Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 50

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50 .NOTH ' I-: tH' .\ W .\ UD OF f'ON'"TRACT Fnr tlw <'Onstructinn of a eortnt>cted systt' m of stnt·m watt·r Rt'\\'t·t·s, with Jwust· s rYkt·~ . in \\·ashing-t on A Yt'nllt' from th e allE-Y }:\·ing along tltt' \n·st lint· of Seg "' r'::s Suhdh· i!'inn to Hidg-t> Hnad and in otlwr :-trt>Pt~. WILMETTE LIFE July 12, 1929 pt:ar. Children twelve years of age and under are admitted free to , these concerts. Reserved seats are free for ereryone. 1 Thusday night, July 18, wiil bring a n :pcat performance of "Andrea Chenier" with Mme. Rethberg and t ~i1.H'anni Martinelli again in the roles 11 f hero and heroine and with Giu's eppe Dani~e as Gerrard.. As Madeleine in thi:' wnrk, ~fme. Rethhcrg has a trium!>hant part whik ~fr. Martinelli i:: qerfccth· cast in the title role. Others in the ~ast arc ·Mme. Bourskaya, ~\'1 iss S\rarthout, ~fr. ~{ojica. ~fr. Defn·re. ~[r. Cehanorsky. Mr. D'Angelo ::tnd ~[r. Ananian. Mr. Papi will conduct. # ("'llnwttt:' · p t:cia l A~~~·s~llll'llt Xe'. 2ii:!) \\.ilmt>llt·, lllinni~ ·. JuJ~· If\, J!):!!"l . '!'OTICE is lwrt"11y g-i\'t'll tn all ]> ·r~n n~ itHt· rt · ~tl'd that the· hicl:-- for the · ~-~~ nstrue tion nf a cnmwl'lo ·d :-- y:--t c·m of stnrp1 \\':llt' l' St' Wo·rs, \\' ith ht~liSt' ~t'l'\ · i vc·s , :til of \ ·itrific ·d tih pipc·, wit!~ hrid;: manholf's , in \\·as hing-ton .\Yc·tllh' from tlw :1llc·Y 1:\'ing- :tlnng- tlw wc ·st lim· nf :-\t·;..:-t ·r's :-\ul;diYisinn nf th -:"\ . E . 14 of ~ - \\". '-1 111' :-\, ·c·tion :;::. T~twnship 42 Xorth, l::tllg"t· 1:~. Ea:-:t col' tlw Third Prinl'ipal 1\lt ·ridinn, to l:iClgt' lt ":1 cl: in Hidg-t.· Honcl from \\·a~h ing!~tll .\ \'t' llllf' to !Pn fPt' l nm·th c1f thP llflt·th litw of T!ig-hbtHl AVt>lllll': ir),.. :!1st !-'tl't'\'1 from "':1:-hing-ton AYt>llUt> tn (' 1·ntml .-\\·c· nth·: in Central A\'t>n\lt' from 21:;:t ~trt'c ' l t11 tlw <'t nt,·r of tht> first alle·y west 11( Hit!g·,. l!nad o n t!H· Jl(ll' th ~iclc· of Ct'llt rn I A , ·,·nut· pt·oclu<'t'(l south; in 1 fi gh land :\'· , .~~tit' fr'_'l1l 21~-:t ~tt·e,·t to Ridg e Hoarl: Ill htdg,· h11a(] from Tlighlanrl AYPnuP tn lt ·ll fc·l't nc1rth 11f tlw north litlt' of ('pntral .·\~c · nuc ·, in tht.> \'illag-p of \\.ilmf'tt P, '~\r c· tiJlc ·twcl on t lw !It h <lay of July , A. n . 1 . ·:.~·. :tnd ('antwli -C'n nrad ('qnstructiclll Ct~mpany, In c .. of EYanston, 111., b Ping- tlw lowc·st t'c·spr ·nsihlt· hiddl·l', tlw <'ontrnct was aw:t.nh·d to said C'annPil-<'rllll':-td f'on~t 1'111'1 ron C'c tll1}):lll;\' , 1nc., on th<> !"It h. day of .Tuly, ...\. n. 1!l~!l . :-\aitl hicl is fnr tlw work a~ a whrd 1 ·, and i.:-- as fnllnws: ;;0 Jint ·al ft ·P f nf l\\'t·llt\·- fntll ' (:.!4) irwh tilt· pipp sc'\\'c:r <'nllstrlldt·d in pl:ll't', itH'Iudin~ '"\'" hrarwh· ·=- . r,, $G.!t0 Jwr· Ill( $ ~117 . 011 ·· ···I llll":tl ft ·c· t 11f I \\'t·llf;\'· fl!h· (:_!!) ini'IJ 1 iiP pip .· st'\\'t't', con:-:trul'tt·d in pl:t('c', and irwlucl ing '"Y" hr·:IIH'IH':< , r,, $;; .:'d llt'l' font Ml45.Si'i ~7n !itll·al ft·t·t of . Pig-ilt;·c·n (lS) llh'h tiJP )li)h' S('\\'t'l', ('Ollstt'Udt·d in pl;t\'t'. and inc!lJ(ling- "Y" lmtn e ht·s, fi t $4 .37 J~ l'l' fo11t 1,1)16.90 2000 ltlll'al ft ·t' t tlf fiflt' t' ll (l;j) itH'h f ilt· J>illi,: St'\\'1'1', C'OilStl'\lcl\'(] in pl :wc'. and int ·lufling- "Y" hr:tnl'!ws, r(r $:1.:?:? P t· l' fnnt 6.440.00 ~i)()ll lint ·al ft ·t' l 11f t n- 1·1\·1· (1 ~) ine ·h tilt> pipc· :"t'\\'r·r. c·nnstnrdr·cl In pl:ll't', : tllcl itt~·ltld in~ "\"' hr:tlldlc·:-:. r, , $:! .:i:? Pt 'l' fn,~t !l.~~:i~ . Oil ~littO lir1t-:tl f,.,.t -.. r ,.i . t..:ht (S) ind1 til t' Jlipoo !--lfll'lll !'t'\\'t'l' :-'1'1'\"it·t·:O:, t ' llll~ll ' llo · t· ·cl ill pl:tn·, and in··luding slctpJ>t-rs. 0 $1.S4 ing a roundway !=:hut off cock · installed in said !';ei'Yice, and ha,·ing a spiral cast iron f;h ~ off box set in place, to be insta ll ed il1 certa in str eet:::, as follows, all in the \'illage of Vnlmette . County of: Coole and State of Illinois: In Washing(Continued from pagt' R) ton A Yenue between the alley west of the west line of Seger's SubdiYision of northeast Quarter of !1l))"thwest fJuarter nf St>ction 33, Town~hip 42 north, Rangc:> of Athanael, in which tilt· :"pknd,lr of 1:~ ea~t of thc:> Third Principal Meridian his \'Oice' i:-; utilizl'd \Yith iul l etfcct. and Ridge Road; in IIig·hJand Av ·nue h l'- Others in the ca:'t a.re ~tr . ~l 11 _iira. \fr. twe n 21st 'tre e t and Ridge Road and in ~Lr. C... hancH·:- ky. :\I !s:-> I'P ntra l .AYc:>nue b e twee n 21st Stl't:>et and D'Angek'l, t lw fit·!';t n ll e y Wl'St of Ridge Road on ~\\·a rthnut. ~I is:; ~I :tx\rt·ll' ;tn ·i ~l1..; :-; tlw north side of . :tid C't·ntral An' nue, Falco. ~lr. Ha:-;st·hnans \\·ill Cl'IHiuct. in th Yillng-e of "·itme tt e, wen npened Children's Program Thursday 1111 th e !lth day ot' .July, A. D. 1!12!1, anrl t "annPll-Conrad Con!'tructinn I 'nmp:t n ·· The children's CtlllCL'rt t.'li.J Thur:-cl ay In ('., of EY. nstnn, Ill .. lwing- the lc>Wt ·s t I uh· lti. ,,·ill r ·'ll:-ist ,, j a n·sponsihle hidcl.-t·, tlw t·ontt·;wt wa ~ aftemoon. a warded tn said C'anrwll-r'onr:ttl ("on- progTam hy. th~ Chit.·ag"t.' Symph 'lilY 1 1f~ tnwtion C'ompany, Itw., fill tlw !lth <Ia\· c he s t r a u n dc r t h l' d. i r t' 1." t il ' 11 1) i ~ I r. D l' 11f July, A. n . 1!12!1. · "LA RONDINE" BECKONS TO RAVINIA PATRONS Said bid i. for the work and is ns follow s : :t!-' a whnh', :::!00 lin ea l ft·t ·t of one (l) invh stl'ong- lf'a<l pip~· weig-hing· foul' (4) pound~ to Pach nrw (I) frJOt lt·ng-t h of pipe co nstrudPd in pln (·t· and in c lwl ing- labor and materiall'l 0 $L.47 ))('!' fo11t $·1,'71H.011 100 thrt ·c·-quarter ( ~ , ) inch hrass ····- f: ('1\I' )Wrn ti on <.'0<' k a nfl gno:-:c'11t'Ck. tap]Wd a JH) \.'Oll ll l't'tt ·d tn tlw m:tin wat t'r :-:;upp!Y piJW!-:, including !:thor a ncl mnterin I, 0' $7.-1:! ,_.ae h 1 PO otw (1) itwh hr:1:-::-: roundway . shutoff t'·wks :-:d in pLII't' lil $1.i:i l':ll'h 100 l':t~t iron spiral !-:hutnff hrlxt·:.: thl't'(' in<'ht'i-; in dianwtc·l' and fin' (;)) ~N·t lnng- sl't in plac e @ $~ . 61 t'ach 7-1:-!.on 17.i.Oil en :?6 1. 00 Total . . $5,882.00 Tht· "'~· t wt·s (1f a majority nf tht> frontag·p 11f tltt· l ots anfl Inn ls upon said a ll t'Y \Yiwrt ·in :<:tid " ·or·k is tc. ht' <lt~ne, mny \\'ithin tt·n d:tYs fnnn the date h ert>nf. 'lS pnn·i<k<l h~· l:.tw. t·lt>t't tn t:'lk<' said \\'Ork an<l t·lltt·l' into :1 writtt>n <'cintract to do s:tid \\'f·l'k :tt tt'll llt'l' ec·ntum k~-::::; than t Itt· nrkt· :1 t whfc·h :-:anw has bee n :t\\':tl'llt·<l. E.\ HL E. OTI~ER EnXE:-\'1' C'. C'AZBL A LHEl!T L. GHlXKELT.J <'. :\TILE. :\TcDOXA LD :-\T.\:'\TUX \'AX 1~\\-AGEX ll.\ :'\":-\ Ynn l!EIXSPET!G 1;ol.l>OX \\' ILS )X nn :trclrlt' Lfl\':ll lmpl'O\'t'll1('!1(!" of t hc' Yi llagt· 1 1( \\.i I nwttt. IA2- ltc / )'· ,. f'"" 1 '\ Itt It')\ l1l:lllllr.Jt·:-:, !lf 1 hl't ·t· (:;) ft ·t· l intt'l·n :ll eli :tntdo ·r, with walls c·ight (\) inl'ltc·:-: tltic ·k . :111 d c·a:-:t irc·n \'fl\·o·r· :llltl litl \\"t·ighing F11tll ' II 11 n d r ,. d :-;, . , · , · rtt~ · (!Ill) Jl··lllt<l s , t'ollt:-.1 l'lll'! t·tl iII pl:tt 't· t'll ltl pit'( t ' ti.li~4.0t1 ;\lkn Silllllll'lll:-. S\lll ('li f. L. ::-; i 11111 w 11 :-;' 11 -+-l L:"radu;tt~.·d r,, · !IIIII ~~ 1 :!.1111 c·:tt ·h l ,ti:iii .O I) !·n lill1 ·: tl ft·t ·l c,f' litll)ll'!'t· d ditvh. t'llll'-'t rttl'!t ·rl in pl:t··· ·· indud int:" l:th"r ancl tll :t lc·ri; tl :1:-. :-. pt ·c· ifit ·d in t hi~ n ·:-: cdtJ!i~tll :Ill hllnl~t · r .. r clt·. ·:.:s.·d pin· ·: 1 ht · :-:Jt, ·l'!int..: t "'" 1 :!) inl'!1t ·s It~· 1\\'c ·J\·,. (1:!> ind1~1-: :tllcl tbt· timhc ·r:-- six (tl) itll' IH ·:o- ll\· :-:ix (II) int'llt ·~ :tlld t·ight . ('d invito ·:-- lty t·igltt (\) inc ·ilo·s. r, , $:!.::o Jkr ft111t J.:l\il.Oi) cuhk , .:1 rtls ('flnt'l'dt· fur t\Yt ·J\·,, (12) invh nntl fiftt·t·n ( !~,) in<'h sc· w t>r in C't·ntt·aJ . \\'t'llll\·, n~-: s JW(·ifi,·d in thi~ ro· :-:"lution, indutling laht1r ami ,m:ltl'rial, fii $1[) .011 pt·r ('tl. a H~ lllll" irom Bro\\·11 unin·rsit,· in .)lllH' and thl'll ~pt·nt SI.'H'ra l ,,·ecks ,·i:-it inL:" iril.'nd-. in Y-1 1llltdair. :\ . l . ancl \' c " . \ · m k. ret u m i 11 L!' to hi ... · h on~ e I a.; t \\Td;:. :\f r. and ~I r~.· ~it\llll\11b attt.' IHiecl tht· rnlllllll.'lll"l'llll'llt n:l'rci:-~.·~ at Ht'\1\\'11, :.topping t1 1l tlt~.· ir \\· a~· hom~: at Princeton . -()- r I! l' ~ t II tt t ~~ r. and ).f 1:-;. ~frs . Carl C. l~ennerkar ,,·ith tht· 0. · \\·. ~rlnnidt:-- . of R..?7 Fllll\\'t10d an'lllH' ll'it la~t \n·ek it1r Yelhn\·,t r II" ~fr . and ycl : Park and .\la sk;t tn he gt'lnt al)(lttt a lllonth. ~r r. ;tnd ~f r:-. Ht·nn~.·ckar and \ f r. a II d ~ f r ~ . ~ L' h Ill i d t \\' i 11 h l' j 0 i 11 l' d i ll Seat t 1 e h y ~I r. ;u 1< 1 ~I r :-;. \\ · i11 C. Braun . ,,·ht) \\·ill cnntinue " ·itl1 them to .\laska. -()- 1.~;,n . oo T c,tn 1 $:?7. ti 71. 7:i ~I iss ~r a rgar\.'t nluthard t, -+13 E~:-\.'X Ttw fl \\'t h'rs nf a majnrity 1·f tht' front- road, Kenil\\·orth . \\·ho has been spellllago,. of tlw lut ~ :lll<l lands upon said nllt·\' whl'l't·irt said wnrl\ is t o lw dntw ma\· ing the pa. t t\r o " ·ecb at the Camp within lc·t·. 1lays frnm the d :tlt' }wrc:nf. :1·, Fire Camp at ::::.outh Han:n. 1fich., as pt·u , ·inc··l hr L1 w. t·lc·t· t '" t:tl"' ~ :· icl wnrk rt.)ttns~.·lor, ha s been asked to remain and Plltt·r iuto a writh·n e· .. ntr:td tn ctr 1 the entire smnmer. ~I is ~ Bluthardt ;s !';n_i(l W~trk at l l-' 11 llt't' ('c ·ntum lc ·s~; th:-~n one oi the Seninr Counselor~ at Camp the pri<" ' . at whi c·h sa m·· ha s het·n nwardt·d . ~awakwa . EA HL E . OHXEI{ -0EHXE!'T 1' . (':\ZEL .\I BF'I'T I ('J'I~~FI T ~r rs. Arthur J3. ~cl.lllltz, 313 Green- '· ·~~~·~.·v~ r;oH!.,!.O:' ~1~"~\(,~ .\ Li). - r-;TA;\Tu~ \'.\~ 1~\\" . \I:F:~ JIAX~ 'on HEI ~SPEltG \\' ILSO~ Board of Local ltnJ)I'Il\'t·llH' IIt s thl· \'illag-e o f \\. ilnwtte . TA!?-ltc ~01'1 leai a,·enue, entertained at a luncheon and bathing part,· Tucsda,· at Club \"ista del Lago in ·honor o f -:\r rs . Pet er !.!f B. Kelson and her iamih· of 3800 Sheridan road. · -0- f: (j:F .\W .\UU 0.' ('O:STUA('T For lead wa tt·r ~t>n·kes, to b ' in!'ltnlled in a part of \\'ash in·: f11 11 A \'enu~ and in other 1;treets. · (\\'ilmette Speeinl As~(-s. m e nt Xo . 25:n Wilmette, Illinois. July 10, 1!12!1. NOTICE is hereby given to all p ·rsons interested that the bids for tht' ~.·onstruc tlon of lead water s vices, connt>ct~d t o the main water supp1y pipes nnd being connected to a corporation cock and ha.v- F. A. \·incent of Kalamazoo, spent t\\'o days this week as the guest of Dr. and ~Irs. ~Iilton R. Barker of 730 Central avenue . ~r rs. ~tich., -oFrank H. Seubold and her two children of 921 Sheridan road . are spendiug the summer at DeYil s Lake, \\'is. ~irs. 1 "La \'ida Breve:' Da Falla's ~tnusual , and colorful Spantsh opera, whtch \\'as introduc~.·d into the Ra\'inia .repertoire j during the season of 1926. \Vtll be prcse ntccl for the fir st time this year Fridav night. July 19, and it goes \\'ithnut .,a;·ing that ~fme. Lucrezia Hori will be. ~fr. and ).lrs . Paul Dt.· Lan.!\. ni Lr- heard as Sa lucl. the Spanish gyp~y ~· irl bana, lll.. are guc.·;o;ts oi . :\lr s. De ,rh ose hwc turns to tragedy whc n she I.argy's parents. Dr. and ~f r~. A. B. disC'o\·ers the deceit of Paco. the yntttH.~· :-;pach of Leicesta rnad. Kenil"·o rth . :landY tn \\'hom she has given her heart. TJ1e~· ha ·e just rt.'turned irom a mnn t h's Thrr.e is no more exutic role in the motor trip throul.dl the La:'t. and \rill rcmatn tn Kl'nil\\·t.'lrth ior ;:;n·aal whole opera than thi s. and no artist could interpret this role more faith"· ~...·e ks. -nfull\' than docs ~r me. Bori, who. hein.o·~ 11i S1>ani~h birth. has a perfect .\1 i:-.s Caroline H. ,hn t:-. oi 32,' \\'ar "' wick road, Kenih,·orth, ,, !Jo lla::. h~i.!ll kn owledge ni all cla~ ses of Spanish in Kenilworth ior t,,.,1 da,·s irom a people. Jnse ,\fojica, who like ~{me. ~·amp in ~Iichi,l!all has r~·turncd t o Bori, is of Spanish blond. \\'ill appear spend the rest oi the ~ un ltllt-r. ,\[ar - I oppllsitc the ~t'lprano as Paco. an. outtha l\~.1herts. her si:-;tn. did not. rt:tum I ~ tanding rnk . "\fm c. 11nurskaya \nil l~e \\'ith her, but sta\·t.·d at \\ analda ht·ard as the Grandmother. a splcndtd \\'oods. . character part. ancl Louis D'Angelo -L1\\'ill he L'nclc San·aor . · Other.., in the Barrett Spach. :-.n n r)f Dr. ,,ncl ~fr s. ca~t an:· ~liss Falco. ~fr . Paltrinieri, :\. n. Spach, Leiccstl'r road. Kcnil - ~fr. Cchanc'l\'sh· and ~fr. Ddrerc. ~fr. \\·orth rl'turm·d recetlth· il'l)tll t hree Has~clmans \Yi.l conduct. l~uth Page Years oi · stud~· i11 Pari~ . During· thl' atHl Ed,,·in Stra\\'hridg;e will head the -\Utlllllt'r nlonths h ..· \Yill :-ts'i:-t ~fr . De hallet. Q,ying tf· the shortness ( f thi s 1 llf th Pre sLamarter. or.~· anist ni thL' F1 opera it \\·ill be preceded by a rnncert '>dnlan rhnrch oi Chich!.,). l!· in~ n hy the Chicago SymplH1ny or-()' ches tra unclrr the baton of ~~ r. De\\.t·ndell Hall oi ..?13 \\·.. ,,1 d court. Lamartcr. The pn1gram \\'ill be clenatinnally kno\nl radi o arti-..t and an- ~,.- otecl largely to solo numbers, Jacqne~ nouncer. has been tran~iar~.·cl to .\c\\· Gordon, violinist: Alfred \\'allen stl'in. York 1_)\. the :\faj e:-t_ic lbdi.) cotnpany. l cc lli ~t and Joseph \"ito. harpist. all He lett recent\\· \\'lth ~fr' . Ilall and being heard. th~.· ir ~mall clau~hte'~~~1r hi:-; 111.'\\' hom~.·. I. "L~. Tosca" Saturday... "La Tnsra . another nf Pucc1111 ~ mn:->t ).fts:' :\rk11e l ' 1 kn. dattl!.Hcr t)J the rcprc sc ntatin· ,,.,1 rk:-. " ·l!ich has nt1t (~t'L lrg-c R. Tolen-.. 1 Crc:-L·L·nt pbre. \ril~ : been pre :; ( ntl'd at J)_ a.Y.iu.ia this sta"nn, :-.1:\.:n~l· . s:H·ral _\\ \rk: :t~ til . .·. l!ll_l."~ ~ 1 1 '"~It be .r?.· i,·cn ,~aturday night . July 2(1, h ll :-t s_t L r. ~ [ r :-. · h.· l · 1 1 d: lc. 1 ~ u t l l ll l- \\' 1t h ,\I m c. (,a 11 i n t h c n a m c part , ~delphta ..'"ho was the. 1"rllltr .l an d Gic)\·anni ~fartinclli a.; (ayara dossi, fnktl, hctorc her matT"lg· ~.· t\\·'1 yl'ars t.iuseppc Dani:.e a~ Srarpia, \ .itto ri o ago. 'l're,·i~an as the Sacristan, and Louis -(1~ , D'Angelo a. Ang-elntti. ~fr. Paltri. Robert Kktnnl, ~ ~ ~~ 11 1 thc.· L, 11. nicri and ,\fr. Ananian complete the 1-:kmt n~. -tl~· Park · opera, 1 1 011 ,...,arc '" 1nu ·s · · · a,·~.·nnt.·. 1"a-.. no-.t >:t~<:c . · I cast. rl~I 11s t\t) :. ~,·e ra 1 01 1 ~ 15 1rtc.'l l< 1 ' an<, rc.· 1:lt tH · great plav of the . amc name is dramatic 'l ( 1 11111" r 011 :""'llll (1 "l\. t 1lt.' ()L'L' ,'t -.iOJl t'l. · '1 · t' ·t . . tl 1 : d, · · throug-hout and offers splt ndid upporlt~ rt cen 1 )trt 1 1 ar. · ·· · · tts · van· tumttes to t 1 1c arttsts cast 111 -onus wle . . \f me. t.all is sp lendidly Robert Simmons, St.'ll c1f ~fr. and tquipped as the heroine of this \York. ~I r~. I. L. Simnwn~. 11-t-+ l'hc::.tllllt \\'hile Gim·anni ,\f artinclli is outstanciaYen;.te was ho:'t to _t\Yl'nt~· iric.·tHI..; ;,t ing- as it s hero. 1fagnificent arias arc a _bndge party 011 . \\ edne..;day c\'l'Illng woven into the action and, all in all, ot last \rc ek at Iu s home. "La To sca" is the sort of opera which -o\ is excet:dingly popular. ~f r. Papi wilt Y.f r. and ~[ rs . _1. :\... Petersen. '2..?2 conduct. C'umberlancl aYenttt', "Kcnil\\·nrth. spent Urge Promptness the last week at their summer home in Efforts are being made hy , the "R a~{ erccr, \Yis. ,·inia management · at present in induce -()~[i ss Agne - \\.al"h t) f Hartford. \Yi s., late -comers to he on time for thr. oprr<~ is the guest nf her brother and his performances. There seems to he some family, the John A. \\.alslres of 10-tl misundcr:' .nding on the part of many as to what time the Ravinia performLind~n a\·eque. ances begin. The regular time for lift-oA. J. Rrock of 520 \ \' arwick road ing the curtain, Mr. Eckstein says, is 8:15 p. m. and that the audienct.:s may Kenilworth. is improving after an ness that ha~ confillt'd hi.; to hi:s hom~ he in their seats before that time a for some time. bugler now sounds the a:,sembly ca1J by way of notice. · --oMrs. Hugh Foresman. 515 Essex road. Kenilworth. entertained her bridg~ club ~1 r. and Mrs. Edward. S. Chatlinor on Tuesday of this week. :>f 933 J~lnnvood avenue have been visit--oing their daughter and her family, the ~I iss Bernice Cole, 315 E:>sl'x road, Warren Shaws in Des Moines lo\\'a Kenilworth. entertained a party of six and will return to their home th~ latte·~ O\'Cr the Fourth of July. part of the week. 1 Lamarter. \\"hn \\·ill explain the nlllllhers played. This " ·ill ht.· il'llo"· c~t by an en tert ainment in " ·hich l'harks L llrich , mimic and ,·entrilclqttist: :\1 icky and Harold YOtlthiul datlcl.'rs ;mel Frankie, the' acc~.)rdi~mi~t. ,,·i ll ap. "La Vida Breve" Friday h o ,· · I · , , · 1 1 ill:

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