Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jul 1929, p. 11

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· Julv 19. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE It Otto of Wilmette, who scored 31. Ahout 95 women qualified in the tournament. ~1 rs. Thomas McLaren of Winnetka won the ' Cunningham trophy last week while ~~ rs. W. E. Brochon of Evanston was runner up. - . ~.funicipalities, comt!mnitcs · an?. . in- . chvtduals are . henceforth. prohtbtt cd from cons~ruchng o_r modtfyn:g . ·ewer sys_ t cms wtth?ut \\Ttttcn t~:rmts sw n of a state water boa.rd. Thts announcement \\'as made thts '"':eek by Dr. Andy Hall, state health dtrector, who .referr~d to the new law. as · the t.n os t 1111portant and far-reachtng pubhc health ~neasure ad_opted by the recently adJOUrncd lcgtslature. FiYe other legislative · acts relating to health and now in·c orporatcd in the statutes of the state include measures which permit school boards to employ dentists; giye public playground and recreational board s authoritv to construct and operate swimming ·pools: require sanitary districts to construct and operate sewage treatment plants: allow county sanatorium boards to spread a maximum tax of one and onehalf mills instead of one mill per dollar valuation; require owners of herds to submit their cattle for tuberculin test upon request of the department of agriculture. The statute prohibiting sewer construction without permit was designed to prevent and cause to be abated the pollution of streams. lake s, ponds and \...O.ther waters of ·the state. It create s a water board composed of the directors of the state departments of agriculture, conservation. health and pur~ cha:;es and construction, and a representative of the manufacturing industry. This board is invested with broad po\\·er and authority in reference to · preventing further stream pollution and correcting prevailing pollutions which are inimical to animal, fish and plant , life. "A general survey of the treams of the state is anticipated. under the new Cite New Laws Boon to Health Throughout State law," said Dr. Hall. "Very likely the ..·olume of ill health, but will result in first job will he that of the Fox river. a much more abundant and satisfacSubsequently all other streams of im- tory fish life. The enforcement of portance as sources of \Vater suppl~· · tliese laws will promote \Yholesome and bathing beaches will be studied. recreati on and spo rt and presen·e "Xo se wers designated to empty in- health." to the ~ trea ms, la~e s and p o nds 0 'f the .s tate can he lcg-alh· constf'ucted or Wins Open Day Tourney modified ,\'ithout the apprm·al of the At Wilmette Golf Club tHl\\' water board . This )roYison ,,·itt .. result in the in stallation <-~f sc\Yer sYs r \\ 111n;rs the Open day fo: ~he tem s that are not onh· ade( ttate and I \\ 0111~1.1 s \\estern Golf. assocta~JOn efficient for present needs, t!ut \Yhich held 1 tte sday at the \Vtlmett~ (,olf will anticipate extensions to care fo r cltt~) \rere June Beebe of Ptstaque communi!\· growth. · Heig-hts. Country clul~. who~ \YOn first · place wtth her score ot 81. Second low "The 11C\\' stream pollution law gross was won by :Mrs. John Arends coupled " ·ith the amendment to the of Kildear. who se score was 85. sanitary di st rict law which require s the l\frs. ). T. Donohue of "Mayw ocl c.on ~ruction and operation o f sewage Country_ club. with a handicap of 15, treatment plants pan:s the way for turned 111 a score of 77. Second low bringing about and maintaining a rea- net wa \\'On by ~[rs. J. 'f. Cobb of sonabl~· hig-h degree of sanitation l)f Crystal Lake, who, \Yith a handicap of the \rater supplies of the state. This 13, scored 80. will not only preYent a considerable Lo\\' putts were won by Mrs. \V. of WANTED - - TALENT for. youth publication Ideas · Cartoons · News Stories About Young Lffe · (No Age J.lmlts) Give your age, activities, phone. Also, if possible, send news notes on some nearby event (with photos) or other samples. Write before .Tuly 22 to J. F. B.. 2126 Foreman Bank Bldg., Chicago. BUY for HALF What You Now Pay And be· Dressed In Al.l Wool Clothes-Perfect in Style and Fit only AT TH· E PARTY A MAN remarked to another STRANGE how old some OF the women appearLOOK at Betty- an old LADY - yet Edith. with THAT lovely youthful GLOW, has not a wrinkle IN her face- and you REMEMBER, she is really THE oldest of all the girls SEVERAL look as YOUNG as their own DAUGHTERS. ·WHAT do they do to KEEP so lovely? ASK Mrs. Buck- andDO you know- each WOMAN they mentioned AS having the charming SCHOOL girl complexion IS taking fa~ials of MRS. BUCK. $ 27 at ROYAL'S Great Sale Of Extra Fine Clothes Made Expressly for YOU Th· Worlcl'· Greate·f Clotlae· Verla· CAYR-LEEN BEAUTY SALON 1124 Central Ave.-Suite 8 Phone Wilmette 4598 1641 Orrington Ave. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings

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