Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1929, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE . June 21, 1929 Christian Science Churches IEgyptian Collection at Museum Enhanced. by Old Art Objects Foot n Shoes ~0 ~ouble ~uty Thty Comfort Busy Feet and Always Look Smart . That's because of a patented, in-huilt con.rtruction in every shoe. An invisihlt construction that supports correctly -checks cramping and strain- shapes foot beauty. And nowhere have you seen such footwear style. The smartest shop in Paris would be proud to show our new models. And you '11 be proud to wear them. . -10D!JAN!$ (!/ l FOOT SAVER EVANSTON 634 Church St. SHOE SHOP Univ. 971 I . GOLF SPECIALS Chandler's Golf Set Special set three irons, one wood, and an excellent golf bag. leather trimmed-is the Chandler Special for you at Several new cases of ancient art ob"God. tl1c Prtscrrcr of Man" \\·as jec. t s have just been added to the Egypthe subject or the LcsS iJn-Scrmon in all Churcht~ or· Christ, cicntist, on tian archaeological. collection a~ Fiel'l ~~unda\· , June H). ~I useum of .:\at ural History. The latTht·- Cnlden Text' \\'as, "The eternal est additio.ns to the Egyptian exhibits, (~rHl is til\· rt!ttge, and un(l<:nH:ath are \\'hich i(lr some months past have been the e\.'crl~~stincY arms" ( Dcut. 33: 27 ). ~ d undergoing a process of revision and .-\mong the citations ,,·hich compri c . the Lc-.son-. t-rmo,, \\'a s the follow- nnprovcment, are a case of fine stone ing from the l~ihlc: "For God so ll)vccl statue of deities and royal personages th e \\'t>rld. that he ga\'~ his only be- of the old '\'ilc empire, a case of statues l.{tltl t ll ~ r m , tllat "· ho~.ncn·r hchevcth · of the famous tatcsman Senmut, and in him siH>lllrl nqt pcnsh. but have t\\'IJ ca~es of remarkable vases made en:rla. ting liie' ' (Juhn 3: lr>). from a \\'ide ,·arietv of stone material:-. The I.c:-.-.on -Serm, Jn :d:-.D included The statues of ~ods, godciessc s and thl· itdi<·\\Illg pas~agt:-. frnm the Chri:-.- rCl\·alt\· date from tile period al,out 1tJ00 ti<Lll ~cience tc·xtbutlk. "~cicncc and B. - C. - 'l'IH.: y \\'trc used in the anctw Health \\'ith Key to the ~ c ripturl's." arie;) of temples, as household shrinL'S, 1)\· .\!an l~akcr I·:Cidy ': "f)j,·inc L(J\·c and as ,·otire offerings to :cettre lor ai\,·ars f1a:-. m t and ah\·ay:-. \\'ill nH.:t.:t ' the donor . th<.: ia\·or oi th e dciti c ~ L ·\·er;- human nctd" lp. -tSI.f) . , portrayed. Th royal portrait :-.tatu es I \yt.:rc i11 a sense regarded as dirinc, for "ach king- in theory was a god, ~ L)ll1~ Confer Science De!!ree I oi them ha\'ing been \\'Orshippe<.! thu s on Professor at N. ~' \'l'll \\'hen thC?' \\' Cl~C ali,·c, and .nany Dr. \\' illialll T. T~oYic. pruiL::-.:-.or. ,,j 1 tur.. a long p_orwcl alter death. bio -phy:-.ir . at ;\orth\\'c:-.tern UIII\'cr:-.Ity, Statut · ot. royal per:nnagc:-.. wh o " ·as giHn the honorary degree of l)<,c- ,· \\Tre not_ deified \\'ere plac~d 111 the . tor ()t ~cienet })\· .-\lhion cullege. _\}- temples ot gods to secure alter death hi u n. \1 ich .. at -elaborate comnH:nce- ior the ·oul of the . tatue's subject a Inent exerc1 c·s last week: Prc~i(ll' nt llH'~ls oi corporea l fdlow hip with the )t1hn L. ::)eation, in conferring the de- deity \\'Orshippcd in the particular g-rce. char~tcterizcd Dr. B(wie · as :·a temple . chosen, according to Dr. T . i>rilli:ult teacher of bio-physics and a Gcor~c Allen, the Inuseum's Egyl.>lc~tdcr in scientific re . earch, a recog- tolog1st. Also, such statues placed 111 nii' ~·d authc,rity on the therapeutic ~i- I a ruler's 0\\'11 mortuary temple \\·cre iects of light. -and an inn.'ntnr ot elec- : valid substitutt- for his mummified trical instruments, de:-. tined to rc\' )lu- ~ body in case of disaster ~o it, and the tinnize the practiCL' oi ~urger _, .. .. ,gn:a ~ ·r the number ot such porJ )r. Bm·ie caml' to ;\ortlnn: stern I traiturc~ emp loyed the greater \\'as the imin·r:-.it\' in In7 from Hanard. \\'here guarantee of his continued happy iur si: ~~.cars 11~ \\'a~ as:-.istant profcs- ~.:xi~tcncc in the beyond, the l~gyptians -,< ,r ,,, biO -physics and \\'here he \\·on , beheYed. Among the famou~ (Jocls l>nr intcrnatiCJnal rl.'c0gnition iur hi~ appli- trayed in the museum's collection arc cation 1'f electricity to surgery. In I forth, Osiris, Jisis, and Amon. ~nmc lh-rtmbtr Dr. Bcl\·ie \ras a\\·arded the oi the deities arc in the shape of lol111 ~cntt medal and a premium oi :-.phinxcs, apes and falcons, and one, Oil<' th ou:-and dollar:-. !)\· the cit,· oi Ta\\·erct . has a hippopotamus' head and Philadelphia in recngniti~)ll ni his -con- bt dy, a lioness' Jeg-s, and a crocndilc's trihution ttl llHHkrn 111L'dicinL· and \\'a~ tail. Senmut, to \\·hose statues an encited a:-. a :-.ril'IItist " h11 had d1JnL· 11111 ~ h tire ca~c is devoted, \\'as a famous to iinprt)\'l' thr \\TiiarL· of the human nobleman and architect, for many year-; ra ~:c. in highes~ fa ,·or with Queen Hatshep~ut. but ultimatelv ca. t out hv her. GIVES LUNCHEON The stone ,·ases- sho\\'11 in other cases \fr:-.. J. D. Lnckhard oi 11 33 Cl'ntral arc of high artistic merit, and include il\'l'llllt..' L ' lltcrtainl'd tilL· sixteen menl - pieces in obsidian . serpentine. lime hers oi her Fulkrttlll <t\'l'lllle Pre .~ll\· stone, marble, breccia, slate and dioritetnian church cirl·k at lunchcon ~tt gneiss The\' date from 3500 to IROO the :;on11anrl~· 'l't"a rO\llll in ~pai1ish R. C. A. nun~hcr of them were usefl as cuurt Tlntr:-.day oi last \\'tl'k. <'t)smct ic jars. 1 1 u. l 1 1 - ... Kroflite Seconds The famous Spalding golf balls- long distance record holders- balls you can ' t cur - Spalding Special Kro flite Seconds, 1 dozen at $7.50 Golf Hose Season's first selling of golf hose-cottons. woolens . mixtures . all colors. all sizes-here at a price to suit you. New Toloff Miniature Hand painted in oil colors; enclosed in· handsome leather case $5.65 Golf Bags Fine le.uhcr caddie bag. Zipper pocket with hood . Beautiful bags for this special selling at $1.00 to $6.00 $14.75 $12.50 See exhibit in our window Here for Spalding Sporting Goods ·chandler's 630 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON JosEph D. To1off . Our Photographs Live Forever Univ. 123 Wil. 724 518 Davis St., Evanston: Phone University 2178 ..

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