14 Mr. and Mr s. Homer L. Bundy of aYenue r e turned on Thursd a ,· of las t w eek 'fr om a two week s ' trip t o Tor o nt o. Qu tb.ec. Xew . . . . . \ ork . Phtl a d e lpllla . and \ \ a shm g t o n . In Hns t o n t he " a tt e nd ed the Xat io nal Re al E st a t e co twention. WILMETTE Mr. and :Mrs. Theo. D e Lang of 1501 Fores t a ,·enue ar e e~1te rt aining fo rty ' gue st s at a garden party o n Saturday e \·ening of tl~i week. __ The gro?P is comp o sed e ntir ely o f \\ Jlme t te fnends. ~Ir·. and ~Ir s. D e Lang g ive t his party ea~ h ,·e~ r about t his time. Aft e_r 1 dinn er tl w g ue sts will ~)lay bridge. 1 LIFE July 12, 1929 1337 E lmwoo d Kitchen Orchestra Has Its Inning I · THE GREATEST SALE IN RADIO HISTORY ( Ph ot o hy Le hl e) - and onl y Patterson Bros. could d o it. Only our fa\·orabl e buying connection has m ade it pos· sibl e to ge t on the " In sid e" fo r low prices fron1 th e n1aker - an d onl y a few r em ain to be sold durin g thi s sale. F RES . HMANN A C DYNAMIC Re~u l ar l i t Pupil:-: oi Cl;:ne l.' . Bohcn~ k i . \\·e ll k nO\rn Cltnc(.lt music in struct or, r el'<:nt ly p;(rt icipa tL·d in an in iH.1\'at i(J!l enti tled "T he 1\.it chcn O r che:-: tra.' ' At the cxtrt·nH.: It it ~ l i:':' Uohcn:- k i dirl'Ct:' \Y ith a ~poon ior baton . A.t th e piano i:- Jofm ~l athi:'l'Jl. \Y hi lt: :'hari11g t he llianu :-cat \Yith J ohn is Ca rl Bohen - ki , (·mp Jt ,yin).!· a tub a' ;1 drum. Itt the lllJl·lT r(l\\. (lt'it to right! i . . the b 1ttle I cumpri;in::; Luci ll e \\.cill'r. ~1 artha \\'t·ih: r. and L oretta Hc,hemki. 1 'L·ction ThrLT tin C(l\"t·r~: 1\.u:-.:-c..:ll Hunt. .\ lhan ~ f ajPr and l\(lhtrt \f athi:-.t~Il. (lnc tirt· . ' irPn (cxt:-uuc right Cbrcn··c \ "ultz. Frunt ro\\' lltit to right): th r t:e ~aucc.:. I I·:ln-.-l·:ltt-n Hnhlieldtr. n~.·tty _Tt·an ~mi h ancl ~ f uricl l. t·tnnL Thrt·t .~l;t ... :-~.· ... 1-lckn Pug::. ley. I.(lui:- Ht·I zi!..!·. and .Jean RichardSl111. Thrn: cruck-.- H e len _I ~u 1 c ~ti~.·h· n . Ddight Herzig. and :\ dl>in l{ einhnld. .-\ :-ide irPm thi, :-l::-:--HlJ1 or i 111. tht:'e y<,ung-.ttr> are de' <:luping into ta lented mu~ici;ms. J · ( price . . . . .. . S146.50 ; I Trade-i n A ll owance on anv radio or phonograrh . . . . :\et Price You $ g67 oo· I ,, I Pay 0 :\ LY . . 79.5 0 == · JULY Clearance.Sale of White and Light Tan FOOTW~R Values to $16.50 Utah Dynamic o nl y d oes Patterso n off e r yo u o ne of the up -t o- d ate ele ctric dyr a di os-h ut you a re a l o ge tt in~ a $6i.OO a ll ow· a n:e o n ~ou r o ld R adi o. Ph onog rap h o r oth e r m usica l in strum e nt . 1'\ot Br os. fi nest na m ic REGULAR SELLING PRICE ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-: Cotnpl c tc with tubes. Nothing el se to buy. $146.50 Now $10.75 'I ~1 coNVENieNT TERMs pATTERSON BROTHERS i~; Evanston-1565 Sherman Ave.-Just South of Davis St. Chicago-1952 Irving Park Blvd. Univ. 990 Open Tues., Thurs . and Sat. Eve nin~s JORDAN Foot Saver SHOE . SHOP 630 Church St., Evanston Univ. 971 . Graceland 4950