Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 31

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Ju ly 12, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE .31 · A m eric·an indu~tr.r i:-; ·lt·arning- t-hat o-oo d will is tlw foundation on wlli<·h hu s i~w ss rests and that thP g-nod will of tlw t·rnployt· b nf nwjor irnportant·t ·. J-Tqspitals. then, should n<· lnngvr t' XP··<·t th ·i r \\"> l'ke> r·s to ft->~ I l't',Pft id fnr ha \"i11g- tlw pri\' il t'gt· of contrrhutrng- tn tiH· C'ar·· <·f til+> sick !>ut should fat·t· tlw }wrsonrwl pr·< JlJlt ·m ;t~ rt is being fat't·d in industry, f<or no busi, IW ,..., is mort' d'JH ·ncl· ·nt upon gnod will tha.n a husin<·ss dt·\·ott· tf to tilt ; ra r 1> of suf~t-ring- humanity. :\ s far n~ \V(II'kPrs an· roll<'t·r·rwtl, industry must be r ecognized a s the eomPeti tor of tiH.' IJ<J:.-;pit;ll and a par:t~h·l offt·r must b t' madt>, or th~> hospital mu s t bt~ :o.ntt'nt ~o <·mpJr,y i'Uils, \ht · lalt vr prornrsrng- rwrtllt·r· .'(IJiltl s··n·ict· 1111r Pt·on<nny. ::\fany studi<·s ha \'e bt:>1·n madt· qf t lw ratio (If t·mploy<·s t·, P:ttit ·llts, IJllt 11·1 C'll ll C!usion has ht ·t· n r ea<' ht·d fl)!' c]pt,·r·mining tlw <·qrrt·<·t ratio. Stt('h fa<'turs must h e c·nnsid{'!'t·<l as f<lantlartl of st·n·il't> l li'ngth of working- day, amount of Pmt· r~ gt'l1<'Y _WIIl'k, t.YJll' :t JH] Si?.t· of ho~pital, l'O!l\'t·ntt·nt't· uf archit< ·rtut·al plan, fluC'tu~t tron nf bt·<l <weupaney. lt must b·· tak··n 111to cnnsidt'ration wht:tlwr or nnt b:tkf'ry, la~mdry an<l rt'pair wm·kslw_ps art> m:untalllPl1.: wltdhl·r or not tltt· hospital is co mmJttt:Ll to a program ld. t·dueati<lll 11r n ·~l':t rch . 1 fo,,-,.,·vr , this lack of an ··stahltslu·ll. ratio sltoul<l IH>t I 'Xl' US· · anyt)nt· for · _neg-II~t·ll<'l' in St'l'tllinizing cluti< ·:-: "" WESTMORELAND EVENTs Westmoreland Country club has planned a junior dance fo r Sat urday ~v . cning, J uty u, with dancing from o 30 to 11 :30, and a buffet bridge fo r Good will, among i.ts employ s, in \ Vednesclay e\·e ning, July 17, dinner at 7 :30, bridge at 9. the opinion of . Miss Ada Belle Me------Cieery, superintendent of Evanston ~r r. and ~[rs. Charles R. Shab111o, hospital, is as important to the ho pital 530 Laurel avenue, left on \Ycdne sday as to industry. ior eight \\'Ceks' ,trip to the CanaIn the June is sue of "The Modern dian l~uckies and the \\est coast. Ho spita l," leading publication in the -ahospital field , an article co,·cring con~lr. and. ~fr s. Gcurgc Turner. 1019 sidcrablc space is written hv ).li.s ~fc- .\ sl1 laJ1d an·nue, returned on Friday of Clecrv and ha. to do with "How .to last \Ycck irom a three weeks' mot or. Get ~~nd How to Keep a Satisfactory tnp tilwu .!.d1 ·the East. \Norking Force .." It is based upon ex-perience at the local hospital where so much has been done to make worker s satisfied and comfortable. by providtng attractive and comfortable living quarters and otherwi e making every p(Jssible prO\·ision ior the carrying on oi their work to mutual interL's t and ad,·a ntage. In part the article reads: Ada Belle McCleery · Tells of Problems ·o f ;tal Personnel Hosp " '---, _ __.:,,v.:..; · e:....:U:.;s:.:e:.....::G:.::o~v.:.e.:.:rn:.:.:m=.;;.;en;:,;t:..;.A;;;.:P~P;.;;,r.;;.ov_c.;.;d;;....C;..b_e_m_l_c_al_s_ _ _ _ _ ( Telephone Superior 9853 ~. :_ -; ~lfGD~®lY~)$~ ~ . "COMPANY/~~ W e Call for and Deliver 1 007 an O~r special process of fumigation destroys all moth-life in upholstered furniture, rugs, lura, etc. NORTH CLARK STREET CHICAGO Jc ontructs tor Exterminating Roaches, Bed Bugs, 1\IIce and Rats.l Upstairs, Downstairs All About the House T E LE .P HO N ES where you need them- This is a modern way to add to the living comfort of your home. as:::;tst 111 kt ·t· ping tht· working for<'e at its ·propt·r lt- \ 'Pl hy lli:-:p,·nsing with Ullllt '<'t·ssary wor·l.;< ·rs as Wt> ll as with tlte extra one~ who ':·e re Ilt·ressary during tht· Jlt·ak of .t max.rmum loatl. Extra\·agan ,. o f !Jt' l's<mnel ts IW\'t> t' justifi d. ·' lll<t~lll~ tlllH· ~tlll l it·S, :IS Sllt'lt Jll'( t('t '<llll't 'S Miss McCleery considered in her artic_k the problems of turnoyer, the cost ot labor, production, selection, expectanc_ \·, the wage item, gratuities and \\'Orking privi leges and conditions the unii orm, the }i,·ing quarters of' em. pion::;, their food, leisure, recreati on and other items. GARDEN CLUB MEETS Last Frida\· the l\:cnih\·l1 rth Carden club held its- 111l'ditlg at tit~.· hnme uf ~I r:-.. Gilbert Kelh·. -+12 Cumtltlr marl. ~Irs. ~ I ild red .t\ n.d re\\s . a n-r,· \\'C 11kno\\·n lwtanist and . authoritv on \\'ild tllhrcrs, gave a ta lk on .. \\' il~l Flower:; L'ndcr Cultin.tion. The mel'ting pr<l\·cd to he a vny intcrc:-.ting one. :\ftn the lecture the member!'> visited !'cYera l gardens of dificrcnt Kl'nii \\'Orth women. Many families nowadays have two or more telephone lines-with handy extenstons. In such homes incoming · a nd outgoing calls are seldom delayed, for the additional lines give assu;ance that at Jeast one will be available for use always. Business houses invariably add telep.hone lines when usage demands. Why net the same thing in the home? Nearly every room in your house would be more livable with a telephone in it. The cost of extension telephones is small. Call our Business Office. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY One Policy BELL SYSTEM .. One System .. Universal Service · ~Tr~. ~ l a r k Crc~ap. 53:1 \ \'arwi(·k roa d. Ken il wo rth , left la~t Thursday t,) mo tor to Pi tt sb urgh. }.! r. Cresap and ~ I r. a nd ).! r s. Sam C() m h· ( iurmer ly I-l clcn Cre~ap) left !'en.·r:ai days later. 1\ l r. and ~ fr s. Com lY are making their home in P itt sbu rgh -and ~I r. and ~r r~. Cresap went down to he!p t hem set tic th eir home. Th e Cresaps ret urn ed to K enilworth this w ee k. H un te r H icks, .2-tl ~f c l rosc ave nu e, Ke nilworth, ha s bee n in Ka nsa s Cit y ft)r th e pas t wee k pl ay ing in th e a n nu a l \\·es te rn am a t eur golf t ourn ame nt at t he M iss ion Hill s Co untry clu b. -0- -a- and Mr s. George Be nso n. 210 M elrose ave nue, K e nilwo rth, spent th e F ourth of Jul y and th e wee k-end fo llowing at Wauwau see, Ind. ~Ir.

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