Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1929, p. 34

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34 WILMETTE LIFE July 19, 1929 ing wife. The!:le and many other cha~ acters come alive in the pag~s of t?ts admirably contrived story, m whtch -we see the naive innocence of Ruth BO\vtnan's youth ' ripen into the broader outlook born of experienc~. Comment on Current Books . STEICHEN, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. Carl Sandburg. Harcnurt. Brace ancl company. l·:cl\\·ard J. Steichen i~· callecl the \\ 'orld\ Gn·atest Ph l)tographer l>y Carl Sanclhurg and the se repr n <luction ~ of - ~1 r. Stei~·hen's chief "·orks. amazing in treat ment. \·i ~ i o n. g·r :t~p. and crait sman ~hip. completely cxcmpliiy \\'hat 111' ·dentist artistic tcndcncit" haYc mea nt ior the art of plwtography. But ~fr.. ~teirl,cn is more th~n a photo. !.!,"rapl,er. and ~1 r. San<lhur~ in hi" ],ing-r;lphy 11as pnrtr;tycd ottl' nf the mn..;t \"l' r::-.a till' and man~·-~ idl'd men l"li ou r time- the naturali ~t atHI platlt -hrL'l'(kr. thL· di..;tingui::-.hed painta. tltL· rreatnr tli .; ilk dc~ign..;. the chid 11 i thl· Pht,tngra pl.ic Scrti·'n .,i the .\ . E. F. \rhn:-;e heroic ,,·ork at the frtlllt ca rnecl him the Ll'git~n Pi ll t\lltlr. th e irit1HI oi l~ t1t lin. ~h:t\\' , Cll1'1 1:-acltll';\ ))unran. a nd ~he phntt,gr: tpll l'l' 11i J. 1'. \L lrL',;tll , ~r .. Fk ~llt()ra I )11:-i l', ( :v11 c Tunth \·, Tack lk tllJl:-it'\·, and 1n:tn~· 111her g.litt~:;ing ligun·:- of nur. rotltl'lllp()ran- \\"t)rltl. The 1Hitlk l'llll ta ith i()rt _ \'· L·i:_;ht phllltlgT:tplt~ n·J·rt·dtll'l'(l by tht· 1--:Pud-..vn prtWt'S:-i. ~1 r. Stcirltt·n Ct"lt h itkr-- tltt"L' t lw fi>tt'S t rl'pr:Hittrtitl!h ()i plttl\ti!.!, T;qd1 y he ha s ' l'l'll. TIDE HOUSE. \1 au d Caldwell Pl·rry. llarcourt. Brace. and company. ~L~tth\'w Culick gTL'\\' np ,,·ith the gaunt yt1lll1g tidl' -lanrl tt1\\"11 oi . \r .~· yll in the Pacific \'"1)rth\\'cst . Thl' "tln of a scala \Yag. lw \Yas hi111 se If hut a shifty pagan. filltd with an uncertain. unreliahk ~tfl.'ll .!. .'; th \\·hich <ln·\\· him into l;tngcr and ~Cl'llling dcieat . It ;tttractL' d t h L' t h r L' c \\' n m en \\" ho i nti u e n c nl h i s li I~·: ~1 rs . ~I a lion·, a11 La~tcmer. cool. hrittll·. attr~trtivc. the \\'iie oi one nf the ( )Jympian~ _ ,rhn had founded thl' town 1that he loved; Kittie, the a<hcnturcss to ..,,·hom he ,,·as so yery passio nately attenti,·e- e\'rn after his marriage; ;~nd elemental Bruna. playmate of, boyhone!. \Yhn :'l' in~i~tcnce finally captured hin1. J ~ut more important than these \\'as the Inn; he hac! for his t o\\'11, his :\rgyll·. ,,·hich he ah,·ays desired to rule like an nld O lympian. Thi s . ingle idea, this r!ri,·ing force that Tide Hou se symholize s, torm ents him at last to a st r~e. crooked victMy. The hnnk is not only the :-;tory of :\Iatth<'\\"s unceasing struggle; it mirrors al"n the g·iga ntic acti,·ity of the \'ortlnrc~t. and !.!;ins a picture of the rug~cd pioneer c-nttntry grn\\'ing rivilizcd. --THEN I SAW THE CONGO. C.rare.J Flandrau. Harc ourt. nracc and compan~·, .. Th'NTAIN .SQVARL · t:VANSTON Wiln1ette J700 The Intelligent Man's Guide to Marriage an.d Celibacy Bobbs-M~rrill Juanita Tanner . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 Six Mrs. Grcencs Lorna Rea Harper ~ Brothers ..... . $2 . 00 BARBARIAN STORIES. Xaomi Harcourt, Brace and colllpany. , . ·\\' ith 'The Conquered Mrs on established her self as the hf'..;t · · ' nrical noveli st now writing."-The \'"ew Statesman (London). The bar· harians who figure in these stories are Britons of earliest times, ,,·ilcl, fierce \\'cis h of centuries ago. conquering Romans. tall and mighty Gauls. Northmen \\'ho fought in Constantinople in the ell'n'nth centurY. The hook is held lt)gethcr 1)\· the S\\·iit march of tini'c: it is a pageatlt of life. rather than of !!istory. And even as the ti111c moye s fnr\\·arcl the sce ne shifb-from the west roa st nf Britain tn Ran2nna. from Ci~ alpine Caul tn Rome and Constanttnnplc. \ 1itchison. ... Some people knm\· Ill)\\' tn tra,·cl. Paris is a Woman's Town Helen Josephy and M.ary Margaret McBride Coward -McC.1nn . . . . . . . . $).00 Hunky Thames Williamson " . . . a book of singular vigor 4lnd freshness, with a whiff of good. gross reality ... " says Christopher Morley about this new novel . Coward-McCann . . . . . . . . $2.50 The Purple Sickle Murders An lnsp~ctor French detective story. Freeman Wills Crofts Harper ~ Brothers . . . . . . $2 . 00 Jim the Conqueror Peter B . Kyne Cosmopolitan . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 . Ludwig Renn Dodd. Mead ~ Company .. $ 2.50 A Silent Witness R. Austin Freeman Dodd. Mead ~ Company .. $2.00 The Wave Evelyn Scott Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 .5 0 soothing to ~yes Swimming, motoring and other outdoor activities often cause even the strongest eyes to burn and become bloodshot. When this occurs, apply a few drops of 1 o o thing, cooling MURINE. Almost instantly the burning sensation will disappear, and before long your eyes will be clear and bright again. Millions of bottles of MURINE are used each year to soothe and beautify eyes. Many persons make a practice of cleansing their eyes with it daily. A month's supply coats but 60c. Learn its benefits! (~race SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL. l.cnnra Flandra11 c111hine..; tltL· t\\'n talent:-; and ' Ev le s. Harcl)urt. Brace an·d romp;un· . l!i,·es us this sttlf\' oi a trip across In the daYs oi his ln)yho()d ~{ t)Sl':-i ~\frica alnng the e(!uator irom the \\'est \\""S not ;1 11- en:-;1;1\·ecl ]C\\'. He \\·a -. .rnast through the Bt·lgi:tn Cnng·,1 <tnd Prinrc lbmcscs. ~on of tlll' Sun. the Tanganyika to the Indian Ocean . Pu..;h- Cnnqunnr t"Jf C11sh . PriL· st ()f l~a. He inl! 11p the Congo in a ri,·er-hllat: hl'c;llnc a mirarle \\'Orker. makt-r ni trampitlg hy safari thrnngh the pygmy .~nds. la\Ygiver. warrior. pr111r c anrl ft)l'l':-it..;: slwntin g rapid ~ itt long dug·out \\·andner. l-k freed the l't1~lan: d J c,,... canoe~ manned hy fmty paddlers: mo- irntn mi strahlc poverty. and gan · them toring oYer the big . :. :·amc n·ldh nf East a king-dom nn eartb. It i:-; this great Africa - ~he s;m· hal f-ri \·i lizc d to\\'11 character that Lenora E des depict~. natin's and their Bl'lg-ian ruler~: the Her n·r :-;ion oi Egypt of the capti,·ity 1rild tribe~ nf pygmic-. and rannihals; has thl~ force nf actual experienc ·. ~he elcpha11t iarm~ and hig gatnc: and of describes the <'vil little room at the special moment. vi ~ itl· d the ~I anghetus. hack of the buildings of th e College oi the ntn:-t highh· cultttrl'd and ka..;t Prit. ts; the huts \\"here the slave wnm ktt 0\\"11 ~ayage::; ~-~i the Cnngo. Th~ il- l'n hat(h out silkworms by the warmth lu~tratiuns in thL' ht)Ok arc from the of their bodies; the spring ni g ht in mm·ing pictttrl' S taken on the trip by an ~I iclian when ~~ n='t=' found hi ~ bride by l'xpcrienred cameraman. If ytl\1 think the sound of her shephcrd's -pipe: the that "darkest Airica" is really dark. plague~ \Yhich fell hmrihly on l·:gypt; that the lkl!..:ians arc ogres \\'hn chop the \\'and<:'rin g- in the dese rt; th.e cro s)!T h:wck that all p~· gmic:-. are :-;a\'ages ~ing of the Red Sea: the murtlltlrin~ and -- htH)t JHliSlllled arro\\'..;, that \\·ild and defection of the tribes. But "Shep;wima)..; an· dan ~T r o u-, and that killin ~'; herd of Israel" is not onh· a drama from them is gtlnd ~pnrhmanship-then read the past . : it is a story sy;nholic of c,·cry t hi::-. htH1k age. The crowd ni figures mm·ing about the palaces nf Egypt. cr ~l\ding· A GEM OF EARTH. ~larjnrio m·e r the desert. cast ~hado\\'s that \\·e Bo · 1~h . ll~trc(lurt. 1\race and company. recognize. because they are :mr own. Rt·adn..; \\ ~lll ltHtk fir~t and iuremo~t Some of the nc\\Tr hook;-; of espe ··ial ior tlw creatinn oi character in a novel ,,·ill apprL·(iatc the charm and n ·ality of interest arc: ~I i-.:- 1\ t~tHh\ pmtraib a:-; ~he \nitcs A BACDAD CHRONICLE. By R. ni thr -.imp k and captirating- Fnglish f.e,·y. ·M acmillan . . THE ROAD TO FRANCE. n\· Gurgirl. l~ut h Hmnnan. \\h11 i" at once · tilL' lHTPinL' an1l thL· \·ictin1 of the story; don S. ~1axwell. Dutton. HALF -HOURS IN OLD LONDON. uf the sL·li-ccnterccl ytHlllg novelist \\'ith \\'lllHn she is in love: of tl1e J1y HenrY Prince. Dutton. .TRAVELS IN THE CONGO. l3y a ging- cltlt'ttlr t1) \\"htl:-iL' need and wor::-.h 'p :-.he yiL·lc!s; and oi his utH.lerstand- .\ndrc Gide. Knopf. "nmc people kno\\" ho\\· to write. ... The LauQhing Queen E. Barrington Dodd. Mead. ~ Company .. $2 .5 0 Satan as Lightning Ba1il King Harper ~ Brothers . . . . . . . $2.00 Wolf Solent A novel by John Cowper PoWljs Simon and Schuster 2 Volumes . . . . .. . . . . . . Ss.oo Lindbergh. His Story 1n Pictures Edited Putnam bv ORTH SHORE N LINE. . Outgoing trains now stop at Clark and Lake Street station as well as Adams and Wabash, Madison and Wabash and Randolph and Wabash stations on the Chicago Loop. Dr. Francis Trevelyan Miller . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 Lord's Book! Ju1t Imide the West Davis St. Door LJRINL f.OR '(OUR EYES

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