Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1929, p. 10

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10 ········Nortla Slaore'a Smarteat Beauty WILMETTE LIFE June 28, 1929 lee, as the lucl<y cobbler of Cairo, has come into international favor. Mme. Yvonne Gall has from the beginning been a prime favorite as the Princeis and the remainder of the large cast of principals whose services are utilized in this opera, find much to do. Mr. Hasselmans will conduct. American Program Independence Day will be appropriately celebrated Thursday afternoon, July 4, with a conce rt by the Chicag0 Symphony orchestra, which, under the direction of Eric DeLamarter, will prcsen t a program of American music entirely in keeping with the spirit of the day. Alfred \ Vallenstein, 'celli st, ,~~,·ill be the soloist. There is · no French opera more popular than Gounod's "Romeo and Juliet" which is to given on Thursday night, July 4, and no more popular Juliet has ever appeared on the operati c horizon t han is 'Mme. Lucrezia Bori. This artist is not only a singe r who knows exactly how to interp ret the Gounod music, but s ~1e is likewise a con~ummatc actress. Edwa rd Johnso n will be heard as Rom eo, a part for which he is especia lly suited. Others in the cast are !\f iss ~f axwe ll, Miss Correnti. Mr. l~othier, ~fr. Defrere, ?\f r. ~f oj ica, Mr. D'Angelo, Mr. Paltrinicri and ~fr. Ananian. There will he ballet and L ouis Ha sselmans wi ll conduct. "Andrea Chenier" Friday That powerfull y dramatic ope ra "And r ea Chenier," by Gio rd ano, will, 011 Friday night, July 5. bring Mme. Hcthbcrg and Giovanni ~f art in clli vis-a-vis in two of th greatest rol'.! S of their repcJ:.t oire s. ~f r. ~f artinelli added the name part of thi s opera to hi s li st at Ravinia a few seaso n:; ago and ~~me. Rcthberg has been :t favorite expone nt of the role of :\ladel eine. Another great role in this \\'ork. that of Gerrard the revolutionist, falls to the lot of Giuseppe Danise, the rich voiced baritone. Agains t the colorfu l background of the French revolution , the action of ~'And r ea Chenier" moves, it s dramatic incidents being accentuated hy the vivid power of it s music. ~lme. Hourskaya, Miss Svvart hout , ~f r. ~f oj ica, ~lr. Paltrinieri, Mr. Def.rere, :Nir. D'Angelo and 11r. Ana nian arc all promim:ntly cast and ~Ir. Papi will conduc t. "Manon" Saturday M asse net's French opera. "~ f anon " \vi ii bring the second week of t he RaY inia season to a close on Saturday night, July 6. Altho ugh this work is based on th e same story by Abbe Prevost, that gave inspiration to Puccini's "Man on Lascaut" it is en tir ely dif- . ferent both in th eme and treatment from the newer Italian work which has nearly the same title . --~ I BIG DEMAND FOR SEATS I realistie· $ T It· oritinal E uro ,eon P n-manent W t1 v ; t1 t method tiven by e~ elusive represe,tatives o/ the Realistic W av· ' int System. A perfect wave for the . diacriminatbaa woman. Deep. soft marcel efteet with fa. einatin1 rinpet endL Ita beaUIJ will G· ceed your moll optimiatie antici.-tiou. Will not discolor &ray or blonde hair. BRINGS OPERA 'REPEATS' Regular $20 Value. American Realistic Cuntour llolrrut ... ('ontour l 'lngt·r Wnve ('ontour ~lllfCI·I \'unit~· Uf· l't ~· nrlal nux $1.00 $1.50 Eugene or Nestle ~1 Circuline Waves .. ell' 636 Church St. Evanston Suite 222 Carl~on Bldg. Univ. 9700 Are you INTERESTED in the HEALTH of YOUR FEET? An expert on Foot Health of national prominence will be at our store every day from 2 to 4 P. M. during the week and until Saturday. J u n e 29th. No charge for this servtce (Continued from page 3) Anna Corrent'i and Giordano Paltrinie::-i 1 will complete the cast and Gennaro Papi will conduct. The extra performance of "Manon Lescaut" will be given Monday night, July 1, and from the deluge of requests for th.e repeat of this colorful w~k which reached Mr. Eckstein from ~e moment it was learned the demand for sea ts at the first presentation would be far greater than the supply it is evident that this Puccini opera wiH attract another record audience. Mme. Bori's fame as the heroine of thi s story is world-wide and Mr. Martinelli makes the character of DesGricux measure entirely up to the standards of Puccini. Feature German Opera German opera will be given during the new week, Richard Wagner's classic "Lohengrin" having been chosen for the offering of Tuesday night, July 2. Mme. E lisabeth Rethberg will be heard as E lsa and there is no prima, donna of modern times who interprets this subtle part wi th finer understanding than does ~fmc. Rethberg. who brings to it vears of training ·in the German opera houses. Edward Johnson will have the name part, which he sang in Ge rm an for th e fir t time when he joined the R:winia forces and in which he created so profound an impression that last season he sa i1g this great role with the ~I etropolitan Opera company. Others who \vill be promincntly cast in this immortal work are Mme. Julia Claussen, George Cchanovsky, Desire Defrerc and Louis D'Angelo. Mr. Hassclmans will conduct. \Vednesday night. July 3. will bring a repeat performance of "Marouf" thus meeting the demand of tho se who could not hear it on th e seco nd night of the . cason. There is no finer examplc of ultra-mod ern French opera than is thi.s fantastic and colorful work by Henn Rabaud and in it Mario Cham- Plants of all kinds 20 Varieties of Annuals 2c Each A. B. PITTS 727 OAKTON ST. Evanston Univ. I o84 MR. FRANK A. SILVER You are cordially invited to avail yourself of Mr. Silver's personal services. If your feet hurt, if you are not getting absolute foot co~fort, if you are suffering from any one of the thousand and one foot ailments prevalent today, see Mr. Silver, let him make a Pedagraphic impression of your foot and show you where the trouble is. r'"""""""'"""'""'""""'""'"""""";"'"""'"'""""""""'"'""""""'"""""'"'"""'""""'"""'"'""""""'""""""""'""""'""'""""""""i = First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, Ill. SUNDAY SERVICES I 1 A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING- S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES- 9:45 A. M. JUNE ( 30, 1929 Subject: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Ground Gripper Shoes l I I READING ROOM-1t63 WILMETTE AVENUE FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN 1 - Open Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P. M.; Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. 1735 SHERMAN AVE.-· Evanston Greenleaf 6181 Open Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings j""""'""""""!"""""""""""""""""""""""":"""""""'lllllfllll·u··""'ll""'u""""'""ll"ll""""""'u"'ll"'""'""'ll"'"'""""";""""'"""""~ - I J I

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