Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1929, p. 19

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I , July 19, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 19 GIVE .GERMAN PROGRAM . will wm Strawbridge and Gennaro Papi conduct. Present "Faust" Tuesday , AT ·RAVINIA ON SUNDAY most Gounod's "Faust" ever of the popular works of the French reon~ #t. -1 I ~ . ;$ Orchestra and Several Artists to Present Second of Natt"onal Concert Series \Vith the advent of the fifth \Yrek 1f Ravinia Opera. which hegins Sun c .la\', jut~· 21. Loui s Eck stein again dra\\·s hr £ n ·ily up on the see min g!? timitlr ss rep ertlltre ;H hi s di :- po ·at and pro\'idc s not only an array nf operas \\·hich ha\'e not bee n heard thus far during th e summer, hut likewise pro\·ide roles of unu sual dimension s for those world arti sts whose names adorn the ro ster. Tt \\'ill be an auspi cious \Yc ek in C\'ery \\'ay, and in addition to the ope rati c performances which will occ upy the . eve n nights of the week. there will he an rlaboratc conce rt of German mu sic as the seco nd of th e Ravinia sl' rie s of Sunda\· afternoon national concerts. and likc\\'i se the annual carniYal \Yhich for man\' n'ars ha s he<' n t \l(' l1igh spot of th-e children\ Thursday afternoon evcnh. German Program · Sunday . pertoire is to ·be presenter\ for the first time 25, this \\'ith season on Yvonne TuesdayGall night, - r.. July 1\fme. as r~ -, l\1 ar~ueritc.Giovanni M artinclli as Faust and Leon Rothicr as M ephistophcles. Mme. Gall's exQuisite s ingin~ and per- ~ feet acting as the \Hong-eel ~~ argueritc · r...t:..}l ~ is one of the pleasant memories of the ~ last Ravinia season. She has hcen cnrefully trained for this role under the direction of the experts as sociated ~ with the Parisian opera houses, and one cannot easily for g-et her g-irlish interpretation of the famous "Jewel Song-." Mr. ).1 artinelli has scored man y triumph s a s Faust, for this part gives him th e opportunity to utilize hath the lyric and dramatic qualitie s of his voice as \\·ell as to indulge in that acting for which he is famou s. Leon Rothier is another perfect exponrut of the French manner and as 1\.lephistophel<: ., hi s years of experience reveals it se lf time and again. He is l>olishcd and sua\'e, rcHccting e\'ery aspert nf the part both in hi:-; acting and hi s \·oc al::~ati\· n. ).! _ iss S\\'arthnut witl Continued Clll Page 47) You unless you have good · · vrsron. Make sure of this by having your Eyes checked over today! No charge for this Sight-Checking Service HATTSTROM & SANDERS Or~nnl~ntion, ":'\ n Aft<'rnoon of r.erman ~Jusic and Ccnnan Composers" has bern sc hcrl ukcl fnr Sunday afternoon July. 21, the prngran1 to he g in·n hy the Chica~o Symphony orchestra under th e dire cti o n nf Fric Delamartcr, with .l arques \.nrclnn. Yiolinist. as soloi st. . Thn(' '"ill he prrsrnt on t 11is occasion the Cennan cons ul nf Chicago, \V. Srh uelkr an<!" the vire - c 'l n ~u1. Dr. ~rhmid- , ·Krutin e. Consul I fcn;1an .'chuc lkr \rill speak. The orchestral prng-ra tn \\·ill include wnrks by B ee th OYC' n. ).fozart. Handel. ).fcnclels·.ohn. \ \ 'ag nl'r. (~oldmark ancl \ \' cher- \Vein!.,. a r t n e r a 11 <I ~ 1r . G n r don w iII n ff c r as hi.; sn!t 1 grn up t he Priz e Snng iron1 \\.auner's ").f cisters ingcr." the '"al z in E minor of Hrahtns. arra nn-e rl h,).1 r. Corci1H1 and "Cnntradan scs" hv Hcethnn·n. arr:ttH.rccl 1)\· Elman . Th ere is nn charg-e fnr r v se n·~· d scah at thes<· SttnrJa,- afternoon concerts. tlw Q'<'llcral :td mi s:- inn at the gate Cl)H'rin :· l·n-r~· t hing-. Rethberg in "Loh~nrrin" ._te In<'. Tw o Stor~>s for your Two Stores for your COOY.nee Scientific nnd 1\fnnufacturlng con.tence ~ OPTICIANS -, J ;02 Chureh Strf.'f.'t }~ rnnston, Illinois "'-'r. . 0Jlp. Orrin~ton Uotf.'l Phone Unh'erslty 1848 'J hr only CO M !'Lf: Tf: grind1'ng plant 391 Central Avenue Highland Park IlllnoiM Phone Hlghlnnd Park 2160 brfll' l't'll Chicago' s loop and Milwaukee Here'salightpieceofluggage that earriea and really protects everythin« you 'U need for the limited trip. Removable, easy-swinging bangerobe- hinged at ~ttom of case- keeps dresses from wrinkling. Case is easy to pack, easy to carry and smart in appearance. Equipped with new prcr pdler lock. Variety of coverings and linings. The AVIATRIX is priced at ~ ~ ®R0 0fffi ·®R0 ~ ~ ~ I I SuPda,- night. \\'ag ner's "Lnh r ngrin"' "-ill ht· pn· .; cnterl. thu.; co n t: ntli' w the CertPan sp iri t ni the aftcrnllO". :\ltw.' . Fb.ahcth Hdhherg \\·ill he heard as Ek1. a role in ,,-hirh sl1c enitl\'S inter nat in· 1al reputation, whil l: . Edward l(lhn :-nn \\·ilt ha\·e the nam<' flart . _lulia Cl;111s~en ,,-jJJ sing tl ·e rr lc of ()rtrncl. De sire Drfrere w'lt he Tr'r:·mtt'l'l, Cenr~l' CchanoYsk~- th .. kin < !." Hcn ld. l.t1uis lla ssc lman s \\·ill rnnclurt. As was o nl~· to he expected. th e annnutH·rntent that Puccini's "l,a Hnn rlinc" \Yl)tJid he g i\·c n its first R < n ·inia l'erformance la st Tue sday 11 i tr h t. hrnug 11t <t. rush nf -patrons tn the box ofliu with t hr rc ~· ult that there wa s a spl' (·rh· se ll -o ut . Rut Mr. Fckstein has mrt the ~ ituatinn by arranging an immediate repetition of this ne,,- opera. '"hirh will he g-i,·en as an extra per formance on Monday night. July 22. !\f 111 . nnri wilt have the title role in ,,-hirh her sttccrss at Ra\' :nia has hrt·n a.; complete as it was in New Ynrk hut this time ).fario Cj1amlce will appear oppositr her as Hfi~crt· rn. th e p;trt ,,-hirh Frl\\·anl Jnhn ~o n ~ an~ Tue s<1 av ni !.!·ht and in which thc"r' two L nPrs " -ill alternatr . This will pro\·c a splC'11cli<l role for Mr. Chamlee. ju st as it r~id for Mr.' John so n. fnr it dc m;tncls rxpcrt acting as well as sing ing. ~1 i· s Flllrence ~f acheth will have the r.n nlw ttc part nf Liscttr ancl ArmaPd Tokat nm \\'ill h e Prunier. Other ~ in t 11e c-ast arc Miss Maxwell, Miss S"·arthottt. ~fiss F<dco. Mr. Paltrinit>ri. 1fr. Cehano\'sky, Mr. D'Angelo and 11 r. Ananian. The haUet will he headed by Miss Ruth Page and Ed- JULY CLEARANCE SALE of WHITE AND LIGHT TAN FOOTWEAR ··· · OVER-NIGHT CASES Unfirted Sizes. 1 4 ", 1 6" and 1 8" in leathers of Cobra. Boo1r. Stag and Hudson Seal. Values to $16.50 ·Now $1Q.75 $12.75 to $24.50 STANDARD LUGGAGE CO. u JORDAN FOQT.. SAVER __ ../ ____SHOE SHOP I 4 2 Years in the Bu.siness" - 612 Davis St. Greenleaf 8 2 2 EVANSTON 630 Church Street University 971 Evanston

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