Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1929, p. 59

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June 28. 1929 tt iS JIELP .:WANTED-~EHALE .. ~ ~ WILMETTE LIFE : It WANTE~WHJTE MA(D FOR . GENeral housework. Musf have some experience with - children, $15. Ph. Win- · nE>tka 1609~ 56LTN40-ltp HELP W ANTED-liALE . F~R RENT-H~~E8 ~ ~ ~ .. ADDED · sBRViCE ..PoR &7 ) APPLICATIONS FOR POSITION OF Police Patrolman will be accepted up to and including July '3rd. Applicants mu::;t be bet:ween 25-35 years, husky, and have had at least grammar school education. Apply in person Kenilworth Police Dept. during business hours. 57LTN40-ltc STltONG YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN grocery · store. Experience preferred. Van Deusen's. Central and Twelfth Wilmette. 57LTN40-ltc ! CLAIIIPIED UI.B RI :e will now aeeept elassilied adve·dse~nents lo· pubUeadon ill tbe ···eat issue undl WILMETTE LIFE 1 _. · WINNETK'A. 7 kOOM. STRICTly m~dern, 2 tile baths, 2 car sarage, lar;ge, lm~ ·convenient. tt.·· achool.s /transportatfon. B. · H. "Barnett, North Shore, 9ffice. Glen C. Bull, Room 4, 526 Center· ·st. ·Phone Winnetka 773. 69LTN40-ltc FOR RENT-8 ROOM· HOUSE WITH sleeping and dining porches, attache4 garage, on . b~mer, near transportation and ..c~o<?}~.. ,qt~l .. Wilmeue· ~468. · ·. ·· · ·· . · .. 69LTN31-tfc MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE, 4 BEDrooms, h. :t"W·· heat, garage. · 3 blocks to trans. $l40 pe·r month. Tel. Winnetka .268.8.. . , 69LTN40-1tc.. 4'0 .. FOR RENT~FURN.l(.()ifS~S ·:fl'i:w, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ .~ .·. . ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ iS HELP WANTED-MALE & FEMALE North Shore Emp. Agency 1616 SHERMAN AVE. . Maids Couples Chauffeurs Gardeners WHITE OR COLORED Two phones: Univ. 934; Green. 6130. 58LTN40-1tc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 P. M. WEDIIBSDAYS FURNiSHED. HOUSES T.t f: RENT FOR the summer~ .. .Tel. Wbmetka . t194. · · . . . · .· . . . 70LTN4t~ltc 42 FOR RENT-GAR~\.GES . .. ~ ·~ Scandinavian E .m p. Agency MALE AND FEMALE HJ!:LP 701 Davis St. Univ. 9595 ISL40-ltp e Just Telephone ~ GARAGE FOR ·: REN_,;; $7.50 PER: :Mo. 1.027 ..Central Ave., Wilmt:tte. . . .. .. . . . '72LT40-1tp 73 ~ -1 . . ~ ~ ~ FOR RE~T-8TOR~S 6 OF~ICES ~ ~ ~ 60 Sl'l'UATJON WANTED-FEMALE WILMETTE 4~00 ST9RE OR . OFFICE, EXCELLENT ground location hi Winnetka. · WHI decorate to 'suit. Ph. Winnetka 165. I 73LTN34·tfp NEW STORE, 16x4( .BASEMENT. Reas. Phone Winnetka 112. . 73LTN40-tfc 74' REFINED MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will care for children by hour. Would acct-pt position as practical nurse ot Cl)mpanion. Winnetka 704. 60LTN40-l tp ~ ~ ~ FOR RENT-APARTMENTS Sl'l'l." ATIO:X W AN.TE D-:\IALE 61 WHITE WOMAN \V ANTS GENERAL work for Mon. and Tues. Cleaning for)-~-X-P_E_R_I_E_N_C_E_D_M_A_N_F_O_R __ P_A_I_N_T-IN-~-G Friday. Best ref. Ph. University 332:! screens, window washing and general W. 60L40-1tp work about home. Tel. Wilmette 570. FOR SALE-HOUSES COL. WOMAN WANTS GEN. HSWK. by day or wk. N. S. ref. Greenleaf 6449. 60L40-ltp 61LTN29-tf·: 2, 3 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS HOuSE OR GARDEN WORK BY HOUR Here In Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find wt-ll-arday or contract. Drainage. Phon(' ranged apartment~. All apartments \Vionetka 1288 after 5 p. m. hav~ outside rooms which provide an REFINED SCHOOL TEACHER 61LTN31-tfc abundance of light .and air. Ample white, 22, experienced, would like posi~ closet space. Schools, churches and tion as governess, or general house- 12 SIT. WTD.-MALE & FEl\IALE shopping facilities within tm~ediate work beginning near July 1. Phone Glencoe 370. 60L40-ltp EXPERIENC:f:D A N D REFINED white chauffeur and cook. In first LAUNDRY WORK FOR WED., FRI. c-lass north shore home. A-1 ref. Write $3.75 day. Ref. Greenleaf 2378. Wilmette Life B-136. 62LTN40-ltp REALTORS REALTORS · 60LT39-2tp 424 Linden Ave. Wll. 460 720 Elm Street Ph. Wlnn. 1470 EXPERIENCED COUPLE DESIRE 67LTN2-tfc 77LTN40-ltc WANTED TO WASH - BLANKETS work on the ~orth Shore. Best ref. curtains, and other laundry work. 88G :\Iany can do any kind of work. Ph. Willow rd. Tel. Winnetka 1924. UnivE>rsity 5286. 62L40-1tp 60LTN40-tf<; REDUCED FROM $33,000 TO $27,000. NILES CENTER This beautiful 7 room Brick Colonial ROARD AND ROOM EXPERIENCED LADY WANTS WORK &!l with tile roof on landscaped corner lot. t-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large, by the day or hour. Phone Winnetka --------~-------Well arranged ftQor plan, 4 bedrooms, light, modern. Near Dempster "L" 18~3. 60LTN40-ltc ROO:\I, BOARD A;-.JD ALL HOMJ<::: 2 tile baths. Plenty of extras go with terminal station and North Shore elecprivilege~ given in exchange for light house. Owner will sell all furnishing~. tric. 29 minutes to loop. duties during day and prep'aring eveHIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS CARE OF This must be seen to ·be appreciated. ning meal. Sundays and evenings E!Xchildren. Ph. Wilmette 1768. 60L40-ltc Don't overlook this good buy. cept Saturdays free. ::\fust be over IS Dempster Street at Bronx Ave. years of age. 7456 N. Clark St. Ph. WANTED BY 2 COLORED GIRLS, Phone Ntles Center 93 Hollycourt 2934. 63LTN-l0-ltp REALTORS . good cook and second maid, ref. Ph. 67LTN36-tfc w ·innetka 2198 Wentworth 0021. 60LTN40-ltp 714 Elm St. 77LTN40-ltc EXP. COL. COOK OR GEX HSWK. 66 FOR RE!!T-ROO)IS I ~ 'iODERN Ref. Ph. Kenwood 2259. 60LTN40-ltp 1 DOUBLE ROOM, SINGLE RM., t~ ~"-'- --~ -4 s ... block from N. W. Sta. 537 Main St. Xew 3 & 4 room apartments tELIABLE SCOTCH WOMAN WANTS Ph. Wilmette 1654. E::~st ~ide, nr. lake & "L" 66 L 40 _1 tp cleaning by the day. Ph. Wil. 3486. $70-$90-$100 60LT40-ltp FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS For inform. Ph. WilmE-tte 1911 SPLENDID 9 RM., 3 BATH MODERN colonial in view of lake on' 100 ft. lot employed; 1ight and pleasant; hot and 67L40-ltc YOUNG GIRL AS MOTHER'S HELPER. cold running water. Ph. Wil. 4207. . - ---------------in finest se<;tion. Canvased throughout'. . Will stay evenings. Tel. Wil. 4574. G6L2S-tfc 4 ROOM FLAT, 2 PORCHES. 1ST $57,500. 60LTN40-ltc floor. 1 bl. to tram:;p. Ph. Kenilworth 4037. ======~~~~=~~~~~ FOR RENT ROOM, ALSO SPACE IN 67LTN40-ltc 81 SITUATION WANTED-MALE garage. Will arrange for some light housekeeping if desired. Ph. Wilmette 69 FOR RENT-HOUSES 2248. 66L38.-tfc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INC. CHAUFFEUR, A-1 MECH., WILL TAKE REALTORS care of your car at your home-greasOZV Oll1e Of en 746 Elm St. Winnetka 161.7 ing, washing, minor repair~. etc. Also FURN. R::\1. FOR RENT, ALSO FUR~. SEYEX ROOl\IS AND BATH. FOUR 77LTN40-ltc drive. Winnetka 194. 61LTN40-ltp for sale. Ph. Wilmette 965-\V. eheen· bedrooms, large living room 66L40-1tc with natural fireplace, automatic hot WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY, GENwater heat with gas fired boiler, a ' FURNISHED eral housecleaning, washing windows FOR RENT-NICELY lovely yard with an abundance of trees and woodwork. Garden and landscape room, east side homt-. Ph. Wilmette and flowers. Located in Wilmette's 66LT40-ltc work a specialty. Ph. Winnetka 1657. 1940. east side only three blocks from trans- ON BEAUTIFUL PARK PLACE, 6 61LT40-2tp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - portation. Rental $150 , per month. room Dutch Colonl~l; hot water heat; SLEEPl~G PORCH, SUITABLE FOR Phone or write. 50 ft. parkway. Pnced at $17,500. ------------------~--------1 or 2. Tel. Winnetka 2669. CHAUFFEUR EXPERIENCED ON 66LT~40-tfc high grade cars, age 32, wishes position on the NorjJ:l Shore. Ph. Wilmette 3730. 61LTN40-ltp ROO:\f FOR BUSINESS :\L\~ VvHO Phone Wilmette 192 REALTORS would a pptedate fine home in good loc. 513 4th Street 69LTN40-ltc 1177 Wilmette Ave. Rathrm. faciliti es and transp. exct>llent. Wilmette 273 BY EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR, Reftort·ncef.:. \Vilmette 204. 66L40-ltp ------------------~--------77L40-ltc houseman and gardener, white, compeFuR RENT-5 RM. HOUSE, 1 BATH, tent and willing. Excellent references. sun porch and gar. On Harding Rd. '1LENCOE EAST SIDE. CHARMING Call E. Morrison, Wilmette 3566, 8-19 LO. ATRY FURN. RM., $5. PLENTY OF hot watE'r. Suitable for 2 if deRired. in the Yillage of Northfield, Ill. For A. M., 6-8 P. M. 61LTN40-ltp English home of 10 rooms, just comPh. Wilmette 729. 66L40-ltp further inf. call Wilmette 2062 or 3300. pleted. Living r90m 18x28. · Six bed69LTN40-1tc SIT. WTD.-BUTLER, ALSO VALET. rooms, 4 baths, lavatory, tiled kitchen, }'OU REN'f-APAR'f~IENTS Experienced, 2 yrs. last place, wants Gi attached 2-car garage. Within 3 blocks IDEAL HOME position Jt!,lY 1st. City ref. Write - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 rm. Spanish brick res., 4 bedrms., 2 of station, school and lake. 248 HawGlencoe News B-130. 61LTN40-ltp FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE thorne Ave. Price $50,000. For ln· baths, nr. lake. $250 mo. Highland apartment, steam heat, janitor service. formation phone Glencoe 561. Park 3252. 69LTN40-ltp near transportation. Call WilmPtte GARDENER, GERMAN, WORK BY 77LTN36-tfc 1800. 67LTN39-tfc hour, day or week. Ph. Winnetka 1549. FOR RENT-6 RM. HOUSE, 2 PORCH61LTN39-2tp FINISHED CHARMING es, large yd. ; oil heat, 1% blks. to ALMOST FOR RENT-1 ROOM APT. FURN. brick residence, 6 bedrms., 3 baths, lg. transp. $80. Ph. Glencoe 1577. complete, extra sleeping rm. available, WTD. - HSE. CLEANING BY ALL living and recreation rms., Frigidaire, 69LTN40-1~c nr. transp. Call Wilmette 3730. around job man. Ph. Greenleaf 7519. Oil Ht., att. garage. $41,000. 642 Elder 67L40-ltc 61LTN39-4tp Lane, Winn_ etka, nr. Church Rd. G ROOM BUNGALOW, 4 BLKS. FROM . 77LTN 40-4tc Winnetka. Elm St.. transp. Large yard. EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS FLAT FOR RENT-3 RMS., INCLUDES Reasonable. Inquire at stand Sunset work by the day or week; good referlight, water and heat. Call at 1448 and Dundee Rds. 69L40-ltp MORE . WANT .ADS ON PACE · ences. Tel. Wilmette 570. 61LTN29-tfc Wilmette Ave. 67L40-ltp LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE ·. IN GOOD ~EIGHBORHOOD, QUIET street, close to transportation, · school and shops. Living room, "dhiing room, kitchen, sun room, 5 bedroohis, 3 baths, attached garage, oil heat, · frigidaire, canvased walls and ceilings, beautifully wooded a~d landscaped ·Jot. Owner transferred east. Priced right. ·Phone us for appointtrtel'lt. NEW : BRICK. H;OME Q~1~~L~~.!~:.T~a~~~~ It~~: IHkellllil~®Ilil !Rce~t!;y CC®o HUBBARD \VOODS ------------------------THE BRONX M. - J. FAHERTY QUINLAN &.- TYSON, INC. -\I ------------------=- ll=ll©]l[~Ifil~@IIil & JJ ®lllllk~ C H f R t YVihni~~L~o~~lty Co. 1MJ©liD;&1l: & fll~lffi~lfity - -

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