June 28, 1929 WILMETTE LIF'E Charge Pur, hases Made Friday, Saturday . . . June 28, 29 . . . will be posted on July statements, payable in August. DaV\s St-reet~Downtown Evanston ·Seen On North Shore Beaches Jantzen Swim Wear~~~From Rosenberg's Beach Shop The Speed Suit For the Man J . for Lo'v cut . speed and con1fort in the \Vater . . . as \ve11 as to aid in the acquiring of a coat of tan! Choose yours tn maroon, navy, black, blue, or cardinal. For boys, $5. The Twosome for Women $6.50 This Jantzen (shown at right) is a one-piece suit, yet has all the appearance and smartness of a two-piece ... with striped tops and plain "trunks." · The fashion-favored Jantzen Sun Suit, low cut for women ... is $6. Navy, black, cardinal, blue, green, canary. emerald. ~ Jantzens, $3 . Children's The same model that dad or mother wears . . . in miniature ! In sizes 2 to 8, at $2.75 and $3; in sizes 10, 12, and 14 . . . $4. E\'ery child wants a Jantzen! ROSENRERG'S-B('ach Shop--Fi1·st Floor ·Beach Pajamas · They're all wearing them to and from the beach . . . as well as on the sands! Of satine . . . wide "gob" pants and finger-tip jacket. 34-42, $3.95. Second Floor, West Room N. U. Tank Suits . The kind that Tom Robinson officially recommends for his swimming classes I 28-36, for boys and girls, $3.50; 36-44, for women, $3.95. ~ Beach Shop-First Floor Beach shoes with low heels . . . in green, cardinal, white, black, or blue, $1.25 . Caps to match at 75c. Relts at 2Sc and SOc. Beach balls, too ! Beach Shop-Fint Floor