Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1929, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE July 19, 1929 sister or th e groom. ,,·ere bridesmaids and two nHtsins of th e groo m, ~farliss and ] tla n Smith. of \\'ilmett c. stretch ed Tht.· marriag-e of ~ti :'s Ht·:- ter Eliza- rihh ni1s and act(·d a s fl ower girL. 1 C'hc:th lh-:-;t, daug-htt.·r oi ).1 r. and ~lr s. :;pcc tireb·. Arthur \\' ellington Bnt oi :\:;hlancl. I' enn cth Smith the hrickgrnnm' .:, \\'i~ .. ' ttl (~orcl\lll lJnll\llHI ~mith ni ~ hruthcr, and (~. \Yilliam Cau. !.!er < .f KcnihY nr th t<Hlk plat:t. Saturda,·. Jnnt· \\'i1mdte, \,·ere 'n:"her:; and Charles D. 29. ~mitll. Jr .. :-L'ned as his l>rnthcr\ hl'st Tht· .rnemnm· wa~ pniPnnnl in the lllan. gardt'II (li the hnm e of the hrid...:\ ~frs. · .l()llll Simp:wn Smith camc on pan·nts with the J{e\'. T . D. Bro\\'11('11 fr(lm T.os Angeles to attend th<: \\Tdofliciatin~ . ~fiss Grace l~c:-.t , th e bride's ding of her grandson. _sJ_ ·,_ t_<. · r_._a_ n_ d_ ~_ 1_ is_s_.;c. .l_ c_a_ n_ n_ c_ t_ t~:_ · _S _t _ n_ it _l_ l._ t_ l _ l_ c _ _,_ A _f_ t_ e r . .J~!!i~g a \r td: at \\' innipe).!. REDUCTION WITH THIS AD - - - - - - -.. Gordon Smith and Bride Spending Summer in North Canada. ~[ r. Smith and hi s bride are passin,g th e summer at ~Ianito\\· i::-h. \Yi s. WRITTEN UP IN MUSIC NEWS ).!an· Loco. danghtrr of ).f.r. and \I rs. Ra,· Loco. 280 Ha\\·thome lane. \\'inn etka.' was nre:-cntcd in a piano recita l recen th· -1)\· Glad,·s I1awkins . She played · colllpn:;;itinn. ·h.' · Sm· hc.~ck. Grieg. and r.~eth(wcn. She wa~ gn·cn a \\Tite up in the Jut~· 12 edit ion of "The ~lusir :\'tws." TJ 1e re,·ic\Yer saYs that "~fan· i. reprt:-entatin:-, is a ,· er~· \\·orth "·.hile h ·pe. ca ln.I. nH:ntall_ ,. ak.rt. 1and soctalh- well po1scd she dhplaY ed fleet fingc·r~. talent. etlrrl·ctnec;s. and attention to detail." Invite Memqership in U'ilmette Unit .Civic Opera Clubs . Genuine European 1 eu1ene waves Regular $20.00 Value So flnger wtwing re·quir·ed with these waves realistie or $8 Permanent Waves gIven by the Vanity H<·X mean wav es that are sk illfully adapt· ed t o you . · · to your face, the shape of Yt·ur lwacl . . . to your hair, its tcx· ture :lnd color . to your own indiYidual charm of manner and persona lity. Tt is not just "a permanent waYr . . . it is YOL' R wan: -designed by artists to complete the picture of Jm·eliness that is Yl'll ! Special lor July Beautiful Marcel. Contour Haircutting, Smart Finger Waving, Manicuriq ........ .. ..-----Vanity Box Special Permanent Wave Rf'gular $12.50 636 Church St. Evanston _j,i'l 1 Suite 222 r'Jtl,P .,/1LO".,.· ·,,..,·...,...,. Carlson Bldg. Univ. 9700 .__ _ _ _ _ NORTH SHORE'S SMARTEST BEAUTY SHOP _ _ _ _ __, SeYe nt,· \\'i lm ctt c people attended a dinner meeting at Sha\\"lll'c Country club last Tuesda~· t\Tnin~ for the purpose of organizing a \\"ilmettc chapter oi th e Chicag~· Ci\'ic Open~ cl_uhs. ~lrs . C. P. Dt.thbs, 1004 .:\ltclllgan av~ l nuc. was prcstdmg. ch .atrman. and 1s a lso tcmporar}_· chatrma ~I of th e memhership commJ! tcc;. ~f1s s D~ma E. l Har :; h.h~rgcr nt \\ tlm ett~ pr.~std~n t of the Cn"JC. Oper~ cluh~, \\as s.)eakcr of I the CY<.'~IJilg. She dt sc u=-scd th e p ur1 pnses ol the clubs. and sta~cd that the I nperas arc not onl~· stmltcd from a )Jr. ;:incl ~frs. Frank R. Young oi 1 mu:-i~· a l st<~ndpoint .. hut from a com" 1 1 1 ~ ·1'n'rt 11. 1 IHllnt .of n .'.),} l · nmnPr rPat. '-l'111 1a(1 a:- · ' JII<.·rL·l·tl ' · . e·w ::.~.s ,,·ell. . The . · 1:t . t \\"CW k· , 'I Cl arL'nCC I cn.;;tume..; j I1 .H'll' trlll'~ts .\ r~ . ·, · , and lurJllture arc =- tudt , cd. m. (' · 11 1 1 \I · . · i the1r penPds as \\'ell a:-. the m.tnnet 0t . H.asquc ani< l-llc·r 1< atlJg- ltcl·r . . 1;~1:-. t ll' , ol the ac tu a l manufacture of them. and I anlp:-tt·a< cat 1. .nne on. ·.n).! anc. 'f (' '[ · · 1 · the stage scenery. I ·' rs. rasquc and .\ Clhll' \\"l'rl' 011 t lC'Jr \tis:- rlar shharger explained that \\·a,· t(l ~e:tttk. \\' ;~!-h .. to ,·i:-it ~Irs . tht.·rc ""ill be rluh rooms for the mem· ne\\' opera hnu se. ~remI (~a~(ltll'." mother. The,· · \\"ill n :t urn to hers in the T(enil\\"orth fl)r a short time in August hers may go hchincl the scenes. atH 1 . hr.florle tkhe~· Tl~a,·cl fnl r :\'e\\· \'clrk to ma,· usc the r!uh's season ti ck et. :-al >ac · tll ·. ng aJH · 0. 0 . Bot tors is hu:-incss man a~er of -ohe clubs. ~Jr . and ~rr~. Lc~n~· ).!j1wr. <tnd t!tcir i A iter the mcdin~ co mmunitv ~in~da ugh t cr. ~ara h. < 1 t 929 ~hen dan mad. i ntr wa :- lead 1)\· \\ a Iter S. Cam phc 11, haH .n. tu~·1wd t~) \\"~lmctte a iter a "".hilt llarry Kerr accompanied on the mo11th . . tnp l1l \c\\· ) Prk and a tt)u r p 1ann . : ni :\'nr Engbnd . \lr . ;tnd :\Ir~. \l itwr The mrmhership is limit ed to 20!). I kit .I UllL' 14. and Sarah met t 1v11~ a I Thn . . l' ,,·Jw de-.ire tn ,inin arc a.;;ked t n i \\"l'l'k latl'r. :tt Philadcl!Jhia . They tl·knhn llf' \l rs. C'. P. Dnhhs. \\' ilurin_g_ ~he mette 117·-l. : "~>tnt tl~\'"t · c,f their time tc 1 \n,· l·.ng land :-tate~ and \"1:-ltlllg -----I irit'IHb en route. \Ir. and \fr:- . Hobert ()~L!PtH1. (If -1.23 - tl1·::--:--cx roa d. l'cnihn)rth. and tlll'ir ~lr. a1~d ~Ir:- . Fd\\·ard }.far:--hall ~tnd :-ma ll ~nn. RohtTt. Jr .. arl' k;ning tht~ ~I i . . :-- \ 'irtrinia \I ar:-hall. lli 140 1-,:L'llil- ! \' lHl ni thi:; \\"eek for I .il.lClllll\·ilk ).f <'., .. \\"llrth a\-'L·nuc. retmned t11 l'cnih\"orth tu ,·i:;it ~[r-; , Hoy C'. Osg1ltHl uf KL·nilt hl' l'lld lli la:-t \\L'<.'k irtllll l' ;trhun. Incl., . worth at thl' o~gP\)(1 S111llll1er heme " llcrl' thn· had l1n·n \"1-.ltlng ~Ir. thl'n'. \fr s. Hn_ ,. ():-glld has hl'tll there \lar:-.hall'-. · 11111thl'r. \Irs. l);l\·id }.far- :-illCl' the lirst ni June and ~lr. and :--h;tll. They lllade till' trip hy Jll c1 tor. \lr:-.. Rtl!Jl'rt Osgntlcl exprct to =-pen d k:t \ ing l't·nihYtlrth July ~ . a hunt three \\'l·ek:- \\·ith her. r. 1 It 1 1 1 1 · 1 · 1 ---------- I I I 1111111111111111 The North Shore Talking Machine Co. announces the opening of tlteir WINNETKA STORE G. E. PuHTEHFIEI.I>, il-I,~r. 564 Lincoln Aventte Phone Winnetka 3474 Bringing to patrons in Winnetka and ~·icinity a complete musical instrument store and a serYi.c e based on eighteen years' experience. \Vinnetka's The Ne\v Exclusive \ ' ictor Store ~1icro Synchronous \ lictor Full Line of Nationally Known Radio~ Sheet 'I usic -- Cotnplete Assortment of Sn1all \1 usical Instruments and Phono~ntph Radio and the New 'Iodel \ ' ictor Electrola Phonographs arc here. Records. EV..\NSTON STORE 712 Church St.

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