Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 28

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WILMETTE LIFE July 12, 1929 Skokie Musicale Prominent Among Summer Social Events Miss Elizabeth Francoeur Summer Musicales Resume at Skokie . Announces \V edding Plans .\f is~ Elizabeth H clen Francoeur. Sunday, July 14 daughter of ~Ir. and ~[rs. J. Ali red By RUTHEDA L. PRETZEL Hn!Iin Pt·ase: harit()Jll', and Arcule ~hea~J)\ · , ,·iolini:-t, ,,·ill give a program of intrre:-,t ior the first ()i the sun1n1t.:r .... ,..musicale:-, at t he ~kokit.: Countn· club . on ~uncia,· . Juh· 1-f. at 4 JO o'c lock. For the.: pa:-t it·,; ,·ears the se mu sicale s kl\'t' htTn arran~cd h~· .\f r s. Dwight C. Orcutt. \\'h) choose~ her artists with di srrimina ti.,n . '.\[ <.:mht·rs and irienrls ni t lw club h:t\"e supp or ted the musicale... <.·n thu:-ia:-,ticalh-. for tlH'\' ha\·e found the porches oi tht club ·an ideal place i<,r Ji~tening to mu sic that is neither ttlll light 11m t no hcan· . prese nted 1)\· artist~ l'f distinction . .\1 r. Pt·a . <: l1a:-. chnst·n so ng :-. that \\'ill undouhtt'dl.\· appeal tu his audienrt· . One critic said ni him, ".\[ r. Pease has a fine st:lgt presence and a splen<lid ,·oral equipm('nt.- and thcs<.·. ,,·ith l1i-; more than ordinan· intt·rpreti,·e giits. \\·ntlld make <lll\' pr<,J.!Tam tnjo,·ahlt." H e i s a n :\ m n ic a n :>as s . Jh a r i t on c \\'ith a nation-,,·idt· reputation a-. a mt~:-.irian and well \'tliced ~ingn, and he is rCJJh ickred to bt.: a pa ~t 111 a" t n in tht" art oi giving prngrams \\·hicll art· at nnce instructi\·e and l'lltertaitling. Ht· h:1.; an cxceptionalJ.,· keen 111incl. and hi s remark :- ah"ttt his songs a r~· alwav .'- tlwrnughh· enjoyed. lli..; daug-h ter . ~1argaret 11 L"ast·. "·ill arC<llllparl\' hin1. as \\'ell a . . th e Yiolini:-t. .'\ rr t!lt· S hea-.h y i~ ht"ad of t h L' \'inti 11 dt?partment of ~ortll\H's tt·rn uni\· t?rs:~, .. and is ron~i<lcred a \'iolini:-.t lli outstandinl.!' merit. The pr ogralll \\'ill he as fnllow:-,: I ln\'lwatinn r·f 0rpht·u:-; Fl'l'liiHllidH· \'b.:j; ·II June Bride Ex-Service Group Commences Monthly Rides for Veterans L. H. Kilpatrick of St. Louis, Red Cross dire tor of " ·ar service. san. ".\.!ental illnesses an1.o ng veteran~ -0f the \\'ar attrihute_ d in part to long residence ·in ho . pitals is <le\'clnping to a degree n1ore erious than the original cause of ho~pitalizati o n . Every month ;:~lmo~.;t 10.000 \'etcrans nc<: d some form oi special attention in recreation."· He;tlizing thiS. the ex-sen-icc committee of the \\'oman's club of \YilmC'tte 1·ave thirh· men from th e (~reat Lakc>s ho. pita! a·n Clutomobilc ricle t o Grav':; Jake last .\fonda\'. Refreshments " ·e re sr r\'ed iiJ thl' nicnir grounds on the shore of th e lake. where appreciation of the outing \\'as exnresse(l IJy nne.! man who remarked. "This is a fiqc break in the monotonv of liie at th e hospital." · ?\1 rs. S. IT. Darst. .\f rs . 'Yilliam Holme s and .\frs. G. H . \\'r bster comnosed the committee in charge. A-;sisting them by donatin ~ and drivin~ their cars \verc ?\f rs. C. H . Duhh~. ?\f rs. E. H. Freeman. ?\f rs. A. V. Gruhn. '.\f rs \\'. H . Hutson. · ?\frs . . . T. Kaufman, ~fr~. \Y. P. L\'ons. and ?\lfr~ . S. D . .\f c·Pherron. This \\·as the first of a se rie . of monthh: drin·s · planned f,)r the summer . Am·one feeling the urge to (lriYc for the committee and to contribute her !)art i11 this n lea s ure gi\'i ng may communicate with the chairman of the rx-sen·ict· committee. ?\f r~ . \\'illis H. Hutson. A great neccl for men's suits is stressed: three suit.; size 38: 2. siu -+0: ancl four pairs of trou se rs. . ize 38. Three pairs of shoes. size RYi or 9, are iwrdcd. .\1 r:o\ . II utson whose address is 1112 Elmwood an: nue . .f!ladh· \\'ill recein' or call for such articles. : he announces . Francoeur oi Glencoe, wjl} he marrit:d on Saturday erening, July 27, to Charles Dec Spencer, .so n of ).f r. and .\1 rs. C. C. StH~ncer. also of Glcncn(:. The ceremony will take place at t 11c Glencoe C!1inn church at 8 :30 o:r lc n·k. and "·ill be read hy the Re\'. D. H. Cornell. .\1 iss Fran coe ur' s slstcr. ~f r :-.. Cet ,r,.!'e H . Litt ell of l·:,·an:-.ton, \\·ill act a~ he r matron oi honor: and .\1 iss :\f artha Anne \\'il son of Dal1\·itle. Ill .. as maid oi honor. :\fr s. Franci s \\'. }.fajor oi l·:vanstnn (Cladn '.\f errick l, .\1 iss Dorothy Custer oi Evanston, and .\'[i~s l·:dith 'J'rekan:: n of Oak Park, will be the .l>ridcs111aids. T\\'o little nieces oi ~f r. Spencer wilJ he flown girk Rose Stoctzel nf Glencoe. and Bttl\· Lnn 1 lartman oi Rochester, ~. Y. ?\fr. Spencer \\'ill IJe attended In· To111 T. .\f ontgomer.\· of' Chicago a·s hc:-.t t11an, and f{uhcrt Straub oi Chicago , D;n·id Fox of \\'innetka. l~ichard Spencer fd. Hochester (a brother) and Ccorg H. Littell oi J·:vanstoJ;, a·... u:-.hers. Vista del Lago Holds Two Day Celebration of Fourth . The \'ista del Lag,l club's relelJr<r tiPtl . of In~kpendencl' day beg-an the l·: . L. Hay Stucli() t'\"l'lltng het orc . with a dance attended .\itn rl'tuming from their " ·edding 1)\· a~JOtlt no COU!)lcs. Throughout th . a motor trip around Lake jtlllflll'y, n·en1ng. tht· \\'at<.~ r wa s lightt·d 1)\· n ·d and green flares. sknocket s. Rnm:-~n ~I ichigan. ~~ r. and }.1 rs. Stanle\' D. candks. and o t her fireworks . At m:cl- (~race will 111ake their home in .1\ilcs n ight bugler.; sounded "Tn the Col· 1 rs " l'tnter. .\1 rs. Grace is the iormer and rn·n·boch· present stood at at te·1~ Ethl'l Lois \Yra.'·· daughter of ~lr. and .\frs . James C. \\'ray. no\\· oi GkncL)C, tiOI~: \\'hilt th<· "Star s,>al);.,:-led Banhut rtsidt.:nts oi \\'ilmdte ior mam· ner was pl:l\·cd. year:-,. Her marriage to ~r r. Grace took The Fourth i tsc lf \\'a s giYe n O\'t'f t t, lllace ~aturclay evening, June 29. the children tlf the club. Foot rart·.... dashes. swimminl.!' race~. a peanut hunt. · and nther similar amust·mcnts filh:d Wellesley Groups Will t lw da,·. and in the l'\'e11ing the chilHave Picnic on July 16 dn:n ,,·e re gin·n an C\' L'll mc rr<.' elaborate clispla\· oi fireworks than their The Chicago \Velleslcy club and the p~rents had cnjo~·ed the previous C\'t'· :\orth Shore \Vellcslev circle will hold lllll(!. thC'ir annual picnic 'tuesday, Julv 1o. Club Yista clel La~n i~ celebratin ·' at 12 :30 o'clock. at "Rirken Craig." its hirthda\' \Vcdncscla,· evening, Tul~ the home of ~·1 rs. Bruce MacLeish. 85 17. " ·ith a spt·cial first anniH"r~ar ·\ . \\' entworth avenue. H uhhard \\' oods. noveJt,· dinner dance. · Those attending are asked to bring Other events 'for the third \H.'t k :n their O\\'n box lunches anrl coffee win Tuh· include concert musir from (, until he served hY the hostess. Those who R :30 o'clock Sunday, J ulv 14. and the so wish ma \' swim in the afternoon at serving of a buffet dinn~·r . Thursdav the ?\f ac Leish beach. brings the customan· famih· dinner and Mrs. Alfred 1-t Taylor of Evanston Frida~·. July 19, the w~eklv hridl!c and ~f rs. George E. Bliss of High land luncheon. Mrs. Percival Hu-nter \\:ill Park are in charge of arrangeme1~t.. for he hn~tess for the daY. Saturda\' nc- transportation for the north shore ninu, J uh· 20. a clintit'r dancr will he circle. Those wishing to dri\'e or those held at the \'ista del Lago. having extra · places in their cars maY communicate with either ~f rs. TaYlor or ~f rs. Rliss. Troth Announced Announcement has he ·n made IH· Mr.· and 'Mrs. Charlt·s A. Gale of E\'·- Luncheon Hostess Today anston of the enga. g rment of their ~Irs. A. ]. De Berard of 1220 Greendaughter. Salh·, to Charles A. Harne . . son of Mrs. Rose E. Rarm·s of Evans - wood avenue will entertain sixteen ton. The \\'edding \\'ill takt· place in members of her Reading club at ~cptcmher. .\{iss Gale attended the lunchron today at Shawnee Countrv C'hicagn Art ins,titute and her fiancr club. to return later for bridge at he-r i;o; a l.!'raduate of Ne\\' Trier HitYh school home. Guests of hon9r will he Mrs. ::1nd :ln ahtmnus _of the Cniversih· ni 0. R. Clark of Louisville, Kv., and Illinois. ~r r.s .. De Berard's daughter-in- Ia~,.. Mrs. Ph Ill!> E. De Berard of Louisville.' who are the former's house guests for two Garden Club Picnic Today . Tl~e 'Vilmette C.ardcn cluh is pir- weeks . mckln~ today as \V<·.;t Deerfield. Tts hostesses are Mrs. R. L. Davis and At Westmoreland Club 1\frs. Charles VanDeursen. who are enThis week and next at Westmorela;1cl tt'rtaining- at the home of the former. The affair is celebrating the seventh Co~ntr~· club bring two events of espectal mterest to members and their anni\'ersarv of the club. ~ue.sts. . Saturday evening, July 13, JU.mors w~ll hav~ a dance of their own, Marriage Announced wtth mustc playlllg from 8 :30 until 11 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Ohlendorf and wi~h light refreshments served. ' announce the marriage of their dauQ'hNext Wednesday is the occasion of ter, ~u~h Ohlendorf Marshall. to Carl a hu ffet bridge. Supper will be served B. l11nch. Saturday, June 29, in Chi- at 7 :30 o'clock and play will commence cago. at 9. ' Fuss- H..i !-< t' '""'Xit·hlidlt·:-; Staruldu·n ::\11'. l't ·ri 1 :i. ·ll :tr d Strati~ ."' llug·,, \\'q)f Joh ~lllllPS l'l· :tS~· nrahtnl' if Aria ll:IIHlt·l-Ysavt· M idnic:ht Hl'll~ 1 TPnl~t·rg· pr- Kr 1·isJ·,.r \'ipflfl i'St· ~ft · lr·dY from "Tht· 0Jwra Hall" Krt"i ~ IPr La Citatl:t Prof· 1g U··. ~(H'llll'll· ' ::\lr·. SIH·aslr\· III . Family Picnic on July 4 Celebrates 78th · Birthday Mr. and Mrs . George E. Lettie of ~[aple aYcnuc entertained twent\'four memhers of their famih· at a picnic supper on the Fourth o.f J ul~· , the occasion being the seventy-eighth hirth flrl.\' of Mrs. Lettie's mother, : M rs. Charles ]. Arden, of Milwaukee. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. ,V. H. Van Osdal of M t. Carrol. Ttl.. ~·fr. and Mrs. E. H. Schaefer and their dauQ'hter, ~1iss Helen, of Mih~.:aukee. and Mr. and Mrs. Geor~e Ingraham of Milwaukee. Mrs. Arden will spend the month of July \Yith her daughter and her family. "I Pag-J Lwei" ::\Tr. Pt·rt !-<t' JY . Houlan~ur 510 t·rw l'}],,ss, ·: au Jr,in (sdwrzn) Philippt· OauhPrt Ta mhourin < 'hfnc,Js Krt·ish·r l\lr. Slu'nsl>v \' Roots an<l Sacl<llr·!"' Dudlt>Y Bud< St·rt'lla<lt> John Aldt:>n Cai·Jwntt:>t' Tlw ('o\\'hnv·s · Lament Os(' 1 r Fox Charity . . . . HiC'hard llag-t·man l\Tr·. Pt>asp Cavalry Dinner July 12 The Georgian hott'l has heen selected as th.e . ce·ne for the annual dinner to he ~IH' II h~· the Jl~th Cavalry regiment on FncJay <.·vetung, Julv 12. The 111e~11ht:rs ?f this regiment arc in inactl\'l' tramin~ for eleYen months of the Y_tar when they go to camp at Fort Shendan.. Tht? entire regiment att~nds th1s annual dinner, which is $.?1\'t'll not on!~· to the memhers of the 317th cavalrv hut to their friends as w~ll. Amottg th(; chief gue . ts of honor wtll !~c the Con11nanding (~cneral of tht Stxth Curth area. General Frank Parker, ~nd General Caspar Conrad. co.mman~lmg gt·n<·r::~J of Fort Sheridan. \\ . A. Stewart oi \\'innetka is among those ,~· ho han: n1ade n·servations to entertam a group of friends. Entertain at Horse Show Col. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson of 322 Fourteenth street wilt he host and hostess at luncheon at the Officers' cluJ~ at Fort Sheridan tomorrow prec~chn~ the Hnrse show. Their guests \\'111 he Col. Tohnson's brother and his wife. Col. and Mrs. F. 0. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson's niece, Miss Bettv \Veber of Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. - Harn· vV. Rettinghaus of Wilmette. Joseph Annin of New York. Mrs. Ethelwvnn · Merrilet of Chicago, and Col. and. Mrs. Tohn~on's dauQ'hter, Mrs. R. 0. Annin, of Denver; Colo. · Junior Sisterhood to Meet T~1e ~ .r ~ t · summer meeting of the Celebrate J ~ly 4 . ~or years a group of neighbors restdmg on Elmwood avenue in the 1100 and 1200 blocks have assembled ann~al~v to celebrate Independence dav wtth an out-of-door picnic. Mr . ·and Mrs. Claude E. Fitch of 1033 Elmwood avenue, again this season, were host and hostess to the gathering at their home on July 4. Jumor S1sterhood of the !\orth Shore Cong-regation Israel will hr held at th<.' home of Miss Dorothy Pale\', 623 Central a\·enuc,· \\'ilmrtte. 0;1 · undav J uh- 21. A musicale will he the after: noon's entertainment. Girls from all the suhurhs are cordially invited anci url{ed to attend.

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