Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 57

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June 14, 1929 WILMETTE LlFE Si TO VISIT ST. MARK'S .TO STUDY AT U. OF 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M~ss Dorothy Stevens, science teach- , li 111 Mission of Help Comes to Evanston er: the Wjlmette Public schools. Today for Annual Meeting · Wl.ll attend the · University of Illinois th~s summer, taking graduate work in sc1ence. A visit of, officers and directors of AND DIU.OSUAIS the Church Mission of Help in the Mrs. Thomas L. Grisamore, 411 Episcopal Diocese of Chicago to St. Lake avenue, has as .her house guest Mark's church today, will be in the During Summer Montha nature of acquainting local helpers and for several weeks her sister, Mrs. A. American Metal Produets , Corp. others with the work there, and will be B. Beall of Sioux City, Iowa, who has tOi North Michigan ATenue returned recently from the winter ;n Sn)lerlor 7178 Chleago also the annual meeting of the board oi the South. the mission. Local Dealers -oVIc J. Killian, Inc. Winnetka t08 Mrs. John M. Glenn of New York Good Housekeeping Shop Greenleaf litO The board of directors of the Wiipresident of the National Council of the Church Mission of Help, will be m~tte . Lea~ue of \Vomen Voters met the speaker. Mrs. Wallace Patterson \\'! th 1ts president, Mrs. Shelby M. is St. Mark's representative and is in Smgteton of 1104 Forest avenue Thursof last week for a business session charge of the luncheon ticket sale. da)~ \\'htch was followed by tea. Bishop Anderson · of Chicago is honorary president of the mission. The Mission of Help administers to the girl who is lonely, ill, the runaway the _ u nadjusted, "the girl who neve; ~WW\l\Ml\1\JW\MI\IUUWlN\MIUU\IU\IllUW\1\IUUUU\ had a ch(!.nce," and the unmarried ~r-------~~~~~~~~~~~::~=====~·l~ ::;; mother. It uses the highest kind of case work and work~ with other social agencies in Chicago and other citie-;. :::=a Bishop Griswold of Ev_anston is honorary vice president of the organization; the very Rev. Duncan H. Browne ;§ is chaplain; Mrs. Theodore W. Robin:§ ~on is chairman; the Rev. Charles L. c::: Street is vice chairman; Mrs. James H. c::: c::: Hooper is the secretary, and Mrs. Lesc:::: ter E. Frankenthal, treasurer. 2 2 The directors are : . V AIJ!ft1AN \~SHIELDS REDUCED PRICES PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS s ::: ~ 1\Irs. H. P. Almon Abbott, Mrs. Duncan H. Browne, :\Irs. H ermon B. Butler, Dr. Kathan S. Davis III, Mrs. Nathan S. Davis III, l\lrs. George R. Dean, Miss Edna L. Foley, Mrs. Lester E. Frankenthai, Mrs. H. P. Harmon, Ron. Jesse Holdom, Mrs. James H. Hooper, Mrs. W. A. Humphreys, Mrs. Clarence E. Mehlhope, Rev. Alfred Newbery, Mrs. Joseph E. Otis, Dr. Charles F. Read, Mrs. Theodore W. Robinson, the Rev. Charles L. !:-)treet, Ph. D .. and Clarence V. Williams. l\li~!" Elise K. Walther is the executive secretary and Mr~. Clarence E. Mehlhope, president parish representative. 5 ::;:::z 1: 1: ~~ 5I North Shore Cleaning Plants Reduce Prices \ -a ri ous cleaftin g establishments on the north shore ha\'e announced a re duction in prices to conform with the standard ni cleaning price:; in Chicago. where a price war has been starte·l. It i=- pointed out by the north shore cleanc.:rs 1 hat the cut in price~ has hct·n effected withnut _acriticing in any wa~ tht.· quality of the \n)rk (\ me or tlw sen·icc to the public. :\nrth shore firms which are cooperating in the cleaning price reduction are: \ \ -i lliam Kaplan. '\elson Laundry and D!"y Cleanir~g sy . tt·m . Papal!eorge Brother;;. Sch'ultz and :\nrd. the \'ill ;- .: Cleaners. :.nd \\'ilmt!te Tailors, all of \\' ilmettt:; Kenilworth 'Tailor and Cleaner. Kenil\\'Ort h ; Premier Cleaners. H uhbard \\'onds: Suburban Cleaners ami Dn·r s, American Dn- Cleaning. C and ~f Cleaners and - Dyers. C. A. Johmon. Cleaner and Tailor. Yictor Johnson. \\'innetka: and Lake Shore Ckaners and Dyers. Glencoe. ::::::::> ::: 5 5 ::;; ~ = ::::: $ 5 :: :;:::s ::::;:2 :::::a :::::::: ::::=- ~ 5 ~ s ;;;:::= 2 ~ Sale of House to Negroes Not a Baird-Warner Deal _ -\ real estate transactiOn. closed in \\'innetka one nwnth ago hy Baircl and \\'arner, and a subsequent resale of the ,)rOJH:rty which is located _at 7R() Locust road to a colored famtly has caused the rral estate firm to disclaim all responsibility for the deal " -hich has brought tenants of the negro race into the neighhorhnocL Baird and \V arner state that they sold the house to Robert ]. Smith of Chi cago and that three weeks later Smit h sold it to the colored family at a price which gaye Smith a hig t~rofit. Pn?tests hy neighbors cause Ra trd and \\ arner to state their position. Mrs. C. (~. Smith, 1325 Grcemrood avenue, · was called to Kankakee la st week by the sudden death of_ her _brother, Dr. C. W. \Villiams on Fnday. s ;; Beauty of SettingA rolling topographyHigh above the lake(70 feet higher than Church St., Evanston) Spacious homesitesHomes of individual appealGood neighbors and fine livingTHAT'S SKOKIE RIDGE Representative Always on Property == :5 ~ s s; $ :::::a ::sa ~ 2 BAIRD & WARNER OFFICE: :::; ~ ~ 1071 SKOKIE RIDGE DRIVE, GLENCOE Phones: Glencoe 1554-Briargate 1855 Sheridan Road to Park Avenue, Glencoe, West to Bluff Street, North to Dundee Road and West to Entrance. OUR NEW PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1929. ju'-U\Il~llMMI~-\M-IU-UW-U-\nll-I\I\-RM-ftR-I\J\-I\I\J-\I\-MN-UU-UU-UU-UU-lMI-\N-\I\-J\IU-\I\lU-U-\lUU-UU\I-UU\-MI-UU-U\N-UU-\J\M-J\1-UU-U\l\IU-U-~--" I I ~

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