Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 19

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Juty' 12, 1929 lustratiou to WILMETTE . LIFE explain what 19 he means TELLS HOW sc· uooLS this type of instruction. he poiuts out that, · in view of the fact MEET ·woRLD ·CHANGES that trelllendous strides are being made hy Later Eston V. Tubbs Writes Article on Teaching Procedures for Nation'.s Schools "Relating Tea -hing- Pruct·dttrt:s [tl :\ctual Life Prnhkms" i.; the subject ui an article. appearing in the J um: j.;suc n i till' :\atit)n's Schnrl ls. hy J.:..,t\)11 \-. Tubbs. t)i \\'ihnetk. dire ·tur l1i urriculum 111 the Chica~n public "rhnt)J:.;, The article is sugg~..·..,ti\· e oi ~he procedures tilt: Chicag1' sci.IOtlls :u~..· attempting to iolln\Y in the 111attt'r <1i con:-.tant rc,·i~ing their ruur:-.cs Pi ..,tudy. Meeting Changing: Conditions ~fr. Tubbs intrnducl'.; hi.; Ji._cu:-. si,, n oi t h~..· :-.uhjcct as f >llo\\·.; : " () m· o i t h c n u h tan d i n g · d n · v J, 1p 111 c 11 ~-; i11 c cl u rat in il <1 t1 r i 11 g t II e . 1~ <h t t l' n n· a r :-. h a .; h e e 11 c u r r i r u lu111 n· \. 1.., 11 1.n . ~I a r.k c d r han!..: r s arc t a k i 11 g- p l:t c t: 111 nur l'L'<IIH)Illic and ,(lcial li!c ;u .cl ~.:du ratnr:; are puttin~ fnrth cn·ry et"fnrt t·) kcl'p in -.tl·p \Yith thbl' dcn· lc lp llll'llt~. Thn· ;tr~.· lJringing [\) lJtar tlJHl\1 t\11" i 111 p;)rtant prt.!dcm the h~..·~t tlwugllt I and iml':-.ight t.hvy P~l:':-.C""· . .1 "Till' eduL·:tthlll 111 youtl1 1s <li1L' nl t h c ~ r.L'a t t', t n·:; pt 11; .;ihi 1i t i :·:;. d:· l~· ga_te~ I II\· .;()cJc't \. tl' any group \)I lllcll\'ldtt,tl:-.. It i.; lllt:rc trui:;m tn sa,· that the iuturl' oi c1\lr nntntry lit:~ largely til tl~c· hancb ~,f th~..· t~.·achn-. in tlur .;~..·h!>td·.... Tilt men and \\"!Jll1C n of tollltlfl't)\\' " ·ill he t h~..· prtH!uct oi \\'hat 1· tau~ht in nur :;clwob tc,day. The r , n t l' t; t a n d r h a r ;tr t l' r n i t II l' r 1 > tt r :-.1..'" oi ~ ch · i 11 n u r :-. r lll 1o 1:-. a r l t IH' n· i c> r ~. · l · i primary itnpnrtam·l'. ;~ncl ,·:tlue ." ,, 1 ~ L' IH H 11 :-.. i 11 t h e ~ q 111111 'n c ll \I r. I 111 1 1> =- · . tnu't rt"l"liHI ttl tltlt-,ick prc1grl':-.". lk :-.a\· ..,. "Our .;rhtHlk if thl'y arl' t11 pn j~,·rtn thl' :-.L'nirc i t, r \Yhich they arc m a i n t a i Ill' d. Ill u , t ;d \\ av :-. h l' r t' , 1 H lll :-.in· [11 till' cll'\l'l<'plncnt:- ;tnd prclL:rt·, . . that ,dl"t..' t:tking phl'L' i1_1 till· _Iii~..· ll:lt:-irk tlH' :-.rfHHlb. ~ll'rll:ttllr;d 111\'t'lllHtlh dur itl!.!," thv la:-.t t\\cllt~· -ti\· l· yl':tr .... ha\l: l'll:tll~l·rJ trt'IIIC'llr\\1\l'Jy the l'tllll"l' 11 1 lnllll;tll L'\"L'Ilt--. ln,·c-.. tiga titotl and rt' ·" t·an·ll in t h~..· !'tt·lcl . . ni Jhyrhol (ll!.\" ancl t·dur:Ltitlll ILt\.t' ;tddvd grt·atly !11 u ur kntl\Ykdgt· 11i tltL· thing:-. th:tt nyl·d ttl he tau~ht in ~~ur 'rllc~tll, and lttl\\ t 1H:y o...hcnilcl. he taut.:ht. lu:->t a:- \\"C h<tn' ;la.; ... cd irtllll tl Y~· h"r . . ~: and l1ttgl!y ~Yilt' o)i tr;tlhjlllt'l:tti(lll ltl thl' airpblll'. so. t t)c> . h:t\T nH'tlwd . . c1t tl'arhing rktlll!.l·<l." .\lr. Tuhl>.., tht·n pr<>t'n·d, !11 gi\·c ex;Jnlpks [tl illu:-.tra te hi~ point. Should Be Practical :-;tudics :-. lwuld 1>~..· uf practical y ; tllll ', he h~..·lic\·c:-.. and enlargt.:s u11 thi:-. thought as loJh,\\·:-.: "\\'t· arl' l'llllling tel r~..·a lizt' that till· ·naterials oi (ltlr cuur:-.o Pl ~tuch· :-.IHlttld :) c c l) 11 c r c t c·, · d c !'111 it L ' and u f l r a · t ira 1 y;tluc in training h(ly:; and ~iris to 111el't life's :-.ituatinlh. < lur :-.t'h!Jols ar ~.· dning a splendid picct: nf ,,.,1rk in train, ing young- peClple in a:-.:-.lll!ling .-..rlwol r sponsih ilitic :;. This can l1c illustrated hy the safdy patnds \\'hich arc organ iz~..·d in n·cn· ~clwo l in the cit,·. These boys arc at· their pnsts in alt' kinds ~~ wcathcr. \\' ithout d(Jubt they sa\"e the li\·es of . cores .of children · e\·ery year. In tnanv of our schools \\T have a great m-am· extra-curricular acti,·itic:-that train - for citizenship. :.:otablc among the se are the school Cities or junior r epublic s, as they are sometinies called. The se arc patterned after the city and national gon~rnments. () ft1cers are elected and appointed and. the government of the sc hool is conducted largely through these organizations . The ideals of the good citizen are being set up through training in actual life probtCms." Ur. Tt~bbs then proceeds with an il- in tf1e lleld of a\·iation, new course<> in aeronautics \\'ere organized la st fall in all technical high schoob of Chicago. lie concludes his article with the i()ll(l\\·ing- paragraph : "It tlla_\' he said that \\"C arc dcn~\op ing in Chicago an t:ducational prog~a111 con iprchcnsin.· cnnugh tt) include not o nh· a lll~t-.1\.:ry oi th~..· iundatiil:nt;d procl' :-. :-.c s hut. i11 add it ion. a t q > ~..· o i tr a i n'lll( that ,,·ill cclucat~..· i>ot h. rhildrcn and parL"nts in matter:- pertainin .~ tn h~..·alth. nwntal a.; \\"ell a:-; physical. \\'e arc attenlpting to put !ir..;t thi11gs first 1>~· r e r P g n i z i 11 g that e t h ica 1 r II a r a l' t c.: r is n i '"liPH'llll' importance. Pr11Yisitlll is bein . !.!· 111ade tu afford tu each riiild an r'PI>~litllllit~· tn dc\Tiop tn the lulkst Jl!'"si!dv extent the al>iliti~..·:-- a11d cap;trities l1e 1nay JHlSS<:s:-- .: to takL· arh·antlll!.l' ui thl' man.'· cultural a1HI estiiL·tic acl\·an tage-, the city affords: ttl a~sumc kadvr:-.hip in srhntll acti,·itil':-.: tn he ·'i>L'll-lllindul a1Irl tokr:int: 1t> conpt·r:ttc ,,·ith his iclln\\'S in matters ()f ri,·ic int c r I..' s t a 11 d to c (l!l t rib u tc what v \'L' r \) f :ilt' Ilt he 111a ,. lta ,- ~..· tll the ~cncral \\"cl1·,,-t. ni hi.; ~-it-,·. ~Answer on page 3°) PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS I no While at the Lakes ,, you \Vill be hungry for fresh cnsp i th that delicious Billy salted nuts w_ Boy flavor. In Billy Boy weatherproof containers Billy Boy Nuts stay fresh indefinitely. You will enjoy them - take along a liberal supply. NOTICE: Billy Boy wiil be on the :~ir O\'Cr \V\VAE c\'cry evening thi'i week at 6:45. 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