ' ··utral .\no. 111-.chlltttd l,urk l;ftl llulthnr·l "'no·ls Wlunt-tkn Puhlic· Sl·nh·e ui 'X urt h t·rn SlW l .. lntJt·n . \'\' t'. Jeweler and Optician 1166 Wilmette Ave. Cmntlnny 1111 nnl s .\t ull thf'ir ofHct·s. ·