Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1929, p. 48

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48 - June 28, 1929 bouo-ht from a s\·ndicate headed bv Lou~s ).fanierre ·and Frederi ck .A.. Quinlan & Tyson Manage Cooper. The consideration was undis·ciosecl. J oseph 0. Lai'rd oi £,·anston and Gil- appointed managers for the Judson bert D. Johnson & Brother of Chicago and Ba,rrington \\·ere the brokers in Castle apartments, 820-22 Judson avenue , £,·anston, according to a recent t hi:"l tran-action. announcement. , Another building re-· · .'\. zoning enabling act athorizmg t1 1 ,e centlv taken o\·er In· - thi s firm is the regulation of the location. size, use and To,,·er C?u.rt, a_ 20-apartment,r thirteen:lcight ni huilcling:-. the arrangement story. bmldmg In . Hubbard \\ oods. , ,j building~ o n a Int. and the density Qumlan and 1 \"'On report that th e ni uopu_la tion in_ all citic~ of the se ~- ~ Tower Castle~ ~p~rtmcnts, _S.herman und. tl 11 rd and 1uurt h cia . :-.es and 111 a\·en uc and -:\o~ c st reet. which are all ,-illage:. and t ilt: adoption oi com- I under their man~gem~nt, are now 55 prchcns in~ city plan.., pur::.uant to such ! percent ren~e(~ m sptte of the fact regulation \\~a:; ~_· 11 a r ttd hy the ).[innc- j that the huddmg was not rea_d~ for j ..,()ta ~tate kl{i:-bturt· at it:-. mo~t rc- occupancy on ~fay 1, as ongmally · ~.·nt ...,<':; ... i\111. I planned. Publisher Buys 26 Acres for a Country Residence Harry E. Miller of \Yinnetka, publisher of "The Book House For Children," has purchased for his own use as a . ite for a countrv home twent\·-six acres two miles northwest of the -Barrington Hill s Countn· Club. Thi.;; property, ,~· hich has a sma ll lake and wooded knoB within it s borders, was KENILWORTH BWLDJNG .ou~la!m!:rt~!onAp::':~m:~~ IS HOLDING FAST PACE P.ermit List This Month Shows Five New Residences Are to Be Built at Cost of $134,500 "Kenilworth which has been setting a pace in the building line for nort h shore Yillagcs. again maintained t;, j, record during th e first 25 1 June, a record which it sho uld b-e un cl<.:r:"lto 1ci is o n a coinparati\·e ba~ i: rclati,·e to population. KenihnJrth · · fin~ new residcnc c:-o :-t:.ntcd in the foregoing period a:·c to co:;t a tutal ni Sl3-t.500 an n :ra re \)i allno:-;t ~27.000. :\ p~rmit ior .. . a rt.:nltldeling job ro:;ting .,. 1.500, hrr ·w. dH the tiJtal for the 25 day:, tv .~13f,,!J()i). Permit:-i ior :1c:w. rc: sidcncc..; \\" l·: · ~_· i:-o:-ucd to E. ] . Juhnson iPr F. \ \ 'illi<ti !l . Plummer. \rho i:-; building a t\\.(J :-.toli·,brick n:Ilt:LT. \\'ith att~c l H.: d t\ru- L ·<;;garagc at 13R \\'innttka aYcnu~:. cn.- ting ~33,000. To Oscar Duhlt:n ior E. X. "Krein. iur a t\\·o :;t ·ry :;tucco and l>r:d-: \Tnc<:r and attached garage. at -1113 ~hcridan road. co:-ting S33.0UO. fh-crton & Tra\\·cck iur H.a,·nlcncl Craig. " ·h ) is building a t \\'0 - t11n· brick ,·e nccr and :-.tucc(l " ·ith attach~;! one car g~ ra ge. at (iJ!J Rid·re road. ,.., custing S12,000. To :\ . Abranh on . ior a t \\'L) :-.t,,,,. brick H'llctr and rktachl'Cl t\ru ra·· g<lral!c at fJ2! Bri~..·r ;-,trnt, co:-ting ._' 11.500. X. P. Kinn, ior Herbert .\ . Lunda hl. \\'ho i · ercctng a brick and concrete re::-idencl.: at 220 l~aleigh road. co:-tin:..: I S-t 3. 000. ....-·LOANs--· Vaeatlon hi eomlng DO YOU NEED MONEY? 110 to 1300-Legal nates FRAXJ\ }' IX .\ XC F. CO RPORA TIO X 8·1te 1901, Sl N. LaSalle St., Chlratr· State 931i·lt·Si da ,.:- i; I s s 5 ~ ~ ~ ;::::a /1 'S A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN DEERE PARK 1 :::::a :::::a I~ 12 I ;-:: I c::: c::: ! Many Sales Reported by Joh~ F. Hahn, Inc. John F. Hahn, Inc ., reported several ' realty sales for the month. 1 1 he_ nine-roo_m resi~ence o.f \\ . illj~m H. Fncke president o t the -:\orth Stele Cleaners and Dyers company at 1319 Ridge a\·enue wa · purchased b,· A lexander D. Bruce, \vho will mo-,·e into it July 1. Mr. Bruce ga,·e in excha nge his seve n-room hom e at 1-t20 Fargo avenue, Chicago. The considcratio.1 involved was approximately $75,000. \V. ]. Hahn and \Villiam A. Sadler were the salesmen. The stucco btingalow at 2406 Hartrey avenue, the southwest corner of Coli ax street, was purchased bv Thomas B. Hunter from Ed,rard C. Harms. A. ).1. Landaker \\·as the salesman. The six-room brick colon ial residence at 2323 Bryant avenue was sold In· Morris ]. Steiner to John L. Knight. Mqx A. Hahn and \Viii ]. Hahn acted for both parties. Edward H. Brown, head of the E. H. Brown Advertising agency, has purchased from John Lee borg the new seven-room brick residence at 242-l Lawndale avenue. Mr. Sadler represented both parties. One of the last rema ining strips of vacant property on Lawndale avenue. the northwest corner of Lawndale and Harrison, was purchased by five 1 ·= = :;:::::= ::;::::o ·: 5 5 :;:::2 c:= s :::::::z 5 2 5 $ = 2 ::::::» :::::s 15 i2 I= I~ s 2 s Nine Rooms, Four Baths, Two Servants' Rooms, One Bath, Two Car Attached Carage, Lot 111 ft. x 173 ft. ::=::& .= 2 = ;s I~ I~ ::::s :::a Such a home, typical of its period with its beautiful wood " ·ork and its carefully planned rooms, adds to the worthwhile things in life. Inspection hy appointn1ent, only. ·t 1 ==- ==2 ::; Representative Alwa)'S on ProperfJ.' CONFER ON AD PROBLEM BAIRD WARNER I jil Office: Deere Park, Corner Sheridan Rd. and County Line Road Highland Park. Phones: Highland Park 3040- Briargate 1855. ~IIMIVWIMMIUIMIUinnnnnnnAMIIMIInJUVII\JUUUUUUUUVIntllllliUII\IWIIIJUIJWU\l\MIVUUWUUINU\IIIIIUU\IWIIIIU . A special conference on the problem presented by certain types of outdoor advertising is beit!_g held as a ·part of the convention of the :\ational Association of Real Estate Boards, at Boston. \Vard C. Gifford, Kansa s City, Mi ssouri, who will preside at the con ference, states thgt the purpose of calling such a meeting is not to promote any particular plan for controlling outdoor advertising b_ ut to pool information. on the situation, with a view eventually to eliminating the objectionable type of outdoor advertising v.-hich detracts from the sightliness of residential areas and mars rural scenic beauty.

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