Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1929, p. 42

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42 WILMETTE of authorities supervising the races,, to permit only experien_ced drivers to participate on well-conditioned tracks, has resulted in avoidable loss of life to both drivers and spectators. "The recent death of Ray Keech, at Altoon;1, is th.e latest example of this la:-mes ·. Following his death it was officially announced that the accident was due to a hole in the wooden bowl which it was stated -;,vould have required less than a carload of lumber to repair. State authorities shou!d put a stop to these avoidable race track killings, \'icc:-Pre:,idcnt l\fayer told the executi\'e board of the association, LIFE July 19. 1929 A.M. A. Starts Fight Against Dangerous Racing Conditions Criticism of the laxity under which automobile speed contests arc conducted tl\roughout the country, was ,·oiced in \Ya shington this week by the American ~lotorists :\ssociation in cooperation with The :\utomobile Club of Illinoi~. pre~iclcnt The charge was made by Si. ~r aycr. of 1'hl' Automobile Club of 111inois and \·icc-president of the :\ . ~1. :\., that the failure on the part LEADS NASH liDO" THE WORLD IN MOTOR "4110" Special Six 4-Door ...ctlan SJ39S DELIVERED Del'i "ered, Fully Equipped Price· orza "400" Models, $9~0 to $2300 inel1tdin;; Tourin;;, Road· ster, Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria and Sedan Models Craham-Paigt' ~ct a nc\\' quarte~ly pnHluditm record in the three mont11s As a result of a ruling by the Trea - enditw lunc 30. and also completed the ury Department that Fordson tractors fir~t ;ix. tlllHlths 0f J<>2<J \\·ith a total manufactured in Ireland can be brought exceeding any prcdtnts bali year. . In into the Ameri'Can market free of duty. addititlll, thl' cn·crs cas and Canadtall an interesting question has been raised shipments it·r six months not only set with respect to the new tariff. \Yith m'\\. rernr.<k hut t·,·en exceeded the organized labor bitterly oposcd to any !tl t;ll.; ior all t\n·in: nwnt :1s ni last ~·ear. movement for the remOYal of the duty Tlw sCrtltHI <!tta rter's tPtal production on American cars manufactured abr oad ,,·as 20.21~ cars. surpassing the prefor sale in the Cnited States. ,·inu s hi. 1.d1 rc cord n i 2o.7-n. made in , the third quartn ni last )·ea r. Ft l)· the ftr-.t hali oi J<).20. the prndurtil·tl tutal is 3-t...J 1)K cars. a gain oi 15.759, 1 nwrc than -tO prr unt. oH·r the fir : t ~ix n11mth s t'i la:-.t . n :a r. :\1 onthh· pn)du ct ion thus h:1s a n ·r;H!t·d o,·er 0,000 cars. The ~ll,OOOth t<>2<) nwclcl was built T nne 7. Shipments tn export pnints in six CAR VALUE month s tPtal i.313, exceeding hy 17 prr cent the t\n·h·e month-.,' rcrord t'nr 102~. The latest cdtirial :-.umn1ar~· tlf autotll(lhik cxpnrts. all 111<1 kcs included. shnws t ~ 1at Craham- Paig~· has risen· irnm t\\clith place tn se,·cnth thi" n ' a r . l' a 11 ad a :-.hi n men 1s in r :-. i x months this YL·ar total 3,(,Jl. as against the entire H'ar's ' t)tal -oi -3..mr~ in J<)2R. lTanst)n ~fotnrs oi \Yinnetka is the , Craltatn- Paige distrihuttlr. which approved his charge of laxnes5 by the adoption . of ·a resolution deploring the sacrifice of life and placing the blame primarily on the organization having supervisibn of the rac es." New Record Set for High Production by Graham-Paige . I · Fully Eqrlippetl, I "Speeds" 15 Miles per Hour; Pinched-'Twas Long Ago Notltiu,; More to BttU . ~LUE FAR AHEAD OF ITS PRICE FlEW IX firmly in your mind the delivered, fully equipped price of this Nash "400" Special Six Sedan. Then see the car and, by all means, drive it. Nash never has offered a greater value. No one ever has produced finer performance in its price field. This very moderately priced motor car has the Twin Ignition motor-the year's outstanding development in power-more power, more speed, less gasoline. It has Bijur Centralized Chassis lubrication-a .feature of value and convenience highly esteemed by those who drive very costly motor cars. It is factory equipped, without extra F cost, with lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, chromium nickeled bumpers, front and rear, spare tire lock and tire cover. The price quoted above also includes a spare tire and all freight and handling charges. There is nothing additional to pay for the cust~mary "extras." And the Special Six Sedan has the style and manner so important to the fullest enjoyment of your ~otoring. Good taste and artistry vf design are apparent in the purit\' .ad grace of every line and contm Remember the price. hemember that it is a fully equipped, delivered price. And don't fail to see this sedan, and drive this sedan, before you buy. On display today at all Nash dealers. \\' hL·n Pld timers in the automobile I indu~tn· get tngl'tlll'r many interesting thing~ ;trL· hr~ntght out about tht early daY~ Pi the mntnr car. or lwr!-de ss ct~riagL'. as it "·a~ calll'd at ont· tim'-·· .\t a rvrc n~ mt.ct ing c~i oldtit;H.: rs in I , t ht· aut1 11110ht k fte I d. 1·.. F. h.nhert:', ,.it·l·-prt·sidl'nt Pi the Packard :\fptnr Car Ctl!11pany. rl'calkd that t\n·nty -:-c ,·..:' I t'll .\t' ar~ ;1gn hL· \\a s arrntccl in Srh'-':Jt·L·t;t<h·. :\. Y .. ,,·hik nn an carh· test run i11. a Pa ck ard . I fe ,,· a~ :-.pl:tding I thrnugh thL· rih· at a rate ni fiitt-e11 mik..; , an hnttr ·an d the. kgal rate 1·f ~pn·d ktjll'nt·cl tn hL' tllll~· -..i" mile s an lwur. \f r. l~oht· rb \\'a..; rapt ur·'d by a sherritT driYing a fa._t-trottin~ htlr~e and Ia t er was lined S3 . ~0 . fn thnsr clay s it wa" the haJ,it d :-.nmc . hrrriffs tn drin a fa~t horse \Yith ont? hand and hold a stop watch \rith thl other "·hile he 1'nllc \H'<l a "~perder" pacing the uuiortunate nne un~r a mea~ure<l cli:-.tancr. Thi s is quitt· diffl'rtnt frnm th e cif.illty to ninety mik an hour spet:d araibhlc tn motorcrclc cnps \rho at the prL·SL'llt day are not gi\'ing nearly JS much time · to catching spcl'dns ~ts \ras done twenty-ftvc years ago . 1 Buirk of 1904 Is Found; To be Overhauled and Run :\ well pre . crwd Buick. of 190-l vintage, found in the ruins of an · old barn in the Hood Canal countn·. near :\herdeen. \Ya sh .. has hC'en pu~chased ll\· ~f. :\f. Stewart. \.ran Harbor Buick r!~aler, frnm :\rthnr J r'nsrn. son of the iarmer. who purchased the automnhilc ~0 years ago. The car. Stewart believes. is one of the select 100. the first hatch of Buicks en'r built. of which onh· three. as far a~ is known. have esc~ped the junk Dile. Stewart now has the old machine f)JJ display in his showrooms here , He nlans to overhaul the car and place ·t in running order. The car is of the two-cylinder type. The gasoline tank is located under the hood and the engine is under the seat. The angle iron frame, heavv brass radiator and coal oil lamps- are in as good condition as ever, according to Stewart. who thinks that an engine overhauling and installation of new rubber will put the machine in perfect running order. EV AMSTON MASH COMPANY D. K. VOGEDING 10 Blks. North of Davis St~ "L" Station Cor. Benson Ave. & Clark St. EVANSTON Greenleal5500 (7-21)-118 ·

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