July 5, 1929 WILMETTE some auspices. It has already, received the endorsement of leading college and school authorities in the vicinity'. Bills Bros. Inc., are the general contractors of the building. H. M. Sloan of Bills Realty, Iric., negotiated the sale of the property. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin of 506 Lake avenue are spending two weeks i1\ Grand Rapids, Mich., as guests of their daughter and her family, the \Villiam Lo\Hys. They left last Sunday b}· motor and stopped on the v..-ay to visit ~fr. and ~r rs. 1\f. B. Skinner of South Rend, formerly of \Vilmette. -0- LIFE 1 "MIRALAGO" NEWEST DEL LAGO~ ADJUNCT Highest Grade "No Man's Land" to Witness Formal Opening of Model Ballroom Friday, July 12 VPBOLSTBBIRG Cabinet Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabtica AN.T IQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order The Del Lago district, that area along the lake shore between \Vilmette and Kenilworth. familiarly known as "!'\o Man's Land," since tt belongs to no incorporated town, is to ·w itness the formal opening of· one of the finest and most unique ballMr. and rooms in metropolitan area Friday, Jnly 12, when beautiful Miralago tertained "Lake-view" welcomes its initial con - bridge on home, 918 tingent of devotees of the dance . .Miralago occupies the entire upper floor of a two-story building which also contains ten shops, now being cq,'.nl?leted for a ~ yndicate headed by \~' rlham ]. l\furrav on the west side of Sheridan road i'n the Del Lago district. Entertainment Center The property is in the · center of :t rapiClly developing theater, shops and apartment section which comprises the only business frontage on Sheridan road over the distance of t wen tv- five miles between Howard street. Cl~icago and \Vaukegan. and is an additional step in making this section an out.standing commercial and rec~eational center of the north shore. The plans of the architect. George Freel Keck, provide for a motor arcad" through to the rear of the building where there is parking space of 10,000 square feet-and a uniformed chauffeur. retained by the shops, will take the patrons' cars and park them in the rear. bringing them hack when the business of the purchaser has been transacted-thus obviating the usual difficulty in parking which frequently perplexes the shopper in business sec·tions. A specia l system of flond ·lighting will .illumine the whole building. Accommodates 1,200 People , The ballroom space of 3.500 sq.uarc ieet will accommodate 1.200 people It has been lea sed to the ~firalago Corporation, headed ln· Richard Penney, formerly vice-pr~·siclent of D e\\' olf and company. It is being de- · n .' loped hy Tobey in the most modern motif with sih·ered ceilings, green draperies, black marble cnlumns and specially designed murals hy De\\.itt, and bv D;l\·is and \\'est-with multichange of ~olors effected by special systems of electric wiring. ~fusic in the ballroom ·is to he under the direction of Dell Cot\n ( ~- \\. e. '23) who originated and directed the Royal Purple orchestra of ~orthwcst ern university, more recently gained distinction with his orchestra in \\.a shington diplomatic circles, and who now comes to M iralag-o directly from two years' leadership in composition and instrumentation at the ~r ontmartre in Hollywood, Cal. Stipulate · Regulations Emphasis i's placed upon · the fact that ~firalago is to be a " ·holesome as well as a delightful place for the dance. To aid in maintaining an atmosphe:-e that . will be in comformity with the high standards of the surrounding communities, President Penney has set forth the following specific regulation s, coupled with an appeal to the nort:h shore puulic for co-operation in supporting them: "Couples, trios or groups of men and women are mo:-;t welcome-but no aumission of men alone nor of wom('ll without escorts. "After-theater dancing parties are invited-but no single admission dance:-;. The charge is for the evening-and not for the dance. "Delightful cuisine and deliciou~ fountain service-but no ginger ale, ice or :o-;ervice for set-ups, and no use or disposition of liquor." ]. Nye l\Iacalister entheir club at dim1er and \Vednesday evening at their A shland a\'enue. ~Irs. H. G. LINDW ALL 808 Oak StJ·eet Flighest Grade Upholstering . Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 C'Deere Park From the High Bluffs Over the Lake In the quiet of Deere Park one finds peace and comfort away from the everyday worries of life. Representative Always on Property BAIRD & WARNER OFFICE: CoRNER SHERIDAN RoAD AND CouNTY lANE RoAD HIGHLAND PARK Phones: Highland Park 3040-Briargate 1855 Mira]ago, it is pointed out, is especially designed to cater to the young people of the north shore area who seek social diversion under most whole- ~U\MMIUVUVV\MIU.UUUU\nlll\1\1\nM\ARI\I\1\I\IlMNlMIVUW\IIMI\MI\IUU\J\IUUWU\ItNUWU\IUWWUU\MJ\IVUUU~ J ..