J2 W I'L M E T T E Reduction With This Ad - - - - - - - · L IF E July 12, 1929 Genuine European Wilmette Woman Artist TO REPEAT 'ALADDIN' Achieves New Laurels Children's Theater Will Revive Pop~~f rs. James Costello of Chica~o, formerly Dorothea Tarnow of ' Vllmctte. has just ,,·o n new laurels in the field of art. Appearing on the con.-r of Tuh· Btl! Telephone :t\e\\·s. the mont.hh· lwusr publication of the Dell Tcleph;lJH' company, is a clcYcr dr;l\\·ing in co lors h., . ~~ r:-~. Costello. drJ>icting the present ··air minded" da~· . The dra\\"ing· sho\\·s t\\"o girls in Aying tol!s al:tl'r a flil!ht . ~ I rs. Costello is the 'l<~ughter nf "\I r. and ~f r:;. (~eorge E. TarJ]l)\\" of 121l Fourth strcd. \Vi imet tr. realistie or euge~e lar Play for Summer Classes School of Speech ' In waves N o fing er w aving required w ith these w aves $8 P erman ent waves g iven b y the V a nity Box m ea n- waves tha t a re s killfull y ad apted to yo u ... t o y our f ace. th e shape of y our head ... ro your h air ... irs tex ture a nd colo r .. . t o your own ind iv idual cha rm of m a nn H a nd person alit y. Ir is nor j ust "a p erm a nen t w ave" ... ir is YOUR w ave; d es ig ned by artists to compl ete t h e p icture o f lo velimss that is you ! Junior Sisterhood Holds Musicale Sunday, July 21 '1'he first summe r 111eeting (li th--· I unior Sisterhood of \'orth Shore Cllll :.£rl'gatinn bral'l. " ·ill he htld at the ho111c oi ~[iss Dnrotlw Pale,·, ()23 C~..:n tral aYcnut·, \ \'i lmettl': Suncla~·. ]uh· 21. A musicale \\"ill constitute the aite.rnnon's program. Girls fro m <1 11 the north shore ~ u hurhs ha \" C bern il1\·ited tn :J. l t e n cl. ON VACATION JAUNTS and ~ f rs . Paul T. (~ilhcrt ni _;~.f Brin :;trel't, Krnihn)rth. arc IL· a,·im~ Tu h · 1-f. ior a Yi~it with ~Irs . Ci l hert"~ hrutlln at Lake \\.aralllaug in Conncrtirut. "\1 r. Cilhnt witl ~pend t\Yn ,,·ecks then· hut \1 rs. Ci11Jert will re 111ain unti l lat.._. in :\ ugu~L Peter Cil hat h: it i or Cu11 p ~ f a - K a- Ja- \\.a n ""i : 1. the fir-,t .l !rnup Jul~ · 3. \rhere he i:- tn s 1> c 11 d t he c 11 t i r c t ' i g ht "" t t ' ks . P a ul T. Gilbert. 1r., i.; ramp rink and in structor 111 . a:-trnnom ,. < 1t the Scout camp. ~fr. ANOTHER BEAUTY WEEK AT THE VANITY BOX Coquette bob . Windblown Swirl or Featheredge haircut. beautiful, artistic fingrr wa vin g or marcelling that lasts. Special for This \V .?ek 75c Suite 222 Carlson Bldg. Univ. 9700 636 Church Sr. E vanston r..········ North Shore's Smartest Beauty Shop ·-······Ill PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISER·s I RETURN FROM HONEYMOON ~rr. an(l ~rr~. Um·d R. Quayk ( BvU ,. Oldn) " ·htl han· hccn motor in~..:" in tltl" \" ,· rth tl ll their hoJH.' . \"Illll011 . n -"turned to SJll"JlC! Ia .' I "tl"k -c nd " ·ith \fr:-. Uua\·k":- pan·nb. the Clifford ( >ldns. lll.2r, Fhn\\·01Hl aHnue, t 11 r<'utt- to tiH·ir Ill'\\ hnme in P1 .n t10ut it . Tnd . Tit~- O l dn:-~ cntntaincd at a :-;n1;lll :-IIPJll'r part,· ~unda, · ior the hri<k and l!"fl'Plll. ~ f r. and "\fr:-; . Uuaylc \\\'l"t' tllarried 1111 June .2-t. "A.laddin" one of the most popu lar p la;·s eyer' p;rsented by ~he Chi ldr_cn 's Theater of f<\·an ston, wil l be revtn~cl this summer by the chi ldren's tl~eater class of the school of speech, 1\orthwestern university, under the direction of ' Vinifrecl \Yard and Dean Farnsvvorth. The afternoon ancl eycning- of Friday, Julv 26, a cast from the adult and chil~lre;1· clas . es in dramatics will present thi.s colorf ul Oriental play for the public at Annie May Swift ha ll. The play is the h ig proj~ct of the children's theater class of thts ummer, just as ~filne's '·).[ake-Be li cvr" was last summer's project. Students from everv corner of the country \\·ho haYe come to ::\orth\\"eStcrn for the Sttl11mcr session arc working on e\·er~· phase of the production, designi ng and bu ilding :cttings. \rorking out lighting effects. making; oriental costumes. ~rt ing. directing and managing the pia~·. The odora . DuBois. anthor of "Aladdin." has made a gorgeous and dramatic play out of the :tory of the youth ""lw found the magic lamp in the underQrouncl ca \·ern and out\Yitted the ~,·icktd magician who tried to take it irom him. \\"hen it \\"as first prtsented in the children's theater in the season of 19Z7-28, it brought so many thrills to the vouthiul audiences that they gasped ~nd shouted their delight. So popular did it tnm·c that it wa s chosen ior a re\'i\'al this summer in order that the st uclrnts who arc to become direc~ tors of chi lclrcn's theaters of other cities might haYe th opportunity to sec it " ·orkcd out. Already many oi them han: made plans to produce it. '1 he play \Yill be gi \·en as a specia I pn)dttrtion under managemtnt oi the children':-; theater, but at Annie ~lay ~wiit hall in stead of at Hayen and \"iclwls schools. BAHA' I LECTURE Pillar oi Fire. thL· Darkvning t )f t h L' Sun and :\ !1 11 'n .. t h c Fa IIi n ~ o i thl' Stars"" is to J,c the t(lpic oi the Ba ha ·i k t.:t ur l " ], y :\ 1 h e r t \ ·a i 1 i n F <lUll datiun hall ni Ha!ta"i tempk. ~hcridan ruad ;tnd· l.indt:n aH·n lt L', \ \ "ihnl'ttt·, ~ttnday. Ju ly 1-t . at 4 o'(·lock. '"Tit~· 1>r. ~I aude Sand:-. iormcrh· ni 10.2-f Cl"n t ral a rt·nue. \\" i1m d tl". ha; rl't urnt: d irPm Fnrt'J>l'. \rhrrL· silt· has been li,· - ing i< lr nearly a yL·ar. ~he is ll\1'.\ . risiti11g her parl'nts at Ihrahno. \\"is. S 1t c pl a 1~:- t n '"i ~it ~ lr s. \ \". :\ . K 11 ( 1n p 111 l(t·nihn,rth on her rl't urn frtllil na rabun. -()- ~ ~ i~:- ~I ar~· Gillrtt. S33 Rn:-ln1 road. Kenilworth. \\'a:-> the guc:-t .of \ 1,·s .-\ !ired \l cDougal oi 325 .\hhuttsford rPad. J...:cnihn1rth last past \\"l'ck-eJhl. ~I iss Gi llett has been ~pending the st Jlllllll'r with her parent:-; at their hnme in Lud ington, ~ ~ ich. Ct'<'rgL' lhPd.:. 520 \ '."arwirk rPad. l-\enihn1rth. rct"urncd la~t Su ndaY ir<llll Caliiornia. where he has ht'l'll ;. i~iting his mothn and sister in ~~an t a ~ l onica. :\I r . Bruck fle,,· . by aL·roplanl' iwm Chicago to Santa ~fonica. H e th<:11 \\"t' t1t \\"ith his mother and sister t ·1 \\ "y(nning. He then m otored hack t ~1 Chicagll. ~ I rs. 11rnck a nd ~Lu jt1ric p l a~1 to stay in .\\"yoming until .-\ugust. -0- ANDERSON & NELSON Distributors For ZIP-0-GRIP Hinckley & Schmitt, Inc. 1920 Railroad Ave. EVANSTON, ILL. ~ r r. · and ~ r rs. Percy Eck hart, 20() Cumhn la nd rnad, Kcni h\"t)r th . l'nttrtained :\I r. and ~ I rs. \\"ill ia m Reichman. imm<:r l ~· of Keni l\\"o r t h, ior tea last ~ u nclay <: \"C ni ng. T he Hcichmans th e n occ up il'<l th e Ec kh art b ox wi t h t hl"m at n ;n·i ni a. Univerc!ty 980 Sold also at your neighborhood store $11.50 The correct bag for those who play golf. VETERINARIAN FRANK 8~ ERWIN Specializing in the treatment of your best friends, the ~"Dog and Cat" All CalJs Receive My Personal Attention LADY ASSISTANT NEW 'I"~K · EST. 1859 CHICAGO 1000 Ridge Ave. Wilmette 3347