Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 47

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Juir. 12, 1929 50 GENERAL REPAIRS JEWELRY REPAIRING AND REmodeling by a craftsman of rare ability and originality. Designs creat~d for individual s. Paul Davey, Jeweler 1165 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. ' 50L35-tfc 'fOURS WE ARE '.i\TOTORJ);G TO PUEBLO, Colo., in 7 pa.J:;senger sedan. Will tak e 1 or 2 pas~engers, fare $15. ner. exc hang d. Wilm tte 1854. 5!3LTN42-ltc WILMETTE LIFE ~ 41 67 FOR BENT-APARliENTS ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ADDED SERVICE I'OR CLASSII'I ED USERS WILMETTE L IPE THE BRONX 4-5-6 room apartm~nts $60 and up, large, NILES CENTER LOST- A TAN STRAW LEA}-'HER trimmed envelope purse, contain ing co npact, handk erchief and n1ont.·y, on 11th St., betw n C h e:-;tnut and Central. Fi-nd e r Pll'ase Ph. \\"ilm ettt- 176. 55L-t2-1tc ) ~ ~ ~ LOST AT WIN~Ii;TKA NORTHWESTt·rn station Sunday morning- 2 ladi es' bathing- :-;ults; 1 blue and gT~>en 2 piece ~;uit; other, gT£· n. H~;ward. 'l't·l. tile'lcoe 6\t. 55LT.": ·t2-1tc LOST - ~:\L\LL, " · lfrTE, SHAGGYhair· ·d dog-, .Jub- 4, Tan c<illar, no lie. 1-\·rnak. Jh:w. T ·1. \Vinnet ka. 1:157_ 551./l'N -t~-1 tc if6 JIEJ.P WAYl' E.U-}'EJL\LJ:: ~ ~ ~ Will DOW aeoept elassilled adve·· tisements ro· publication in theeu··ent issue until 9 P.M. W EDNESDAYS - ... ~ ~ ~ ~ light, modt!rn. Near Dempster "L" terminal station and North Shore electric. 29 minutes to loop. M. J. FAHER'rY Dempster Street at Bronx Ave. Phone Niles Center 93 67LTN36-tfc ... ~ ~ ~ ~ FOR RENT 5 ROO:\I FLAT, 2ND FLOOR, light outside rooms $45.00. ALL ]. H .. ~chaefer & Co. REALTORS '81):1 Tiidge AYe. 69 FOR RE:ST~HOl ~ ~ Wilmette 364-67L42-ltc SES ~ ~ e · Just Telepbone WILMETTE 4~00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GTRLS UH " "0 .:\lE~ TO HI.<;LP ~L-\l~E jt · ll~-. marmaladt·, t>tc. No PX )Wri enee n··l'l·:-;sarY. J'art tinw w ork ;)17 .:\lain St., \\'il n.ll'tte. Ph . \\"i lml'lt e !i:)l. C:reenkaf 7·164. 56LTX-l2-lte VIAXTEl>-C'APABLE !';T]·,XOGR"\ !'Her, mu~t be Jll'epart·d to takt~ dictation and haYe ;~ vh"a!'ing- JWI'!'Onality. .-\p. ply ir~ own hand wl'iting. \Yritt · ""ilm ·tte Life H-14!1. 56LTX-12-ltc ~... E~TI-~XCED I)IXI>I~n¥ C:THLS FOR · part tinw work .\ ppl~- ~rr. :-i<"lwn·r, Llo~- d Jlfdli~tC'r Inc. \\'ilnwttP. :.ifiLTX -t:!-ltp. HIGHL.-\XD PARK-NORTH SHERIdan Road-high grade house in excellent co ndition . 6 master h !'drooms, 2 maids' rooms, 3 baths. Hot water heat, coal fuel. Beautiful grounrl~. n~getable g-n.rden. 2 car g-arage. $:~00 pe r month. T e rn1 of ypn.is. .f. L. Floyd Co., 110 South Dt-arborn St. 6!JLTN42-ltc FOR H.EXT-A L~JOST NE\V BRICK Colonia I : 5 heel rooms, 3 ha ths, two with. ~ho\\'ers, lnrg£> sun room, toil t and la\·atory first ftoor; 2 car bt·ick garage, bt>autifully wood ed lot in . ehoict-f;t east J:;N·tion, $350 per month. Ph . Winnetka H 70. 60LTN42-ltc ~ e fi 1 SI'LT . \TIO~ W .\~TEH-)1.\LE ~ ~ SIT I ' .\ TIC)~ W .\ ~ Tt-: B-FE)f _ \ T. E tW ----------------C0:\1 l'ETEXT I~ .-\ YEX~\\"<JUD \\"O.MA~ will do lWa ctil-a l nur~ing· fJ!' ca re for chi ldren and honlt' by d ay 01: week. Ph. \\"dlington :i:.!S:!. tiOLTX4:!-ltp EXPEr:.IE);CE 0 L.-\. C X DR E:SS ex DERstands all t:qks wa!'hi ng m:t <"hi nes and mang-lN>. E\·anstcm re ft: l'~"ll ce. . WinCAPABLl-J CiiHL ()n W0:\1.\.'-: FOR ndka 1~54. tiVL'l'.:-.=-!2-ltp genera l hou!'c work .:\lu~t likt> dtildn·n. $16. Own ro(lll1 <tn<l hath. Xo wa!'hing, JST CLA ·:--; LAC.:-:DllE:S::-i \\'AXTS Tel. Gl ·nc ·c,t· 1164. iiliLTX-!2-ltc Tuesday wnrk, g-ood refl·n·nces. Tel. WHITE l\fATD FOR GE~BRAL lTOl) SEOaldand 3-!!'Jl, :\Irs. Jqlmson . 6 0LTX-l~-1tp ·w 0rl<, no washing-. \VinnPtka 1~05. ;:iGLT~-12-ltc BY }J.IGH SCHOOL GIRL, DUlU~G 1-.-o-c-·~-,-G--L-A_D_1_'--8-'l-'1-~-X-O_<_:_R-.\-J_l_FJ_1~.· P.-., summ e r, as mother's helper or gen. E'x pd. TL·mporary. .\pply \\"inndka office work. Edgewater 0557. 60LT-!2-ltp Chambc·r of C'(Jmmerc·e. 5f!LTX ·l2-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \VlHTE \VO:\TAX, GJo.X. HOr~I·,WOTIK. WAXTED TO WASH- BLA~KETS, Expt>rh>n(·<·d, . willing-. Rd!'. 'l't~ l. \Vincurtains, and other laundry work. 886 n e tka 7::0. 5fi LT42-ltp Will0w rd. Tel. \Vinnetka 1924. 60LTX40-tfc ; EXP. .,VHTTE C:TRL, <:EX HS\\"K.; !":mall family. Ph. \Vilnwttt· 112!1. C'(J.:\fPBTE.":T COLORED 1\I A I D, n -EN56LTX !2- 1tp t'l'al hswk., goof!. rd. Ph. L"ni\·ersity - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 10257. 60LTN42-ltp WHITE ~fr\JD FOR 1TORXJX(; "TORK. Phone Winnetka. 163!1. 5fiLT~42-1tc \V.-\.'XTED-\VA~TI AND IRO~ING TO take ho me. Ph. -w·ilmett e 3246. fiOLTX-!2-ltc JlELP WA.~TEll-JL\T,F. -----------------GARDENER-\VANTED A GARDE~ER EXPERIE!\C'ED LAF~DRESS \VA~TS work to tak(' hmne, will ca 11 for and and earetakel' who iJ:; thoroug-hly exdeliver. Ph . \Vilrne tte ~509. 60LTX42-ltp pPrienced and painl-itaking. For all or part time ~ervicf' in Winn etka. Apnly hy lette r only J:;ta.ting experience and YOVXG \VHITE GIRL WANTS \YORK as moth e r's h elper. \Vinn. 2S27. wag-eR deRired. \\'rite Wilmette Liff'. . ~OLTI\"42-ltp B-148. 57LT~ 42-ltc WANTED EXPERIE~CED D R Y clt-aning route mnn, capahle of buildingup route to earn ~7;) pf'r wet>k or h ttt' r. Inexperienced nwn a!Ro irwited to mn.ke application. \Vrit e \\.ilme ttP Lif t' B-1ii0. 57LT~·12-1 tc BOY, NOT UXDF.R lS YTIS. OF AnE, take can· gen. outdoor ynrd wnrl;:, ineluding lawnf;. 1Nagef; $·10 JWr month. Hom e nig-htR l\fust liYe in \Vinnvtka or vicinity. Write Talk D-1:1~. 57LT4~-ltp YOl~ XG \Y01L-\X, EXP. UKPR, C'ASHit> r, gen. off., dt>f;ires pos. Wil. or Evan. Ph. Wilmette 1854. 60L42-ltc \t:OiiAX W A NTR DAY \Vinnetka 2764. 60LTX-!2-ltc EXPERIE~CED " ·o rk. 61 SITUATIO~ WA~TF.D-Jf 1.\ LE ----------------I~XPERIENCED l\fAN FOR PAINTING screens, window washing and general work about home. Tel. Wilmette 570. 61LTN29-tfc YOUNG 1\'TAN 1R to !H) FOR PER:\L\- HOCSE OR GAHDEX 'W"ORK BY HOC.!J., nent deliver~· n nd mi!'cellanPOU!'i ~tod< day or contract. Drainag- _ Phone work. l\fu~t h ahle to dri\·e Ford \Yinnetka 12, 8 after 5 p. m. model T tru<"k. Fif'hl e ighR FoodR 517 61LTN31-tfc Main St., Wilmette Ph. \Vilmettf' 5:n, Greenleaf 7464. 57I...TN42-J tc SlTU.:\TIOX ".AXTED A::-s CIL\C'F74 FOR ~.\I~ "E-JJOlTSER ~ feur, house man <1r hutlt>r, 10 y~:urs t>XWAKTED- REAL ERT.-\TE SALER~fA~. peri<>nce, gooc1 Xorth ~hore refer nees. for Highland Park office. One with (·ar \Vrite Glencoe ~ews B-1-17. 61LTX4~-ltp 2, 3 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS preferrPd. Hill & Stone, Highland Park, Here in Wilmette's ntost convenient and IlL Ph. Highland Park 64. .:\ "\TRITIOU. BOY OF 17 YEARS OF exclusive location, you will find we11-ar57LTX42-1tc age wants work of any kind. Tel. ranged apartment~. All apartm ents Wilmette :1 3!3. 61LTN12-ltp have outside rooms which provid e an li8 HF.LP WTD.-:\L\J.,F. &; FF.:\L\1,}; abundance ot light and air. A mple :\TAN 30 GD. EDCC'. "'.-\.XTS \VIC cl-oset space. Schools, churches, and CLAPBOARD COLO~IAL HA~ JUST nri\·.. ~ell., Cler. exp. Day or night. heen placecl on mat'kt>t. Lg-. shrubbed shopping facllities within imme diate 61 LTX 42-1 tp 'Yilmettc 462-L lot . Liv. rm. 15x28 with screened porch. access. See these apartments t oday. 1616 SITERMA~ AVE. Den or bedrm. on first fto ot· anfl. 4 bedAgent on premises. Mai1ls ~ C'ouples WTD. - liSE. CLEANI!\G BY ALL rms., 2 haths, sip. pch. on J:;econd ftoor. Ghaufft-llt'R Gar~ around job man. Ph. Greenleaf 7519. C'on\·t-nit>nt to shop'l': ancl transportation. WHTTB on C'OLORED 61LT~39-Hp REALTORS Two phones: Unh·. !'134; Gn·enlt'>af 61~0. 5SLTX4~-1k WI 1. 460 67LTN 2-tfc WANTED- MAN OH \YO:\L\X \nLLREALTORS ing- to devote :-;pare timP in ~tudying 'Winnetka 1617 TE accountancy under J:;UJ)f'l'\·ision of C'. 1F IN ~EED OF A GARDENEI.1 ·THAT 77LTN-!2-ltc rvlce, P. A. Mr. Reynolds, Suite 1216, 3:i E. undet·stands all its branch ~. \\Tilte ette Wacker Drive. 58LTN42-ltc P. 0. Box 5, v.·innetka.. 6lLT!\-t~-1tp 9-tfc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 48 CLEANJXG, y .-\ HD \YOitK, ODD .lOBS ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM HOUSE, HARDof any kin<1, \\'i lmette Pferem·t's. l'h. wood ftoors throughout, 1 bath, screen \\"i lmdte !J64. tiliA 2-ltc porch, garag-e, ftower garden, shrubs ~nd treH. ?\ea r schools and golf links. Will lease for 3 year term, reasonable, or 6 6_ _ _ _ 1_'0_l_t_I_u_~_~_l_'_n_o_c_n_r_s__ _ fo r 1£-f;f; timf:'. Alf;O will sell, easy termR Tel. \Vinne tl\a 314-t. 60:GTN42-ltc 'IDE AT'l'HACTIVE IlOO~I I:\ EAST S hom e. Bathroom fadlitit·!' tlllll!' ually good. ConYenient all transp. G: l rag-e o ptional. H.eferences. Ph. Will1wtte 204. tililA 2-ltp l'XFUHXI~HED IIOl\fE FOR RENT. large Runny rooms, 4 'bedrooms, 2 FOR HEXT UOO~I. ALSO Sl'A 'E I~ baths, sun parlor, larg-e yard, shady tre t'~. 2 blocks Elm St. station. Wingarage. \\.ill arrang, for somP lig-ht twtl{a 4!'17. 69LTN42-ltp house k ee ping if desired. Ph. Willnet te · 2248 · 6tH... :~S-tfc A T'l'RAC'TIVB 9 ROOM HOUSE, 2 blocks fmm lake anrl schools. Beautiful ROOM AND BREAKFAST. MEN 0 NLY. gTouncl:-;. Ch ap. Tel. Winnetka. 2226. Call North Shore Country Day sc hool, 69LTN42-ltc \Yiunetka 674, between 9 and 12. 6tiLTX-! 1-3tp FOR RENT-8 ROOM HOUSE WITH sleeping and dining porches, attached E 011. IlEXT-NICELY FUH~IS HED garage, Oil burner, near transportation room, east siue hom e. l'h . Wil melle and schools. Call Wilmette 1468. 1940. ti6LT-l 2-ltc 69LTNllt-tfc FO E ' H. R NT-NICE LG. Rl\1. FO R 2, ;o FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES al~o kit. priv. Conv. tu transp. Ph. \Vilmette 2212 after 6 P- m. 66L-! 2-ltc Al·(a·sT. FOR 1 YEAR 6 ROOMS, LA,_..,E FI::.O'!Oo."T ROO'.! 0 '"'t>ll furni!'lwcl . Rt-nt rea~onable to nu :· ""' · ·' Ji' R H EXT J'lg·ht p:uty. 526 SunRet rd .. Winnetka. neat· transp. '59 Elm St. l'h. \Vin netka Tt-l. "·inrwtl<fl 166-t. 70LTN42-ltc 1325. 66LT~ 42-ltc LAHGE CLEAN \VELL FVRNIS HED ';!l FOU URYT-STORES &; OFFICES room near trans. Breakfast opt ional. Call Wilmette 3730. 66L4 ~-ltQ STORE OR OFFICE, EXCELLENT ground location in Winnetka. Will decorate to suit. Ph. Winnetka 165. ROOM FOR REN..T, NEAR THA NSP. 73LTN34-tfp Gentleman only. 725 Prairie Ave Ph. "Wilmette 44~. 6tiL:. J-t-ltc XBW STORE, l6x44. BASEMENT. Reas. Phone Winnetka 112. LAHG E Hl\L FOR LIGHT HO U~E73LT~40-tfc }{eeping near trans. Ph. \Yilm e tte t:n:L 66LTN4 2-ltp ;;; FOR S..\J,F.-APART~JF.NTS NICELY FURNI~HED ROOM, S UITable for 1 or 2. 710 1-'ark awnue tel. FOn SALE-NEW 6 FLATS, DEVON·west~r·n section. Lot 50x125 ft. 3 story Wilme tte 2088. 66 L-! ~-lk hrick building, steel construction. Each SLEEPING PORCH, SUITABLE FOR :1partnwnt has 5 large rooms, tile baths, 1 or 2. Tel. Winnetka 2669. tile kitchens, open bookcases and fire 66LTN4 0-tfc plnceJ:; in liYing- rooms. Electrical refrig-pration. 5 bricl< garages in rear fully rented. Owner will conRider small COOL, PLEASANT ROOM, NEAR STAtion. l'h. Win1wtka 415:-'- 66L'l.'N4 ~-ltc home subject to one mortgage or clear Yaeant for erruity. Call Central 7851 or 'VilmE'tte 3296 from 7:30 to 9 :30 a. m. 6i FOR ltENT-APARTliEN'fS 75LTN42-l,tc . \\riNNETKA HOME -- LINDEN CREST APT s. WILMETTE f~fc~ ~Jf IHIunlblb &fr©l w@(Q)(dl~ &eiffi©©ll North Shore Etnp. i\gency QUINLAN & TYSON, IN C.

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