2 WILMETTE LIFE . July 19. 1929 - See the neuJ All-Modern HOME IN THE COUNTRY I 71Utmond lake Road fl Linden lane near Mundelein, Illinois - FROM living room to laundry and Builder-Metropolitan District Realty .Trust, 79 W. . Monroe St., Cplcago. Arch/teet.- H. v;;-n Holst, Chicago. · L.J· . Contrt~ctor· libertyville Construction Co., libertyville, Illinois. Furniture and DraperiesPebbles Decorating Co., Oak Park, Ill. Electric ~11d Gas Equipmentbringing city comfort and cc-nvenience, supplied by Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. from rose garden to paddock, this all-modern home reveals the newest note in country home beauty, comfort and convenience . . A Shetland pony, tanbark path and other features which make life in the country enjoyable are included ... You are cordially invited to call and inspect this most interes~ing exhibit. ., 1 OPEN UNTIL ·sEPT. 2 FROM 2 UNTIL 4 P. M. VISITORS WELCOME