Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 8

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8 WILMET· TE LIFE July 12, 1929 NOrth Shore Music Pulse . Quickens as "La Rondine" Beckons at Ravinia Famous Puccini Opera, Never Before Heard Here, to Be Presented Next Tuesday ·Sports Feature July 4th lcnstein's cello ~n h) group ,\'ill include "Chansnn tt Pa\'anne" by Coup~rin l,reislcr, "l'hant du "Jlenc stral" by C lazoun n w, "La tille aux cheneux de l.in" In· Dchuss\' and "Piece ~o. 3" b.,. En·r ..;1nn· l. uui s Eckstein 111adc the Boul;:u{ger. Ju ;t l>ei~)re the intermisfirst annnunrt.·JlH'nt (lf hi~ plan s f\H . ion, Leon Hothicr. French ba sso of the H;,,·iJii ;t opera ~c;ts(ln <)f }<>29. the the H.a\'inia Opera inrccs " ·ill sing "La 11111:-i c .Jt, \'tT:-. Cli thl' north !'>hnrl' Cll11l- ).1 arst·illai se " " ·ith (lrchestral accomntunit\· haH· l>L't'll lll uking· i<l r\\':trd to paniment. thL· p~t':-o L' lltation 11i "La Hondinc." the Hear French Chorus Puct'ini tlpcra \\·hich is to hnld an imT,;i Chnrak Francai:-.L de Chicago will portant placl' amnng l<;n·inia's lHl\'CI..:nngs ranging tie s t hi~ \·t·ar. This work. \\"hi 'h \\'as present inur groups of . the last (~iacnmo Puccini \\"as ahle to frnm ~nnll' of the hisotric iolk tun es rn1nplete hdc·n· his dl'ath a fl'\\. years 1lf ancit'llt France tn " :\mcri ca's -:\fara12·n, is to ht· .~i\'en at ~arinia Tuesday scillaise" which \\"a s cmJ)nscd recently night. July J(i, \\"ith \!me. l.ucrvzia J>,- -:\1 r. I.aC<Htrguc . ~I i:>s l(ate BL·rkBnri in the principal sopra1111 role <1 nd n;an, snpr;ul(), \\"ill sing "L'Etoih' Fee" with Edward Jnhnsnn oppo~ite hn as as a solo. and "Les ~orn~ ·icnnes" by Ruggero. \1 iss Flnrt'llCl' \1 arhl't h \\·ill Delibcs. will he sung· by a ch nir nl :..1 iss \.enia \\.riche r haH~ the soubrette part oi Li scttr. <tnd " ·n men\ ,.<.,ices. Armand Tokatyan will hL· cast a~ Pru- \\'ill be accompanist i c1r the Chnrak. nier. It is a · lrngtln- ca~t " ·hirh 1111- There will l>e no chargt· i<·r rl'~cr:.:sd folrls the g-ripping s tory n"( sacrifice scats, thl' general adtni!'-:-ii<'n r<·\·eri11g F i e 1 d c \' c n t s which Puccini has utilized as the basis cn:ryt hing. featured the anof this work. and many Havinia fa\·nrThe spirit of the aftcrnnnn \Yilt he nual F o u r t h of ites will appear in it,- for in addition continued Sunday C\·c ni ng, 1f r. Eck to those mentioned ahow. Louis l)'An - stein having arranged a performance July celebration in fZclo, CC'orgr C'ehann\'sky. Ci<mlano of ' Gounod's Frl'nch opera. "Romeo ct \\'ilm ette la ·t Paltrinieri. Paolo Ananian, ~~ argery J uliettc" fnr this occasiL.,n , with -:\llllc. Thur sday. In the Maxwdl, Philinc Falco and Cladys Ynmne Call. French so prano. in the S\\·artlwut all have important · parts. role of JulicttL. Fcl\\·a rd Johnson \\·ill up p e r picture a There will likewise he a brilliant ballet appear ~ppositc her as R;.,men. Lcnn. group of youngheaded hv -:\1 iss l~uth Page and Fdwin Rothin. French b.as~o "·ill !Ja,··c hi s athletes arc seen Strawhri~lge, and Gennaro Papi will he accustcnnr<l rule nf Friar Laurent. " ·hile. competing in the the conductor. Desire Ddrcrc. French haritl1nc, . \Yilt 50-yard dash. Behe ~lercutiu. Others in this cast arc Opera Creates Furor :..1 iss ~I ax,yell. ~r iss C\1rrenti . .:..r r. Pal low. ).frs . F. Halctt No opera of recent year~ ha s been lll()rc :-.uccrs~ful than "La T~<liHline" trinieri. \lr. D' :\n ~elo. :..rr. Ananian in foreg·round di sand, alt lwugh it has heen heard in this and \1 r. Derman . \1 r. Ha:-.sclmans will playing l.cr pr0\\"country only at the Mdrnpnlitan in nmducr. 1n t 11 c h:d 1 Double Bill Monday Kcw Ynrk, it crea!L'd a furnr in mu- · '!'hi.' d<>uhk hill nf "l'ag; liacci" :-~nd thrO\Ying cnnte~t sica! circles . !\fmt'. Hmi sang the same part during the KL' \\. Ymk presenta- "Ca,·allerla l~uqirana" \\·ill he ~i -: en for \\·nn1en. \\'intions of this work that she "·ill sing- at as an rxtra pcrfnrmance \f onclay night. ners of cn~nts are Ravini<1 , :llld this ·r()le !t:-ts l>ct'n , ac- Till\' IS, ""ith cxarth- the sa111c cast i<)J' announce<! in anclaillled b., . the critics as being one :.P~gliarci." and \\~ith nne cxceptinn, th e same for "Ca,·a lkria Rusticana·· , as of t IH' fl nest in licr lnng- list nf parts. column nf In it sl11.· has ;tmple opportunity inr thn st' heard at the opening 11f the :'C':-tthi:-; isSlll' 11i \\'11.· that charartnizatit)n ftH' \\'hid1 !:-he is sn n last year \\·hen. ~t the la-.t lllinute ::o.It·: rn; LtFt·:. it became ncrt's!'> an· to chanL!t' the famous. ~ix opnas unheard this ~easnn-the initial bill. s uktitutin !.~: thl':' t' . npnas douhlt· hill of "Pagl: 1rci :111<! l 'ayaJinia fnr "Th e ?\fash'd Ball" \\ hirl! !1ad Ru . tirana" makes t\,.0 oi thl'-.e - t\\"n IH't' ll announced \\l'l'k ~ i11 :-td,·anrt·. rrpeat pcrf 11 nnance s hy rc:-~~nn nf p(\p- But "Pagliarci" <111d "( ·:1\·alkria !{11.;- " ·hic h that fan)ritL' t)f later day Italian mO\·ed by the spirit of sa~.:rit1ce. sh ular demand and the f1r:;t Qf lllc H .a- tirana" are en' r W'Pttlar ""ith npna l'ldllj)Ll:'Cr:-., (~ i aClllllO Puccini. rL' \·eals tlccs the happiness that is \\·ithin her ,·inia serit·~ t)t 11 :-~tinnal t'l)ltcnt s -~urh p:l.trt)llS tlit· ,n,r ld <·n·r and thLT L' is 1llimscli in a IlL' \\. 111nnd. The title oi grasp and goes back to her old life. is the prllgram nutlinrd j 11 r 1\a,·i nia rl':t~nn 1<~ ktw\\· tl1at thn· .,L' l'L' - :hi" \\Urk tm·an~ "The S\\'allu\\·" \Yhich Colorful Score during th(' wcvk ht·g in 11 i 11 ~· ~tlll<la\· af- Cl'l\·t:d ."1th the !-ante cnthtt-.la:-tlr ap- \\·hich is app liL·d f1guratin:ly tt' .\lagcla. Puccini has interprl'tccl this :tory ten;..,)'on. Juh· 14. Then tnn. there is 1 prl'n.atlllll . that _gn·t·kd them 011 the thl' I:a ,·oritc Pi a w~·alth~- hanker. "" l11 1. with a et)lorful score \\"hirh is typical 1 the r<.'guLtr l'illlrnt [111 · tlH' cltildn· 11 () 11 <> Jlt' 11111 g _ 11L:Itt <H thl' :-l':l:'llll wl11ch l'as <k~Jlllt' the lu:o.:ury that hl'r un~ ;\\· ,.,ry ni this composer when he H'\-eal:-; life T!Jttr!'>d:t .\' :t itt'fllonn, July IH. and tltL·s e L:<ll~l' h.~ \< ll'l'.. . .. . - · . a~li:lnL'L'. ha-. hrnught her. st!ll d rL· :mh through the mean~ of tone. And a~ concerts are nt. ~· ast .imp<lrt:tnn· Ior i }'l)~ J .; .t~ll~t~ r 1.' .~~~.~:- <.) ~t~·~· na . ."\f·:·1n~1,. 111 he~ IlliWC.L'nt yt.,uth ~nd ·<'f tl~ L· ·p l· lr ~lagda. -:\fmc. Borihasarnlcthatmi g ht the thou=":tnd~ ni Jti\Tillks \\"llll a tte nd \\Jl) ·1JlPl·_11 .'b .t ·.t.:tlt.'t ·,·~tl:-t, :-. lll ,.._ ln .:. . 1 ~~lllll g ~t1.t<knt "ho \\<1:-. her IP:LI. In \H' l.than· been.writtcn to.herordcr. She thL'Ill. thL· role <'I \t·dda. "luk {, 11 .,,·ann1 :.Olar- hl'l' heart thLTL' bums the cksire that nnnts nn details that will sen·e to set French Diplomat Guest t~ne~li :'"ill k~\'t' his il.t itnitalde rnlc 11f annther )< l\'1..' oi thi:; kind may cnme inrth the character of ?\fagda as it. is. ":\n aftenwon nf French ~lusic and ~ anto 111., wlu,~h he SIIJ .~s .the i~m ous int t1 l.H'r liie and tl.Jat thrc:~1gh ;t she and one ne" r! .:; no ~no,declgc o~ Ttaiia.n f:rcnrh ( 'p mpt l~ ns" \\'ill he feattirL·d .l.:llne:J~., .<·I:lsl'PP ~'. D~nl.:'t' . "~tll .. l>L' ~~~a~- find that ]tappmcs=' " ·:1ich ." ·:~~tl~ I t~ g:asp .th.e en10;1m:s hy wht.ch tl11~ ~unday. \\h('n an clalll)rak prng~; 1111 t.bt ~'ls 1 0111n ,u~d '~Ill ut L~)tll:-t:, ::-1ng Lannnt bt~y. ~n "Jlagda thrO\\::-. aside girl IS s\\a~cd. L~\\ard john:-.on ha:will he gin·n in nh~t·n·anrc oi n<1stilk the 1 rnlngue " ·l11k (,L·nrgt' l ehann,·::ky t11L' luxurtllll:-1 garments to "·htch _he I an equally dramatic part as Ruggero Day, \\'hirh i~ thl' .L!rtat nati 1111 ;d lwli - w~ll he · ih·it) and Giord,a~w Paltrinieri has grown ~rrust n nH'd and dnns those I ~nd Armand Tokatyan \\·ill ma~c his day (If tltt· FrL·nrh nati\'11. cllllllt de \\"ill he. Heppe. ~lllll'. l·.li:'ahL'th Hcth- l1i a poor gir l. hrst appearance of the season 111 anFern- de F()ntn < lll\Tllt· Fn·nl·h Cdll~td berg will ht· rast as Santuzza in "Ca\·".:\o nne ,,·ill recugni 7e me nn\\·." other important tenor role-that of for C'hirag"l), \\ill IH' th~· gm·~t ni h1., 11 _ alk:ria I~us~icana,". this !>eing a rPlc of :'he says tl) herself a~ she re .Q·ards her Prunier, ancl as this opera calls for two or on thi:- c rra .. inn. The prngram L)f \\"htch slte Is l'SJH~.ciall): lnn.d and which ,·ision in a mirr or. ancl tin:..; r!isp;11iscd tenors, it likew.i se · demands two sothe aftnnoon will he diri<kd int 1., t\\'0 shL· san~ forth~ f:r.:;t tunc 111 her career she goes forth to seek a !on~ that i'l a pranos, and ~ltss Florence Macbeth parts. the first bring presented bv at Ran 111 ~ a lew ' seasons ago. This real hwe instead of the flattery which will he heard as Lizette. the Chicago Sylllphony Orchc:;tra. un-- P.a~t. c.ont~ttb all.nf those dramatic pos- her ""ealth has brought her. It i:\Iassenet's "Thais" will he the offe rder the direr! ion of Eric De Lamarter, sihiltttcs 1~1 r \dnch ~1 me . . Rcthherg is then that ::-he meets Ruggern. \\'ho. like ing \\. ednesday night, July 17, thi , beand ha,·ing :\!fred · \Vallen stcin. cellist, s.P s~ lenthdly .endo\Ycd an~ it s ar~as her youthful ln,·er. is a poor student. ing the first time this season this Wt)rk as soloi~t . The second half nf the pro- hk~wise rcqmre tl1at . lync quality Their attraction i mutual and :\fagcla has been presented. It was in the title nam will he giHn by La Chorale Fran- wlllc.h she possesses 111 abundance. agrees to go with Ruggero to .:\icc. role of "Thais" that Mme. Yvonne Gall caise de Chicago, one of the cit\"s best \I ano Cham let'. is to he Tttrriddu, one " ·here, once married, thev can live in made one of her early appearances at known !'inging Sllcil.'tie:;, under ·t he di- of. the hest role:-~ in the rep.e rtoire of peaceful po,·erty. Rugge-ro write s his Ravinia as a great artist two seasons rection of Charles LaGt)Urgue. French this. popula: tenor and ~lario Basiola, parents asking their permission for his ago and in which she has achieved mu~ic "ill he featured both hy the hantn~lc, will he Alfio. 1liss s,,·arth- marriage and receives a reply to the many triumphs since. "Thais" is typical orche . tra and the choral :-.oriety. the nut .wtll apilcar as L.ola and -:\[iss Cnr- effect that if Magda is pure and good. · of the fairly modern French school of orchtst raJ numbers including works hr rt.' .ntt as ~f am a Lucta. Gennaro Papi they shall be glad to welcome her as a composition, a school in which Mme. Berli oz. Chabrier, Saint-~aen". La·- will con~~uct both operas. daughter. But Magda knows that Gall has been carefully trained in the C?m.b~ and ~fassenet. Jacques Gordon, La .Rondine" Tues~ay she is not the girl Ruggero believes opera houses of Paris. Giuseppe Danise vJOitmst, wtll play the solo part ut Tuesday n1ght, July 16. will bring the her to he. She loves him too much has a splendid part in this opera that Saint-Saens' "The Deluge." Mr. Wal- 'ong awaited opera. "La Hondine" in to deceive him throughout life, and so, (Continued on page 50) ' "·!II J· 1 1 I

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