Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1929, p. 21

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Jul:v 19. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE l1 North Shore. Tacks "O . K, · s· tgn u pon New Dance Mecca The ~firalago Ballroom in · ··~o Man's Land" was officially and formallv opened last Friday evening, vo.:hile the Xorti1 Shore held its breath in prdfottnd antipathy. The ballroo m, howe,·er. sc e iJls · to posst:ss all the dignity and culture of an exclusive club so that '\ Yilmcttc and Keni-lworth arc th.lt only hrcat bing ca s il~-. hut arc "patting them. ch·c s on the hack" for haying such a model of propridy and editic~ d'art within their immcdiatt: surround ings. The bras s - buttoned foot man completclv outdoes the \ "ista or Shawnee club, ·who boast of nothing of the sort. l·:yerything that has been discovered in th<: manlH:r tli !'art lll(Hlerlll· ha s heen packed, jammed. and othcn,·ist.· shoelwrned " ·ithin the four walls ,Jf ~liralago . ~fodern lighting fixtures, modnn elect rica! fountain, modern art architecture. culur hknd~ --:- ~1 ira lag(; has them all. .-\ blaze of light greets Y<l\1 in the iuytr. · and ntH· can think ·of nothing hut (JHletically speaking ) sunshine on the snow, hut on closer scrutinY one linds carved tigttres. mirrored J~iches. and a Annr piL·rced with rainhuw co1ors. There arc two grand stain,·ays of chr0mium rail and hexagon contour, at thL' head of which is the nn,· electric f(luntain 1>\· X<:nn, exhibited f0r the fir s t time la~t mnnth at the ~fctro pnlitan ~I useum (lj .\" n\· York City. The sprays (If wa t n are depicted 1;~ lnng, green tuhes ni c ltctric lights . ·· The lighting tixt ure~ o f the promenade are tlltlst unique in that they arc run in paneled strrab of colore:) frostql glas s. The rarpd i ~ ni cubi-;t pattern. and the ceilings are high beamed with shifting shafts nf cnlnrtng. The ceilings oi the dance fl0nr arc done in on:rtoncs oi sih·cr and g<)ld. Shields and coats of arms 0f ,·ari0us colleges and uni\"(: r~it ie . will lattr he painted nn the ceilings. Cr0\His of young people in colored rHning frocks and white flannels filled the dance flnnr, while Dell Coon played his usual clreann- music with its super!_ ) harnH ny and· muted horns. Irene Pavto~ka of the Chicag0 Ci,·ir Opera company sang seYCral groups of songs, including "Trees," the poem hv _10_ \-ce Kilmore, "Just A \Vcarvin' for You," by Carrie Jacobs Bond, and "Habanera," from the opera "Carmen," all of which lent the proper cultunl atmosphere to Miralago, whose owners han~ dedicated it to "conjoining goo1t taste. gnod morals, and good pleasu:-e in the dansant." :\f r. and ~.frs. W. P. Aldrich of Ames, Iowa, will arrive today to be the guests for about ten days 'of their son and his famik. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Aldrich o-f 1510 Wilmette avenue. Mr. and. Mr.:; . Edwin R. Aldrich will also have as their guests, the former's sister. ~f rs. E. L. Mohler of H uclson, Iowa. and Mr. Aldrich's brother, :\1aurice Aldrich. Christian Scie. nce Churches ··sacrament" was the · subject ofthe lesson- sermon in all Churches of Christ. Scientist. on Sunday, J u]y 14. · The golden text was. "The hour cometh and 110\\" is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for · the Father seeketh such to worship him" (John 4 :23) . Among the citatiL)JlS which comprised ~he lesson-sermon was the following trom the Bible: "For we have not an hig-h priest which cannot he touched \rith the feeling of nnr infirmities: but \ras in all points tempted · like as \H' are, \·et without sin" (Hebrews 4 :15). The lesson-sermon also included tlw following passage from the Christian Science textbook. ··science and Health ,,·ith Ke~· to the Scriptures." In· :\fanBaker Fdcl\· : "Since lesus mn.st ha\.-l' heen tempted in all· points. he. the illlmaculate. met and conqucrtd sin in l'\'Cr\· form" (p. 5o4). The l~cading circk \Yill meet \\'ith ~[rs. llenn· J. Smith oi .220 1lazd au·nttt·, Clenrne next \fonda _ \·, Juh· 22. w~~~ interurban railroad serving this community hasfouroutbound stations on the Chicago Loop · ( Answe,. 011 Page 34) PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS _ Returning from Canada-.r A Billy Boy Customer said: "I have come here (Billy Boy · Nut Kitchen) first of all places since my return. My family, including myself, have just been hungry for Billy Boy Nuts all the time we were a\\ray. ,, Why not have fresh, crisp, delicio~sly flavored Billy Boy Nuts sent to you while vacationing? -oM iss John Petty, who has been visiting her siste r, Mrs. R. M. Campbell of 6.31 Central avenue, · for three weeks. has left for California and the coast before returning t'(l! her home in Edinburg, Texas. ·FRESH EVERY at the HOUR .- -oMr. and Mrs. Frank R. Adams, 925 Greenwood avenue, with their daughter, returned earlv last week from a motor trip through Minnesota. They visited their son, John, who attends camp Bemidiji, Minn. BILLY BOY .N UT · KITCHEN Your Groett NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF 519 DAVIS ST. -oMr. and Mrs. George N. Lamb of Stll· Billy Boy· 3006 115 \Voodbine avenue left on Thursdav to motor to Grand Teton National 0 pen Evenings Till 10-Sundays 11 to 8 . Park and Yellowstone, and will he gone about six weeks.

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