Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1929, p. 16

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School 1.Vews· VOL. 2, NO. 19 Latest JUNIOR LIFE ·" \VIL:\IETTE, ILLI~OI~, JUNE 28, 1929 Told by the Pupils l '1=====- Publubed weekly by tht achool children of W ilmttte undtt auperviaion of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board Howard Addition Nears Completion; Serves Many Uses Th e Jlr,W<tn1 ~cht1ol's llf-W arlrlitinn i~ coming alnng VHY nic<:ly. The auditt,rium is going to be wry pre tty. It has large panels on the walls and a !-;!cJping ftr,flr . There is a mm·ing pictun· projection room in th e balcony. Th P stage is quite large and i. very modernii'ltic. It will be more th an usefut in thP future· years. The other 1r,m~ an· gt,ing to b e ·nice~ also. The Gen · ra J Scienct: room and laboratory has sinks antl gasf's a ncl various kinds of she! VE:'!<, tr, k f'ep chemical s. I think the Howanl !-:ehrJrJI c hildrt·n shfJuld consJd~r themselns lucky. Th e re are other interesting ft~atures about it, but this mak es a p agt·. -- Frank ~Jay , llt·wanl summe r Rehor,). Commencement Vattman Kickballers Pick Team and Captain Children Get Personal Attention in Classes Summf'r ~r·ht·t·l Ins (JP(·nf·d in thf· SUJ!p building in a , ·r·ry satisfac-t·,ry w :ty. Ft,tlr groupH an· in !-:r·~sit·n r·\'Prv mr·rning . workin~ uwl1· r th<· guirlan(:r. tJf. fr,ur teacht-rs. At fir!-lt thf> c·hildn·n S(·e m(·d tn dn·arl the work but it ha s })rr,w·d t(J b(: very enjoyable tiJ all ()f tis . B ecause th ere arc so f ew pupils, thf' leac h f'rs are a hlr · t o gin.: us pPrsrma l attentirm anfl h r· lp. W e read and wr,rk arlthmPtic o1· grammar , _gf'tring h 1·l p just wh er w e (.':tC'h r,nr · II H·rh it. Mrs. Jones has a :-kf'tr·hin g <'hi!'!' whi('h Is quit popular. Thi s class wo1·k:- IJUt ,JOJ,J,Y 1'Dn:s of donn'l. ThP park i!' r,p<· nerl nrJ\\' a t la st Th (· st·hr·r1l will r·r,n tin·H· ft,r six WN· k :in~ Th t· rln·arv ~<' h fJfJ ) ~easr1n ha~ aln:ady and we will still ha \'f' tinw for tl'ips ant! })<"I ~serl . Thr· \\' iJm,.ftf· h· ·:tC'h r,penttl SHturday . re~ular \·ac·a tir,n fun .- l>it ·k llan··· y, jg .Junt · l~o . Hath ht11lst·s han· bH·n paint (· d Tf·;t~ns f r, r kickball will sr,cm b e chosen Stolp. and a lsr, wire d with n (· \\' spr.t li ~ht~ u, l >r ·n 't think anv r,f us will be frozen light thf· lH·ac·h :tt night. ::\lrmrlay, .Tun e :\[r:-. F'Hn c khoni· r ha s <·rome r·nf'e mrJrt: P .\ UK J()\'S 1i, s wi111ming instrU<'ti CJ !l was startc·cl by Tlk ~a me kind ptrsrm as b(·f(Jre May and Susif·, th p ~· gr, f·ar ·h day. :\li s!' SkirlnHI!'P < t!Hl ~Jr. St11nf·, }J(·th g~·m St·\\'ing i~ a gr t: at d e al (Jf fun Out of dfJors for sunshint· anrl play na~ium tE:'a('hf'r!' of th f' \Yil mt"ft(· Public l·:wci:tlly \\'ith h e r aid And as tht ·y trot so nwrri l y l'llong sl · h(Jr,) ~. Thf· in:-tn)('ti r111 i:- given fn·f·. For th f·n i L'!-: ea!' ily dt·n f·. &"lch to tht·m~f'I\' I'S hlltll a j ro lly SWt·H All an· invitc ·cl.-Ceo rgc· Y· ·r11nan, ~H - :\Ta rg-a rt--t )fary Krt·n!'t h, \'illag · Gn:t- n son~ . l'laygnnm<l. Hr1ward . Till at l a~t tht·Y n ·:tl'h tlw park There nr<· no rlr,g-s to loudly hark J>llt .\ T t:S TUDl CL'RS 'I'EA('II Sr.\LUEU ('J,.\SSES And diHturh th 1: pPaet· i.n ~IIC'h a nwrT~· 'TU f'!"dtt~· mr.ntin.!;' at Yattman Park thf:' Th ,· tl'ndH· r!-i wht· :1n· t !·:tl'h ing sunlln··r t o wn . l'ittshurgh Piratt'S played the C'hicago :-<·hfHol at Ifr,ward this ::rt·ar are :\Ji!-i :-: The vollpyiJall i ~ to !--:!--:1·11 up anrl drown Cub:- in a gamt· r·f playground hall. It Lt ·ftus whr, i~ 't· ·:t<'hing thinl a nrl fourth The oJ(lt·r gir !H an· S1 ·wing a way wa s \ ' t'l'Y t·Xt'iting ;tll th e way throug:h grarlt>, :\li!-:s Lar~t·n wlHI i ~ t eac hing fifth Mary anrl Suslt·" r·rotnf· twi r·t· a day a lthough tht· <'uh:-: happe 1 wcl to haY· th e In th<> lllCJrning at nin (· and aftt·rn(·t·ll ;tlld !-iixth gra1h·s ancl ~I rs . .Jron t·s whr, t·rlgo·. but that was r·nlr up tr' th e third is tf'ac ·hing sc·\'E-nth and t:·ig-hth grackH . at on(·. i11nim~ . Tht: n th t· J'irat t-~ !'l:trtf'd tn gain ~nd ~o thr· day harl f·flcli·rl arHl a happ~· .:\1r·.!' . .lfJtH>s h:-1 !' niiH·t Pt·n ('hildrdl in lkr hut tht·n :1gain tht· ('ub!-: !-:tart!:'d tr· gnin. , onc·. - !\Targarf't :\1<tr~ Kn ·n:-C'h, \'ill:t gc· rroll!ll . ~Ii ~~ Lar ~t·n has tw~· ntv c hilclrt·ll : :ut after all that th e l'irates finallv ,,. in ho·r l'lll·tn . ~I iss Lt·ftus has· St·n·nt<"· ll 1!1 tfJ 11-.- \\' altt·r Ffl~lun..U.· \'attman.I'Hrl.;. Grf·f·n. ('hi lrln·n ill ht·r !'IIIJ))l. Sr·nw <·hildn·n :t n· tonly ~rdng for thn·£· wt· t·ks.-.Jad.; PJ , E . \S . \~T .\XH Qrn:T . J> AIL\() t: .\ T \'1 LI .. Ha: (;H. E EX Stdn. llt ·W:II'rl . Th 1· lit ·Wa rd :-ummt-r :-l'hool dass r,f 1 'fhf' Villa~<· Gn·t·li playground h :1d a )Jr·- . .)<111\ ·s' i·ot·lll inl'lud<·s tlw !'! ·\·t· nth J¥lrade 'V trhwsll ay aft1· 1 ·noon . 'Thc · r·hi l ; ,\ 11 . \~ V .\ ItT\. ;t!Hl t- ighth gra<h·r~ . Th 1- r e are twt>l\' :' ctren came In co:-~tum(·s. Wt· harl se \'t ·ra I iA lfnwanl had :1 }l:tl'ty :tt tht· h to tll t· st ·\'t·nt! J gra<h·rs an<l St·\'<· 11 Pighth grad1·rs. l~dl :tns, ~ \'f·r: tl g-yp:- i1·s, a blaf'k cat. a .:\Jrs. <:r·r,\·f' s \\':t~ Th t· llH·nring-s h ;t \'(· IH·t·n pl ·asa nt and wll<'h anrl a Hukh gir l and b oy. Tltt · t,f \'i rJ.!illia .T1111t ·~. cftlldrPn gavP y1·lls f(,r thP Yillagt· Crt·t·tl "n ·~ · · nt.-rl with a :- iln·r IH·arlr·cl hag frt·m quid !'o til at Wt · ha \'(· IJt"<·n <l"ing r1ut· al~ th ·y m :1rc·ht·rl. Aftt'rwanl :\[rs. F:tn<'k - th1 · l'ltlolll . .Jtohn f I:<! HirtH' ga \'t· a ~lifJI't \\'(JI'k as usua 1. T t is nr,t tin·!-:Otnt· Wlo!'l\ ·li with thP pt·t·St·ntati" ll. \\·,. ;1rl }1;1(] and thn ·(· hour ~ in thf' m r. rning- ar e not bon(·r bought kc· f'l'(·am c·rm<·s fill' (·\'f·rv- ..: pt ·t·< Ea<'h IH1y lon.u g ht a girl at ;til b;ul . -Dru cc ~IealH,..r, ~n ll<·ward . bodv who march ·<l .-Yirginia Tol.in , \'il - :t lin·· tin11 ·. I :tttrl \\'1 · ha<l rhtllf'illg· :tlltl ganw:- fill' lage Gret·n. pr·izt·s. ::'llr~ . ~prag-ut· \\':t!-: th <· r· · and wa -.. S1T UY 1-' HO :U 9 TO 1:! ----- t'll.l!':t l!c·rl ill lu ·lping )lr!-: . .l ront·~ and t·llIn ~11111n1r · 1· ~c- hr,r,J w e stud,. from !! ( ' J.OSIX(; 1' ,\ U'I'Y 1··rt : 1 i 11 i ng· t ht· d1i l<ln·n . Fr;l!ll\ )l :t .\', ··'<"lro<'k to 12 to'(']r,('k eac h day. -,VP study Th(\ 7B C'l:t~~ <·f tht · II (J\\':trd !' dltll·l h:t ·l ll oward !'C' horol. :trithmt ·li<' anrl gTnmmar. 1t is ni ce and a p:trty F1·i<1a~· :1 ftt ·rnor·n fro1· til t· t·tHlitt !' :·r.rJ) all mr·J 'll ing- in th (· l'(·r·m . ~Ir :- . .Tonps of !'l<·hool. \\' p g-aw· ?\lis~ 1\Tarl st· ll ;t l'··rl ;lpJ)toints six or >;<·n,·n t o gin· <.· UtTE· nt Tt-: .\( ' 11 EH~ '1':\ 1\ E )1.\ ~l' .\1, l ~ad en·rsharp su !-:lW WfiU!dn't IH· tl!-'i tl T\\'ro lt ·:ti'IH· r·:- takt · manua l training·. v \·t·nt:- f';t('h d r1y . "" (· a l ~o ha\'t · s p t-- lling. an ftlO er:t\'O):t flo!' ('fi!T(·(·fi lll,! IIIII' ll :t li ··o.: We all ha·d a nice time and w e re dls- Th··Y an · droillJ: II Ida I \\'flt 'k. 'Th1 ·\' :I I'< · Tlw (·ig hth gra(lf' \\'r,rk on drill hr1r·k~: :\In-. lll's~i t·, tht · ldlldt·rgar ·tt·n tt·: u·]h..'r· :1nri tlld tht s t· \'t· ntll g-rarlt· in tlwir al'ithnH·tk mif'sNI at ~ ::lO to'dtwlc - :-\aru·\· ~l:tY. I It t\\' :\Ii:o-:-; J: t·IT.\' lilt · fifth gl':t(lt · tt ·: lf'h(·l' 11f '" 'ci\.;:-.-Erllt·st I:to!-:tl'f·lll , t:ig hth g-radf', ard t;<.·hool. · · !I nward sl'!Jtllol. Tht· m;llllt:tl tr:-~ining II t ·w a r11. l t·:fi' IH·r i~ ~II'. ~~~·ar1 t~f St1olp ~chr"d. Tht ·l't· W A :\ T II Hi H )fA lUiS :ll't· lo rt ~·~ whr o l:tkt · \\"flfod \\'IJI'k in l li!' (~ 00]) ,\ TT E XTL\ XfE Every Wt·t·k i11 !-lllll!IH·r ~chool , r .- d : t:-~ :tl:--·· .- llt · llr~· llf,fft lll' \'t· r. ll .. ward Tht · ~llllliiW I ' !'('hro(J l at ] lrm·a nl h :-ts :1 port cards ar1 · ~~ · nt honw . F· 1r tl11 · fir ~t Sl' hllfll. '.! ' ·t·rl :lllf·nd:ll1(·t· for th<> first \\'C'f' l\ r,f time durin~ th. · :-- umntt ·r :-d1111 ol :-t·:-:-i·· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~n·i 1\t· li)J work . \\·(I rk not <:o mpl<' tt·cl durth E' card s ;trt· s t·11t 1111t t11d<t v . l·: ,·, ·rYII··th· !JA lt<H: JtE(aSTU .\TIOX !:·~: th (· ~t' ht·fJI \ '(·:t l' may h t>.m ad ·,uP. <lur- . ou~ht to h ;t\·r· high 111:trl<· ~ J,, .,·:tll.:, ,'·· :\)llttfl ;t \' .' IIIII· 17 th ' \ 'iiJ· " ' ( · ,' ~ g til( · Sllllllllf·! :-l'])lofJ) St--l'Slfl!l· f ll})tb rof smnll cl:ts!-:t ·~ . -r; , . "n~o· Y· ·rnnall, 1-H 1 l··w · · . · ' .I..,· "· <' n j , Ji ·:-,., ·,·n th 1-!l':lrlt· and tht· l' tghth gr·Hk'-' anl "!.: l~·gr~ · llltcl .r. · g r :- t~ · n ·d 1 ~:-- l'lii ld n ·n . \\' hit·ll . r ll r1wanl fincl this a g r·,·at h e lp,_:U"i' \\.t:o- _)-! l v:tl. lilt · J.!ll'l!-' h;t\'t· :tlrt·;lfl~· :- lat'tl'(}. \\'il li .·, 7B H rowarrl. ltl :tkllll.! dt · · ·~:- ··s :till ] :\lr:-. F:ttH ·ldl"llt· r h:-~s "'I'HI~c~ P .\HT\' ht ·t· ll l'· ·;1rling :-Ill inlt-rt · ~ting :-tt·r~· t11 th 1· 7A llt1Wa!··l had tht-ir annu;tl s prin ·· . I' I " \,. (; H 0 l ~ X H n r S Y party S:tlurcl:ty, .Ju n. · l:i. \\"t · plart ·d littlt · t1·t ~ ··: 1ll· ·d. "<'inch ·rt ·11 :1 <tltd tht· FJ\·l11 th· · flr ·~t tlll't ·r· (l;1~·s, tlw playgmunrl gam(·s ancl darw,·rl nw :- t of tl1 ·· (' \'t·llillg . ;t \\' ;1\·s .. \\· ,, :IISII IJ:t\t · :til !'Ill'(:-: tof g·:llllt::"-. Tht- ho~t· ·~:- w:ts \ ' ir~-:ini:t .lotlt · \\",, :t il -- :\1 :'I I .\ ' .\! Ill .\J io ·IJ t· l:-t·tl, \ 'i IJ:IJ.,:t · (; l't ·t·ll :tt til· · \ 'ill:tg-(· Crt··· n harl ro\·t' r :?.oo lifo\·~ 'tfld t.:·irls ··tll 'tdlvrl. In twro Wt>e l<s the'n· l'a id gwtd l1yo · f.,, . tilt · ~llllllllt ' l' ancl hopc ·d pl:t .n :n> unrl . \\'ill l o·· :~-1 llllil'f' . .Tun<· 1!1 tlu·y ha<l a parW t.> all r-<·t· t·; wh t·tllt'!' in tht · fall. - .l··hn .\ :lrl .. thn·u e-!1 tlw Yilla~u· to ndn·rt is" th· · (bbonu·, 7:\ Jfc,wanl . J,OST-:\ W If IT E l'.:\ ~ \' Yill:t~..:·~· c;r('<·n playground. - Lf'rmard h:-t\'t· l nst m~· big whitt· t':t bllit an·l l't· wl lll""'· ll rl\\':1)'(1 sdwrol. ·· J.. \ , . 1\'lllw\ · ·l' f· otlttd ht ·r pl· · a~t· gi\'t· h· ·r L:1ck Lit tlf> c·hiltlrt ·ll Ji),,. (11 }Jlay l ro 1111 ' l1 · I ;11 1~1 · I \\'folll d lil.;t· Ito t'lllt-1' h1 ·1' :-..r · .\1)11-:R ~( ' IIOOL J>OPri,.\U 111 tjw Ill· :tclll\\' f a 1 · a way. in th· · 11 ·t :-hll\1' :11 \ 'attlll:tll l'arl.; r11· if Slli ll lll\'1' sdwol at Howard . i s largo 1 Oh, it 's jtdly tun It· pl:~~· in tl ~t· 111t ·: ttl"\\ 111' J,,.c]~· 1\IJ II \\·:- \\'lt~ · n · sht· i ~ plt · ast.~ l <·t ,,, ' II 11::-:u:tl. Th t· n· are fifty-~ix pupil~ Car awa~·. lllo · )\ !111\\' , :\J .\· !J;tl Jy ~i;.:lt · r llli!-:~t ·S th·· ~· in!! ' " summ<·r sr· ho n l. Scn,·n of thes e - Ann Loui!-:t· :\Tl'f., ·an. ": tloldt , . , . r~ · ttlll.-lt. l~i <'han l .J. ('lilT\'. :t r .. in t· ighth gra<lf'. Twelve are in:-- Ye n tll third grath·, ( \ ·mntl . \ ':tt tlll;l!l pl;tyg!'flllllrl. ~ l'a(llo. - Lt'~lt:'l' Kv!:?. '0 \\' 1 Ho\\'a rd Frida v afternoon we elected a captain. .'hirkv ·narnes~ for our kiekball team. \\'e h;td a · ,., .ry inh·re!'ting ~am<: in the afterTh f' Hnwarrl an1l Str,Jp studr·nts c,f the nr.rJn, th e first team again!'t th e ~e co n_d eighth grade grarl11ated Jun <· 14. tf·:1m which is cr,m p(Js~:-d r,f th substiF'JrJWt · r~ a1Hl palm:- trimnH· tl th P bakrJ!IY tutes. Th ·lineup of the fir~t t am was, whr:n· th e ' gradu<tt f'!" \\'f·n · . Th e 1· · wa!; a as fr,llr,w~: Pit<:her, Kathryn llrJlway. Yf'ry intr·r f'!" ting- pr~·.!~Tam . c·atchH, Dr1rothy Davis; fir~t . baH P, DorIt wa ~ so hr1t that th e prr,gra m wa ::; r,thy Holway; second base, )J arce lla Brumade rather shr.rt. Th e schno l hancl c hauser; third base, !\Iary \Yhit t>; short ush ·rr:d tht· gradua_ting ·laHs in with :t stop. Shirl e y Garne!'s: left field, Geraldman·h . Th f·Y a)!'() h ad the: !'c·hor,J (JI'Che:~ in e Buneh; centH fielrl, Betty Tod<l: right tra whif'h ph \"<·rl !'r·n·ral !-:fo)pf·t ir,n~ . fidel, Hr,~t· )Jt.·yf-r. Th e scr, r·e at tlw end Tht·n· \n·r e ·q uit e a f ew gr:ldll:ttE·!' in r1f twrJ innings wa:- 20 to H in favor uf the th ... r,r<'h,·s tra. So muc·h th f' wor!' f· f()!' thP fir~t tf·a m . Th e park ha~ a very fin"' or<'hcstra bt('aUSP th1 ·V will ha , .e tr, find t (·am and \H: are <:onfident that we will mr,rP playe rs . Thr.- grarlua tc· ~ !-lang fr,ur wir. thP d1ampionship. - ~J aret-l la Brusr,ngs, a part frnm th e ~fay Festh·al. c h ;r~...r. Ya t t nwn plnyground. "J>ryHd's Kis~ c·s," was !'Ung. "J'rm1p an d ('in·tunstan<·f'.'·' a n .. w !-'t'· lt ·<"t ir.n t,f "Amt·rir·a ·· ancl fh(· \Yilm f·tt·· Lr·yalty !'r,ng. Thf· tJr,,·s wr1rf· whit (~ trr,ust·rs :t nrl ria rk r·r,at~. TJH· girls Wf· r e: tr,Jrl t11 w r·ar .!'l)fJI't rln·!-:~· ·s r,f pa~t1·l !-:harl c·~. Thi!-: w as nr ,t 'Tht· pbygrnund children at Cen tral r·anit·d t·ut !-:f· \\'I'll !J~· th· · girls. !Jut all th 1· l11,~·s \\'fl!'t · j11!-'t th· · thing. ::\Tr,~t r·f ~chfJtJ! h:1 \ '£· been playing ki <:k lmll ~in<:e th r· ~iris \\'l1!'r· r·r,rs<tJ:··s. Thi~ " ·; t:- dt·- ! h e rlay the playgTCIUnd s fJ}H·ped, )Jonday, .funf· 17. \Y f· r1rganize teams of thm;e r·idHI h_,. th· · girl!'. Th t- diplt·mas \n·n· J'f-r·t-i , ···<l at th1 · ·nrl . th<tt an· th ·r and play game!'. ~nw that r1f th f- prr.g-ra m. :\Jr. ('utl··l', prt· Hirlr· nt r,f w e ha w· (Jbtalnt"rl praetk e th e gir l!-;' kiekchofoitn em Thursday, thr· Br1anl r,f Educatir,n, }J!'(·Sf· lltHl t!H · hall t f'a m will b L a t ·r rm the bnys will r·rganiz rliplrmws to th f' grarl ua tr ·~. )fr . I l arpPr .Jun1· 21. \\'p will play sa irl it w:t !--: tr·rJ h!Jt !11 ~ : t ~· :t sp~·t·('h nr a playgTr.unrl ball team. list· ·n tr, r·nr· sr, ht· just !':tirl a ff·\\' wr,nls . th£· \'illage C·r·£· n tt>am and th e Yattma.n Tht · I lr1Wilnl a li d StrJ!p sf'hr,r,]!' grarlu- team. Thi s is the first year that Centra l at··rl tr·~· · th1· r in thr· llrn\·:tnl gynm;tsillnl ha:-; bH·n a playground and w e hr1pe w e an· s u ('n·s!-;fu l in all ~ports. - E,·an )Jc.Tt · ~.-dr· . StH· Jr., flr1\\" ;t rrl . llraith, ('f ·ntral playground. Frank and Harold Get Real Ducking When Canoe Spills Saturday, June 15, Frank omer and started out o n a c·an(Je trip on the lake. Our canoe wa!-l lt1ng but had a sma llo bottom. Th e l ake \\' a~ rather r~ugh but Frank wantHl to p;.uldl out wto th e miclrll e of th e lake . \Ve starterl but th e waves turn e d the boat almoH over. Suddenly our ('anoe cap~i z e d an d w e found rJursdv s swimming about in the wat t> r . \Y e managf'd .tfter :-rmw tim e t o g<>t th e eanoe turn e d upright and ·Iambered in again. W e lost on e paddle hut w ere not badly frightened heeause we had really exp ected to be dumpe d out. \\' e had fJn our swimming suits and had a lot of fun . -Ilaro ld Yt:rhal e n, Stolp. Kickball Takes Lead .. at' Central Grounds John Inspects Airport; Experiences Busy Time Sunday, Jun e 16 , w e w e nt (JUt to the airport. Th E- r e w e saw Fokk e r s and Ft,rds C1f th e Cn :,·e r~al and Gray Goose air lin e~. Y (JU can f!;r, up for fin:: dollars o v e r thi1"1:v milt:s of C hi cago-and c hildre n fM half fare . The air mail planes of ~Ji c hi gan h a , .e their hangars n tx t tr, the Gray Gr1o~e lin f'~. Plan (:.· art: crHnin~ and guin~ all th e tim e: You ca n hardly s evt'rything v o u \Would lil{ t o dr· in one day. - Jr,hn St. Clair, Summer :-chool. ~l unicipal Swimming Instruction Is Feature at Bath Beach Describes Activities on Our Playgrounds All r~f th e toy~ haY e h ee n put up. The ' small c hildre n play sueh game~ as ring :1round th · roHy. The Juni o rs have !'tarted c utting pictures ffJr sc r ap book~. The o ld t" r girl~ h:w e started pot h o ld e r!'= ·and sonw f' \·e n dr e~sf's but I had intend e d to make myself an apron. ~lrg. Fanc kboner b now rearlin~ th e hook, "The Flyaways and C'inclt t·ella ."-:\larg·aret ~Jary Krensch, \'illage Gn·e n. (;() "lTJ,J, J ' OHCE" At th e Yillage Green we h ay,. op ned in full force. \Ve ha , .e lots nf fun. EYN~· th ild wlHJ co mes to the playground must put his namt:o in )Irs. Fanckbon e r's bln<' k book. )Irs. Fanekboner s ure ly know.· hn\\' tn read. M o nd ay she just told us !'itorie!' . One wa s about hunting for b ea rs . J.t wa s wry funny. The n s he le t us tell on .. . Yirginia Yon Ebers told abo ut the FiYe Little Goatf;. The next d ay Mrs. Fanckhr.ner start.es-1 th e book, "The Flyaway :-; and Cinderell a." \Ve finished the book 'Thursday. It's a good s t o ry. France!-; S<:hmitz, Yillagc Green playground. OXE JHXD OF A }..,JGHT One day a<: I e merged from the back door of sc h ool I n o ti ced a c r owd over on one side of th e playground. Stude nts W<· rP running t oward the spot calling-. "Fi~ ht, fight." Liking fights, I started oYer. A s I approached I n o ti ced p eo pl e turning a way with blotters in th eir hand~. ~ eed ing on I pushed in t owa rd what I thought wa!-: th e ce nte r of attn1ction. Lo and u Ph o ld! To my surprise a S c otchman '"'a;:, giYing blotters away. This was a mueh t a lk ed of eve pt f<Jr many weeks. -James Kraft, SB Howard . I·nJ-~ J· ..\U.E l. - -- - - FOlt AU 'fU lUN \\.t'(hH:·s<lay morning- th e r e was a l ot nf iumlJ(·r dE:'Iiw·red at th e Howard school for th e u:-e of manual training next year. The re w as rt:·d WO<Jd, white pine~ and walnut. )1 r. Hyan il5 instructor for b o th :.;,·hnrols. I I<· tt·rtC' IH's from H to J 0 0°C l o<:li at th e ~l!l.lll s ·honl and from 10 to 1:.! co'l'loc.:k at th e Hnward. The c lasse. nre lll!t full anrl a ll are in\·ited. -Geo rge Yeoman. ~B ll oward. I~ 11\ E YOJ,L 'EY BALI.J ..\t tlw Vill:-~ge Gr ee n we play \'Oil y l1:tll <·n· 1 ·y morning·. \Ye c h oose s id es an(l nb ~· f-'l' \· p rn 1 ganH·s. Mrs. Fancl<:bOJH· r g-l'ts us sta rt e d a nd th e n slw g·oes ancl :~l ay!': ring- ga m es with the little ·hildren. . \ft e l' nm· games are OYe r w e a ll ha YC n · l;1~· ra<·es \\'ith th e balls.-llope 1\lill e r, \' il};[g l' <.ire<·n playground . n c \Y · ha Ye a. dog. H is name is Spot. He 1-:tHJ\\'!--: l ots of tricl<s. \Ve like him. He won 't lJitt> at a ll. He likes his milk in the 111orning-.- J eanett e L er hl e r, Hecond g-rade, Laure l.

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