WILMETTE feet and shall ri:o:e uniformly to an e levation o f forty-two ami one-tent'h (·l2.1J f at lt:o: wt·:o:tern t erminu:o:. LIFE July 5, 1929 be at an e levation of forty- ten (10) feet south of' the center line thence north along a line ten (10) L :et three-tenth~ (46.3) feet and of Central Avenu~.d t 't n c west of and parallel with the cente:thence s hall rise. uniformly to an elevaThe grade of sa1 sewer a 1 s con e - . line of said Lockerbie Street to . the north te>et ht ( 48 0) f t at 1ts tion with the Wilmette Avenue sew e r line of the said "First Addition to WilS('JIJJ,J,F.R A \'t:NliJo:-f~AS'f ' tion of forty,-elg · ee shall be at an elevation of fifty and fivemette-Laramie Subdivision." 'J'he in0}' !l~T S 'fJU:t;T f :-;outh e rn termmus. tenths (50.5) feet an.d the nce shall rise ternal diameter of said sewer from it s A !WW'r sha ll h e eon:o:t rud~d alo ng a JIA It VAR~} STRf;ET-SO~Tn o .F to . an elevation of fifty-one and fiveline fiftt>(>n (15) f<'et tiOuth o f and parallel DIUCHWOOD AV~~lJ E. . 1 tenths (51 5) feet at its northe rn ter .. connection with the Wilmette A venU <' sewer to a point ten (1 0) feet south of with th e <·en t e r line of Schil!Pr A\' e nu e, A sewer of twelve (12) mches mte rnal minus · the center line of Central Avenu e shall from th e :o:£> w er ht ·r <·inbefort> provided to; diamC't<·r s h a ll be constru ct d along a ·RIDGE ROAD-SOUTH OF b e fifteen (15) inches, and the inte rn al be <.'On!'truded In 21!'t Stret>t, and wherP.I!ine fifteen 05) fe~t we:-;t of a nd parallel WIL~IE1'TE AVENUE a < 'omwction :-;ha ll mau e , and th ence! with th e c~nter hn e of Harvard Stre~t A sewe r of fift een (15) inches inte rnal diameter from said point in Central Aveeast t o th~· cen tt ·r lm~·, of .t h e first ~ ll tlY 1 ~rom th e B 1r~hwood Avenu e :;;ewe r h~rc- diamete r s hall be, con s tru cted along a nue to its northern t e rminu s shall l>e . Wt>l" t of ntdge Road. lhe Jntf'rnal dm_m- · mb C' fore JlrovJded for, and wh e r e a co~l- lin e twelve (12) feet w est of and parallel twelv e (12) inches. 'l'he gra. d e of said ~ewer from its conf'tE'r of ~ai d R<'Wt·r from it~ co nn ec tiOn ~ n ec tion !' h a ll be mad e , ;~nd thence soud1 with the ct>nt e r line of Ridge Road from in 21:-; t Rtre<'t to a poi_nt fift ee n (Hi) fct ·t to a JH! int t e n (lO.g ) fed north of tht· the Wilmette Ave nue sewer hereinbefore n ectio n with the ·wilmette A ve nue sewer w t-s t of tht· ('(·ntt·r l11w of ::lOt h Str·:Pt north hn t: of ·wa~htngton Av~nue. provided for and wht're a connection shall be at an elevation of thirty-thre e s h all l w. liftt·P n ( I f.) in<'IH·:-- and the The ~rad e of s~ Jd s:wt'r at. lls conn;e- <;hall be made , thence :-;out h to the fir~>St (:~3.0) feet and sha ll ri se uniformly to tt>rnal dwmt ·h ·r of th e !'t'\H·r fror.n til- twn w1th th e R1 reh\\ OO~ Av E:' nu e S~\\-~r angle in said Ridg-e Road !'Outh of Wil- an e leva tion of thirty-four and fi\' ee ntt·t· n (]fl) ft>et ~n·st of tlw ('t·nt~r hn v of :-;ha ll li t' at an d e \·atwn ~~f fo~ty-:-;Jx mette Avenu e , thence a sewer of twelve tAnths (34.5) fee t at said point in 20th ~tn·t· t t.n l~ s (':ll'h' rn t PrrnJJIUs !;ha ll I (46.0) ft ·e t and t!H'nt·t· s h a ll n:-;~ umform - (12) inc h es inte rnal diam ete r shall be tral A venue and thence shall ri se uni4 8 .0) constru c t ed along a line twt>lve (12) feet formly to an e levation of thirty-sen·n bt tw<.'lvt· (12) Jnt·ht ·!-:. ly to an. PlevatJ Oll of for!y-etght < Tlw grad<' uf :-:aid st·wf't' al its <·onn(·<·- fed at Its s outhern t e rmmus. northwest of and parallel with the (:{7.0) feet at its north e rn terminus. LAVERGNF. AVKXUf~-NOU'l'1l OF' tion with tlw 21st ~trt·t·t :-;t·we r shall be lLLI~OIS . UO .\B-Sot ; 'l'JU~AS 1' center lin e of Ridg·t: Road, from the fif~ WILMET'J'}~ AVKNUE at an l'it' \·atinn of f(ort~· -lwo and fi\' ·OF ] , \liE AYt:N I' }; fN>Jl (15> inc h sewer h e r e inbefo r e A :-;ewer s h a ll b e co nstru c ted in Lt>tt·nth!'; (42.:iJ ft·t> t a11<1 ti H· tw< · !'hall ri;-;t· A st>wN of thirty 00) in ·h es intPrnal pro\'id<'d and where a ('Onnection shall b~ ullifonnly to <In dt·\·ation of fort~·-thrl:' e dianwtt-r l' h:tll b(· (·ons tru ct'd along- a mnd f', 'to a point fi\'t' (5) f·et north ot \ 'prg-n e Avenue along a line t e n (10) fed (4:tOl fed at a Jlnint fHtu·n (15) ft ·d lilH· t<'n (10) f<·d ~outh w es t of and para)- the :-;o uth limit s of tht· Yillctge of Wil- west of a nd parallel with th e ce nte r line Wt' !"l of tlw t'P llt1 ·r lith· ·of ll arvard ~trp<'t kl with tht> ('t·nt C' r line· of Illinois Hoart m Ptte . of ~aid I .. aVergne Avenue from the \Viland th< ·IWt· sh:11l risP uniformb· to an from tlw :-t·\\' Pl' hHt·inlle fort· pro,·idt·d 'rht' gmd e of l'aid !'ewer a.t its con- nwtlt> Avenue sewer her ei nb e for e Pl'·) t·lt·\'ation of forty-four (44.0) ft>et at a for Lal,:p .-\ \'\'l11H' and whf ·n · a <·onntT- nection with thp Wilnwtte Avenu e sew~r videcl for, and where a con n c tion s hall }loint fiftN·Jl · (If,) ft·t't we~t of th e <'t·ntt ·r It iftll s ha II ht' m<tdr·. and t ht·tH'I · to a litw shal l he at an (· lPvation of fifty and two- lJf· made, and thence north to th e north lilw of :!Oth ~tn·t'l and tht·nt ·<· s hall ri!"e I kn (10.0) ,f<·t>t north 11f tlw <·t>nh·r · lint · t~> nths (50.2) fee t and ~-;ha ll rise uni- line of th e :-aid "First Addition to Wiluniformly to an t·lc· ,·ation of forty-fi-.·e ' of " 'i ln w tlt · .- \ Y< ·nu< ·. form!Y to an pJt·vatinn of fift~·-one (51.0) m e tte-La r amie Subdivision." The int <' rc-t:-·.0) ft ·Pt at its t':tStt·r·n tt·rminu s. Tlw gr;Hh· of :-:tid !"(·\\'(·r sha ll at it:-; ft>et :~t tlH' south end of th l:' liftPen (1:0) nal dinmet'r of :-;aid :-;t>wer from it:-; conJHUt ' IIWOOH A" E:\l ' E-WJ·: S'I' . t'(lll flt ·t·ti"" \\'ith tlw Lak~:> .- \\·t·nuC' s(j\\'t'l' in 1·h :-t·wt·r and tht-> <·onne(·~ion with ~lw nE>dion with the \YilmPtte A ve nu e )oo;e\Vt·r OF 21ST STHEE 'I' . I h<' :t t a n t>lt>\':l!i1·n of fo rt~· a~d twt~- h\'dn· (I~) int'h :--t·\\'t: t·, th<' llt't · tht> g-tndt· to a point t e n (10) fet> t south of th e A !"('\\'f·r of twt·ln· (I~) indw~ 111t1·rnnl! l t·nth:- ( ·10 .:.! ! f< ·(·t and !"h<t ll l't!'(' u n1- sha ll rist· uniform!)· to <til t·lt·\·ation t.f t·entc-r line of Central . A ve nue, s hall 1,1:' ( 15) ineht's and the intern:tl dianwtt ·r :-h: tll lot · <·on:- trul'tt ·d along- a j fonnb· to <ttl t> l(· \·<ttion of frort,r-thr,·~> fift,·-o rw and nirw-tt·nth:- (;j1.!1) ft>t'l at fifteen lint· fift<·en (1 ;,) ft ·d :-outh of :tiHl pnrall··l r (4:! .0) ft·t· t :t t :t point t\\'(· hundn·<l thl.: :-o uth <· rn t l· rminu:-: . diaml:'t<·r north of snid point in 't·ntr:tl A venue to the north e rn tPrminus of ,..;aid. with tlw < '(· ntt ·r lint · of ~ ~ird tw<H·<l .A \'t~llllP it wt·nty-ont: ,'~nd t \\'t-· nt~·- 1~\\· . n_1 w-h un ~ (~ L E ~\'IE W lt0 ,\1)-SOT'Tin\· .E S 'l' ~·e wt·r, shall be twelve (12) inf·h es. from t lw :-t·\\' N ht ·I't 'llilodnn· provJ~Pd ~ cln·dt hs ~ 22 1 .2.o) ftyt ~u uth t·-t~tPt l .' uf th< Ot' W JJ~ " ETT E A\' E~ l · t: Th e grnd e of sai d S(·we r at its confor ~bt ~trl ·t · l. :tlld \\'h\'1'! ' a ('Oilllt't' tlon llllt ·rst·(.-11011 rof .th r ~ St'\~·. ~r !l.n(' . ... 11~1 th:; A !"t'\\' t·r sha ll. IJt· ('Onstrut:ted in (; Jen:-hall Itt' m:~dt· ,. :t n.<.l t ht · Jr ~·t · ~n·:- t .. ~(·' · th~: '~~ ·st lrr!t' of ~t ·< · .tll · ll ..... I~\\\ !'lshrp, -· L \' it· W J{o:ul ;tlong n lin <· twdn· ( 12) f et nection with th \Vilm l·tte Avenue ~e w t· r w< ·s t lith' ol :-:trd . Hr:tun :-: ~ul1dl\ rsron. ="_orth, har.rg . .- 1., l·,a:-.t of tlw I hrrd .ir ~n- ~· tl .. -:t ·f . nct Jl:trallt·l with th<· C'en- :-hall be at an e lt' \·ation of thirty-thre ~ TIH' "l':tdt· of :-:ttd st' \\' t·r at 11:- r·o nn<·<·- (' JJta) :'lfl·I'llll<~n . :tnd tht·Jl('(' shn ll rts t:'j' 0 u 1.t.t. < ' 1 · . ,., ,,.. r ll "r£· ( :::Ut) f('(·t and th'11t'l' s hnll ri!'E' unJ 1 , . . · J II I · · · rt of· f nrt .' . -:-tx ·. ·.lt:r fllllt· thPr!'o , · ted ' ' n tr nn with t}\ · ~ls i ~tn · t · t !"t ·\\'t·r :- 1a ,,. , unlf,,t·mJ\· '" :1n ,.J, ., ·:rtto . 1'rt 1ron t 1 111 t' "'l·tru< f(lrml\' t n an ph ·va tion of thirty-f()ur an(l 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 · t ; t'lt·\':t ti on of fortY - t\\'11 :tn<l thrt ·P- and :--ix-tt·nth s (lti .li! fl'l'l <tl it s ~out lwrn \~ · . t· orp Jll\'O\'H ~" <· It· ('\- ::ohnf~· fi\'e-t~nth::; (:H.5) .ft·C' t at ' :-;a id point t('n · 1 ·· t 1 ·tl "11'111 ris , t · , 1 mt'lte ~ \' l' I1Ut·. all(1 w 11 t· t' 1 t l' I!th :- < 1:. ... 1 ; ·I'( :til< . . 11 h'l1< '_t' .· . ' . 1 11 .· ~ <·l'lnJ nu s. tion :-;hall ht· rnalh· tlwn('t' :-;outhw(·~t<' rly ( 10) feet south of th e <'!:'ntpr line of C e nlllllftll.'lll l,\· to an ~.l~· \' :t~l" ot _ fott.'. -. . ~:· · \\'IL . " ETTE .\rt-:\'1 ' 1-:-\\'ES'I' Ot' to tht· tir!"t Yill:tgt>' limit:- lin t> ~·X t t· ndilt g- tr;tl ~\\' en u< ·, th~:·n< ·<· tlw sewe r s h a ll ri:-:t · :ttHl fl\'t ·- lt'nths (.l. ·. :ol lt·t·t :tt It :- \\t:--ltlll ILLI:\OIS H(UU ~out h from tlrf' (TIIlt·t' lin e flf t:lt'n\'h·w uniformb· to an <' lt·Yation of thirty-st·n·n (:!7.0) f N·t at it s northern terminu~. ll'l'lllillll s . .\ , . E :\ 1. E- E \ST ..\ l-\t'\\'t·l' of flftt ·t·l! ( 1;,) ilwht ·:- _i lltt ·rt_l_ : ll 1 i~( ·acl. I , AYE ltr. ~.F. A\' E :\"PE-SO U'l'Jl OF JH I{('JI w~~~:n di:tllH·t· ·r s h ;tll lw t'PIISI I'Il< 'l('d Ill . \\ 11 · 1 Tht · int<· rn :tl <li :t l1lt'lt·r !If :-ai d fo:(·W··r \\' JI, )J l:T'I'E AYE~ T'E 0 .. -lSI st H ... LI mt ·ttt· .\,·~ ·r tth· frr11n tht · !"t ' \\'t· r IH·n·Jnllt ·- , fr"m tlw \\'ilm<·tt t· A\·t·nUt' !'t'\\'t' l' to "'ix A l"eWl' l' ~hall Jw ('fln~ tru t.Nl in La.. \ ~~ · ,n· r s l~:tll _ l~t· ('1111:-lnt~ · tt·<l alot~,g- :l ror 1· prll\'idt ·<l fnr lllit ll>i:-- Ho:td ancl wlwrt· hurHlrt ·d (()()(I) ft·t·t southw;·~t tht·rt ·t·f. ln.rt· ftftt ···n ll : ·~.t~ · ~· t .~~~~~th,~·~ . :tn.<1 1p:u.tllt.' l a < ·onn< ·(· tit·:r s!1<tll lot · madt ·. :ttHl tht'lll'C~ sha ll l· t· fiftl'Pt1 tt:o) int ·h (·!' and. fnnn \ 't·t·g-m· Ave nut> nlnng- a lin tj ll·n (10) ft·l'l With tlw < ···lltt· I· ltl." ~of.· hn_ t. lt~'.'" 11 (~ -~' ~,-, \n·:-t :tlo11g a '.·n· · lt ·!l 1 }II) lt ··:t north . .ot ;.:;t id point 10 its \\' t·:-:t 1·rly l'nd. s lwl l IH· -,,·est of and parallt·l with the centPr lint> nut> .~n·m }"." st\\.t·t ht~,,~~.l~~~.""1. Jl 1 '.' .1(~, J and p ; 1 r:tllt·l \\'l~h tht · <".~' llll'r l11w llf ~\1l- twl'l\'l' <l:n inclw;o; , Tlw gra<lt' of :-:a id of said L:tVPrg-nt · A \'t·nu<·, fmm th e \\' il1 11 for -1!-:t !'tlt·d . . tlld \\h·l · " "" 1ttlt. nrvtt 1 · .\\'t '!lll· · trt·l!l !"<t HI ;.: t'\\'t·r pro\·Hll·d.:-< ·\\'t·r at its c·<·Plll'l ' tion in '\V ilnre t tP mett f' A\' ·nue SP \\'t·r h t-n·inbefo r , pr'l' 1 1111 s h all _ht· n.~ad1·, ." 'Hl. ~~Wilt ·t· ' " · 1 · · r,,r in lllill".is l~o:td ·' ' '.a t ~oi11t .th·t· hun- ' :\\'t>llll<' :-hall hl· fflrty-nin <' (4!1.0) f t:N ,·ided for, Hnd where a comwction ;.:hall 1 · _, . t ·:t~t 111 bt- madC', and tlwn(·t· south t o a lin " twt· l~~· (Ll, ft·d '\'.s\ 1~1 ll:·. 11_~ 1 .": '. tlrt><l u;oo) lt ·l't \\'t '!"l tll :-:11 d }l(ltllt. :lll<l s hn ll ri l'f' uniformly to an t'leYaof h~dg·,. h":ld . 1~1c 1111-tn.t~ (l l.llll~)lt .r Tlw gr:tdt· (lf ":ti d Sl' l\' t·r :tt it:- ('Ol!!ltT · tion of fift\·- ,rH · and 1\\'0-t<·llth!" ([';1 . ~) thirt~· (:lO) fPt·t south of th E> nMth lin· · 1 <~f :-:aul !'1'\\'t' l' f~·, ,m .' ~ :- <·onl!t ':· tro_n ,"' -: 1 ~ 1 tion w it h tht · :-t ·\\'t·r i11 l llil!td~ Hoacl. t't ·t·t :It :-ix· lrttiHln ·d (1)00) ft·d !'OUth- ot Th~n·l.· r A\'<·nuf' . 1'ht· intf' rn a l di:tm ~tn·t'l tt~ a J}on.tt . fllt.t·t·.~J (l.·l. t ~\t.·:-: t :-hall l_ ·t · ;tt :tn t-lt ·\·ation 1.'f for_t~·- nint· \\' t ·:--tt·rl~· and th<·tHT :-:hall ri:-<' uniform- <- l<·r r,{ ~·1 i<l !-:fo\\'C' t' from it~ C'llllnt>c·tit~n nf th _<' <<'lllt·t llll t ot .O th stn<_t sh.t l l ( 4~1. 11) tt·d :tll(l th l' llt 'l' :-.h:tll t'l!-'t ' unrft·rmly h · t · e lt ·Yntion or fift,·- thn ·p and twti- in \\'i lnwttt · .- \\'t·nup to a. point tt' n (10) 11 ~~~· filtt ·t·!l ( lfo) rn.d w s _ arHl_ t)~, · rnt:·r_J~;~I t o : 111 t·l, ·\' :t!ion ·d' tifty - fpur (~o-1 . 0) f<·vt 1 t~nth~· 111 (;}:~. :!) ft·t ·t at it:- \\' <·:-:te rl y tt·l'- ft·t·t !-:CI Uth (J!. thP t·f'ntt>r lin P of (;rpgor~ ctrarnt'l. ·r. from s<tHl Jlt·lllt 111 .Oth ~ttut at it~ \\'t·stt>J'Il l t>l'l11il1U!-:. :\\'t·nut ·, shnl l ht· fift Pt· n (15) in<·h c. · and to sai d pt·ittf t\\'t ' IU' (l~l ft ·t>t \\'!.'!"t of minus. the int<'rnal diamct pr from l<aid poitH lht· (.'t' lllt·r of l~ idg't' n oatl :- h:tll ht· 1\\'t·l n · WIL-'IETTE \\'1-:\I ' E-l: \ST OF J . E . UIIXGTO.\" ,\YESTE-':\OHTJI in <~rt·g-ory A-\·enuC' to tlw ~o uth ern tt-r(l~) ind~t ·:--. 11.1.1\0IS HO .\U OF WII ..,IE'I' TE AYE:\1 ' }; minus of said !"ewt·r :-hall he tw e l\'t> (1~!1 Tlw gr:tdt· pf ":ti el !"t' \\'t·r :1 t it:- < ·onn<·<'.- \ !"t w1·r· uf twt ·nt,·· :-.t ' \'t·n (~i') itwlw ,_.\ st.· wer !<hall ht> ct1nstruded in Lf':tm- in l' lws . ti on with tht> :!1:-t ~trt>t·t !"t '\\' t'l' s hall ht· intt·rt~:tl di:tllH·t<·r !"h:i ll lot· t'tonstrudt ·d in ington .-\n'nut· nlong- a lin <' tt ·n (10) ft·t't Tlw grnck o f !"a id l"t\\'(·r at its eonnt an t·h ,.ati11n ··f fprt~ ·- thrt · t· arHl fin·- \\'i lnwt It· .- \ \'t' llllt· fr·l!1l t h t· !'t' \\' t·r lwn·- \\'t·st of and p:lrallt'l \\'ith the <·cnt<· r lin e t('nth s (4:Li) ft ·t t :tlHl :-hall risl· unift~rml~· illht ·ft·r· · pnl\' i<h·d tu ht · t·t~ n:-tru<·t<'d in 11!' :-aid Lt·aming·ton "'" en ut· from tlw llt>dion with th e " ' ilm e tt e A venuE' ~ewer s hall 11£' at an f' levation of thirty-cm1· tl1 :1 11 dt ·\':t tion of fnrt~·- f(lur (4·1.0) ft>l't Ill inois Hoat1 :tlltl \\'ht ·l't· a <"llll ll<·<·tion st· \\·l·r in '\'ilm t'ttl· _ .\\'f' nUI' as h Prf'inat a Jl(lint tift f't'll (1:o> ft·t ·t wt·:-: t of tht' sh . IJ ht' marlt', :lttd lllt'll<'~ · t·as t nloll l! hpfot·v Jll'O\' i<l<·d for. :tnd wht·rv a t'O ll - and fiw·-tenths (31.5) feet and them·t· lh e g rad e :-;hall rise uniformly to an c·le<·t· n~t-r liru· 11f ll :tr\'ard ~trt · t·t anrl tht>nt 'P :t .t il <' tt ·n (l(l) ft ·t·t north td and par:tllt·l nt>l'tion !'hall l.w madl', th n<."e nnrth to shall rist · l!ttiforrnJ~ · It\ :111 t·lt·\·; tti o n o f \\'ilh tht· ('t 'lltt·r lir11· t.f \\'il!lll'ltt· :\\'··- jtht· north linp of tht· " First Addition tn ,·ation of thirt y-t hrf'e q~.O) feet at said. fnrt\·-fou r and t·ig-ht-tt·nths (H . S) ft·pt ntH· to :1 point d irt · <·tl~· north :111rl op- \\'i ln1t·tte-L n r:tm it' Subdi\'i:-;ion" ill Sec - point t l' n {10) fet't south of th e> ce nte r at :i point ftftt' <·n (l!'i) f<·d wt·!" t of tlw positt· a pomt ,,f illtvrs<·t·tion fprn~t·d . l tion :n, Township 42 North. Rang e I~ lin<· of Gregory A\'enue and thence th ' C'tJll lt>l' litH · 11f ~Ot h ,'trt ·t·t, :llld th f' nt't' h~· tlw prndudinn of a lin t· twPl\'t> t 1:! 1 East of tlw Third PrincitJal :'lt e ridian . gTade 1'hall ri se uniformly to an e l evashall ri se ll!li fnrmJy to :t ll f'}t>VatiPn Ot fn·t ~o utlwast Clf tlw t·t·ntt ·r lin <' of Th~:> intPrnal dianwt er of !'aid s'wer tion of thirty-fiv e (:l5.0) feet at its so utht> rn t <· rminuf'. fortY-six ( ·IG. (I) fl'l't n t sai d point 1\\'(·lYt' t~lt' ll\' i t- w 1!oad , twrthe n:- tt· rl~· to a lin · from it s < ' onnN·tinn with the 'Vilm ettt> GI,E ~ VH~lV }{OAD-SOTiTJI SIDE(12 .'()) ft·Pt \H'!' t (lf tlw f' t·lltt·t· litH' of !ton (10) f< ·t' t south of tlw ('l'lltt'r litH' or I A\' e nu t> SE' \\'l'l' shall bt> fifte e n (1 5) inc h es W: E s1' OF LOCKERBIE STREET Hidg-t' Hoad. \\"ilnwttt' _ \Y en tw. and th t> il\ · · :-outh 1t · to a poillt t Pll (10) feet ~-;outh of the <'<'nA sewer of twe lve (12) inches internal JIA ltY .\ Hll STR EF.T-SOl'TH ()}~ :o:Hid JIOint of intt' rst (' li on. t<·r line of (\·ntrnl Avenue and from sa id diam e ter shall be co nstructe d along a S( ' IIILI.f:U AVENl F. Tht' p·ade of sairl St·\H' r at its <'lli1TH'C'- twint in Central Avenue to the northern A s<'wt·r shnll h e constructed in Har- tiou with tlw 1Jiii10i!' Tioad Sl' \\' (· 1' ~hall tt:>rminus of said !'ewer th e int <' rnal line tw e nty (20) fe e t south of and paraiIE' I with the center line of Glenview Road Yard ~trN·t of tw t> l\'e (12) in<'h l's internal lll' at an e lf'\' :ltiqn of fort~·- :-;ix an·l diameter shall he twC'Ive (]2) inche!';. dianwt <>r, fr<11n tlw ~t · w er ht·rC'inlwfore t·ig-ht-tt'nths ( 41U~) ft'l't a ntl t h t>n1·p shnll 'l'h e grade of said s<·wer at its cor,- w e:.t of Locke rbie Street, from th e sewer provided for Lockerbi e proYided fur Rt ·hillt·r A Yt·n ut·, and wh e n · rist> uniformly to an <'1<'\':t tion o f fo rty - nP rt ion with th e \Vilm e tt e Avenu e sew~ h e r t> i nb e fore a <'nnne<'t ion shall ht- madt· :1 nd t h<' lW£' se\'Pn and C'ig-ht-t nths (41.1\) ft>f't at tht' s hall he at nn e levatio n of thirty-thr P<· Strt'et and where a connection Rhall b e !'OUth along- a litw fiftt>t·n (l ii) fed wel't l'n~ t end of th e twt·nty-sp\' £' 11 (27) in(' h (:)3.0) feet and th ence s hall rise uniformly made. and thpnce \vel"t to a point t e n of and J):trallt·l with tht· <'Pnter lin<· of ~<'WC'r on th<' north siue of \Vilnwtt ' AY'!- to an C' leva tion of thirty-four and five- (10) fePt east of th e west limits of the Village of Wilme tte. ~aid Han·ard ~tn·t· t to a p<)int t e n (lt)} nu e. tht>n re tht" g-rndP !'hnll rbt> unifo rm. - tenthl" ( 3 4.5) f<>et at said point ten (10) 'l'he grade of said :;;ewer at its confe e t north of tlw north lirw of Birch- Jy t o nn elHation of forty-<·ight (4S.9) fe <'t south of th e cr nt t>r line of Central wood Avt·n ue. f<'e t a.t thC' point of int Prsf·ctinn on the A\'enue and th e nce the grade shall rif' e n ec tion in Lockerbie Stree t shall be at The grad t> of sn id l"t'Wijr n t itl" eon- south :;;i<lt' of \\"ilnwtt e A \' Pnu', n~ ~aid uniformly to an e lf> Yation of thirty-s e v t:> u an e levation of thirty-four and fivetenths (34.5) feet and thence shall r1se n ecti<' n with tht· !'<'hiller A\'t·nut· l't>wer point of int e rl"<·<' tion wa8 herei nbefo r f' (:n.O) feet nt the northt>rn terminus. uniformly to an elevation of thirty-fiv e :::hall b<> at an t·lt·Yntion of forty-fi\'t' d es<' rib'd. J,F.CLAiltl<: A VF.'~TF.-XOR'l' H OF (~5.0) feet at its western terminus. ( 45.0) ft' t>t and th <>nee the grade shall WlLJIF.T1' E .\ Yf~ XrE-F.AST OF WIJ,Jn:1" fE AYF.Nl E GLENVIEW ROAD-NORTH SIDErist· unif(lrmly to an <>le\'ation of forty GJ,Jo:X\'IF:W ROA ll A ~ewer shall he con:-;trueted in LeWES1' OF LOCKERlHE STREET l"ix (46.0) ft ·d nt its l<OUtht·rn tC'rminus. A l"e\\'E>r o f tw t:' nty-one (~ 1) inrhel" inClaire AYenue along n lin ' ten (]0) f eet RJII(o E ROA ll-XOUTH 01<~ A sewer of twelve (12) inches internal ternal diamNt' r ~< hall lw ennstruct·d ;n w es t of and parallel with the eenter lin .:JH U('ll WOO I) A Yl~::\ l'F. diameter shall be constructed along a Wilmett<> AYt>nu<> from th e tw e nty-~e v en of said Le('lairt> Av'nue from the Wil- line twenty (20) feet north of and paralA !"eWt·r of tWt' ln· (1:?) int·hps int<'rnnl (2i) inc h st>wer h e r <'i nlw fore pro,·idt d mette Avt' nue l"t>wer, a:-: h e reinbefore prodlamt·tE>r shall hP con:-tru<'ted along- a to he constructt·d at th' p0int of inter- \'ided for, and whf're a connection f'ha!l lel with the center line of Glenview Road. lin<' t wPIH' ( 1~) ft ·t' t Wt' l't of and parallel :O:l'<'tion of a lin <' t pn (10) fet>t !';Outh of bC' mnde, thence north to the north line west of Lockerbie Street, from the sew~r with tht' <'t-nt~· r lith' of nid~t· Road from hereinbefore provided for Lockerbie tht> cent~r lin!' of said Wilnwtt<' A \'C'- of said "First Addition to WilmettetiH· ~t-Wt'r h<>rt> inbC' fort· ·J1rovidt·d for ntH' with a line tw e lve (12) f' e t south- Laramie Subdivi:;;ion." ThE> intt>rnal Street, and where a connection shall be Hirl'hwood A Yt>nU<' and wh(·n · a t·onnt.>c<· a:-:t of the centE-r line of Glen\'i!.'w Road.. diamett' r of :-;aid sewer from its connee- made, and thence west to a point ten tion !'hall h e madt· and th <> n c t· north to (10) feet east of the west limits of the and wh<>rt' a conn<'etion shall h<' mad e tion with the Wilme tte Avenue sewer, Village a point It' ll (10) ft·pt south of th ' l"OUth of Wilmette. and thencP east along n line t e n (1()) !':hall be fifteen (15) in<'h'R to a point line of Schillt>r A \'t·n ut·. The grade of said :;;ewer at its conft'f't !'outh of and :-:outht>ast of and pnralte n (10) ft'et l"outh of center line of CenTh e gradt- of ~aid ~t'\\'t'l' at its co nn f'cnection with the Lockerbie Street sew~r ti (l ll with tl1t- Hirl'hwood :\\' t> lltlt' .ewer lel with th<' ct>ntf'r line of said WilmNtP tral A venue, and the n<'e the internal shall b e at an elevation of thirty-five (35) .-\ \'l'l1 Ut' to a point twf'l\'t' (12) fet>t west diamet ' r !"hall b' twelve (12) inch'~ to shall hp at an t'lt·\'ation of forty- . ix and feet and thence shall rise uniformly to of thl' ct>ntt>r line of Ri<lge Road. tht· north e rn tlrminus of said sewer. thr e<· -t e nth~ <46.:0 ft' t·t and :-:hall rise an elevation of thirty-five and five-tenths ThP gradt· of s:1id l"ewer at its connt>,..The grade of ~aid sewer at its connecuniform!\' tn an t·lt·\'ation nf fort\'-l" t' \' ~ n tion with th<' t\\·<'nty-f"evt-n (37) in :!h tion with th e Wilmette Avenue sewer, (35.5) feet at its western terminus. (47 .0) ft-~ · t at it:o: nortlwrn H·rmit1us . TH.t\ YER A VENUE-WEST OF st>wPr in "~ilnwttt' Av~>nue ~h:11l be at !'hall bt> at an elevation of thirty-three JliiHa: HO .\ ll-~01"1'11 01-' I~AVERGNE AVENUE :111 <·l<',·ation of forty-<·ight (48.0) fePt (:l:tO) fef't and shall rise uniformly to H I U (' II W 0 0 U A \ " EX F. A sewer of twelve (12) inches Internal A :-:t· Wt·r of twt'l\'t· (1 ~) inclws intE-rnal and thetH'<' shall ril"f' uniformly to an ele- an e h ·Y:Hion of thirty-four and five- diameter shall be constructed in Thayer diamt· tt·r s hall ht· Nlns truc·t pd :do n~ a ,.;ltinn of fifty U>O.O) feet at its ea~tern tenth!' (~4.5) feet at said point ten (tO) Avenue, along a line thirty (30) feet feet l"Outh of the center line of Central litH' tu-1· 1\·< · <1:!) ft·t·t Wt ·~ t of and P<lrallel tf'rminul" . HIIH-:J: ROA n-~ORTJI OF Annue, :lnd thence ~hall ri8e uniformly south of and parallel with the north with tht· ('t·ntt· r lint> of Hidgt> Rond from WI L~n~TTE ..\ \'F.'ST F. to an Plevation of thirty-se\'en (37.0) line of said Thayer Avenue from and contht' sf'Wt· r ht·n·i nht.·fo re JlrO\'ided for necting with the sewer hereinbefore pro..\ l"t' \\'t·t· of h\·<'IY<' (12) in<'he:;; internal fet-t at it~ northern terminus. B1rc hw1ood A\'t·n u tJ, and whrre n connt>cvided for LaVergne Avenue and thence LOCKF.RRIE STREET-XORTJI OF ti o n :-hall })e mndt·. and tht·IW C' south to diaml'tt' r l"hall ht conl"tru<'ted along a west to a point ten (10) feet east of the WIL?\IETT}: AVF.Nl E a w·int !ton (1(1) ft ·t-t nonh of th e north lint· t Wt ·lw (1 ~) ft' t't we~t of and parallel A sewer ::;hall bt> constructed in Locl(- east line of Lockerbie Street produced \\'it h t ht· c·P ntPr lin<' of Ridg-e Road from lint" of "·a~hingt on A \'(· llU t>. south. t ht' "'ilnwttt' A\·e nup sewt·r hereinbefore t>rbie Street from the sewer hereinbeTh e ~radt· or said :::ewt·r at its con- , The grade of said sewer at its connecnf'dion with th<> BirC'h"·oop Avenu(l pr() \' idt' d for and wh e rt> a connection fore provided for Wilmettfl Avenue, ancl tion with the LaVergne Avenue sewer shall bt· mnde. tht·nce north ' to a point where a connection shall be made, an<l shall be at an elevation of thirty-five I:-;ix ~ewer :ihall and I I ?e j m-1 . 1 < · - - . ' ... .·". "(1. t:·: l I r