Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1929, p. 39

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"J July 19, 1929 (llflllfllllli '> tic: Party and WILMETTE its Position LIFE 39 "" l>r . Jlaul I fa<:Jt\1 ·1, a l<d·,..., i:w :JilliHJri ty (JJJ fillallc<: a11d tt:IJII 1 illlil' ·. ,· v.il l IJ1i11;~ tu tiJ<· ~lllltiiJ(: r Jlfll~~r:tllt at . · ·,,rt!Jw(·'.l f·fJI llllivt·r . . ity )lf:X t ,,11/lld:ty I ' V I ' IIill/"~ (JJI<· 11f tlw llllhlalldiJJ~~ it('JJJ ', ,,f i'. , " ":t '> IJII '... (':tklldar. J ft: will kctun : ;ill " S,1 vi<:t J<n ·:, ian LriJiliJIIJil : Pulicy," '>JI<·al-:i,,;.~ JIIJJJJ ~ · /. 1,, ·rif ·JIC '<· a c., JJII'JidJI 'l' r1f tlw f;~,~ JJil ·; :u1rl t\\i« ,. 1k:t11 11f tl11 : L11ivn ·. it y ,,f .\1,,..., c ,,\.,.. l,r ·t \"'~"' l'J(n a11d 1 1 J~K. a1':' i". i111 jJIII' f;tlJf giJ\/f ' rJIJIJI'JJ!;d :till) )IJ'IJ)( · . JI,J J;tl jii J·, h. Russian Authority on . L"t·nance I'Jt. G;ve N. ll. 1' '-' " Talk Monday /~'venin rl IIJJdf·r tilt s(JVitt Htgirnc." IJilli{ r,:twr(·JJI :f: I), EgfJ(.: rt, Last . cvcl'h. D., as- ·, i \ t;wt !JI'flfi· C., c.,llf (Jf JHJiitical science, I ; ,Jiv,·r ·, ity 1Jf IJiiJIIJi !-> , and UH; mher of tJ,,. '> IIIIIIJJI·r fa('ulty at t-.:orthwcsttrn '"'ivn \ it y 1 kC"t1Jn·d (JJJ "Univcr~ity Life i11 Fr:uH·,.. " M1J11day's lecture thi~ Wf'(·k IJ!I "Tilt FuJJctions of Art" was giv<·IJ by F.dwi11 1>. Star,buck, Ph. D., JlrrJf n \ IJf (If pllill)r..,I!)Jhy and dirtctt)f 11 f tl11· l ll '> tit.lllt· r1f Cl1aracttr l<<:search, I ·,,iv,·r '. ity ~~f f11\va . Tttnday evening IJ;uJi, -1 llf· latlr<·, iJJ'>trtJ<:I()r in riJtllanct l:tllgiJ:J~~~ -'. , \"IJrthw<·...,t<.:rn univ<.:rsity, 1 gave an i!Justrated lecture in French LEAVES FOR CANADA on "Chatcaubriand." ]. Alden Scars, of Kenilworth, vice James Light, di·rcctor of the Prov- president of the \Vilmctte State bank, incctown playhouse New York city, left' on Tuesday for a two we<.:ks' trip is giving the l ectures at the special to Nakina, Ontario, Canada. course in drama at the School of Speech, this week. lie has lectured ~1 r. and Mrs. \\'illiam Edmund every l~vl·ning so far, will lecture this Sch weitzcr (Mary Lr1ttise Scheidcnevening ancl tomorrow evening. ht.:lm) han; returnc(l from their wedding trip to Hantf and Lake Louise and . )ana:-, ({cinhold oi l<ogt·rs Park,. sun arc staying \t:lllporarily with ~frs. of the \Villian1 C. l<tinh"lrls 11f 100.) Scll\n:itzer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A~hlanrl a\'t:llllt, h:ts ldt i11r a lllonth's Frank j. SriH:idenhdm of go-t Forest varation trip in ('()lorado and <...'ali - an:Jtllt:, until their apartment in Ev'furJtia. :tn~lon is r<.:acly for occupancy. ----- Jfr rJ:t \ J,c ·c·IJ a IJJI·JiJ!JI'J' r,f liJI · I 1 111'1 , il ,,f tlw ""I~~" i:tl ~. t:t11· l~:tJd ·: ·· r l ~ ll .· ·. ia, n ·jJ!·c·, c·JIIativc : ,,f tlw Jlli11i tr v 1,f IJJ J:tlll<· 11111kr tl"· ( ':~ar a11d tiH · Jil·l, vi -. i·IIJ:J! ~'. 11\' C 'J' IIIIJ< · JJt , ,.,.11tr:tl 1:11 .-i :tll , · "11111 i . , i 11 1w r 1, f I J 1 1<·I f r r 111 1 I 1) I 1 1· , I'J I 7 :tllrl die f;tfl!l' ()f f'i~:)JI <, i11 fiJ:tf ('IJJJIII '· tirJJJ . 'l'lw (' '-. Ltldi \ lllllf'llf l1l tlw Sr,viq ~'ll\' t · JII lJII'lll fdl lw:t vilv lljJIJII l1illl I lc · lw< :tiiH' clr-:tll :111d J·f'«lli "-. ', IJI' ,,f Jillldic fliJ:liJ< 1 · :tt 'l'r:tlll if' 1111ivc ·r " it y i11 CriJJif':t frii!JI I'JIX '" 1 1 J ~(J :t11d wa c., tiJc ·" r<· .tr.rt·d f(j ),j ., cll:tir :tl tlw l ; 11iVf'l .ity c,f .\Jr, '-, (11\\ . lie- )J;t '-, J1clr) IIIIJJJI'I'Itlh ldiJ· ·I JJ: tliitiJ:tl :JIJII illf(·J'JI:JtirJJI;tl I ll:tillll:tll '-. JtiJI '> :tile! IJf!J( ' J' lllfl! ·l' '-. , :tJid \\:('-, Jll\it1 · l I1 V tiJ(' J,t ·:tgllf' 11f. ·:tliiJJI \ !11 Jw :t IIJI'!JI JH·J' ,,f ih Jli'~'Jl:tr:lfrll '\ · c·r,ltlll il I'I JJIJ ' "' i 11 (' c· c" 11 <1·1 : Ill' d " i 1I 1 \ ,.11r Irl f 111 :t 11 < · <· I :til )Jitllllf' \\Iii« !1 1111' S11Vir·t gll\t·rllllii'JJt )11'1.!1iiJit eel !Jillt frqJIJ a1 !'1')11 i11g. · Teachca Russian Economics 'J'J,j " \t JIIJlllf 'r ;tl \·~,rt iJ\\T\It · rJJ IH· h ff':t!'lliJig ('IIIJJ' \ ("-, ill 1\th '> i;lJJ (' ( ljJI(IIIJi :'; :111d ill \ litJJ!icoll '. , a11d l'lllll)· ;Lr:tliVI· JildJ · Jj, · fiiJ:tll!'f '. Jfc. i '-. :tltfJJ« IJ' IJJ \ I IIIII ' 1\Hhl' IJIHik \ :till! :11 k:t <, l .!IHJ ptlldi ,llf ·d art irln. I >r . I I: 11· 1, .., 1-1' .., Ic Tl 11 n · \\ i H Iw ~~ 1\ ' , · 11 :t l I larr ; . It;,)) at X \\ .t·dllt' ,(l:t\' t' \t'JJIIJg . '1'!11· Pllldit" j .., i11\·it1 ·d. 7 i \\ ' c ·dJJt · . . d:t\' t·\'tllillg at 'X at ll:trri . . IJ:tll. l'rctf. <a 11111d JJ :,rpn ,,f tiJ<· l ' llivn -, itv ,,f ('!Jit":tgc· \\ill kf'!1tr1 · 011 "T he A wisp of smoke .. II ~ amid the woods an expanse of sparkling \Vater So popular we've doubled the 8ailin~:s! And we've added 4 new ports ··· with all the usual places. All ex~ pcnses, 7 3 days, from $900. ~ailings, from New York, Empress Qj Scotland, Feb. 3, Empress of France, Feb. 13. · · · \Vi n be, the Blue 13ell sign mind by calling then1. 11 be lappi ng-~en tly at the shore a -rustle retreat beside an or- found and you can case your . l ·I chard- bordered hig-h,vay ... . S un1rncr ~ .. and \ 'acation ])ays. 'fohcarthcirchccrful voices and kno\v that they arc \veil and cnjoyin~ themselves vvill 1, I. W()I2.L·() Cruise . Jewelled events round the elobe ··· Madeira's fairyland Ball, Christmae in Bethle~ hem, Cairo'· eay NewYear's Eve, and so on. Thia year, · 3 new lands, making 81 One eorgeou1 placee. "Dream, Manar~ of AustTalia ment. ship" Em'-ess r· ShifJand from New York Dec. 2. Slaorrr: 137 days, as little as $2000. Con..tuk !)'OUr local a,.ent. er U. s. 1-:1\\urthy, Stc·umshill Ut·rwral AKt·nl, ';I E · · lau·ksura Blrtl ·· 'l't·lt·· Round the .... . . . family arc vacatH>ntng, they \Vhcn members of YOllr arc o nl y tn i n u t e s a"' a y - by telephone. Wherever they tnay repay many times over, the small cost of the call. 1\nd they will be pleased by your thoug-htfulness. Bell L/neJ Reach Everywher~ ILLINOIS One Policy llhunt· Wuba:-~h lliUI, t:hlt·ugn, Ill. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY · (' Canadian EPcJ(ifi( . 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