Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 64

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64 WILMETTE LIFE July 5, 1929 CHICAGO CLUB IN FIGHT TO REMEDY MOTOR EVILS Campaign to Protect Car Owners Carried to National Convention-Wider Roads Urged The campaign of th . Ch icago · Mot or Here Are Pointers on Good Lawn Making (Contributed) l\;ow is the time to irr prove your lawn and lay your pta 1::, for a perfect ,lawn nex t w ri ng. A lawn sho uld be a permanent sp::>t C~ub~ for wi.dening arterial highways of beaut" when once built correctly, w1thm a rad1us of 100 miles frum Chicago to fo~ty feet and the driyc of th e club against speed traps and other means of mulctin!! motorists received added impdu s at the t\\'ent\·-seventh annual convention of the American Association in HutTa lo, l\;. Y., on July 1 and 2. Cl~arles ~L Hayes, of \\.innetkr~ , pre. 1dent ot th e motor club and vi ·e 1 resident oi the A. A. A., aho is chairm~n ~i the A. A. A. committee on road \tidenmg. an.d grade separations, and it was ~t h1 In stance that the A. A. A :rent on rc~ord. as being unanim ously 111 fa\·~r ol \\'ld('r roads and grade Sl'pa ratiOilS 1 particularlr 111 urJ,an renters. · and if prop erl y cared for and main -tained , shou ld la st indefinitely, thus neve r requiring complete re -bui lding. Starvation, or lack of proper Ia \\'n food , is the ·ca use of 90% of the poor lawns. provided of course, that proper grass in suffi cient quantities has been planted. The la\\'n needs several applications o f plant food, or fertilizfr, throu gh tltc growing season, in order for it to thrive a nd grow to perfection. These app lications sho uld be applied at regular interva ls, so the rnots can ha, e an evrn amou nt of plant food a\'ailahlc at all time s. There are fom tw ccs:-.ary accepted fact . which :hould he carcfulh- fol lowe d to produre a pl'ricct la\\'n . - The,· .......___ are: · 1. Buy the best grade of lawn seed avai l <~ble fr om a reliahlc ck;ller. Thi s means grass scC'd and not " ·ecd seed and chaff. 2. Plant in thr fall. prdnahlv in the middle of September. This gives Y OU a better stand of grass and puts \'nu ti$!ht \H'l' ks ahead nf th e \\'CCds in the SJ ; ring. H owever~ carl.\' spring ~ s the next best time t o rc·-seed. 3. Never put lim e on your la\\'11, as it encourages wrcds. hurn up the hu. mus. and tends to des trO.\' the organic matter, which is nece . . ar:'>'· 4. Fertilize with lig-ht application of a strong nitroqen water soluhlr fertil izer at monthh· inten·als . Thi s should he done from . earlv spring until lat e fall for h st result s. Mrs. Theodore Scheurmann and her , daughter Miss Alice, 311 Driftwood lane returned 'fhursday of last week frodt a M~e diterraneim cruise and a trip on the continent. They had been gone This wi ll allow the weeds to germi- since ] anuary. -0nate and grow. J'hey can then oe culMrs. Charles H. Lake, 217 Third tiYated lightly with a hoe and killed, street, is entertaining her cousjn, Miss thus reducing greatly the w~ed worry of the following spring. Also, i£ ar- Nona Thompson, of Montreal, in whose senic of lead is properly worked into honor scvQra l bridge and dinner parties the soi l before planting, it will afford have been given at the Shawn ee Couna sp lendid in surance for many years try club. -0against earth worms, grubsJ and so \fr. and \if rs. Roy Jarrett, Essex forth, which are pests. road. Kcnih,·orth have been entertaining l\f r. and ~1 rs. ~Ierritt Whipple of There ha s been much said and l'lcn·land, Ohio this past week. written on th e control of weeds and -amethods of weeding. The three gen Frank \\.att. II . .flj Cumnur road, eral m ethod s of we eding arc: 1. Han9 weeding; 2. AppJying or touching the Kcnih,·ort h. left last Saturday to spend \\'eed \\'ith a strong ch emical or acid: the mnnth of ] uly at Dr. 'Morrell's 3. The sp rinkling '"ith a . olution nf ranch in \\'yo111 in g. -oiron sulphate . Hand weedi ng is hy far Mr and ~[r s. Alfred \\'att of l ·~ \· aRs the mo. t effective. as well as expen .. si\·e: th e other h\·o method s are very ton , Ofr. \ \'att \\·as formerly a resident of Kenil\\'orth) returned recently dangerou s for the layman to employ. from a month's trip in E:"ltes Park. 0- Tt is an accepted fact that proper Lester Comcl' oi 1612 Fores~ ave" 'l~he A. :\ . :\. has a proiound in t C' r fertilizing. or feeding, causing the pro- nue and Freel ~{ann are motonng to est 111 th e protection oi all moto ri sts mot~n of a ,·igorous heavy growth of Applct\ln, \\' is .. tQ Yisit Jerry Thomas ~.~n. the high \\'ay s, ·· say s Mr. Hayes. gra. s. will eliminate practically a ll the over the holi ·l tn . \\ e \\'ant all Ia\\' enforcem ent offi\\'eed troubles. a . \·en· few \\·ceds can cers, including constab les who might thrive· in a tltich: hea\'~· turf of gra ss. operate ~p('ed trap ~, to he . ob liged to Concerning proper fecding, or prop er :Yea: un1l orms and patrol their beats ferti lizing of ;1 lawn there ar~ several 111 VIC\\' of the public. Also the federal ven· efficient devices '"hich make ~t and st;J tc gon:rnmcnts arc urged to possible to fntilizc or fcccl .\·our lawn re13' ulatc th e usc o i fircal·ms by c\·erv at the same ti me as \'OU sp rinkle, with officer charged with cnio rcing- th r no extra effort. The-s e devi ces arc atIa"·· The as . oc iation in a recent. ~ tat e~ tached t o \'Our fau cet and in them is mcnt pointed o ut that th o usa nd s v a cartri.d_:!e of very strong concentrated moto:ists. hc sit ak to drive at night on water · soluble nitrogen fertilizer. Yon certa111 htg-hway s in some sec tion s of simpl y attach ~' our hose to the othrr th e country. The highway s ha, c beend and turn on vour " ·a ter and th ese come dangcrnu~. the statement declardevices are so arranged that they autoed, becatt.-.c oi the exte nt to which law maticallv give vou a proper solution {'nforcement machinery of the nation of liquid fertili~cr, which then can he has become a ha zard, something that c\·en l}· applied to your la\\'11, so that congress and the constitution nev er in it reachr s the root of e,·er~· blade of tended. grass. Thi s method of ferti li zing is .}~ampaign Agai~st . Speed Traps becoming quite extensiYeh· used and . 1 he :\ . :\ . :\ . 1s m full symqathv Tf the se simpk rules arc fo llo\\'cd can he gec urrd at am· HarchYare or \\'lth .t he ca mpaign agai nst speed traps, ont . am·oJH' ran ha ,.<' a perfect lawn Seed Store. This method of autoand 1t has been as ked to adopt the und er 1iwst a n.\· c-onditio n. and in an .' · maticall\' fert ilizing yo ur la\\'n i. verY mea surc.s tu . uppress them t aken by section. effectiYe. and is so si mple that a rhilrl the Chtcagtl ~f tor Club, i. e., the can onerate it. There are no objectio'ltender oi the assistance of our legal Tn the p lanting of a nrw lawn. it is ahle features such a. hunting. muss. 0r de~artmcnt oi the county prosecu tors. w('ll to hecrin 011er;1tion in Juh- <~nd O(lor ancl the labor requirecl in spreaci~h1s proct·dure has been and is par- allo"' the land to lie h llo"·· or idle. ing manure and other fertilizers is elim t1 cu. larly succcssiul . in Cook and Du until ~ he plant 111g time in September. inated. ~age C(lttnti cs. \rltcrc i11ve tigatio11 s ar ~ ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ now in progT<.·~~. DOEPEL BACK FROM CAMP "\\'c art' anxious to secure an in- Meet to Disr.uss Plans Robert Doepel, one of th e counselors c.rcase i.n ann~tal ft·dcra l aid approp ri afor School for Girls for bon at the Tnr1ian Hill summ er tJOns lor l11ghwa.\'S purposes from :\ $!reat deal of interest ha s bern camp on Hamlin L<~ ke nrar Ludington. ~75.mo.ooo tn $ 15.000,000; limitin g the arou·;ed in \\'innetka and vicinitv hv ' .fi ch .. retmned t o \\'innetka last Sun ta x. hurdl'n Pll motorists; adequate the plans no\\· uncler \Yay for the estab-- cia,·. Th0 1>o,., wne t( , return from \H'Ight . and mca~urcs la\\'s to insure the quantitie s oi ga~o lin c and oi l pur - li shment oi a girls' . chool in \ Vin- camp toda~·. after spend in~ eighteen Your eye will delight cha~ed by car mnters. and the pro- netka. to he conducted lw ~fiss Lilian dan there. ~fr. Dncnc l ca me hack mot i o ~1 oi national sa iety through th~.· Harri s. director of the fTarris ~choot. earh· nn accotmt of his hu sin e. s. in our· new Foot Saver Thl' rnnrses offned \\'ill ad<·ptwn of the :\. A. A. saic tv rc- Chic;1gn. models. Your feet will !'pom ihility Ia"· in Yarious stalL'S ~,· here cnver \\·nrk fr0111 th e fourth grade \fr . and ~fr s. John Benham. l(.S it 1 .s twt \Tt hL·t·n enartcd and \\'her e throu gh high schon l. Those interestrd Kt> nil"·o rth a,·enue, Kenih,·orth. enterbe most grateful for in the sc hool are l'teeting next Tues- t;"tined :1s I heir g-uest o\·e r last Sunda~· . t htrc is a .ncl'C! iL)r such kgislation. day n-cning ;tt R 'clock in roo m 9, their firm yet flexible " :\11 oi tht·. . t· prnjcrts art· t)i suprem e the lattn's cousin. 1\fr=-. l H. Holbrook. importan ce tn lllPtordnnl. C\msidcr tlw Commnnit.'· flou sc. \\'hn. \\'ith ~fr. TTolhr ook. returnecl Fri support. Your mind suhjt·rt oi iednal aid . The presc:1t d;"t,. frnm a two months' trip ahrnad. apprnpriati,·n \\as . ct nine years ago: will convince you that ~fr s. T. \ '. 1\ ;ttltlwnt· . .~23 :\hh ott~ford \fr. Hnlhrno k did nnt stop off in Krnin t h<: pa~t <kradl'. registration of road. l~enil\\'ortlt. kit la:-; t Tue ~ cby to ihHlrth. hut \\'en! immediatclv t0 thrir you need them after 1.:l wut the ro untr ; drin· 10 ln\\·;1 whrrl' ~llt' ,,·ill ,·isit her lJ()IJH' in Springltl'lcl. Til. mot <' r YL'hirk s thrn11. has tri pkd. ·' L 't thl' go\'l.Tillll'llt has llHlther f<·r a fe\\· \\·t·cks. we describe their ·in-o nnt in er e a ... l'd it s llll)nt·tan· a llotmcnt -o~r i~s Fbinc Price of Drr·okf1 lei . Tll.. visible patented in-built t11 thl' ,·ariuu ...... tate . . · ~f r~. S. S. lltddt·n. ~2i ~\'anyi rk road. i~ th e ltnthv t!tJc.;t of ~fi ~s Elsahellr "The tax hurdt·n itt ~ome states has construction. rcar )tcd a JH·int "Jt,·rc ~nntt' rl ttzl'ns ;n l(t·n il\\'l)rtlt. t·tttertained at a surprise Patri ria Fit7Patrick. d<ltH.dth·r of ~Tr . pan . ' · on \\\' dnt·-..day . .Tu l ~3. for hn · and ~fr s. \\' illian1 J. Fit;. Patrick, 1524 nwdt:rat v rirl'tt:tt-- t ;tttn·~ il·ar to purT.akt· :1n·nue. for thl·ee weeks. rha~v a rar l·t·rau't' oi tht· expense. t\\'O daughter . . Helen and Buddy. - 0 -Tt i . . th<· aim 11i t!tt· natitln::tl group to lwld taxatintt tt· thl' l (l\\'(~~ t minimum ~:tfct\· 011 tht· ~trvt't~ and high\\'a~·~ i~. ?\fi-..; ,Tulia Kane. drtut!hter of \fr. rontp:ttihk "it h high,,· a~· ne ·d .... and nf rnmse. \llll' of the most rr~·ing twcd~ and \f rs. F. C. K ~tr.}e. 203 Abingdon al't' tn \\crrh: !11 t ilt' end that t·\·<·n· pen - <,i t hl' da,·. and this snhjtct " ·i ll rl' - ;lH'nue. Kenil"·nrth. le1t la . t \yeek f0r n,· l'tl lll' r tvd in l.!:t~n linv and other reiYt a prominl'tlt placc in the prngra111. ~l'\\' Y <wk f<lr an ex tended Yisit " ·ith t;n< . . !-lt:tli J,L. c-';'t~nded ttJH ill th e road_:- It 111:1,. he ~aid that plans ior extend- relati,·es. 634 Church St. Univ. 971 ancl ic1r tltl t~ll t vr PllrpOS<'. in .l! and widening the scope of the -o"~f(lq l.trt.!t· ritit·:-. pn,fl'rt th e nll)ttll'- -.rlwnl hO\< ~aict~: patrol " ·ill he iormEVANSTON \fiss Carnline Roherts. daughter of i. . t in hi-, ck;tlin .l.!" \\ ith fillim; . . tati on . . : ulatl'cl. as \\Til as the di:-trihution (1f ~fr . and ?\frs. Tohn ?\f. Roberts of 32S lllClll\' 't:ttiot" ('],('\\': l'rC. IJO\H'\Tr. :-afet,· po:-tn~ t<) ::;chool rom s and the \ \' ;tn,·ick road. Kenilworth has rePOOT INSURANCE ch<·a t car t·\\·nns oi a s ta.r!~ering sum en·ctinn oi "·; ~rning signs on motor turned to her ho me from Dana hall at· POR THE FUTUllB t<1c'1 \'(·;tr tiH<IlH.dl -,JJOrt measttr e~. t h < 'r'o Il l.! h fare . ." \\' clle sley, ?\fass. Foot Saver Shoes c.Accenting the ._Mode with Ease . _70DDAN:S (!//l FOOT SAVER SHOE SHOP

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