J uly 5, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 3'1 four week te rm , and wi ll also appe ar frequently in join t recitals. They will retu r n early in Aug ust. . Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt Stoddard, 524 Lake aven ue, spent last week -end at Delava n Lake, Wis. 1¥altonians Issue Plea to Protect Don't kill th~ cat, control it. Tabby i=- a vulture in instincts ·w hen any birds' nests or refuges arc near. She iails to distinguish bct\\'c<:n beneficial and undesirable species. They are all ju: t birds to the cat, whet her they be iricnds of city and fann alike or not. Such is the advice i sued fr om national headquarters of the Izaak \Valton League of America. H.ight now, the \Valtonians point out. is nesting time for many of the birds that are fruitful in ther benefits to mankind. ~f auy a roadside hedge hides the nesting home of quail, partridges. pheasants or other game Lirds. Tabby is their natural enemy-boys untrained as to nature's gifts to humankind form Spends His Vacation on Ocean-Going Freighter \\ells Simmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Simmons of 1 30 Central avenue, \Vilmette, is enjoying an interesting summer cruise aboa rd a fre ig ht steamer. Sailing from Baltimore. the craft made port in Phi ladelphia and X ew York for a fe\\· day s and is now enroute south, thence through the Panama canal and north along the \\·est coa st to Van couver. \\'ell s will return in time for his senior year at Kenyon ,c ollege. ~[r. and ~Ir s . H arn· \Y. ~Ions and their ·daughter. Ilan·i~t. of 157 \Vood ·· ~tock annuc. Kcnih\·orth, had as their hou se guC'sts o\'cr last ,,·eek-end, ~lr . and Mrs. E. ]. Kearney and their familv of \Vau\\"atosa. \Yis., and ~fiss ~larie l3igclo,,· and ~1iss Virginia :\[eyers of , Bird Life of Land TOURING EAST Miss Estelle Swigart of \ Vilmettc, ce llist, and ~fiss Pauline Manchester, Glencoe pianist, ldt last '"cck to tour the East. During the course of tbeir trip they will attend the Surette school of ~'l usic at Concord, :\lass., for the JULY SPECIAL ! FRESH, STURDY BOSTON FERNS 1 i 1 1 $1.00 AND UP ·i I I JOHN WEILAND 1161 Wilmette Ave., Wihnette i Wilmette 212·8 E:~~~::,i~~r'~'at~,Yg~:::f th~o~~~~.~~i~~cd 'Dcniso, "'7~/~ran,ilk. Ohi0. 1 Some forms of birds and animals ::-hould be controlled as a menace to the hcncftcial bird and animals. .\mong tlw~c of doubtful \·aim: to humanit~ and dcstructi,·e of the \Yild life that ::-lwulcl not be C O Jb~..:ncd arc crows, red . quirrcb, and a ic,,· specie · oi ha\rb and O\Yls. Consen~tion of the countrv's ga111c hircls has heL OlllC a neccs::-it,· if future generation~ are to han: npiJOrtunitics for supplying themseln.·s ,,·ith iuod and enjoying the cha~e. One leading authority on game condition , . \!do Leopol<l, say s : "\\'hat cunsen·ati()ni :-; h do not realize i::- that faYorahlc game cll\·iron - 1 ments in the past ha\'e been a ccidental. " ·hercas, from now on they must he built ll\· human hands and brain .. for the dclihcratc purpose of rai sing a game crop." I ).lam· states ha\·t taken official cognizanc~ of the present need. \'irginia, ior instance, has just liberated 10,000 ~{cxican quail in Yarious parts of the st:tte. This action \Yas taken by ~r ajor :\. \\.illis Robertson. chairman of the Yirginia Game and Inland Fisheries commission, a thorough conscn·ationist. ~1ajor l~ohertson, incidentally, has hccn encouraged to start this conserYat ion " ·ork because: of the " ·aye of \ \' alton ism that has spread orcr his state in ren·nt months. "\lanv chapters of the Jzaak \\'alton Lcag~1c han~ been nrganized ,,·ith his cooperation. They h .. vc been formed on a program oi ""i ld li f c protection. to work in conjunction \\·ith the game commissinn t11 pren·nt poaching · or the irrcsponsil>k de.;;truction nf game a1Hl fish. In more than 3,000 localities \\ 'a11on I league chapters arc cooperating with the authnrities both to consern· an<t propagate the country's g-J.mc birds. in. . ~.· cti,·orous birds, a~ \\Til as game ani111als . The mm·emL'tlt has. indeed. he cnme recognized as an unnflicial cnnsenation a rm of the state and fed eral \ governments. / DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ~ ,}!) NEW KENILWORTH PO L ICE The appointment of t\\·n llC\\. pnlic<' nftlc~rs in Kcnih,·orth ,,·as Clllllir:nc·d hY the Kcnih,·orth Villagt· ])()ard at it s r~gtd ar meeting Monday night. The new policeme n arc Anthony :\fnntanaro. of "Keni lwo r th. and \ V. R. Sumnrr. nf \ Vii .nctte. The Keni l\\'orth police force now numbers seven- one captain, three sergeants, and three p<1lice ofticers. ~1iss Ca roli ne Roberts and ~fi.:;s :'I f ar t ha Hoherts, da ughtns of 1[r. and ~ f rs . ]nh n ~ f. Robe r ts of 3l~ \ \ .;11·\,·ick roa d, Ken il wor th , havr gnne tn \Vana ida \Yoc,ds camp in Xnrthern ~f i c h i gan to spend th e summer. -0- I Coats-Hats Dresses ·f M r . an d Mrs. James C. Crnss ley and t heir daug ht er, 1f iss Ju lia. nf 407 \\'ash ing ton ave nu e. spent the l·nurth of J ul y a t Sister Bay, \ \'is. ThL·y wi ll retu rn on Monday to t heir home.