Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 38

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School New~l/ VOL. .!. ~n. Latest ~ Publi1hed weekly by the ~ehool children of Wilmette undet JUNIOR LIFE 1 upervision Told by the Pupils r· ib=====~ of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board .!1 \VILMETTE, ,ILLINOIS, JULY 12, 1929 The hoy~ or Littlevill Wt' re plannln~ known 'but I would like to b C' like I .. lndy, The t e nt had four or ftyc large holes 11. drcu~. TIH ·v had bt Pn to a Barnum only 1 wouldn't care so mu~ .about the and s pveral small hole::~ in th e roof. We nnd H:-tih' v cit:C'us thP · wef'k hE'fore and mon<>y. But wh<.' ll it cr1 mc's right down to It "turn e d In" after a suppC'r of minced corn th l'y all t.h r·ught tlwy ·ould do as Nell 1 think that I'm good enough. Nama and :tllll h £>a ns and mar:;;hmall ows. \VhPn WP ns thE' a l-r11bat~ in the rPal circus. Htll mon e y aren't th e only things In life; thou~ht w w e r e s e ttl e d w e found out Sm . th and H· 1h Stl'arns had planned tt It's \Vll."t you ..... t nut r>f it. I think that that th e blnnl<et was ton small for all ~ all a.nd w er,· \'lwrglng f1Yv pins for ad- I" you " ha\·e a ,.. good job and get good pay 11f u s so \\'t· put on ··ur e loth es ancl slept 1 ~ t rn s:;;tnn that i:; all you would want. ror what w e thought was a f ·w m 1nu es "Say Hnh," said 11111, "\Yherp arc weIf vou had to sit in thE' house all rlay wh e n a loom lH'gan tn call o ut o n th e lake. ~toln ' to h n ltl o ur circus·:" . v o u ~·nu ldn't likf' it. It you had a btg 'Ve sat ..tl}J and loo k e d at each other. "\\.h ' ·1 we eou !d c."r · ,"'nd P..ve rybody looked at you when It was new to us. Th e n t h e mosqu It os . :r.. I t l1nug- I rt you s.,ntu h a.\.'<' tt. rn y o ur b ae I< yan1. y·· r111 " rofle in it, you would soon "'et and fli ps J;Ot busy. \V e W<' re bitte n s o 1 l1H l ~:ty ~ 0 " } } c h ang(· d my t 1·,, ,.., ... ut <.a< r~·<1 of ~uch a lif<'. I think that tf you badly that we thought we woul(l dl e. t · f.~~ ~·. uw. J I sat·u w e ·ou I·' rn ntJ urr 't 1 H\Ve ,;t' t' marri('d and- have a good wife and Our In ventive brains sa\'C'd us t h oug h It ,,tlt.<'lt·. , . r,"ist n ni ce f amily, you would rathf";- \V e tN;i< the chimney off th e lamp and I II Ill k J " ~uc · ss as · tm 1'~n!~ 11 1f haYe that than all the mon ey you could then lit 1t. 1 t smol\e d so b a dl Y t l1at t h e '\ <' . w~. e:ur, haY·' It In thclr old barr~. . get hol<l of. Although it takes a lot mosquitoes soon l ·!t us. 11 That . ht· a good place to ~l\' C H.' o f money to go through life, if you are Then tt began to rain . \Vhat a night! ngreed Brll. not so extravagant you will be saYing- That morning b e for e tt was light w~ It was dPcidt·d . to hn.\'e it In ~he old anrt wht'll you ~t't oldE·r you ~Ill not started on our hom<'ward march but wh e n barn. "\II tht>. chtl<lrt>n In the n e tghbor- hav<' to work hut will b bl t 0 t k we Wt're half wav honw 1 fell sick witt.l ~ood ca~n c until tht>y had about 30U l>lns. It t>aRY f<·r a whilt> . .a e a e !ptomain e poisoning. 'l'hc other boys Everything was n·nlly allll tlw !Joys Wt'n· . · Arthur CrarnPr . A Howard. went to a gas stn.tlon and called my eagpr to st:ut. Sudth-nly th · curtain - -·- · _ _ fath er on the tel e phone. Au hour lat e r w ent up and lllll came uut drl'!'ised in tt · he showed up with the car. We got fn. ·tov e pipe hn.t and fancy ·ork lllllf:;t:tche IC I and went to tht' dodor's office. I got llnd !!aid: I the pnisonln~ from cooking bean~ and c o rn "Ladies and ~ent ul-mun, . J am wry J In an open can. Was I sick'? Ph ew~ !orry t o say that Jim and Bob are ve ry 'rll<' '"·11 . 1 ~.··' 11 r.11 ...., 1 1 ,.·1< .1 ,. 11 . 111 !.!',. 1 111 " w.·ts Always aft~r that I used my head when ·lck fr o tl t 1 1 t} 1 .... .~ .. . · 11 , "" m <'!! n~ s o en green app es 1 s 1 ) 1 ,. 1 ~'('(} ..... t til" , , 1 .1,r1, C~t·t·<· n, 1\Toncl.·t\.' , 1 wt·nt oil a hik. eo, · mornin ..,. ar1d v "I'll t gt,·e · th e c 1reus . .Tttl ... 1. " ,.,,1" · \ "'<:r"t' n t t'a tn J)l:n "' ~ ' e D . no Yill.·t<Yt' _·,·d i -Bill Sorsen, Howard 8A. I thank "OU" ll <> r e l1 e 1 \d d · ' ' "' ' ~ · "lli e a ee p \'attman. ln tlw fir!-it inning·, Yi11arrp I bo w and tl1e cro,··d set up a l1owl· <:"' · ' · l:rN·tt was nlw:Hl with a ~ Wfh c·1 n · of !l tlJ 0, "I want my pins back~.. hut in tlw llf'Xl inninr· lll:lll maclt· 0 "I want my pins back~·· ,.. 11 They got them and that was all of ~; ~.i~~·~~n.tiH:h,~·h;: i,~la~;;n~;.~·t.·t· ~·.~.~~1.s ,?h~~'~ the ' ireu.· that day. 1t 1 tl t '1'1 'I'h e cc>ntef·t for n ew nwmbers will soon - Elsa Carlen, SA lj owa rd . \\'t>t't· <':1 ng 1 ()ll >o 1 1·ams. w H<'Ol'P ,., \\':1 s 42 to 12 in th 0 Villagt' Gr<'t'n'R favor. b e ov r. \Ve ar hoping to win . \\' e had Tlw lill<'lll) . on tlw Yillag·t' t :f!j( ' ll t('am a parade throug-h the neighborhoutl 'Vedis a~ follow:-: : Oli\'(· Yillimal'l\, cat('h('r; nesday afternoon as a boost to out· m em·1 l!1· s:-;il' ('nst11, pitdwr: C1·rtnHh· 1\faddt', b (' rship dl'ive. The re w re a b out ,.._ 1t:> e l11fir~t lta:-l'lll ;t n: !lt' lt ·n .TamH·s, st>{'unrt dren in th e parade. They ·w e re dre~ secl snu\\' \\'ellllt·sday \\'t· h:ld an t·Xl·iting g-anlt' hast>: llos<· Tos<·ani. thinl l·a:-:P: Elaith~ in many <lifferf' nt r:ostumes, flow e rs, · 1 all(1 D a111::;1, again::-;t l'l·ntr:tl ~dltltd. Tlwv ha.<l manv ,\n~~ · llwd>, :-:h··rt stop; J)orothy \'oilman, qu ee n, pages, down~. Dutch, · d a v·11 ~top; Marian l\likht>ll, rig-ht tit>ld; many ot h ers. W e carne J age C" tl' en good pbtyt·r:-; l·ut tlJt-ir th·Jth.'r s Wl'n' 1u;t ~hort Flo t'tll'f' :'\a..J,, .J, lt·ft fil'!<l; F'nttwis tJ!aygTound banupr· and A111erkan flags . so t' Xl'l'lh-nt 'l\r l':ttvhing- fly~ and one of ~ehmitz, l't>lltl'l' fit ·l<l . Both tt·a ms played After the parade we w e nt t o th e gTOH' tht>il' hl'st playt'l·s, El!"t· ~~~Ill ~t' in:-:pt' l'g, m ·ll. - Elaitw :\ng-t·lh<·ck, \.ilia~(· On·e n back of Mallinckrorlt academy and pick ·d wa~ a hH·nt (Ill account of :-;klow~s . Th e playgr(IUIJrl. wild flowers. Th n came back tq the fir~;t itllling wn.s a t1·nihlt· (IIJt·. Tlw Sl'lll't· playground where Mrs. Fanckhone r wa:-; 1ti to 0 in f:t \'or of ( \ ·rttr:tl sdwol. tn·a tt'd the children to candy and balOnt· girl 1111 tht· l\·ntral :-:dwul t1·am , who loons. She has tr ated us twin·, (lllCt; acted as Hhort :-;top, gilt hit in the faee with ice ct·eam cones and this time with with a :-;wift h:tll. Tlwir pildlt'r wa:,; candy, and gaYe E>ach child :1 hai1 110 \l. Flol't'lll't' J~~·:td. \\·e drang-,·d J)itcht·r s ott 'I ~:tY ~ Ll't's gh· ~_. ~Irs. Fantkhont'l' a \Ve have lots of fun at our plan~Touncl. 0UJ' :-;hit· fol' ~IIIJl(' nf \ht ·IJJ \\':tiJlt·d lll d1t' P l'. -Gertrude Pape, Village Green. pitd1 and <·th, ·rs wanll'd tu ))l:ty fil'ldt'l\ On tht' Ft·ur 1 h nf .lui\' :-;Jw won ~ix The g-allll' was won Ly t\·ntral sdwul. pri:w~. thl'<'l' ()f th e m wo.t·Jdng ~,·ith 1\Tr. th e Rt·urt· b, · in~ ·Hi tu 30.-Lon·tta ~td Fand\IHHHT. ~ht' wn11 two prize!', a ham, fen~. \'attman park . nnt'-ha lf ttlll cokt·, and calling C'ards. ~lt·s. Fatwkhnn pr has hN~ n at th P Yillage This wee l< we arc always doing somet~I'N' Il pl<tygrnun<l as t(·adwr for . two tt·rms a n<l \\'(' ~un·ly han· e njoy e d lwr thing. Some of us . are making ducks and and hopt · tlw Yilla~P Crt>e>n will hn.Ye her rabbits. \Ve are finishin~ posters and th e a~ain . Tlll't'l' · · l' t'l's !'or tlw ~()(·<1 win- boys started basket w aving and we At Yattman tht· Senior· girl. · are hu~ily 111'1', .\lr s . Fand\1)()11\'1'. - Mary .·\nn ::\[iclll'l- pmcticed for our track meet, hoping t(J making- "Hurtny Hahhits" with pin!\ ear::;, ~on, Vill:tg1> C:rt·t·n play~ro .und. be picked for runnin~. broad jumping and blut· o\'t·rh:tltds. little n·<l pod.:l'ts and hopping. Tuesday at 2 o'clock we had suspendt·r:-;. ~utrw uf tht· smallt·r c hil<ll·\' ll th · O'Learr contt·st and Huth Solomon are makin~ t!U l' k:-: , with ion~ ne ·ks. Tht'.}.: came in first, Florence Head, ~econd, and are stuffl'd with v"ttutt. The !Joys are Loretta Ste ffens, third . So .thi s w ee l\ was painting- Yast·:-;. ~Olllt' :tre makin~ China the ,\·e<· k we were alwayl:l doing- somenwn and vainting tlll'lll. If you come to 1 hd you <'an't gu('ss what tht' hi~gt>r thing.-Lor e tta Steffens, Yattman park. Vattman park, Wt· arl' Hun·· to find you <·hil<ll'l'll (lf the Yilla~ ' C:r<'en are doing~ llOmdlting to <111 . fur thl'rt' :tl't· pleasun·::-; \Vhy th t> y are m~dng dr1·:-:s<'s for th r mADY ...\~< ' E .. S(;Jl .E DL'L E You in t>\'l'l'Ything- .-G!:td.n; J' . \\'hitt·, Yatt- :-:t'h· ~·s an<l Oh ~ such <lrt'S!';t'S; Howard s umnwr sc hool h: td S<'hO()} :o:;atman park . wouldn't lw li1·n· tht' \' could mal' e suc·h unlay, Jun e 30, in:-;tf:Hl of haYing school <lJ'i.'!i;'-'l'S. Hotr't tal\t; my 1 worcl for it, Friday, .July :i. This wa~ bl:·l' :t tl!'t' mo!'t o( cnnw and !'C'<' for youri'<'lf and T'm sure the pupils \\'t' l't · going- a \\'ay for a vaca~·on will join thl' Yillagt' Cn·t>n. -- Bt' ssie tion o\' ·r the Wl'l'k-end .--Eim ' I' Erid~stlll, Cnsto, Yillage Grt·( n Jllaygrnund. I lown.rd. Ruth Solomon of It May Be All Right to Don't Cook Food in an Green Apples Play Open Can, Says Billy Be a Millionaire, ButVaitman Wins the Havoc With Circus I don't know whether I should like It seems that my two friends anrt I be some big millionaire or not. They wrre on our first over-night hil{C. 'Ve O'Leary Contest Plans, Boys Find to have a lo t of money and are very well had our t e nt up but it wasn't much ~ood . I~ut h .gTo untl S"l"tnon of tlH' I ·t·lll raJ pl a yfir:--t nl:t1'1' in tlw O'f..pary enntl'st h <> ltl :H tlH ; ·\'attm;tn p;trk uruh·r tht · :l.li~J) i ('('S <·f tJ11· \\ ' illlll 'tll' f'}:1ygl'11lllld :tn t! ~~~ ·t· rt ·: ttil·n lJ":tnl 'l'tt· ·:-d:1y aft1 ·r\\' 11 11 11 " 1 ' 11 · I Flor. ·n e·· l:.t·:ul (If th·· <·,·nt l':t 1 P 1 :\Y.·t , 111 · ~n·utHl \\'as aw:tnh-·1 :-;~···"tl(l ·p 1 :tl't' L"rdl :t :-:;tl·f((·Jls nr tlw Yatllll:tn ]Jarl' \\' till thinl pi :W('. t · .. , ... tlll'<·tt!.!'ll tll r 1111 , ~ I ~u111 J)l:· ~·p11 nin r .· intrk:tt!' sdl\'llU if' of tlw g-amP. an< 1 wa ~ :tlll\IISt thl'rJU"h ,.. th tl·llth j)l'l'fOI'I11:1llt't' 1lt' · <·ommit tin~ th C' e n or that Cllllei ttdt·d for 1 th·· <·ont·· ~t. Flon·tH'(· J)]:l"Nl six tim.·s throu~h the J g·am· · and was finishing- th e RP\'e nth \\'ht ·n :-;lw mifisl'rl. Lort'lta playl'd fi·· tilllt ' ~ throug-h tlw g-am P ancl w:ls <·II 11 ·' 1' sixth tun.l wh C' ll s hl' mi.sst·rl . \\' t· had quilt· :t lll_g ( ' 1'(1\\'d watr·hl!tg· the ('().lltt·:-;t. :\1 r:-:. l 'aldwt · ~l a<' tl'fl 0~ JtHlg· ·. \\ ··. all h< Hl a ~<,.,d t tnw .-Lll('lllt· llnffm :111, '\ :ltt1 man p:nk. - ----- - - - -- I v dJT age K· kb II reen a T V tt earn rounces a man G I Central Park T earn Wins fi Tilt From Vattman Out .t " " " 11 1 1 St age p arad e t · A rouse Interest in Playground Game Between Vattman and Central Proves Exciting Tlw Yattman nark h:tcl tiH·it· fir:-:t ~ame with the Central Jll:t\.·!.!'rou tHl \Yt·dn l'!·Hla v , .. .Jul." ·' :~. at Yattmau )Jark Tlw lirwup for 1 '"lltt·,"l ,,.,""· · . . . s foll cJwH. : Katlwr in e Birm~ ing-ham. Gn·te \'Onltt.·itl!ii>t·l'g', l·' lol'l'IH'e' lte::td, nuth S()lomon, l'hyllis f':t rl etO il, H.uth Sancl e r !-;on, l'at~y Butll·r, Elt·:tnlll' JJurp '-'· .Jean Dums, and Bl::'tty ltikh<·oek. The litlf'Ul) fur Yattman was as fllllows: Loretta Steffe n s, GPraldine llt~ffman, Lu ·ille I foffmnn, En' lyn Fit·l<l :-:, Yirginin Br()ok.·, ~Iar ce lla Bruchha u:-;er, l{ose 1\Jay('l', Kath lyn Holo\\'ay, ::\f;ll'y \\' hite , and Dorothy Dn.vi!-1. The ~arne starte(l at ~ r1'clock. It \Vas \'ery int<' I'Pstin(T ..,. Tlw gam wa s uncl et'i tl1' 1l until thf' e ttll. Th e !'Core was 46 t o :w in <'l'ntrnl's fnYor. ::\Tr. DaYis ·a mc IJ\'t' l' tn w atc h th e ~~a m e. Ti e sn.id W t' all trit-tl h:t!'!l.T~udll t' l l(Jff man, Yattman park . PIaygroun d Leader Ta kes Six Prizes on the Fourth Vattman Loses Kickball Game to Village Green ~Jondny, .July 1. Wt· playe d our first kickball g-am · a~ainst t h Villng·e <1re t> tl. Tlw nlaye rs are as f(JJlows: pit<'h e r. t ~ t:>ra ldin Hoffman; <'atch >r, l\lary \Vhit e : first ba se, EIPanor Ukks ; s~>eond base, Marcella Bruc hhauser; third base, Kathlyn Holway; right shr1rt!'itop, Shirley Garn e !'H; IE>ft short ~top, Dorothy Holway; le ft field, Rose ::\It>ye r ; right fi e ld. Lucille Hoffman , and Ct> nter fi e ld, Eve lyu Field. It was a \'e ry exciting ~am e, the score h ing 42-12 in their fa,·or. We were last but by no m ea ns lea~t as we will yet come to th e front.-:\Iat·cplla Bruchhauser, Vattman playground . Full Program Arranged for Vattman Playground Senior Girls at Vattman Park Are Making Rabbits Village Green Children Make Dresses for Selves Village Green Program Director Is Well Liked .·\ . the Village Crt:t~ n w e ha,·e ~reat tim es. 1\Irs. Fan c kborwr, out· t each e r, is always \Yilling to do eYerything- to ph> ase )..... us. Friday she picke d the girl!-;' t eam out and l\londay · w e played Vattmau park. Jf you want to start in our playgTuurrrl a <.: ti\'ities, tlw park is located south from the drug store on Ridge a \'elllll' anu n. half of block. You will see many children th ·r playing. - Hose Tos<':llli, Yilla~ e Green playground A POPt'J, \R UESOUT Th e \\.ilml'tt e 11ea(·h is \'<·ry busy. Th t·y h:t\'t· a private police man , good life guards and an inhalator. There w er e "'.l'r ::oo Jlt·() p! at the beal'h July 1. The lt·lllpt'ra tur of th e watt'r wa:-; 6:~ and the air :!.- .John Osborne, Howard. Pupils in Summer School cur·n ·nt t·YI'llt:-: t>\'l·ry tl:ty . Jt is quit1 · int t>rcsting . .\1· 1!-' t t·f tht· d1uldn·ii tal\t· ('llrrent , . ,· , ·I tt~ tr· ·lll tl11 · Jl:l)ll'r . Unt· .;r the boys i:-: t:.Il,ing :tLuut Europ, · !tow. Th . t is n ·ry int· ·l'· ·:-;tillg . l think Wt· gl't t11c new:-: "f t ht· day in a Yt'l'Y I! it-t· way . Evl'lyl "" l~ i~ ~IIJIIH·:-:··d 111 lt:t\·,. a t·urreut t · \ ··llt l.,·,.ry <l:ty . It i:-: a l't:lit·f fn·nl. tht· l't·gular \\'1 ·!'1.; . ·1, ·:-; :-- i,· .\1 . SltTit·, 1111\\' ard . I ' .\I'I'HE('J .\'J'JO: In~~~.~~~~~~~~?,~"~~~'~~.~~ WIX OYElt C'l'!X'I'JU T, Th e l·oy!" had a hall ganw, Thurs(lay. .Tutll' ~~. Tlwy t)lay<·d againHt ('pntml. At firl':t tht· C't·ntral t'hil<lrt·n lool~l·d lik <· ~ood plnyPr ~. ~~~ w e hel·l our hn·ath tn Sl'( who'd win . Rut a ftPl'\Yartls \\'<' saw we wen· :-th<'ad :uH1 wlwn it t~ nrtNl thP seor<- was J:i to :1 in IIlli' fa \ ' Ill'. - )fa ry B. \\'hit <'. Ynttmnn p:1rk. · YILI-.\UE (·JU~EX .\t Hinl' o'cluek yuu St:>l' them run To tlw \'illag UrN·n to h:tve som · fun, Espt.· ·ially Tom, . Did\ and Harry , \\'hu are all jolly and llll'ITY, \\'hvn they nr · at til t: \'illage Gret·n Tht>y are i;ure to be sec.n. -Hose Tos<"ani, Villagl' Green plnygr()und . 1-'JSJIIXG WAS H .\ 1) Tut·!"day, .July 2, my c:ou:-;in and I went tbhitt,..;-. ,\\'1· \\'<'llt do\\'n to the lake and J~J,EM~ED WITJI TEACHER Mrl" . .lt;llt·!" wa :-- di :- ·u:-;l"ing in class \\'t · Ollly caught OIW littl e fish. \\'e \\'l!l1t .Tu~t think, w e of the Vilage Green about th· "}lJlOI'ltlltity wt· art·. gl'ttitlg. horne and att· our lun('h -(and went out to play~round arE> all busy making· thing·s Fur "riting artidt' !' fur t!J,. '\\'ilmette four difft.·n·nt rivt-rs and w e dip not undet· the car ful guidance of 1\Irs. Lift:- an<l oht:drti11g ;1 }Ja~:-- 111 tht· Xort·atdl one fish !'O we t·ame home and fri d _ Fatrckbonpr·: All the children are very ~hon· rr·, ., . \\'t· wil"h tu t·xprt·:--; our ~round. tl11· little fi!:ih.-Lt.·onard Prot'hnow, How- glacl to have h e r baek for she is a very thauk :; and am>r· ·l'iation rf1 th1 · \\'ilnwtt(' <tr·d. g·ood teacher. - .JOSt.'Phine Co!'to Village Hecn·ati<·n J.uaru . Frank .:\lay, lluward I.l·:A H:\ "IL\lt::F(H(l' HOY" (;l'e('n playg!:_QUlld. ' aschoul. At Jloward summt·r Hchool, :\Irs. .Jones YA 'l'T.lL\"' GIIti~S l,OSE had th<' JIUpi!s 1... 1rn, "Tlw BarPfO'>l The Yattman Park g·irls' kickball tC'am Bobby Peny had an op0ration perIn !-Ulllll lt'r !-l'hu<J! W·· lla \'t· spelling. We Boy." One !Joy star tt·d it while reciting-. plaYl' d th1.· Yillnge Green. The game wa~ a eitht' r ~H IJOI·r ()r t'xn·llt:nt. On I·'rl- Sh :t!-'l·kd us tr· lvarn small parts at a ,.<·ry t>X<.:iting one but Vattman cou ldn't fonnecl on his ear Thursday, ,June 21. He received a lvt of pre~l.!nts so he has day H, if \\'t· tni:-::-; <·lit: wurk we g,·t poor. timt· until Wt leanwd it. \\~p arc no\'.· hold Yillage Grf'en and lost 43 to 12. No one lik~:-s to g<'t poor !'O Wl' all ~tudy half ~\· ay through it. Frank ..\Ia~·. J low- ~llllH' of tht· boys are going to coach something to do. He i!-i feeling fine and we expect him home Sunday.-Elmer hard.--:J )aui.-1 'a:-:-;ell, Howard. ard . ~ the giri~.-Jack Slein, Howard. Erickson, 7B Howard. I'll ACT I(' E FOR ('OX1'l~ST ·.Alnwst all th ' !'t·nior girls }Wactif·t·<l fc· r tlw O'Leary ccmtest whil'h \\'fl.s lwll) on rl'tll'sclay at Yattman pal'l;:. The> g-irl~ " ·ho g<·t all the w:1y through \\'t' l'<' L11n ·tta Stt · fft·n~. 1\lary \\'hit e, alH1 Lucille llllffman .-1 liluc YcH·Ikr. Yattman play-

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