Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 30

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30 WILMETTE LIFE July 12J 1929. of pointing out the fact that there is still much to be done in the conquest of the air. His novel, while fiction, deals ,,·ith the struggles that arc going on in the industry today. · Comment on Current Books GREEN PIPES. ~facmillan. Ttltphont for Your Boolu Wilan ette J700 · IR E LAND The Rock When ce I W as H ew n - by Donn B yrne Illus tra ted Li tt le, Bro w n ~ Co . . . . . . . $2 . 50 P ayi ng Guests E. F. Benson Doub leday, Doran ... $2 . 5o Mo rtJ I M en Burnhain Car tu A l ben~ Ch.1rles · Boni . . . . . $2.50 D.uk Du el M argueritc Stew Sto kes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2. :;o D Jisy. P ri ncess of Pless - by Herself a rich and brilli.tnt book of memo1rs. E. P . Dutton ~ Co . . . . . . . . $ c; oo The Rom.1nric Prince Rafael Sabatini Houghton . Mifflin ~ Co .... $2.c;o The Sh.1dow Jnd other Stories Jdfcry Famol Little. Brown \1 Co . . . . . . . $2.;o R odeo B. M. BotLW Little. Brown ~ Co.. . .. $.2.uo V isitors to H ugo Alice Grant Rosman Minton. B.1lch \5 Co . . . . . . . $2. oo The In nocent V o yJge Richard H ughcs Harper ~ Brothers. . $.2.00 Paget- Fredericks. iamotls in the s torv of Po land. was ~oundecl hr a 11H.'ll1ber of the Lnited BOOK ABOUT THE EARTH States ?\fa~ine , nand. "Girls in Africa," \f ax\\'ell Reed. formerly an in st ruc\\'ithin the bright green and gold by Erick Berry, and "Tod of the Fens," tor of astrllnomy at Haryard 1 ni,·ercil\·crs of thi~ book arc tn he illttn<l i>Y Flinor \ \'llitnc\· arc hooks that rc - sih·. is a \\'ritcr \\·hose hook "The Earth ~ay ver~cs and pictures illr small peoccin~d honorable - mention. :\1 r. anrl fn~ Sam." pnblishecl in September h~ 1 pie made by a taknted y<~ttng artist .\[rs. Kdly :-ailed on June ninth to Harrt 1urt. Brace and co111pany, will poet. Rtader s reported nn the se ycrscs spend the sumnter in PL)land . :\f r . \\·ith enthu~iasm: ··J>uhlish them by KL"Ih· has been decorated h\· the Polish !ta\'l' a far larger :wclience than hi s nine -y<"ar-old frephcw. Sam. for whom a 11 1111..' an ~, for i 11 t h c m nn 1 h an· so 111 · ·nrcrnment and rl'turns to ~cne\\. man,· thing that is real litcr~tun·. The pic- iriendship:-; in Poland and to continue it ,,·as \Yritten. By picture and st 0ry it tells for children the beginnings of ~ tun·s. too, arc chi ldlike in intl'n· :-; t and hi:; \\'riting. tiH' ,,·nrld. the sky dra .~·ons and giant appeal in spite of their cnic quality. dinllSa-m~ that peopled it and ho\\' the The imagin at in? child ,,. hn likrs the PROF. PARRIN GTON DI ES ri\'<·rs and bke s spread n"ttt and the verse. \\'ill aho likl' the illustrations." In the hl':ttttiful color pirtun·s arc faun s YL"rnon Louis Parringtun, proil.'ssor tall lltlHtntains gn·"· up irom a kinrl and · cl\'l·s and iairil'~ that \ 'O tt read of English in the l'nin~rsit\· ni \\'ash - 11f children thl'msclrcs . al)()ttt in tht pOl'lll~. ~ix oi tilC!ll lny ingt tllt, \\'<tS iound dead rccent\y in the hl'l'll n·prPdurtd, \\·ith all their con~pli- hotel at \\'inchcombt. Cloucl'stershirl' PAYS TE N CENT F h~· his \\'iie and so11. \'crnnn Parrins S OR PLOTS l'all' d rulor:-: and itttriratl' ll:tttt:rn s. b_v ton's ··~I ain l'urrcnts in :\merican r) I J . I}> I., asn·, \\·ho \\Tote \.0 lert ' >0) < · ~~\·a ·· " attl'r. ·. · Cama spl'ci;tl French Jln·:-s rl'rtntl.\· hron . ~ rht Thou , !.,dlt," publi~htcl in t"·o \·nlumcs ··v rour F ·aces () r .·hJs to :'\nterica. Thi:- is SlHncthin!! · 1s · a Ftr · k · II trace 1s · · <1uite 1)\· I larcourt. Brace and rotnpan _ \· in IlOrI'Ian exper 1·ttton ·-n t-a ditTntnt frn111 the usual children's t)ic- J<J27 \\·o n the Pulitzer PriZl' inr. that ant1 gnnc 1 at a II nt· them . 1 fcrl· are .t un· -pol'tr _ \· hooks. :-. t r. J>a . !,..'ct-Ft:l'd.- rear and is cnn~idcred Ulll' oi the 111 1st some o f 1 · acti\'ItH'S · · · : cxplorL·r. ad11s erick-. now lin· :; near :\l'\\' \',lt·k · l>ttt · · · · stimulating critical statements ni \Tnturer .. teature \\Titer on t 1 H.' l 'I 11ltas li\<·d in Caliinmia. Pari~. and f·~n .!!\ · l'f · Jl · I) I tl . t ·, .- mencan 1 e 111 n ·L·cnt \·cars. c i" ragu a1 Y · l'\\'S, au 1ur. n:por l'r, la 11<l. IIi~ 11irtun·~ ha\'l' hl'l'n l'Xllil>it·~·cl the autltor oi "Sinclair· I,t\\'is- ()u r 11 · t \\- or< J 1 \\·ar raptatn · 1n · t1 lUill<lri:-, 1c in all i(lttr places :utd h:tn· \\'illl hilll at~ Chm Dingl'lles." \nitten in }C).27. and :\rtilkry . Ltgionnaire. "\.l':-t I nL·kct" ttllthtt:tl rl'Jnttatillll :tt tllL· ;t. " · 1 . t. 11·lS "\-es t P OC 1 "'t· ot i l'OI1trt·1 >Utec 1 nunll'rlHIS artll' l':-i to e11 - :\ 11 tl 10 1 Og'IS ..;('t l\\t'Itty-Ptll'. t·y dnpal'clias. litl'rar~- revin,·s and Jitn- :\nthnlll.~'- " i:-; a featurt· nf tlte an dictionaries. I le \H0tl' the article Chicago Dail~- :\n,·..;. "B(>h" pan ten CHILDREN 'S BOOK WIN PRI Z E tn; Ta1ncs H.nssl·ll Lmn·ll in the "D ie- cents for plots. \\'hen Itt· !tears sol11eTi1e :\n\'bery 111 edal fnr t<J2X's "most tieln.an· of :\mnican Hitl~Tap hy. " \f1· . t lllC telling a trtll' ..:te,n·. if it strikl's distinguishL·d cnntrihuti() 11 to the lit ·ra- Parringtnn wa~ hnrn in .\urora. 111 . him. he'!( say: "That's. a good '\. t·st turc fl)r rhildrl'n" \\·as :1\\arck<l at the in 1X71. and n·ccin·d his n. :\. degrt·c· Pockt·t' nlnt. Thanks n·n much ." Cltildrl'll's Librarian-.' StTtion ll i the ; irel!ll llan·arcl itt 1~()3. Jfc :1ad tam;ht :\nd he 1->ulb nttt a dintc a Ia Hnrke :\tttl'l'iL·an Lihran :\~so c iation l' ll ll\'l'll- in the l'niHrsit\· (lf \\'ashington since feller. and pay -. ior it on tht spnt. ti<'ll at \\ 'as hi11gton on :\Lay lf>. Thi.s 1 1~1 0~ .. and h;1d ht-~· 11 a yrofes~or .in !Ill' - ------- - ,l\\'ard \\Tilt t(l \1 r. h·i 1· 1'. I~vlh· nf · l·.n~ 1t ~h dcpartn1vnt ot that 1nst1ttttt ni1 A NEW SA NDB U RG CO L L EC T ION Dartntouth t'ollq~· ~· . im hi.; hllllk, .,;l'l11..: ! -..inn· JeJ\2. Durimr thl· sun1mcr oi lC)2.~ C'arl ~andhur .:..! f1rst \\T()tl' hi:- iair~; Tru11 tp l'ln lit. l(r;Jkll\\.·· Tht· llll'<bl i:- 1 l·e· t:ltl "h t in tllt' l ·~nl.(' lish ckpartmcnt ot :'tr,ril'..; inr hi.; childn·n. Friend s ur!.!c<l r](l tl:tll'd 11\' ~I r. l.'rl·dnirk \ll'khn l) i I Ce)lunthia l'ninr..:it\'. Frnlll 1~0~ fCl hilll to puhli-..h thl'lll and thn· appear ·rl Thl' Publi~hn-..' \\ 'l'ek ly. Follel\\·inL: the ]()()~ hl' \\:J-. Pr 11 i··-.-.nr oi Fn!.!.li-h t'l in (\\'el -uccc-...;in- \llltttnt·s: "}~rJota\laga :t\\':trd. the hl'ynal. the trtllllpd call thv l 'ni\· -r-.ih· oi ( )Jdalwnta. ,. ~toril'_,·· and "l~ontaha:..!a P~~t '.rl'h.'. -\r h n e 111 a n y t It r ) u ~a 11 d :; 11 an· e 11 J o y l' rl CH AMB E RLAIN W R ITES NOVEL I :1 i-. Prand land oi tnakL' hl'lil'n· and the j _ Cll11lltt·l Cl :1r\·nl·\: I> .. l'h:ttn1~lTlain. dl'li~ht i~d pl'uplc i1 1 it. Thi.;. fal l IL.trlamel\h tran-a tl;_,n tll· ;.I\·J:tt11r. _IJa.., ~,·nurt. Lr:ll' l' an_d C~llllJ~an~: \\Ill ptthli-.h ·' l t'tl'ltl· ;1 -lll'l'L'"-..Itd \\rllLT. HIS lle)\·cl. l a rn!kctliHl 1ll 2~ ul hh hL·..,t -llnTcl "F;q..:l~· .., e1i .\n 1 :.mpirl' ... \\·ill !J ,· rL'- ..;t(lrit·s irlllll the~e l\\·1, ,-olutlll'-,, l'llti~lc.:d le· :,.,L:d i11 -.nial tllt'lll tlti-. -.tllllllll'l', h\· "}~nc>t;ll>al.('a ( 'ellllltl'\·." 'i'hl' illu-tr;t"l ;ln·r-." ;t lll"lllllim·nt air-ltlal!:a'lin~:. ticllt-- arl· hy I c~gy l~:t l'el t t \\'ltll~L· lnttnor puhli:-lll'rl at \'l'\\ y,1rk. and t·rlitl'd h.\· ·natl·hl'., that elf ~<tllrlhur:..!':- -..te,ril·:-. C;~:-L·~· .llllll':- . · lt i.., c~~L,Jll'l Chatnl>l'r·=""' -·· hi11'., 1H·Iil'i that thl· inllllt'Ihe --trick:Tht· iollel\\ill!.!. arl' l\\11 hili,]..;., 11\· 1 ·..--r:;·'· tkl · ha\·l· IH·e n 111a<k in :1\ iatieln n·- popub1· auth()r~. :tiH,ttt Jlt'lllllitH'ltt char·":~:-:-~, l'l'lltl~ lta\·l' l'l'l'n dul· tn the fact tltat l ilt' n-... and hy \\'t·ll ktlil\\'11 pcr:-1lll:t~l'S: '-""~.·~~~~ t1H· puhlir ha:-- ht·t·n m:tdv air -mindt:d : THE CRUI SE OF T H E KRON . . . . . I h~- hanng lb :ttknttllll t(l{' tl't·cl ntt :t\'1- I P R INZ WILHELM. lh· l'clltnt :\ 1:ttion thn'tt:..!h t~ll' ill lt:-- t;utdiltl.(' ;1cr(J111pirl' cl \elll \'iL·zyciH1\\':-ki.. Doubkc\ay, . lishtlt('tlts e1i , thl"-l' \\ ~l1l -.tul·k tel thL·ir D()ran and Cn. · -..hip-. duri11g tht· ini:t11r~· lli tlyii11.~. He T HI S STRANGE ADVEN T UR E. lh· hl·lint·s tltat the Jll'll is at ka--t as }.Jan· l{uhnt R-inehart . l)(,ttlllecla~: , ... c Y cl low lvl unro a h.1ir-raising thtiller by soothing to l migh·,· '" the· jn,·-,ti,·k '" " ""'"'" . llnr;w and Co .. . . . . . . ... 1 Gerard Fairlie Linlc Brown ~ Co . . . . . . . $2.00 eyes · Swimming, motoring and other out doO\' activities often cause even the strons;rest eyes to burn and become bloodshot. When this occurs, apply a few droos of a 0 0 t hi n g, cooling MURINE. Almost instantly tlie burn· ing sensation will disappear, and before long your eyes will be dear and bright again. Millions of bottles of MURINE ar~ used each year to soothe and beautify eyes. Many persons .make a practice of cleansing their ey'es with it daily. A month's supply costs but 60c. Learn its benefits! F or Y ou ng P eopl e: (Js rl e B!Ji r Flora L. Shaw Little. Brown ~ Co . . . . . . . $2.00 I Go A- Tr avel ing James S. Tippdt H arper ~ Brothers . . . . . . . . . . 7 jC · FJir y Flo wers Nature Lege nds Fa n tasy. of Fact and l sido ra Neu.'man Illu strated b y Wi ll y Pogany O xfo rd Un iversity Press .... $ 3.50 LORD' S- Books Ju1t Inside the W ts t Davis Strret Door .

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