26 ~~ rs. S. John Duncan-Clark, 228 \\'ood court, and her son, Carlyle, have re!urned from their summer cottage at ~augatuck. Mich .. for a' short time to rdurn again later. WILMETTE .LIFE Mrs. I. R. Adkins, 1112 Central ave- Tronnes Organization nue, and her son, Joh n, have returned Entertains . at Dinner irom San Diego, Cal., where they had The Tronnes rental staff we r e enterheen staying for ten months. John retained at dinner at the Georgian hotel turned hy motor with a friend. Thursday evening. July 11. The dinner \\·as chi<·fh- a social get-together of t}le organi7.ation, hut plans were discussed i or _a large expansion program the .: nsumg year. The Tronnes organization is cntt ring its fourth year, and in this time has handled ~ome of the largest and best known buildings in Chicago and en\·iron : ; such as: the Park lane, the \\.hithall. \Vinthrop Towers, the Barr ia\·, the Madair. tht Farcroit and the. Georgian ·hotel. The ·latest projects are the Park Edgewater and the lee Cream Moulds Park Dearborn. Accord.ing to the discussed plans. the next four years will see the Tronnes org-anization developing and expanding Wilmette the Yaried branches of the .real estate busines s. ~ Charles R Tro\vbridgc \\'as the gurst .~pea ker at the dinner. July 19, 1929 "4rden Shore Patrons 'a nd Friend$ Enjoy Annual Picnic Today Friends and. pa r tons of Arde n Shore wilt gather at the Lake Bluff institution toda\· to participate in the annual picnic ~hich witt he he ld on the srounds of the fresh air camp and be featured hy a 'program of tamp stunts. Luncheon to he brought h~· those attcndillg- will be augmented by coffee or cold drinks by the Arden Shore committee. r Visitors at the camp today will ha\'C the opportunity to become acquainted ~vith the work accomplished at Arden Sl each year and will sec the ummrr camp in full action. Department heads " ·ill tell of the programs ar~ ranged for the groups brought out from Chicago at n·g-ular inten·als and J : xact h· ho\\' rest. fresh air and whole.;ollle ·fnlHis benefit them. I ./ Straw ber'ry Sherbet between t wo ders taken for fancy J ,.,. layers of Toasted A lmond Snider-Cazel Drug Co. I A CORRECTION :\n announcement in last week's issue c,i \VIUII·:rn: Ln·1·: errnneoush· stat<:d that ~Jr. and :Mrs. Carl C. Renneckar \rcrc accompanying- fr-iends on a mont !1':; tour of Ycllo\Ystone Park and .'\Iaska. ~fr . ancl "\1rs. C. E. Rf·nnrc kar o i 625 Eleventh st rcct_ arc ma king the trip. \\'IL~n:T'rE LIFE regret:-:. the err~r. ------~-------- THE GREATEST SALE IN RADIO HISTORY- and only Patterson Bros. could do it. Only our favorable buying connection has made it possible to get on the "Inside" for low prices from the maker- and only a few remain to be sold during this sale. \lr. and ~frs. P. J. Kir\\'an. 1607 Elmwood an.' nue. \\'ill ha,·e her two niecrs \·isiting her for the summer months. Miss Janet Rae Riester of Springfield, · Ill.. and Miss Betty Lou Knox of Rogns Park. ~~iss Betty 1-.: nox Kirwan g-ave a slumber party on . Thursday c\·cning of last week for hn cousins. --~ ~frs. E. G. Bentley and daughter. Creenleaf avenue left this week for a· ~fi . s ~via r y E llcnJ arc motoring through ~1rs. and :Mrs. Frallk L. Hull of 603 1/: Z'.RESBMANN ·A C DYNAMIC Tra de- in Allowance on any radio or ~'67 phonograph . . . . · · Net Price You Pay ONLY .. three weeks' vacation trip to Estes Park. Colo. Mrs. Hull's sister, Miss Marguerite Robertson of Orlando, Fla., will occupy the Hulls' home during their absence, and will spend the summer with her sister and her family. Mr. and Mrs . Harrison s·. Bowen of 809 b lmwood avenue left last week on a trip which will keep them in the \Vest for several weeks. Their travel wi ll include Zion Xational park, the (~rand can~· on, Bryce canyon, and Colorado Springs. · the Adirondacks and the \\'hitc mountaills. spending a week at the Thousand· I. lands and Lake Placid and two week ~ at Old Orchard, Maine. They will return in August to their summer home in Crescent Hill , Grand Haven, Mich. --~ )I --o-- and Mrs. 0. \Villiam LowrY oi Grand Rapids, ~t ich., · announce· the birth of a daughter, July 11. ~~ rs. Lo\\'ry is the former Sara Huguenin of vVilmette. Her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin . .of 506 Lake avenue. ha-ve heen with her. ~~ r. 00 $79·5 0 ~- Utah Dyaamle Not only does Patterson Bros. ofler you one of the finest up-to-date electric dynamic radios-but you are also getting a $67.00 allow· anee on your old Radio, Phonograph or other musical inetrument. We Worked Forty Y~ars Perfecting Methods of MAKING and FITTING Eyeglasses No accident or circumstance is responsible for the solid ~eputa tion of Almer Coe& Company. For more than forty years, this institution h~s been distinguished for its leading work in the optical field and is so reco.g nized by the leading oculists. That is your guarantee of the scientific accuracy and skill with which your Almer Coe Glasses arc made and fitted. REGULAR SELLING PRICE $146.50 ·_ _ _ _ _ _ _..___, Complete with tubes. Nothing else to buy. CONVENIENT TERMS P ATTEBSOM UDiY. 110 BaoTBEBS Graceland 4950 AlmerCoe &Company Scientific Opticians Orrington at Cbrcn - 1565 Sherman Ave., Evanaton-Juat South of Davia St. Chicago-195Z Irving Park Blvd. 0/len Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Evenings .., 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston