, WILMETTE LIFE June 28, In9 Instant .Serviee..... If you dislike waitingJ on the roadside with a dead battery-no gas-or a flat tire-just Phone Wilmette 691 One of our completely equipped service trucks will be quickly dispatched and in a surprising short time your trouble will have been remedied and you "rill again be on your way. .I Remember Wilmette 691 Wilmette Battery & Eleetrie Serviee 140 Twellth Staaeet Pbone Wilmette 691 BllY . GU ARANT BED COAL AND COKE : ) ·ou Jon ·r ha,·e to gatnble when you order coal or coke fron1 Consumers Company hecau~e every ton is hilly guaranteed ?s to quality and full weight --it mus.t satisfy you or we remove it and refund your n1oney. ·Y ou can ave money by buying now. Phone for special sun1n1er pt·ices. BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL·! E\1ANSTON OFFICE 1015 Church St. Phones l Jniv. 4500. and Wil. 1300 @nsumers@mpany THE fUEL. OIL NORTH GLENCOE OFFICE 712 Glencoe Road Phone Glencoe 75 SHORe Of!LlV~RV I I I I ( () .t\ L - C 0 t'\ E VAR05 ALL OVEq Of5TRtCT ~----~···············································u······ ~ ~w···u·············a·············-············Q RfA RADIOilA4t6 I I I I 'This ne\v RCA Screen-Grid tube circuit con1bined with the power-driven RCA Electro-Dynan1ic Loudspeaker reproduces speech and music with a quality,' clarity, · and depth of tone that is truly remarkable. I I RCA RADIOLA 46, less Radidtrons, $179.00 I I I I I I I I I I I Authorized Sales and Service for Radiola and Crosley I I I I I I I WM. G. BEYRER { Electric and Radio Shop 1131 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 81 · ~-~-------------------------------------------------------·····----~--------·················--········-···