Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 62

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62 WILMETTE LIFE FOR SAJ,E-ACREAGE June 14, 1929 Classified Advertisements (C<mtinucd from page 61) }~OR SALE-HOUSES 49 IOi liiSCELLANEOUS WIL1\1ETTE FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF SPLENDID property near largest and b st home MY COUNTRY HOME FOR f.;ALE: development on the N. S. Close to 7 HMS. ; LG. LIV. RM.; LG. OPEN Wilme tte and Winnetka transp. This is an unusual buy for quick develo~ POHCI f. $25,000. W. H. McKILLIP, m ·nt and inv<·stment. Asking $40,000. 54S CEKTHAL A VK, · HIGHLAND PARK 3025. 77LTN38-2tc Wilmf'tte 6!\8 418 Linde n Ave. SOUTH EAST "WIXXETKA 79LTN38-ltc Ch(l r·ntin~ ~tucco house·, :l bedrooms, 1 bath, l:t \ 'atrii' Y on 1st., Ia rg-c front FOR SA LB A cor·xTRY HO:\TE 'VITH porch, lH'I·al<fa!-it nook, g-arag-e, 1 L '\V. 5 acrefi of b ea utiful Jan1l, fruit treC"s, ht ·at, clos<: to l·whn·,Js, tr:lllSJ)oJ·t:rtic,n ~rapt· Yines and many large trr·Ps, in and beach. $lG,500. Ph. \VinrH·tl<a 1lfJ4. tlw \ ' illagP of Northfield. For further . 77LTX3X-Jtc inf. l'h. "Wilmettt· 20G2 or 3~00. HAVE YOUR OLD PIECES RENEWED at a reasonable price. Silver refinished. and made absolutely tarnish proof. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette Ave., Ph. \Vilmette 6. 105L35-tfc ,__ II HHt S .\l, E-1101'St:S JliGlTL/\~D PAUL SCI-TROEDER & CO. TO GIVE "SPLASH" PARTY Patricia Po~r of 336 Raieigh roar!. Kenilworth, is entertaining a few of her classmates at a swimming party at the Lake Shore Athletic club Saturday in honor of her eighth birthday. PARK ,. QUI XL1 \::; & 'fYS( >X. l~C. HJ·;ALTOI~~ F.XCLISH TlJDOH nHJ('K JIO~J·~ ConHtructi·<l and finiHhecl in the hN;t posHihl<· malllll'r, lwa\·y vnriP~atc·d slate r11of, o'n wlnclln~ drln· oy.-r·Jonl<ingh <111tiful ra,·itll· with l··w of 1:11<1· and (·xt ·n~i\' t· lukt· rig-htH fill' hu:r<·r. 10 lnr~ .. attractln"! room s, 4 H J)l e n1lid b:tths, 3 of whil'h arc· ·olrort·rl tilt· . J.'rigidait 'f' :tnd 1,i) hlii'IH ·r· inf'lud··d. Atta('}wd g-arag-· · f··r 2 mr.tors . . J>ric1· $G!i,OOO. Term:.. if IIC' l' in·1l. 711 Elm ~t . '\' i nrwt ka 21!tX-:!1 !1!1 77LTN:IR-1 t r· F()R S.\1.1·: NI·:W 7 1::\1. ~ ht ·a h ·1l J)Ol'dl, hr· t lan1bwap· ·d porches, 1 opon w:ltl'l ' rdl lwat, hr ·a utifully f.7 font frr,nt lot, f'lr1~1' to tran :- portalion, Hl'il'""· !-' lt11ppi11g- tlistt'il't, :tlld in :t rl'lirll ·tl rwighl"'rhototl. lt· ·a :-o n;tld .v }ll'it·t·d. ~o~l<·· ' ping- liHWK 11( ).:\l 1-:, :! H .\'!' II~. llEL\SJ·:\' 1~1·:.\J.'I'Y I ~EA I /1'( H :~ J 'ht·Jit· \\'in . J.l ifl C(). 7:!0 Elrn ~t . 7i I .'1' ~:::---1 lt · 11 L~ I ~ IL\ H I ) \ V( )() l) S Jn;r Jl'( 'I·; I 1 I·'HO:\T $:t::.ooo To $:!7,ooo. This lu·:tlll iful 7 l'ttfllll Hrid\ ( 'ol111tia I with til" noof' on l:tJHis· ·: tJI· ·d 1'111'111·1' lot. \\' .. 11 :ll'l':tngt·tl flflot· plan. 4 ht·dt'Otlllls, 2 till · lJ:tth s. l'I('Jtt~· of t·xtras g-o witl1 hOII;-(t· . 0\\'llt ·J' Wil) S t · IJ :tiJ flll ' lli~IJillg ~. This m11st hP :-;t···ll to lw :t})}ll'(·t'iated. noll't tl\'l·l'!r·ok this g-uo!] ltuy. Colonel and !\frs. Arthur Johnson, 79LTX~R-1tc GLENCOE EAST SIDE. CHARMING 322 Fourteenth street, have as their English home of 10 roomH, jm;t com- FOH. SALT·~ r; ACRES OF IXDl'STRTAT... pl< ·lt·d. Li vln~ "room 1Sx28. Six hedproperty lying along Chica~o and N. S. hot~se guests for several weeks, Major roomH, 4 IJathH, lavatory, til ed kitchen, Hy., in the villa~" of ~orthfi e ld at a and Mrs. R. 0. Annin of Denver, Colo. . at taehP(l 2-car garagP, Within 3 blocks Yt·ry r<'as. price. Ph. Wlilm..ttf' 20fi2 or C~ lon el and Mrs. John:-;on and .\li;;;-; of :-;tation, :..c:hool and lake. 248 Haw~~00. 7!tl/I'~~S-1tc Betty \\' cher will entertain at a dancthorn e A vc . Prico $50,000. For Ining party for Major and ::\frs . .\nnin formation Jlhont' 'G le ncoe [iG1. SUJBTEit Jlf:SORTS 77LT~3G-tfc tomorr o w cvenit1g. F I' It:'\ I Slflo~D COTTA< a;; FOR RF:~T IN -oXort IH·rn 'Y1Hconsin. C:ood· liHhing, hr>atin~ and golfing-. " . ill arf'ommo::\1 r. and ?\Irs . Edward ·Schoen field d;tlt ~ six Jlt ·rsnns. J'lton e \\' inn Ptka ~R7R of Janesville, \Vis. left last Saturday [()r r eservations. R2 LTN:18-ltc ATTJ~.\("1'1\'1·:' 7 lt:\T . l:Hli :K JIO:\n~. for their home, after a brief visit with l~t · st :\ . 1·~ . lto('; tlit·ll. \\'otl!lt·l'f\11 ('(lf'Jl(·J' C. FOit H~·~X'I'- FUJ!:\1Sfi8D FOUR ROOM ::\f rs. Schoen field's sister, ?\1 rs. !11! 1lltrx I iii. (1\\'tlt'l' gone·; of'f,·rs barSPl\'TlV[]t;r:. COTTAGE WlTif GAH.- Gapen, 919 Elnn\'ood avenue. g:ti'll :tl r::;,ono. AC: 1·~. FTSTTTX(~. DATil fNG AKD -oJ:Or\TIXG, Gl~;\SS LAKE, ~KAR I:J·;LLAIIU~. :\TIClf. .1\DDHESS ?\fiss ?\fary Crush, daughter of \fr . <:I·~Or:.GJ·~ X. TATf·~. DELLAin.r;;, :\llCrr. and ?\frs. Louis \\' illiam Crush, 71 :) ltK\I,T<>ItS ~2 Uf~35-4 tc Laurel ayemtc. has .n : turncd tn her :: 111 Li11tl· ·n .\\'t· . \\'i llllt ·ll· · li).. - J.J-1 7iL::S-It · ~ St home from ?\fenas ha, \\'i-s ..~ . \\·here sh~ lwd been teaching schcH)t. ·· ·§IP~~nce1ll J. --------------------------------A'l' 1\0R'L'HnROOT< -0- QUI \L ..\\: & '1' \ TS():\. lXC. nEAL'I'OI:~ 'il4 Elm ~t. WintH·tlct 31!1:--. 77 L'l' :--;::8-1 k EXCEPTIONAL GOOD VALUE '\VJLL h e found in new G rm. bri ·1<, garng< ·, FI ' LLJ·:It 1·.\:'\E, \\' 1~:'\I ·:'J'KA pnr<"h, 5ii foot lot. Only ~ blocks to l:'ri..J\ htoll st·, li\'ing· I ' IHIIII, ditrillg )'(l!llll, :--;tation. $9,150. TPrms to :--;uit. J\ildH ·JI, 1-11111 J'Oitlll, lll't·;tl\f':tst l'OOlll , rm . C'olonia.l, .atbchc·<l g-arn~<', large }()t. :: IH·tlrollmH, 2 l1:1ths, :tll:tl'llt>cl garag··. $!J,:wo. Unly $750 C"a:.. h do\\'n. tilt· roof, lwt walt·t· IH·:tt. (:,·org-o F . Cotlsaln·H, 71G Elm St. \\'innt'll\;t G~ . ;; rm. stuc· o bun~ai (· W, GO f ·et, 2-car g-a.rag-P, $S,OOO. 77L'L':\':tS-1 l1 · !iO ft. lot, all imprnvPnwnts in. $1,750. iS }'Olt SAJ-'J:-VACAN'f \\To will lmil<l and financ e a house for you on a sma.ll down Jlaynwnt. .,Omt l --~------------------------f11tt :11)(.1 see planfi at our office. ?\f r. and ?\f rs . Louis \\' illiam Crush, 7l0 Laurel avemte, arc on a montL's motor trip through the East. .. -oBentley M cC'Il ud, 338 Kenilworth an:nue, Kenilworth entertained at a stag dinner and bridge at his home }.f onday evening. -o- 1'\E\\' G 1:1111.\T I~J.:I) 1:1:11'1{ ('<tl,(l:'\'1.\1. ht1lllt' ; ('ldtol't ·tl til· · ll : tlh :tltd Ia\' ; l:tl')~l' ~l'lilllltJ:..: . ()ttl,\' $1~1,11(10, 'l't · l'lll~ . Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam F. Kee of 1337 RO a ·r R of park for your FRONT YARD. 'J'hc gt·rat npt'n spaco forever pro~lwrnH· t· AYP. at \Vauhgan 1111. Greenwood avenue entertained at clint<·<·l('(l at the enrl of a private drive. Xorthhrook 1S1-Li6 ner and bridge recently. All the advantages of a country estate 8-tLTX:-lS-1 tl' with all the conveniences of the Vii-olag ·. The premi r location in Win- S7 ·w ,\ X'I'Jo;n '1'0 U EX'I'-.\ l"I'S. Urs. J1ar.ton, Ll oyd Little of 1337 Ill' t k a fot· the ft ner home. 358x 165 or ---------------------------------d tweh·c will di\'i<le, at a reasonable price, to JU·~FI::\'J·;n YOT NC C"Ol'I'Ll·~ 'YOITLD Greenwood avenue entertaineacc<'pta ble purchaser only. Write Willikl' flat in f'Xf'han~l' for l';Prvicf's. friends at luncheon and bridge June 6. nwtte Life B-32. 78LTN26-tfc \Vrit(· Tall{ R-111 . S7 LTX:{S-ltr· Vacant-Winnetka :\orthhrook Rea1ty Co. HJo:.\L'f'(ll:~ 1177 \\"ilrn· ·lt· · .\,·,.. l'h . \\'ilnr< ·tf, . :.!i:: 771.:::--.- I h · \racant-Winnetka rHERE ARE STILL AVAILABLE TWO \\'A);Tl;;n FCH~TSHI·~D HOFSE FOR beautifully woodf'd half acre plots for .t adults from .Tunl' 1:i to Au~. 1st. those wl)o prefer trees, in Westmoor ::\"Par Indian Hill C"lub. Phone SuTrail. Permanently protected, unusual t11'rior 3!178 or writ£' "Tilnwttf' LifP prl vacy, highly restricted, the right B-llfi. !IOL'I':-.J'~R-1tr kind of Winnetka neighbors. Priced much less than anything of compar- ttiO l'Oit SAJ,l;-HS"ElJJ,n. OOOnS able desirability. Phone Winnetka 1016. Glen C. Bull. 78LTN26-tfc SPEC'IAL DESTGXED REED TIHF.AKf:tst sl't. can(kl(lbra, f'lf'ctrir fountain, tt,alnvoocl cl£'sk, chair nn<l loYe seat; h·akwood mal'bh> top JWdt>sl.al, n1arhlt' floor an(J tablr lnm]l: desk, uphol. dav. nnd arm cha.ir: OriE>ntal C'hint>st> IIEJ1E lS ONE OF TfiE MOST BEAUru~ !lx12. Phone for app't. I:IC"n<'rw tiful lots left of the few remaining In G4S. . 100LT~~S-1 tf' Winnetka. Building restriction. On a quiet drive-no trees but a beautiful outlook at a price at least $30 :t foot t'0:\1 PLETl~ "~-ALXT.'I' BED1100:H SE'I' <'lwap, ~ood ronrlition. Phonf' 'Vinn. under anything comparable. Addre~s :n ~!1. .l OOL'I'N38-ltc 'T'n lk A -221 7RL'l'N1 :l-tf" FOl{ S.\LE 1'~1'~1' . \L t'lf ~\~1'1·: TO ~l·:t'l'I:J·: E. sidt· IH·Illt· for· $l1i.~.no ··n t'itS.\' 1··r~trs . :1 ht·tlnns., 11<·\\· tfoo('oJ':tt intis; " <':LI' ~arngt·: \'t·ry ll!t '. lot \\'itlt illllll\'ll~<· fon·st t n·t·s, 4 hll\ ~. front t ' . ~ . \\'. \\. iln1rtte Rea It,. Co. HE . \LTOI:~ l'h . \\'ilnwtft· 1~1~ -1~: : 77L:lR-1 k VACANT-125x160 WINNETKA I·~() R S.\ L E. \\ TIL:\ I I·:'I"l'E ~I'LE~lllll :ttH) l:I~II'K 1101'~1 ·: :-\1·:,\1! "L" J.:tl\l·. Jfug,· li\' illg' :tlltl Still l'O IItllS; l:tJ'I..:t · :-lt·t·ping rot·lll: ()jl ht.; ht·:tlt·d ~:tr. <'"'ll··d h~· t·statt· that must ltl' sdtkd. ~ll:tp . \\' iln~t·ltt· ti!lS P:\ L' L SCI r I~() EDl·: I~ & CC). 41 R Lindt·II A,.,·. PC'. Ll\~. R:\f. hnlstrrrd, rras. ~F:T, 'l'~PF.STHY lTPtc Ph : \Vinn. 3174. 77L:lS-1t.- 0\'EH.LOOKTNC I~J1T:\N 100LT~3S-1 XE\\~ 110:\IE· F'Ol' ll-A<'nl·~ lo;S'l'ATER FRnK'I'fXl; 0~ ("tuh gTounds with COY<'nants of JH'r0:\ HE!"T STHEJ.:T ' lX lllTHHAI!P. ,\.on<ls. Xt·\\' {i !'ln. shing-lt·: II. \\' . JWlual Yit'W; well woodNl with oaks and Plrns. · hf>n t : g-a ragt·: Yt ·ry flnt· lot, $:~.000 cash JlN>rlt><l :tt O!Wt' arul Jll'i<'i' g·ot·tl f··r 1 Tht last of this <'XdusiVt' fronta~e has 101 W'l'n. To nlTY-HS"EJIIJD, noons just cnnw on the markt..,t. Shown by Wt·t·k only. St·l' a~t·nt, 1'77 l·:tm ~t. appointment. "'lnrwtl\:t 11~1\:J . 77LT!\::\1\-l t1WANTED TO Bl:Y- SECO~D-HAND furniture and oth<'r houst'hold ~oorls. I~C. Hi~hf>st pricE:>s for samr. Crost FurniREALTORS ture stor<'. 1004-G Emerson St., 'Evans1\rU~T SAC'HIFIC'E -LE..\\'1::\', TOWX. EXCLUSI\·1~ AGENTS ton, 111. Ph. FniY. 18!1. l01L1'N4R-tfC' Ph. Wilnwttc>' !1i40 150 foot frontag-f·. llalf :wn·. Ht·:lllti- !lGO Spanish Ct. fully WloOdt·<l and j:!':ll'l)t'IH'<l. 5 bt·tJ7HL'l'N:{8-1 tc 10:1 WTD. '1'0 RlJY-JfiSf'. TOO!lls, :{ hath:-. ~ slt·t·piug· Jllll't'llt·s, sun pon·l1 and hn·a l\fast prorch . Oil ht·:tl. WANTED C'LEAN, \VHITE RAGS, _~\CRE .~\GE liNllt·ll ~:tra~t·. S:i!l Hun AYt'., HuhlOc per lb. 1232 Central A\'e., 'Vil.\ HAHE OPPOHTl'NlTY '1'0 SI·XTHl..; bard \\'<111d!'. Tt·l. \\'innt·tka lti6!l. nwtt(l. 10:l-LTN4R-tfp nnt- of t hf' f<>w rPm a ining· Yt'l'.\' dlllil't' i7!. T X:l:l-1 tt· J)iN't H of vacant in tht. . Exdusin' Tn- 10:; )HSf'F.J,JJA:X"EOlT~ llian Hill Stction. "·e havp to offPr for your appnl\'a 1 sPYera I t>Xf'l'llt·nt ORDER YOPR HOME :\fADE .BAKING Ya lut·s. Phont> or write f11r appointpowder roffe <'akes for \V d. and Satnwnt to inspect. unl:'ty's 40c. Ph. 'Yilmette 4207. LEA YlXG TO\\'S !\fl ST ~Af"HI FlC'I·~ 10:iL38-ltc our mod~t·n hou~'~ for $l:l,O!IO.IIn. ~t'\'PII room., oil h<'at, neat· tran:-:. Lo\'t·h· · REALTORS FOH SALE BOY'S HANGER BIyard )\'ith fountain and Hovlc Canlt ri . f>G6 f"t·ntt r Stt't'et 'Vinn E>t kn. 2033 crde. Cht~ap. Phone "Timwtka 2fi6. Ph. Winnetka 630. 77LT::\'3S·lt1' 'i9LTNaS~ltc 2 11.-\'J'TTS. Sl-t.OOO HILL CLLTn GROUNDS HfGH GRADE FfTH~ITlTRE. DAVE~ pnrts, C'hairs, rlt'sks, elaborat<' dining rm. Sl't, imptd. hnnd <'lHYf'd C'abinet, lwdrm. sets, sun rm. set, lamps, f>tc. \\'ill ~ .... 11 reg-:trolf'ss of 'T)rict'. Sale starts Sat. 211 Park Ave., GIE>n<'Of', Ph. Glf'nco<' 116. 100LT~!1R-1tC' And "e predict yo u r entire satisfaction Jn our efficient handlln~ of the matter, most economically and with the minimum of delay. ·· NO RED TAPE COLO XL\ L TT< >l\1 E BILLS RE:\T/rY, QUICK INSPECTIONS Call or Write l-TOl\TEST'rFs TRUST CO. lneorporated In ltll HEITMAN Third Floor, Otia Bailma. Phone Franklin 2400 Crosh:v Realtv- Co .. Inc. 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago 105LT~38-ltp

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