Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 43

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July 12, 1929 . WILMETTE LIFE 43 M:r. and Mrs. E. T. Fatcn, who have been visiting their daughter and her family for ten days returned to their home on Monday. Their daughter is Mrs. Frank Flanner of Blackwell, Wis. '1·.----------------t~ Guest Artist . ..... Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Briggs of 102 Mr. and 1\.frs. 11 arshall Cresap Corns, Fifth street left on Tuesday for Lakewho have been on a honeymooJJ rnotor side, Ohio to he at their summer place trip through the eastern states, have until the first of September. now returned and ·arc in their new Mrs. Leland Hobart Danforth 333 home at 809 Xoyes street, Evanston. 5~1% MONEY \Varwick road. left Kenilworth' la$t .Mr. and Mrs. Corns (Helen Marie Have funds to loan on choice ImTuesday to join her husband, Rev. Seng) were married on June 19. proved North Shore Suburban resLeland Hobart Danforth, at New Au-0idence property at 6%% interest. burn, \Vis. Mr. Danforth has been on Bilhr Bowen. son of the Bernard C. See us on renewals. a fishing trip in northern \Visconsin Bo\\'e;1s, 605 Eighth street, is among E. G. Pauling & Co. since ] uly 1 and Mr~ . Dan forth is going the \Vilmette bovs who left la st week 10 S. LaSalle St. Telepllone there to meet him and return by motor to spend a mon.th at the Boy Scout Suite 7!8 Franklin 77tt with him. camp at Elcho, Wis. an extensive repertoire, comprising many roles. Miss Pavloska has opBerasleading of. all schools. ecause of the thorough schooling she received in light opera, and because of t"he training she received under stage directors who placed. as much st~ess upon acting as upon singing, M1ss Padoska has been acclaimed the best actress on the operatic tage. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE "Sacrament" will be the subject at the services in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in vVilmette, Sunday morning, ] uly 14, at 11 o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. -o- J rJJeere "The :\merican girl with a good ,·oice and a fair amount oi 'intelligence, who a:;pirrs to grand opera. should ,,·elcomc an opportunity to spend a seasnn or t\\' o in light opera or mu:'ical comedy." ~uch i:' the hclid of ).Ji ss lrl'nc Pa,·lu:- ka. mezzo-snprano ni the Chicago (.'j,·ic Opera r<lll1pany. \Yho is tn :tppt<lr t nnight at the iormal opvning of the IH'\\. ).J iralago hall ronm. 1fd3 ~hcridan ruad in "Xn \fan's Land," bd\\'l'tll \\' il mdtt ;tnd h~cnihnlrth . .\li s-. Pavh·:-ka rcrcin:cl hn ··:s tru r:i ' ll in \·o in: and lan g ua ge~ 111 (~er- : m':'ln _ ,. and France; and likn,·i:;c rontinlll·d thnt lttr :--tudics in music. harnH lm· · and Clllllpn-.itinn. in \\·hirh qudit·~ :-h.c " :t-. alrv:tdy n-ry \\'ell \·crst·d. ()n rcturnin ~ t(l this l'tllllltn· ai t n hn pcrind c ~ i · :-tudy :1hrl)ad, ~he ap l' lie d t11 lh·nry \\·. Sa\·agc io r a pll:-i- , :ic,n \\ith (lJI\: c1i hi comp;tniL· ~. He \\·as ,·er _ , . much impressed \\'ith her rare 1 htauty. and aitn a trV-<lllt \\'ith his , rhil'i mu:-ical clirl'ctnr, .).1 i~:- Pavln ska ! \\<1:- a_rccptl'd at oncc. and a~signcc] to 1 u Ill' n t t h l' 1<.: a cl i11 g r o J c ~ n i Sari.'· ~ h c · ~t· m;tinnl \\'ith ).fr. ~.aYagL··~ CL'111pan_,., tnr t\\·o sca~cliJS, maktng a clnsc stu<h· oi acting during this time and kar 11 in .~ ]HI\\. hi:-trionirisnt and sing-in . !. !· cClulcl hcst ht· cornhined to get the d<"sirecl result:. ~he t h t n a chi l' n· d h r r am hit i <1n o i becoming nne of the :tars of the l'hi- · cago Ci,·ic Opera companY . in1!inrr in I · ' · ~ I 1 1 ·I I Park I WHERE THE -PLEASURES OF LIFE ARE ASSURED Eight Rooms, Three Baths, Servants' Quarters and Two-Car Attached Garage We Specialize in the Stock of NEIGHBORHOOD BANKS Analysis free on request This stately Norman home is well designed, carefully constructed with the refinement of detail that n1akes a home more · liveable. It overlooks a ravine within two hundred and fifty yards of the lake- a private park and oathing beach. Inspection by Appointment A Representative is on the Premises at All Times BAIRD & WARNER Park. CHARLES STRAUSS & COMPANY 134 NO.· LA SALLE ST. Franklin 8601 CHICAGO Office: Deere Park, Corner Sheridan Rd. and County Line Road Highla~d Phones: Highland f}rk 3040-Briargate 1855

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