Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1929, p. 33

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July 19, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 33 George Van of Hagen, Jr., who wns Anlf'tta E.Ford Minneapolis, and Miss her;.I !111!~·-·····1111!1······································~~ <.:OtJ~<in, Mrs. Thomas Belknap, have been two of the most observed young matrons at the park ' Others noted have been: :\lr. and Mr:;,. Robert Mandel, M1·. and .Harnlrl Fort>man. l\l1·s. .Terome r:owes. i\Jrs. C'harles King Corsant, Mr.· . \\'alt e r Rmith. l\lJ·s . .John D . Blacl\. 'Valdo Logan. l\fr. and l\Irs. C'al\'in Smith, 1\fr. :trHl ::\fn;;. Taylor Strawn. Mr. nnd 1\rn;. I'aul \\' il<lc·r. :\1r. and :\fr!'. B. L. Behr, ~11·. aJHl l\lrs. Thomas E. 'Vilson, Georgf· ( ;(·tz. ::\Tr!'-:. 11obE· rt R 1\IcCm'mi ·k. SeldnJI F. White. On C'. '\rt~ lls. Jose ph P. Griffin. ~tan! >Y Fi e ld, Col. F. K Stt.·rlin:-;- of ~~JH ' in,.rfif'lcl. Arthur \V. Cutten. Jam es ~impson. Jr .. H . 1'. CuiTan. P. D. Rln<·k . .:\11'!'. J<'r(·cl (' ri <: .:\1<"Laug·hJin, th e fornwr I n·lll' ( ·a~tl e. a 1 d .:\Jrs. John P. Kt·l!ogg, .t d;~ug· ht i':' J ' of th<· lat e l\lt·. nncl ::\Irs . .Tohn .1. ::\lit<"lh·ll. Pl·in<"('Ss <'Iarissa Cantaeul 't· llP, Ha rrl:' tt " 'E' JHl e ll, I. ~<'wton PI' IT\' \\':tl l:l ('<' Kirl\, Louis E('kStl'in. :\l;ix ::\J1·s. Ep~lt'in. < EVA KARON SCHUR, Inc. .Announce an - ... EXPANSION SALE Due to the expansion of our shop to meet our need for enlarged quarters Ll'~> d~ :\Iitcht-ll, llt'rlwrt ~lt·rn. \\"ro rodt ·uff. H()ht·rt D. L:1y , .T. 0. l'r ·r· llt· ,,f Lt ·x in~· ton, K:v .. J11llll It . ltit c hit> ,,f ('rontiav, )lic·h .. "·;tJTt· n ('urtis . .Jr .. \ 'aug hn <'. ~p;tlcling· , Throma~ 1111\\',·ll. .l11hn Irwin. H . II. LPIJdt ·ll, E. II. <'a~\(11'. . \. (;;ttZl'l'l. n. Lindhl'imt·!'. :t · ~~n~t· Look Out; (}hicago! Evanston Is Coming, Dean Heilman Warns Chica.[!:o. in the opinion of Dean Hal ph Hcilma n of the SchocJI of Com merce, ?\orthwestern uninrsity, has i1HJJ'C to fear from E\'anston than EYanston ha s to fear from Chicago. He made thi s statement \ \ ' ecincsday morning, July 10, when 11<.' spoke the laying of the cornerstone of ~f arshall Fic:lcl's new EYanston store at ~herman a ,·c nue and Church street. The building of the store is e'\"idence oi the tcndenc\' to\\'ard s hu:-.iness dece ntralization, l~e averred. "hirh is he 7· i 11g note(! in all the larger cities. As a result outlying shopping di stricts are being built up in increa. ing numhers near ce nters oi suburban population, and the trend is dcfinitch· a\ra\· inlitt the congested bu siness districts. Sees Half Million Here Evanston, Dean Heilman declared, "·ill be a community of hali a million inhabitants by the time Chicago celebrates its r-entennial. It may be then in a position to challeng-e the suprcmacv of State and Madison streets as th~ center of the greatest shopping district in Cook county. The cornerstone was laid by ~1 rs. Thomas H. Eddy, wife of the treasurer of Marshall Field & Co., and Mrs. Roland Boardman, wife of the manager of the Evanston store, · while a large gathering looked on. Girders above the rostrum were lined with workmen paused in their task of construction for the significant moment. People of local importance were on the platform with six officials of the company. Mr. Eddy, an Evanston resident, presided as chairman, and Mayor Charles H. Bartlett spoke a short greeting and welcome to the new branch of business. Ma.ty of Store's Officials Present Other officials of Field's who were in the group were the vice presidents. John McKinlay, D. M. Yates, Frederick D. Corley, W. G. Burt and George Young; the ad.vertising manager, G. R. Schaeffer; the superintendent of maintenance, R. F. Starr, and Mr. Boardman. Miss Anne McEwen of the advertising department presented Mrs. Eddy with a beautiful bouquet of red roses, white and blue flowers, the gift of the company, as she completed the laying of the cornerstone. · The company announces that it expects the store to be ready for opening early in December previous to the Christmas season. Its present Evanston location is at 620 Church street. Beginning Thursday, July 18 every garment in the shop on sale! at DRESSES as low as $12·00 GOWNS as low as $24~ SUITS as low as $29~ COATS as low as $25·00 All Sales Final-No Credits-No Exchanges Eva Karon Schur, Inc. North Shore Hotel Bldg. Chicago and Davis Evanston Virginia Anne and ~Iarcelene Snorf, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Lo\rell D. SnorL 230 Tenth street, are spending the month of July with their grandmother, Mrs. H. P. Snorf at her home near Dayton, Ohio.

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