Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 15

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Ju1y 12, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 15 REPRESENTS CLUB I President of Business and Professional Women's Club Attending National Convention This establishment · closes at 1 p. m. on Saturdays during July and August · · ( ft .. The \Vilmette Businc~:; ;;tnd Professional \\'om an's club is being rcprcscntccl at the Com·ention of the .Kational Federation of Bu inc . s and Professional \Vom cn's club . in . ession this "·cek at Mackinac Islancl, 11ich., L!Y :\1 rs. Florence K. Freund an<l her mother, ~f rs. George C. Klchm, both nf 125 1 hi rei street. \\'ilmcttc. ~f r s. Freund i president oi the local BusiJH' Ss and Proiessiunal \ \ ' Olllan's clnh and '"as recently a delegate to the Ill inois conYention . Thrift. education and intnnational relations arc haYing prominent places on the national convention program. ~tartling facts about business ,\·omen's 'problems, their earning capacit,·, the reliance of dependants upon them, and their abilit\· to saYe enonl!h money to protect themseh·cs in tl~eir old - age ha ,.e been disclosed In· a yocational :-urH' \' oi the iederat. ion \\'hich the t'niYersit,· oi :\lichigan has just comJdetccl. Dr. ~fargar t Elliott of Ann Arbor, :\lieh .. gin:s tire first anah· ~is · oi these facts . . Since thi . is the n~o~t t·xtensi,·e surn·,· oi the kind ncr made. JW d(luht lllttch li ght \\'ill he thrO\\'tt on the \\'hnle que~tion of the feminine inva_ ion oi the business world. TJ1e addres:-- of ~[iss nc,..;ic Q. ).[ott of XnY Ynrk Cit\· on .\\.(l man and her ~f(lne, · ." i~ designed tc1 stimulate habits Cli thriit. Thrift campai~th "·ill hL· cnndurted in the 1.024 affiliated clubs. :\mung the kgislatiYe project. ,,·hich ;m:: being offered ior the endorsement {1i the ftderation at ~iackinac Jsland i:-- a resolut ion scel, ing- the pa . ..;sagc of the Education bill \\·hich a~ks that a department of education be created \Yith a ·ccrdan· in the Preside1·1(:, Cal>iw·t. Congres:--\\'Oman }~uth Hanna .:.tcConnick is ~uppurting the federation':-- project to sL:Curc an incn.: asc in exemption iur ·ingh.: persons under the icdcral income tax hl\\·. and ,,·ill touch upon the pro~ pect of s<.:c urini~ the pa:--sag<: oi this legislation at the JJc.·xt ~c:-:-iun ui Congress. D r. .:. f a r i a Ca s t c II a 11 i u i H u mL· , I t a !" . \\'ht' ,,.<t.· a :-tudent at Un-n :\fa\H t;n :tn intcmatiunal scholarsi1ip in 192-L \\a~ till' principal :--pcaker "I nternational Xi~l1t." Dr. Ca:--tcllani ha:-- rcccnth· ur.~an.(zc.: d a l~tt:-incss and Profc~~ion;;l \\'o1nan's club in h'.<,11lt' \\·ith a mctnlH·r- I :-hip (li lSO, ;uHl nne in :\filan ,,·ith a llll'lll b cr ~ h i p o i 100. A n In t ern at ion a I ]\elation:-; lunchc:un i:-~ a icaturc of Fri day's prt)gTaJJJ. :\liss .\lan· C. KcnJIL·ch- oi La F;,tyl'tte. Ind., ,dw directed t h~ Co u d - \ \ . i II to u r o i t I! c n u :-- i Jll· s s a n d Prllics~ioJ!al \\·omL·n's clubs last n·;;r \\·ill he the general din:ctnr oi . the t(lurs of thi:- Ytar \\'hich ,,jJI l,c mack iollo\\·itw the cunYcntion. ~f r~. Enna Templeman. a recent Yisitc'r to the \\'ilmcttc Bu:o~incss and Prnic~~innal \\'oman's club, i:-~ pre:-cnted 1) , . the lllit10is federation as candidate i!lr fir:-- t ,.iCL·-prnide n t o i the :\ ;ition~tl FL·c!t:ration (li 1\u sinL·:-~ and Proi c.. s "i (In a I \\. () t ll t' 11. s L'l tl h s. :\ r r :-. ']' l' Ill p kma tl ha . . hcl'll president oi the lllinnis ic(kration oi B. and 1'. \\·. l'luhs i"r the past t\\'n Years. The conHntion closes ~at~tr<Ja,·. lulr 13. " ·ith ;1 field cia,· \rith ~oli and oth t'r . . ports and a triJ.> tCl thl' ~(10 L(1cb. The cn·nin .~ ieaturL· is tc.l he a pa~rcant itl k tl'pi ng \\·it h the pi(ln c.·,cr s pi ri t d~· pict ing "Famous \\'omen in :\tncri ca." in \\·hich each :-tate " ·ill represent tl1e " ·omen \\·ho han: gi\·e11 it rlain1 tP t;tnn·. This. the tenth C(ltl\'l'lltion. has t:-pcrialh· lwJwrecl the women " ·lw had a part in the creation oi the icdcration ten H·ars a!::·o in St. Louis. ~ro. :\f r . and .\f rs. I ack Leimcrt <li EYan~ tnn, arc O(C U!lYi.ng thL' Ed\\·in Il<:clrirk lwm(' at 30-l ~[elrose an'tiuc. Kcn :lworth while the Hedri ck famih· is at Leland. :\[irh. .\frs. Lcinlcrt is the In the New Lower PriCed Room Edgar A~ Stevens.Inc. $15 16'2:4 ORRINGTON $15 ___ ._I E : a V A N S T O N . ~ FROCKS · , FROCKS .. AVENUE J Three Outstanding Summer Fashions Presented in a Smart Variety at One Exceptionally Low Price The lach:t Frock, fLbovP, of cool, washable R r,~a/ia C I o t h, a11 outstaudinf.! summer fashion - oue t1f ma11y ............... . SJS.OO .4 Sun-backed, sleevPless, 'li'aslrable, flat crepe frock in bri.r:ht and paslt'l to11es !Itt' or white - itulispe11sable to sumuu·r wardrobe. 515.00 The chiffon frock witlt the cock-tail jacket - one of many ready for summer aftenzoons mtd evenittgs, a summer fashioll cool and deli_r:lztjully smart .. . SJS.OO This presentation of the three leading fashions of tJle summer proves a~w the fashion alertness of our new Lower Priced Roon1. Always. ready " 'ith just those fashions which have a place in the smart woman's wardrobe- and always at an exceptionally low price. Radical reductio11s have been take11 on a number of frocks and e11sembles for immediate clearance-all good styles, at~d suitable for immediate wear. Plain and printed silks, georgettes, and chiffons and ensembles that combine materials and colors effectively are included. .,. former Yirginia Hedrick.

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