Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, 2B

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2B WILMETTE LIFE July 12, 1929 :\deline Boudart. 14 year o ld daugh· ter oi ~I r. and ~Irs. -Peter Btntdart, 1114 Hidge a\'cnue. \\' ilmctte. died uf pneumonia Friday. July 5. at ~t. Fran· cis hospital Eran!'ton. where she had been taken eight days prcyjt)Lt:->. .\de· line was a ireshman at the \fall in·> kr o dt High sclwnl last y~.·ar . ~he ;:-; :--urvi\'(·d by her parent:; and by fnur brothers. Frank Clarencl.'. l~a\'lnnnd, and Ettgt·ne, all oi \\'IHHH are at- home. The funnal se n ·iccs \YCr e held \ftlllday lllnrning at 10 ·J'l'lnck at ~t : _I C beph's church . Burial !tH)k plact· ;tt \1~.·nwrial Park cemetery. SING AT PICNIC The Chicago a11d \'nrtlt \\ -estern rail\\'aY Choral rltth \\·ill :-ing at the :1nnuai pi cnic gin·11 by tht· \\' isrllnsin di,·isi( n tmpltlyc-; 11i t ht· Ctltllpany at \' ll r tIn" l' s tl' r n r ark. I h--' J> hi nt·...,. )t11'1· da _ , .. Jul_:.· 1-t. Limit Net Tourney Adeline Boudart Victim of Pneumonia on July 5 to Adults Because of Larger Roster VILLAGE APPROPRIATION FOR YEAR IS $325,900 IT'S DRINKING TIME WITH the annu.1l arrivJl OF cooling fountJin service WE are fulfilling the AMBITION of several years BY installing whJt we PROPOSE shJII be the FINEST and most up -to -theMINUTE soda fountain BETWEEN .Chicago and LAKE Forrst. but don ' t WAIT until you are THIRSTY. bec.1use thirst ts NOT necessary to the ENJOYMENT of this new FOUNTAIN . with us ENDEAVORING to ·'Get NEXT~' J. \\' ibon :\k .\li:-tn Pi /Jl) Cummings rnad. Kv1 1i h\' \1rth. rvturnt'd thL' t'arl .J: part tll tl1i :- \\vt·k ir<1111 a ten 1: ~< fi...,llin~ trip i1 1 \'tlrtll L 'l'll .\1 iclli gan. -·)- l.:·ma11 I >rakt· . .lr .. :-Jlt'llt tilt· Ftlllrth · 1i J tt h· " lT k -l' 11 d a " ~..: tt t'" t , 11- \ l r. a 11 d \Irs . \\.i llialll T.. Jartd>~ · .~i l'lliL·agtl :tt tltt·ir ~tttnnltT llunll· at Thrn· Lake:-;, \\ ·is. · and \! r . l·:arl ()_ l:urdg ui 1·\·a n :- t un a r l' 1 1r c u p ~ i n g t Ill' F I)~ t cr nran . :o-\lll IHllllL' Xli Ct'lltral a\l' . while the latt'r arL' Yact!itlllillg in tht· \\Tst . ~lr. -n - SAVE (Con tinued from page 1) necausc of the Ycry large regi st ration in the adult diYision, members ,of and clerks of the Village, $30,000. the Playgrouni\ ansi Recrcatign hoard staff have decided to limit the annual $22,000 For Fire 0· For operation, equipm ent, support . ' tennis tournament schcdulccl for July JS tn :\ugmt 1. to adults on!;·. climi- and mai1 ltcnancc of the Fire departnat ing the junior diYi sion ior this year. mcnt. $22,000. I{egistration i111· se nior men had 7. For payi ng salaries of police offi1)\'cr-reachccl the t\\·ent,·- fin~ mark ccrs of the \ ' illage $52,000. \T-;tcrda_,. noon and an e-qual nttmhL' r 1 8. For paying the intere st on honde9 nf girls arc CXJ!._CCtl'd to compete in indcbtcclncss of the Village, $1,000. the toumamcnt. 0. For a sinking fund to provide for Pairings will be announced immcdi - the liquidation of the bonded inclchtcd atch· aill'r thc rq.6strations ar · in ness of the \ "i ll age as the same nia/uh· 13. and earh contestant '"ill mcct I turcs. $3.500. ;.n.-ry otht·r cnntcstant and thc "· i~110. For a libr ary fund for the main- · ncr determined on the percentage ba sts. tcnancc l1i a free public libr ary, $12.000. .\ great 1_n:~m· t)f the .gan~t·s \\·i ll he I 11. For the operation and mainte pbyed oft 111 the cn·mngs tn. enable . nancc of a pumping station, ~4,000. play rs who are entplnn·(l dttrtng the I 12 _ Fnr paYing publi c benefit , payda,· a chanc~ to enter the tnmna_ t_ n cnt. able 1)\. the \ 'i ll agc, j 11 sundn· specia l .\11 ~·ames mil he plan·(! nn the \ tllage t <1' 10 ,()00 . · ' · · · as~essn1cn s. -il ( rrCl'tl courts. Garbage System $15,000 13. Fnr c~tablishing and maintaining \f r. and \1 rs. Albert C .. \ cktTman n. a garhagt· s~· stt·m for the ·collection and Kll Park a \Tilllt. returned the latter dispnsal oi garbage, $15,000. 14. For colle ction and di . posa l of part t)i la=-t \H'l'k irom Plynwuth. Tn<t.. ;u11l Culn·r. Thn· had been ~.!;nne al>nttt aslll's. c;-~ns and IH)ttles and misccllat hr<.' t' \\'Cl' ks. · · lll'lltt s \\'as t c, $18.000. 1~- For c n·a ti ng a f1 rcmc n' s pens ton --0iund. ~ 1. 200. ). f r :>. < :enrgl· C. Lom:ll n f 900 Ashlh. For creating· a police pension land a\·etlltL' returned rcccntlv from a $l.2(X). iour \\·cc:ks' \· i~it with rclati,·es and fund. 17. For the cquip1ncnt. operation iricnds in Dcnn~ r. Colo. and maintenance nf a public play-ognntlld, $12,000. Bilh· Klein. so n of ~rr. and ~lrs . \\'il18. For creating a fun<l for public li am \f. 1' kin, 400 Cc n t r a I ave n tt c. 1c ft cha r i t Y. ~ 1,SOO. last \\'eck ior camp 0\\'akanzc in 'an19. h1r add res:-- i ng eq uipm c nt f nr ada to sptnd the :-ummt·r \'acation. the \ "i llage office, $2.000. -o20. For po li ce cars. equipment and ~f r. ~tnd ~[ r s. C. Chronis of E\·ans- 1n a i 11 t c nan cc. $(i,000. ton arc sptncling- thi:~ \n~c k \\'ith Mrs. 21. For acquiring a site and erectChronis' parcnL. the Charles A. Kocp- ing and installing th ereon an incinera· kes. 414 \\.ashington a,·e nue. tor plant, an additiona l $25.000. to just what you WANT 1n the finest ice CREAM, flavors. serving WITH all the latest kinks JUST the good things that WILL banish all that LASSITUDE due to the HEAT. and comfort that PARCHED throat. Healthful Cleanliness at Your Rex all Fountain MAPLE GROCERY & MARKET. Prompt Delivery 1936 Maple Avenue, Evanston University 12-13 PHONE WILMETTE 634 SPECIAL-Small Broilers Dressed While You Wait, Average 2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . Hens Dressed While You Wait, lb. . ...... .. ..... ... ...... . Live Broilers Dressed While You Wait, lb. Round, Sirloin and Porterhouse Steaks, lb. Best Native Rib Roast, lb. . Rib Rolled Roast Beef, lb. ..... ... . .. .. . .. . . . Boneless Native Rump Roast, lb . .. . .... . Fre5h Hams, lb. . . . Genuine Spring Legs of Lamb, lb . . . .. Loin Lamb Chops, lb. . ....... . . - .. . . Rih Lamb Chops, lb. Whole Leg of Veal, lb . ........ ...... ... . MORAL: When you are hungry and tired try some of our sandwiches and new style ma1ted milks Jt this new fountain. Ynur ia\'l)rite fL)lllltain drink i=- mixed under pcrin·tly sanit a r \' c t) 11 d it i L) n s \\'it h :l h sL)l u t ~·1 y p ttr t' 1tl gr cd i c n t :'. CI ca nlinc~s mahs a ~t)\)d drink tastt.· hL·tt~.·r. Th-at's wll\ )ttr\ arc tht· ht·'t in t·nnl. Tr; t)lll'! The Rexall Store 35c 38c 34c · 26c 35c SOc 45c 29c 29c Breast of Veal, lb· ....... . .. . .. ...... Pork Shoulder Roast. lb. Spare Ribs, lb · ... ... .. .. . ... ... .. Rib Pork Roast, lb · .......... ... . .. . . Pork Loin Roast, lb · ....-. .. .. ... . Wisconsin Yellow Cheese, ........... .. . . Fresh Ground Beef, lb·. .. ............. Rolled Roast Spring Lamb, lb. Bacon, Armour's Star or Swift's Premium, sliced, 3 ~ lbs . Kerber Ham, Ceatral and Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette Z8 and 29 Central and Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette 28 and 29 lb. Large Lemons, per doz . . ... ... . .... . 40c ................... 36c 47c 45c 18c 2lc lSc JOe '32c 32c 25c 28c $1.10 45c . .... .. ..... . JUMBO CANTALOUPES, 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c . '

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