Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 55

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29 ne id 'ld llr ~ il July 5, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE from blow hole::-;, cinder spots or co lrl .shuts. The ultimate tensil e !:ltrength thereof shall be not less than sixteen thousand (16,000) pounds per square inch, and all such c ast iron cove rs aft r cas ting and before (:'ooling shall r ec e i\'e a thorough coat of asp!1a I tic paint. All steel for reinforcement shall b e made by th e open h e arth PtOc ess and when tested in the usual mannc·r shall have a tensile stre ngth of sixty thousand (~0,000) pound· s i:Jer square in ch. All the work de~cribed h er e in or shown on the acc ompanying plans and d e tails s hall be p e rform ed in a good and workmanlik E' manne r, and all the matt.·rials u sed, not spe cifically h erein d t' seribed, s hall b e of the b e st quality obtainable for the u se contemplate d, and all shall be done unde r the dire ction and ~uper vision and to the satisfa c tion of the Board of Local Improve m ents of th e Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Ill_inois. The location, grade s, catchbasins and o the r details of this impro\'ement are !ihown on th e plats here to attach d. and are marke d Exhibits "A" to "U" inclu!:i iYe and are mad e a part hereof. Plans numben·d Exhiuits "1" to "1S" and showing d etails of. tht- building, foundations, location of pumps <tnd machin e ry are h e r e to attae h ed and made a part hereof. · That for the purpose of said improvem e nts, the following d e s c ribed tt-rritnry within the Villag t> of Wilnwttt·, Cook County, lllinois is hereby declared to b e a ::1ewe r district, to-wit: All that terri~ tory lying and being in th e Yillagt' of ~ ·itmett e whkh li e s w e st o( the c e nt e r lint> of Ridge Road in ~aid Village of Wilmette. All property whkh is benefited by sai<l impron·ment and ~hall h e assessed for bf'ne fits there from may he connected with said sewer systern and shall at all times her<>after be t>nJ,~tled to the UHe and be n e fit of said ~ew t> rs and pumpin~ station providt>d for by this ordinance, ;tnd right, pt..·rmission and authority are h er e hy giYe n to present and future ownt·rs and oc<"upants of th e land lying within th e abo,·e d ~: s ·riL>t>d st-wer district a nd lying within any st:wer district t.l(·:-:ignat pd and n ·porll'd according to law, to drain into said s e wers and to make :1nd !'Onstruet any and all neces:o~ary conll Pdions thPrl'to, subject to such reasonable n·gulations for the doing of the worl< :tnd ('lli111Pc:ting with the said sewers as nw~· lt·gally hp prescribed. SECTJn:-\ 2: Tht1.t the recommendation of th e Board of Local Improvements of said Yillag·l· of Wilmette, providing for s uc h impron·rnent, together with the ··s timat e ol' th e cost of said impro\'ement, made by th e President of said Boar<l (tlwrP being no public enginePr of said Yillagt· of Wilmette ) bvth hereto attal'lwd, lw and the sn.me are hereby appn>Yt>d . ~ECTIOX :~: That said improvement s ha II ht· made and the just compensation for private property to be taken or dam;,gt>d th e rt' for lw ascertained, and thP wh·dt · c-ost thereof paid for by special a :o:sl·ssnwnt. in a c ordance with an Ad 11f tlw Ul·twral Assembly of the State of Illinois, t>ntitled "An Act Concerning Loeal Tmpro\'ements," approved JunP. 1Hh, _\. D . 1Rn, and the am~:>ndments thereto, and that of .the amount of said a~sessment to be collected aR aforesaid, the sum of One Hundred and Two Thousand. Orw Hundred and Forty Dollars ($102,140.00), which sum does not exceed six pt-r cent of the amount of fiaid assessment, !ihnll be applied to the payment of all lawful t>Xpenses attending the proc·t>edings for making said improvement and th e cn::-;t of making, levying and collec-ting th(> asRessment therefor, in accordance with the provisionH of said Act. SECTION 4 : That the item estlmaterl to be the cost of engineering Rervice3 which may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this ordinance and which has been included as a separate item in the estimate of co~t of this improvement hereto attached, viz: $81,062.00, be and the same is here!Jy ratified and approved and said sum shall he included in said asses~ment and shall he applied to the payment of engineering services which may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of said ordinance in accordance with the provision!' of said Aet. SECTION 5 : That the aggregate ~mount asseRsed, and each individual a;-;sessment and also the assessment against said Village for public benefits, shall be divided into twenty (20) equal installments, except that all fractional amounts shall be added to the first installment, so . as to leave the remaining installments of the aggregate, equal in amount and each a multiple of one hundred dollars. All installments shall bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from the date of the first voucher issued on account of work done.' as provided by law, and all installment~ ~hall be due and payable ns provided by law. SECTION 6: That for the purpose of anticipating the C'ollection of the set'ond and succeeding installments afore::;aid, bonds shall be Issued, payable out of the said installments, b ·aring int(>rest at the rate of six (6) per rent per annum, n,lf al o- .,_ al ~d lp d th u >~- )- 1- a tl 1- r. g ·. 1 1- u u I~ d I ) h I t II ~ t ti e ~ I tl n r e ~ e fl r ~~ t ~ I. ~ t ~~ r ~ ~ t 1 f the ' we t well as showil on the plans of the said seven (7) foot sewer pr;·hen- to attached and made a part hereof '<luced northeasterly, the length of or~ and in addition thereto there shall be of the parallel sides of the trapE: zoid ~e(; u r·· lY attached to. the bell mouth open- sh~ll. be seven. (7.0) f eet where the same ing four ( 4) cast tron posts three (3) ad](IIJ1S the sard sev e n (7) fo o t sewer and in c:li · '"' in diameter extending from bell the Ie.ngth of the othe r paralle l :-;id e shall m uu t 1 1 opening to the floor of the sump b~ thrrty (30.0) fl'et. The depth of said h ~::r· · i n described and provided for in drsc harge chamb r shall b e fifteen and said wet well. fi~· e-tenths (15 .5) f ee t. The walls of said dtscha:ge chambe r shall be constru c t ed L \ST IRON DISCHARGE PIPES con c rete of trapez oidal 'l he r e shall be installed from and con- of re mf~rc e d nt' (·ti ng with each of the herein provided c ro s s-se ctwn, th e top width of whi~h fo r forty-eight ( 48 )' inch pumps to th·~ s~all be tw e lve (12) inche s, the bottom ht·r,·in provided for discharge · cha'm twr y.·rdt,R of whic h !-ihall b e thirty-six (36) a r'o rty-eight (48) inch internal diam e t f:' r m c h es,· and the h e ight of whi c h shall ne c a:-t iron pipe one and one-e ighth (l'h ) ~, ve nte e n (17) f ee t and six (6) inc lws. i11· ·h in thickness. The bottom of e a<'h I h e lnsltle fa ce of said walls shall he o !' said forty- e ight ( 48) inch piJlt·s at w ·rti cnl. The fl o or of !:iairl l' hamh t· r shall t it·' insid wall of said discharge cham- ht· tw e nty-four (24) in ches in thickn ess h ··l' shall be at an el e vation of thirty- anu t~t· top of th f' floor s' all hP at an ntne and :-;eventee n hundredthH ( :~!U7) t- le vattOn Of thirty-on e· (:ll ,J) fe t't aho\·e f·· d above datum. All forty- e ight ( 4S ) datum . Thrt"e (~) ope nings s hall he made in d1 pipe shall b e of the b1·ll and spiv,ut in the north e ast e rly wall of said c hamt " Ill' ~·x<·ept the ~e ·tion conne c ting- with l!t:·r t.o provide for th e two forty-(·ignt ~ai d forty-dght (48) inc h pump and th e (4~) m('l1 east ir o n disc·harge pipes anrl :<··d io n t e rminating at the inner wall of r1nt· tw e nty (::W) in (' h ('ast iron di:-:e harg- e Th {' !:iOuthwestt·rly wall of said :-a id dis<·harge chambt>r which Pnds shall pipe . ' hamhe r shall crmform with th e int t- rnal 1... liang d fittings. ·w ithin said di ;-; - 1 ··lla n~ t- chamber and connecting to :u·h opf:'ning of said st·Vt-n (7) foot St>\\'t·r. In said e on e rd e walls , th e rt' s hall he "r said horizontal forty- e ight (4 8 ) inell di,w harge pipeR, th e r e shall b e installt>J s pace thr (·-quart t> r C.1 ) ind1 squar<; All v e r·tical IJat·s shall h e a fllrty- e ight ( 48) inc h cast iron PI how s t et.> ! hars. ' ' ith flang e d fittings. Attadwd to th·' pla cpd two (2) indws from lht' inn e r 11t llt·r t·nd of th e forty- e ight (48) inch faee of sa id wall~ and shall he J>lac·,·d rl:t ng-e d fitting, th e r e shall he attac hed a tw f·l\·p (l2) in('hl·s on <· Pnt e r. Tht horil wl l mouth opening eightt·en ( 18) inelw :-: zontal bars shall bt· juint-d to th e v t;> rirr Jpngth, one end of th e <)J)ening ht'in1~ li <al ba r s a n<l shall ht.· two and thn't· inl'h e s from tlw intt.·r t·· o~·t y - t-oight (48) khes in diametH and qu ,trtt·rs (2:'~t) Fourt e .. n (I ·l) hntit 11 ·· other end sixty (60) inc:ht>s in diam- fav t> of said wa l l. ··t ··r . Th ··levation of th (' bottom of zontal barfi shall l>e p!a ('t·d in t'a <' h wa ll. :-ai el be ll mouth ope nings for tach of Th e lo\·;e st har ·shall IH· at :tn {' le \·atio:l tilt· discharge pipes shall he thirty-four ~f t' · irt~· (~0) ff>f:' t ahun· d<ltum . Th·· ;, nd thirty-three hundredths (:l4.:l:H f t't llrl-i t three (3) hars shall lw spa t·t-d · nint· ;: li nn· datum . vVithin said lluilding Oil ( ~t) indl(· s on e nt~:rs, th l:' n e xt fDur (4, · :w h forty-eight ( 4~) inch dist"hg_ rge pipe bars twe l\'e (1:!) inc he:-: on ('e nt e r:-;, 1ht· li tll', tht re shall be instal ltd a · forty- rwxt fiyp (a) hat·s ftft et·n (151 in ·lh' s on ··ig- ht (48) inch E>lr·t·trieally OJWratNl low r·t·nte rs · and the remaining bars eightp rvssure gate valve of th e .A. W. 'V. A. r> e n (l8) inch e s on centers. A rt"inforced <"nn c rete IH am !Ut\'lng a ty pt> having an iron body hronz e mount··d double dis(' J>arall e l f-' e at:-: and insid e t ' l'IISs- st ·~ · tion of pig-ht (8) inch es by teu ( 10) inch ~:·s. tw e nty-two 122.0) ft-t't in ~~ a tionary .stt-m. Tlwre ~hall hf' installed from and cnTI- lt ·n!:{t h sh:t II ht· <'nn~tru('tt · d along- tlw cf> nn· ···ting- with thP h Pn·in pro\'idt'd for ll'r line o f ~aid 1·hamhe r. :1nd suppo rt eri twt· nty (20) inch pump tn the h<>rt' in tdl tlw walls nf said <' h :unht>r so th Ht pr··)\' id t> d for dis('h ~t rge < ·hamht>r a t\·l.'t·nt v tilt· t- lt-Yation of thl· t o p of snid ht- am r :!It ) in<"h cast iron piJw f'i~ht-tenth.f-' . :.; hall lw forty-fin· and e ighty - thrN' hu :1ltt . ll ) inch in thi<·knf':-:s. Tht- bottom of dn·dths ( ~ 5.s :n f e d aho\·p datum . ...\ slott e d r oof .<·onstnte t t-d of rvinforct ·\1 :-a id twenty (20) ind1 piJ>t· at tlw in;. itlt· wall of said disd1argf> <· haml)f·r ('!·ll< ' rt'tt· ht'rtms sha!; be plal'f>d on:' r said s h a ll he at an <· le vation l)r f(H·tv-onP <'h:lmht' r. Said lwams shall IH:· t'ig-ht 0\J in<"hes :-:quare a11d shall lw SJlil ('(·d tt·n ( 11. 1)) fl'f>t ahove datum . · .. \II twf'nty (20) inch pipP shall hf> l)f < 10) itll'hl's on l'l' nte rs t>xtending- in a ·t·nt f:' r I h·· ht>ll and spigot typr e x('t-pt th t· Sf><' - din·dion :tt right ang-l e s to the < ·ifl n eonnec ting with said tw~· nt~· C20) lint· of said t·hamlwr. Ead1 lH"am :-:hall inl' h pump and · the sec tion t t> rminating han~ rt ht·:uing on said w:lll:-: of tw el\·,. at thf' inner wall of ~aid dis(·hargf> <'ham- ( 12) in<'ht's. The t>lf>va tir ·n 11f thP tnJ> ht ·r whic-h endR shall L>e flangl'd fittin~s. of said roof ~hnll lw a.t an t-lt'\'Htion of ·within said diRcharge chamber and con- forty-six :llld fi\·p-ll·nths (-IU. G) f<.> e t aho\'t' nt ···tinv, to said hori7.ontal twentv (201 (}a tun1. Thn·t·-qu:\rlt.·r ( :~. 1 ) inc-h squan· . st~·<' l in1·h dis<'harge pipe, then· shall ·ht' inhe pla <.: ed in :-:aid <"011('re te ~talled a twenty ( 20) inch ('ast iron ~<lho·.,· h;ns sha II with flanged fittings. ·Att:whf>d to thf' ~~~' :ttns horizontal,ly and in thl' direction otht·r end of the twt:>nty (20) in('h flang·pn 11! th t' JPI1!;'th Of ~aid beams, tWO fitting, there spa 11 be atta <' h<·d a IH"ll indws from lht· bottom and sid t> fa<'I.' S mouth OPf'ning eighteen (lS) indw:-; in and Phall IJt· spa c:e d two (:?) in r h t" s on le ngth, onP end of the OJ>t'ni ng hl'i ng <'t:>ntt·rs . .. \n eig-ht <S> inc h C'lass H. ('ast iron twe nty (20) inchf'R in diamdt·r and th e n~h e r e nd twenty-eight (2S) in<·hf>s in drain pipt- shall he laid from tht· S()Uthdwnwter. The el e: vation of tht· hntton1 " Pst t:> rh· fat·t:> of tht' nor·tlwaslt·r!v " " til ()f. said bell mouth opening shall lw of said. dis<·harg- e ehamht>r to th;, west thrrt~·-four and thirty-three hundrPdths ··nd of tlw wt· t well herein Jlrrl\.i(Jt>d for (~~.~~) fed ahovl' datum. Within said :tnd lo<·:ttl' d in ~aid pumping :-:tntitm . · hutldmg on said twenty (20) inch dts~ \\'itl1in said pumring station at th e t·astt l'harge pipe line, there shall ht' instaliPd o:>rtt tt>rminus ()f the eig-ht < ~) int'h (;:t:> a tw r nty (20) inch electrical!\· operalt>rl · ir·on piJH'. there shall lw placed a :-:tandlo;'· prt>RRUrE: gate valvE: of the A. W. ard Pi~ht (.'0 in('h galt' Yaln· of tht..' 'W. A. type having an iron body, bronze ,\. "'· \\· . .\ . typt·. ThP grad t> of tlw ~11o~nted, double disc, parallel seats and hottnm of said dght (R) inch cast ir0n nipe at its c·onnP<'tion with !-;aid dis<"har~e msrde stationary stem. . As a support for each of the discharge l'hamlwr shall ht> thirt~·-otw (:11.0) fN' t JHPes. and securely attached to each of aho\'t> datum and the Plt>~· atirm of tht· the ~f>ll mouth openings, there shall be Pasterlv tt·rminus shall he twPnt\·-nin· · · proYtded for each, four ( 4) cast iron (:?!1.0) ·fe f>t above datum. ~wst~ three (3) inchf>s in diameter. exRl'LKHEAD ' ndtng from said bell mouth oppning to Tht> ~t>\'t' ll (7) foot sewer' here inht>fore bt~ floor of s~id discharge chamber. cleseoibt>d shall ht> strengthened and ~un . Where said forty-t>ight ( 48) inch <'a~t norted at the outfall of said sewer intn u·on . discharge pipes cross the hf'rein the North Branch of the Chi< ago RiYer P:ovrded for wet well, said discharge h . v a bulkhead construr·ted of l'OI1C'rt'tl'. prpes shall he supported by two ten (10) The ri\·er face of th e hulklwad shall lw tnch steel 1-beams weighing thirty (:!0) at an angle of sixty (GO) degr es with pounds per foot, eighteen (18.0) ft>et in the centerline of L:::tke An'nue. Th~:> founl<.'ngth, upon whif'h shall be Sf><'ureiY fas- dntion of said bulkhead shall lw nin<' tf'ned at intervals of four ( 4) feet, 'struc- (!I) feet in length nwasun·d along th r tuml steel saddlef'i df the design f'ihown eenter line of said sewer and t-wentynn tht> plans hereto attached. four (24.0) feet in width measured at . Where said twenty (20) inch cast iron right angl<>~o: thereto {'XC'f'pt wllPrP tlw drscharge pipes cross the herein provided same interferes with the foundation of for wet well, said diRcharge pipes shall the bridge located in Lake Avt>nu<> which be supported by two eight (8) inch steel crosses !-;aid North Braneh of the ChiI-bt'amf'i weighing seventE>en and one- cago River. The height of said found ~t h::tlf (17%) poundR per foot, eighteen tion shall be four (4.0) feet and the ell:'08 .0) feet in length, up<m which shall vution of the top of said foundation . sha II he securely fastened at intervals of four he thirt~·-four (34.0) fpet at~ove datum. ( 4) feet, Raddles constructed of steel Unon said foundation shall be constru<'tf!-beams and wooden wedges, of the de- ed the main portion of said bulkhead ~rgn shown on the plans hereto attached. exC'ept where the sam<> interferPs wi~h said bridg-e with a base st>ven (7.0) ff>··t DISCHARGE CHAMBER A reinforced concrete. discharge cham .. in length meaRured Jlarallel with th·· ~er .shn II . be constructed on the pumping C'f'nter line of Raid sewer and eighteen statwn Rite from and connPcting- with (18.0) feet in width measured at right the Reven (7) foot sewer hereinbefore angles thereto, a top five (5.0) feet in provided for. The center line of saitl length and thirteen (13.0) fept in width discharge chamber shall be along a and a height of nine (9.0) feet with a Rtrai.g-ht line. extending northeasterly, hatter of .six (6) inches on the river makrng- an angiP of thirty (~0) degrt-es face of said bulkhead. There ~hall he with the center line of Lake Avenue and <tn opening through the center of said beginning at the tenninus of said seven hulkhead which Rhall conform to the in(7) foot sewer. In plan, said discharge terior surface of said seven (7) foot chamber :;;hall be a trapezoid, the frr· sewer. Upon the main portion of said side dimensions of which shall be twenty bulkhead ~hall he placed a concrete (20) feet measured along the center line coping twelve (12) tnches in thickness en whieh shall overhang the top of the main portion of Raid bulkhead s~x ( 6) inches on all sides. The baek portion of ~aid bulkhead shall be in the form of a cradle constructed of conc r e t e and l:ihall e xtend fro m th e t ear or land sid ~ of the foundation of said bulkhead a distance of tw lve (12.0) fee t m easur ·d along the ce nter line of said sewer. Each side cf said cradl e ~· hall be a Yertical plane five (5.0) fee t six ((i) in c he s from and paral1 ~ 1 with th e ce!lte r 14;.tl.~ of said sewer. 1 h e top of ~ :.ud cra.dle shall conform with the outf' r s urfa ce of !-laid se wer and' th e tnp of th e sid ' ::-; th e r e of shall b t> at an d e vati o n of thirty-nine and fivet e nth::-; ( :l ~ .5 ) ft.·e t abo\'e datum. The bo ttom o f s a id e radl e !::i hall be a plane , c n e e nd of which s hall join th e b o ttom edge of the fo und a tion to said hulkh f' ad, and th e o th e r e nd of whi c h shall b at an e le \·ati(111 o f thirty-two ' (:~2. 0) fee t ab ov e datum. Adj oining th 0 rin:r fa ' 8 o f said bulkh e ad , tll t ·r~~ :-: hall ht: cons tru r t{·d a rt"iafo rc· t· d eo ncTt>t apro n tw e l\·e (12) inch es in thickn ess, and fiY e ( 5. 0) feet and s ix (6) inehes in width m ea s urt> d at right angl e s with th e rin·r fa <.: · of snid bulkLe ad , th e north sid t> o f said apron sh:tll b e nin e teP n ( 1!1 .0) ft·(·t no rth r,f and paralle l with th e Cl ·rtte r lin e o f Lal<t' ...\\· ·nu<·, and tht' ea s lpr)y sid e of said apron shall lw l'Ontig·uou s wi I h tht <U't ·h hridgl· now lr wated in Lal< e ...\\'enue. r\ parapd wall tw PI\' P (12) in!' lw s in thil'l,rw ss and fi\' e (:i . D) ft ·t'l in h t· ight simi! h<· < ·unstru r· t vd alr111g th e north ~ i(h· t)f s :tid rpinfor<.! t.·d t·nn <· r··t e apron . Th e t o p of :-:aiu parapet wall shall h P at a u ~·!vYati n n of thirtY· s ix (% .0 ) fl·!·l a iHT\.1 ' datum . Said eoilvrt'tt· nar;1pf> t wall and < 't~ll<'f ·t c apro>n shall h t· r..info ro· t·<.l with on e -half ( 1 ·:~ ) ill< 'h square s t h· l rod s plan ·d tw PI\'{' (12) int'hes on t't·nl f> r s antl two (2) in che:-: from th e UJIJlf' r fa <"e of said apron . Th. saiu reinfcrrdng h:1r~ shall he plac1 ·d parall<·l with th·· ri\·t·r f::tl't' of said bulkh t- ad nnd at right angl ps tlwrl'lo anu shall e xt e nd vertkaJlr into said par:qwt wall and horiz n ntall~· int o tlw foun(l:l ti o n o f s aid bulkhe ad a di s tan(' e of tw 0 ( 2. 0) f(' {' t , r\ n >rtk a l wall twt ·ln· <1 Z1 in <' h t' s in thif'knt s s and two (2.1l) f N~ I.. in !wight shall be ('tHt:-<trudt'd nf r t> inforet>d c onere t f> a long· t lw \\"es tt·rly ·· d~ ~· n f said r e infor<'r- <.l <'OtH·rt"te apron and a:-: an integral part tlwn·of. tlw dP\·a t ion of th e bottom of :-:aid t·om·rd f:' wall shall he thirty-on f> (:n .O) ft·d aho\'t' datur:1 . Th e stt>e l rt·infn r c ing- hars from tht· n ·infor<" l'd < ·otHT<' tr apron !<hall t·Xtf:'nd Yt' rtit·allY downward into sairl vPrti(·al w a ll a di:-:tatl<' P of e ight PP n ( l R) in<·h e :-:. All <·;~st irnn pill(·. l' il~t irPn SJH' dal ~ . and \'al\·f> s, shall <·onf()rm with tlw ~tan<l ;ud spe dfication R of tht' .\nH·ri (':t n \\' at f' r \Vorks Association as adoJltP<l :\fay 12, l!JOR . \Vht·re\'t·r in thi s t)rdin:tiWt · h··ll a n·l spigot <·ast iron pipe :trt' ust·d , tlw joint :shall lw mad\:' of lf>ad and Jwmp . Thv amount of h ·ad in l':tl'h joint shall ht· a d f> pth of orw and ont ·-half (1 1 :! ) in('ht's. Tht> re maintlt·r of the j·lint s hall ht' tillt>d with <"aulked hemp .· .\11 l'ortland <"t·nwnt u ~t· d in this impro\'enwnt shall he a go11d gr:u.lt· (,f Portland ct>nwnt and ~hall han· a spt·< ·ifi< · gra\·ity of not It-s:-: th:tll tllrt't' and s~·\ · pn-onP-hundrt'dths ( :ul7) and he 0 1 . sui' I! fint>ness that th·· r t> sidut· l ~:> ft ou a sit'\'f> with two hundr<.>d < ~011 l nwsht.'S twi· liitPar irwh sha II nnt t'X t·eed twenty-two (2<!) JH'r<' t'nt by wPight, and ~hall lH' similar and pqunl to th· · Portland ~:enwnt manufaetun·d hy th·· l'nin·rsal Portland ( 't>me nt C'ompnny. or ,th e L!'high Portland Cement Compar1~· . Fint> aggregate for < 'Ont·rt>tt> ust.' d in. this impnwement shall eonsi~t of a g-o.1d gradt· of l'lean, sharp toi'Jwdo sand, g-radt·d from fin e to coarsl', with coarstl grnins predominating, and all passing, when dr.r, a quarter-Inch (1,4) scret>n, anrl b0 of suc·h quality that briquettt>s made from this :md tht> Portland cem<>nt ht>rein pro\'id<.>d for will show n tensile and <"Ompressive stn·ngth of not less than that shown hy briq·Pttes made with ~tand ard Ottawa Sand, and the said Portland et>ment in the same proportions. Conr:-:P aggTN~· ntt> for eoneret<' used in this lrnpt·o\'t·nwnt sha II <'On~ist of <'rushed linwstrHW or gran·l with a F'rt>nch C'()t·fficit>llt of wNtr of not less than S(>\',_.n (7). ~aid aggregatp shall be dean, un('oated par·ticlf>s, and fret> from thin , t>lon~:tlt>d or laminated piN·t·s, organl<' or otlwr d('leterious mattt>r, and shall pass a !'<'rt'f'll ha\'ing· one and. onf>-half ( 11~) inch openings; all of sard aggregate hl'ing rNaint·d on a Sl'reen having onp-quart!'r ( % . ) ind1 openings. ,\11 ('enwnt mortar usf>d in this improvement shall ht> made by intimatt>ly mixing onP ( 1) part of Portland cement with two (2) pat·ts of tint> aFgregate as twrt>!n specifiPd for Nmrrete. All Portland <'f'nwnt ('Oncrf>te used in this imprOYf>mt>nt t>X('f>pt in case of hackfilling of tunnelR n nd C'radlt:·s under the sf'wl'r pipe~. shall consist of one (1) part Portland cPmPnt, two (2) parts fine aggTPgate, and four ( ·!) pnrts coan;e aggregatf>, miX('d with tht> proper amount of watt>r, in a rotary hateh mixer, for not less than one ( 1) minute for each batch. · All cast iron coverR ht>rein provided for shall be of tough gray iron. free ·v ,·,

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