Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE July 12; 1929 BOY S· C OUT NEWS of the NORTH .SHORE - TROOPS A regular feature page prepared each week by member· of the Boy Scout Prell club, North Shore Area Council Father a·n d Two Sons Receive Eagle Scout A U)ards at Same 1"'ime :\ n ·ry uniqtJI..' c:\·ent marked tilt· re Cl'lll dt,:-.ing of the ~cnuting yl'ar ior Tnh'P . 33 ,,j Ilighland Park. Snnttma:--tn -1lt.·J :hrrt H. Smith and his t\ro :o-t)Jl:' \\"l'fl' awardee! Eagle Scullt badges <It the -.atne Court oi 11nnnr. In his prl'~t·ntati<lll acldn·~:-. ).Jnrt(lJJ ). Traub. chairman 11_ i the I lighland Park rnm - The Bridge Builder :\n old man, going a lone higlnvay, 'Came at the evening. cold atl_c! grey, To a chasm \'ast and deep and \\"ide Thrnugh \\"hich was A1nving a sullen tide. The old 1nan crn:;sed in the twilight dim, The -.ulkn stream had liD fear ior him: nut hl' turn<.' <I \\"IH·n sa ie un the other side. .\nd built a hriclgc tn span th_ c tide . "Old man." said a itlln\\" pilgrim ncar. "You arc \\a:-.ting Y1111 r -.trcngth whl'n building herr. ·1 · 1 · 1 1· Y<ntr J<lllrJH'_ \· ,,.,I t'IJ< "1t.1 t H' t·JH Jill! day:-.: \'1lll Jlt\ n ag;1i11 ,,·ill pa:-. . . this Wa\·. You\·t· Cl'< ~ -·.;cd t ht· rha:-.Jll. dtTJl and · wide. \\ "!1,. · IJuild ·u1t1 tlti..., hridc at t'\·t·ntidc : .. Tht· huildn liitcd hi:-. ,dd. t.:Tn. ht·ad: "Cnnd irit·n<l. in the Jlath I l.1a\· ~· l"<lllll', .. Ill· ...,aid. '1'1 . II I . I .. H·r~· 111 tl\\"<' 1 1 atll'r nt t· l\H a\·. .\ ,-(\ 11 th\\ IHht· icl't tnt~:-.t pa...,..., tlti . . \\":ty . 'J ' J · r 11;1~111. " 1IlL" · 1 11s 1 ha :-- hn·11 a:-- 11au .~..d1t How a 13 Year Old)Jo~ Won the Heart of Foch · .·/ .)'n>ut is fri 1· 1ull.v- ll c is a fri('nd to all a11 d 11 hrolhtr to C'i'CY_\' olh1'r Srnut. - Scout !.me·. }ll' was a thirteen-yt·ar-old b_ oy who hoarded ~1 ar ·.l1al Foch'::; private car at Sedalia. ~I i:- souri. He got past the -.ergeant 011 guud and had reached the dour of the rear ohsen·atinn parlor \\"hen an ollir " r halted him . He told tht· 11 fliccr tl at he ,,·anted l<l sec }.larshal FoelL The oflicer protested that it \\"as impossible. Let an cyc-"·it nt·ss. ,,·!Jo \Yas al:-;o a ncwspapn reJlllrt·-r. '" tell the rest: .., 1 ' gr")·-clacl f". ·n t1 c ·11 ,. , 11 til\.. '" 11 gttre 1 1 1 chair a il'\\. feet ahead turned and "' Jll'l'rt·d ll\Tr_ his Jhl Sl' glasses . .-\ com· I-<· rene 1 · I I I mand Ill 1 \\"a S gtH·n :Ill( tIt' >Oy \\"a-. u:-.hl'red in .' First Contingent of .North Shore Scouts Enjoying Camp Life Anyone in the vtcmtty of Highland PCJ.rk la~t Friday night, ] uly $, would han· n()ticed a large grqup of Scout . leaders, parents and friends at the statiott. It was the first contingent of Scouts and leaders leaving for the new C(;ttncil camp of the .:\orth Shore Area council. Bm· Scouts of America, located near [·:Jclw. \\'is. There were t\\"O tY t ra cnachc ~ attached to the "Fisherman's Special" of the Korth \\' estern train Ita,·ing at R:35 daylight saving time Th l' hon \nTe all on hand earlv and .were given a rousing send-off their parents. little sisters and brothers. hig- sisters and brothers. Scoutmasters. and friends. \\'ord has hl't'n receivl'd at the council headquarters that they arrived in good time on Saturday morning and e\'Cry one \\"as well pleased with the camp. Tl1e lll'Xt group Jcayes on Friday night, ] uly 19. at the same time. · mittl'L'. ni tht: -:\1lrtl1 Shore :\rea cnuJl cil. !ltl!t·d tilt· rcmarkahk 11;1turc <Jt t Ill' L'H·nt i11 sa _ , ·ing: · · · t 1It' "It is pro Il:thl _ , . t IIt' ftr:-.t t Jlllt' . 111 . , . - 1 IJJ:--tt~n· t~l. Srnut111g t1 1at a tat HT anc 1 t\\"n s;llls ha,·r rccci,·cd thl' Badgl·~ ui Eaglt.· Hank at tht· same time ." ~I r. Sn1ith. a tearhn oi rhemi~tn· .. I . _ l'l : in tile l.akt· \ It'\\" l1~h :-.rlt<Hl 1 nl lJI I I · I 11 "'l'ht· m, · trslnl cag1), 1a-. ll't'll a eel( lT · 1 I>) t) ·:-·· . · - extended . . F hi. I hand, 'fl nrganii'ati·lllS f11r year:-.. -.tarting Lodgt· and -.poke a grcl'tll1g 111 rene 1. 1e 11ll'. . .1 .1 . I1, that !\n. Ill.! l)i thr Hn,· 1\an.l.{ers ui : \tl)('f - T 1Ill lair -haired ,.1,uth ma\· ;t pitbll '~Hl\" exten_de< 1.1. 1.1s Il<Lil< I ttmJ< y ..t"'tc ica in Hig-hbnd ('ark and being con he. · · Jll).! at l11s kn1ch·rhrockers \\"tth the nected with Scuut Trnup :\n. 33 i11r lit·. ~ 1111 . JlltJ:-.t C"r<l"~ ill the t\\ilight dim 11ther. the pa:--t t\\"tl years . lie i~ <2_1lt' ni the CtHld iril'JHI. T han· built this bridge .. 'I'm a\\·iull-'· glad to meet you. olde-.t ni Eagk Sr()tlb \\·ltik his j 11 r ltin1." - Sckrted. . had a hwtlter killed in France.' younger son. 1\tl<kric, i . nnt· ni the "Tiil·re was a hasty translation by Yt1liJH.{cst ni Eagk:-.. ju:--t closing his the intnnreter. The - grey eyes soft-· t hirteenth ,-car on lui\· 14. 1f·· In · F. h Q b '" 's IS erman Vercome Y encd. an arm went about the hoy's tt'Jl~lnil1tlt. sernnd l >asst·d the ·ranks oi . Heal: Saved by Scouts siHHJiders. sf)ucezing the little form clas;o;, fir-.t rla...,s, :-.tar. liie. and finalh· cltl'>l..' tu him, as a iathn wnuld. The (·a).!k with thirty mt·rit badges 011 his \\ " l~t· n :t ti . . .herm:tn \\"as ll\Trcnnw hy ).larshal nf all the .-\llied armies and sa-.h in It-s:-. than t\\"n· ycar:-. . ITt· is thc the lwat \\hik nn the Colll~t1Ct<_ll1 :-in-r tlw hnY had one thing in common. leadn ni tht· 1\attll..'snake JlatrPI. Thl' 11ear " "'" \' . · a 11 <1 t t' II I11t) tl1 L , !-'tlch · · t1 .. '-amp 1>L' II ·· \ . < lnst a !-Oil 111 H~ war. ntltt·r :-PI!, Dt·ntt)Jl, has htTtl a kadt·r \\atn rt·n·nth· thrtT llo_,. ~roub. Ll'<l .l . ni tltt· Flyin . l.{ Eagl~· patro_l and the j l; 1 1urk~. I·:rnc..;t C1H1drirh and Halph - -- - - - - - -B_e;_t,· ~or pat.rnl _a~1d. 1s. nn'·' · t_he _ tro_np ·r Stnl""'· plungl'd int<l th~· " ·atl·r ~~iter Scouts Urged to Get Camp :--tnht:. lit: rr.ttlll:-- ~.:agll r.tnk \\Jtlt tltt· 111 a 11 and !Jr<ltJ).!ht h1m 11' sall't,.. , thirt _ _\:-1. hrt'l' ' ~lll' rit . ~~adgl'!-o a I t lw rln:-.t' l I ThL'll apph·i llg" . a ,:t iii rial rt·..,_pirat i(l·Jl. Equipment Ready at Once nf In:-. tnurtttnth _\t.tr. thn· hr,llll..!ht hnn 111 rnn~rHHJSJH'~~ 11 0 ,,. about it fellows? Got the camp Thl· tnaj~,rit)· ()i ~C<lll~~ tli tl_ti;-; trnnp I :tnd tmncd. l1i111_ n.'·t·r ttl (\ltlstahk pack all loaded iur .\1a-r:a-Ja-\\'an_? ar·t.' n_ '1"· at ~Itt· J _ lt'\\·. \\ ISl'tlt~:-illl ~· amp l ll_arn- lltl_ p kllh ot l :.t~npht·}l "lw tflnk A ie\\" W'ttl..'ks isn't Ycrv long, better ~fa-h.a - _la - \\ an. 111 charge 11_! .\:-.shtant hJill ,,, In:-. htlllh:. I hv :-;rt)llh \H' rc gd it togethu. Here is - the list. Lets Scuutma . . tvr U11_ Y<I \\ "ightman. CtllllPiinll'tJtt·d itlr tl1eir \"t'ry t·t"tiritnt check it together and sec what \·our're The -:\tlrth Shtlrt' .\rt·a Cllttllcil is j :-.vn ire IJ, the L'Pllstahk . llll~~mg. Essential-\:t·ar \ ' Ott! Scout ro1npri="L'cl l)i thl· l'(lflltnunitic:-; of \\ ~ il - ' --- unttorni if VOL: hav~..~ - one. ff 110t ihen ml..'tte. l~l· nil\\11rth. \\.innl·tk:t, 1 full - ' Movie Camera to Record rlothes suit-able for th ' outdoors. 3 hard \\'tl<Hk 0knrne. I~a\"illia ..Highout Camp Activities hcan· \\"llOkll hi<IJ~kds ()f their equivaland Park . TlJghm1od. l.ake 1·nre~t. .. C . . lent - (bring pknty. it gets cold at · CI~·JJVil'\\, \",~rttJiiriHll.::, Dn-rfil'ld. Han \\"ith till' fli·:-.t cnntJil).!t' nt tnr C'all1P night). 1 pair Srnut shorts. 2 cxt:·cl Jhlckhmn . l.ihntn·ilk. \ltJJHkkiJI. and j \la - h::i-Ja - \\.:tn a ..;mall ··,~111 '·i< cam ~ shirts. I extra pair tr o users. 3 extra I>lalllt~lld l.a',v . \lyrtlJI l'. ~~~ htdt i~ 1 t'J? \\:1 .... taktn_ < .1 n July ) . PJrtttrcs pair stockings. prderahly \HlOl. 1 extra t I! l' .., r 1 1 11 t t · ' v r 11 t i ' 1 · a n d ('a r I }.lr \ I a 1111 s · ' 111 h1 · t a k l' ' 1 0 t t 1It' !..! r 1l\J P rlu rill !-:" l' a r h p a i r h c a \' y :-; hoe s ( n o t t e 1111 is s I i p p c r s) , i:-- t ht· a . . . . i..,tant . . rlltlt t'Xl'L'tlt i,· ~,.· . pnitHI and abu t)i tr 1111 1~'> " ·hirl! attl'nd bathing :-.ttit, pajamas, 1 change of till---______ C:l.lllP . 1\ n'tlrt! "ill a bt) hr mack nf dcrwrar, 1 sweater. (heavy), 1 pancho S d Cl U ;ntnl·. .;tinl.{ :trti,·itit·s. Fn'l'\" Srnut at or raincoat, toothpaste, and brush, couts Ai in ean- D ralllp t SUl1llllL'r will he .in at ll..'ast small mirror .. oa]), tO\\"Cls, Scout handCampaigns in Many Cities Pill' nHl\"11..' . book, handkerchiefs and safety pins. Tht·st· pict mes " .. ! be sllll\\"11 next All articles of clothing should he plain\\ · ~ 1rk~~ " ·it h cit,. he a It h aut horiIv marked with the Scout's name in t it.·.., and Ill nn llHJllil:ipal nftiL·ials. Ho\· vear tn each twnp in the counril. (ull in indelible ink. Desirable-FlashSc()uh in n ·rn· part oi the countr;· TOUR TO BLACK HILLS ling. scout knife, scout axe, camera, part icip.ttL·d during the carh· sumnwr Peter ~tl'ffens. clnk at the \\'ilmetk fishing tackle, compass, signal Aags, m·lntlt:-. in rkaJ~. Clll!J~~igns. T1~ . . nmc pbrl·:-. 'Scouts cleaned up . thl" ~ t a k h a II k ' a Jl d ~ rr s. st c ff e 11 :-; Id t Ia s ~· indoor game . musical instruments. tencit .\· :-. t r n · t .., · in ll t ht.' r :-; t hl') · r t' 11t LT e d ~atmcl;n· nn a motnr trip t() th.e nlack nis sho('s, needles. thread, pins, pencils tiH·jr t!Ttlrts · ttpnn munici!1;tl owned Hills or"Snuth D:tkota . ~fr. Steffen:; is and paper, at d knapsack. \ prnpntio. :-.till uther Scouts drained taking his annual' ,·acation. 111 a r_ "' he..., a 11 d r It' a ned o 11 t stagna 11 t STORY OF A P·IONEER DINNER HOST AT SHAWNEE pool, t11 aid in de:-;trnying mosquitoes ~f nst children \\"hn pass the Grand and at pn·..;l'nt. Scouts wishing ttl do a :\ II 1t' r t I . :\ '":-. t r om (l i i I -l Ce n t r a I a' t good turn i1 1r mot1)rists oi their cnm- nue entntainecl thirt\· nut -oi -tn\\"11 CeiJtral station have been fascinated rnunit,·. art· picking up nails and other ..;alt·snlt'tl ni his hu,ine~s finn at din- IH- the first Kc\\' York Central train article-. \\ hich might injure att.!t)·mnhile JHT at Sha\\·nee Cott11tn· club nn \\.ed- " :hich stat)cls in full vic\\' on the easttin·.., iro111 the :-trt'l'ts lli their home "l'sd·"· t·,·enin··. latn taki11 1 ~ them to ern balcony. It seems almost a tov 1~a\· inia Park. . com m till it i l ' s. affair, although the little locomotive is the first ever made for the New York GOES TO LAKE GENEVA GOES TO CAMP Central. "Little Blacknose: The Storv ( · 1·: . Cliiton <hsistant ca·shier of the of a Pioneer" by Hildegarde Hoyt \\'illiam T. ~fort}.!an lr .. oi lf>OO \\'alnut an·nue. \\.ilmctte kit la"t ~at \\. ilnwt t t' Stak hank. ldt Sunda" for Swift is t~ life story of this steam urda,· for a <;tJJllllltr'~ outinl! at Canl'J Lake CeJH'\·a. \\'i s .. where he pla~1s to engine in the form of a fictional hiogThorpe. Pelican lake, \\'i:-. . Ca111j, !-J>L'tHI his annual ,·acation. rapby for young people. Harcourt, Thorpe i-. under tht: pn:;onal ~up<.'r Brace and company will shortly pubvi ·ion of Col. F . Tlwrpt· oi t ltl' Tl1orpe Did YOU ever notice that a knocker lish this with appropriate illustrations academv for boy . at Lake Fore . t. ts always on the outside? by Lynd Ward. b;· ... 350 Storm Victims Fed by Scout Troop 3 Days \\'hen a tornado demolished the town of Slocum, Texas, shortly after noon on April 2-t., killing seven people atH! injuring more than 100 others, the Boy Scouts of Troop 1\o. 3 of that comnwnitv under the leadership of their Sc ~)tttmaster. Ralph Irvine. wer e immediat elv mobilized for scn·icc. They rendned first aid to the injurer!, ierl the homeless, and collected clothing for those left destitute. .\crording to the report of Scout Executive Eclmonds Knittle. the Scouts \\·orked steadilv for nearlv a \\"eek after the tornado. sa lvaging i~om the comJ·lctely demolished town. all things of ,·aim· and returning them to their riglttiul tn,·ncrs. The tornado destroyed n·cry building oyer a six-mile area and destr<wed e\' n·thing in its path inclu<ling l'\.-('11 the smallest pieces of furnitltrl'. For three davs after the tornado, 3:>0 people were (cd by the ·Boy Scouts' who had practically no equipmct tt \\·i th first dav twelve bo,·s ga\'1: tlwi ·· Sl'r'· iccs and on thc - following da,· .;o gi , ·e n the;n to work with. On the first dav twelve boys gave their services a~1cl on the follo\Ying day 50 Scouts were on the job. In commenting- on the work of the Scouts, Scout Executive Knittle said. "I know that the \\"Ork of the ho~·s ha £ been really appreciated. and that more than anvthing else it has helped to sell to man}· p~oplc jmt wha~ Scouts can and will clo in an emergency of this kind. ·There were a great many other tasks, like burying dead stock, rounding up and penning up ·chicke!_ls, and the like. that the bovs undertook, and I am rather glad to -ha,·e had the opportunity to have been at the head of such a group of hoys and leaders in the emergency we have just gone through." ( · II s hi~ TRY THIS ON "DAD" Droo "dad" a line about like this: Dear Dad: Send your son and he.ir for sun and air to Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. Your son, Oh. hov! Eats are great at Camp Ma-Ka-] ~-Wan.

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