Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 30

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JO WILMETTE LIFE June 14. 1929 prints, by ~ontemporary arti st s, in Gallerv 5 Hutchinson wing; etchings by Va-n Dvck in Print Gallery 18; portraiturc in- prints, in Gallery 12 ; exhibition of work don e in the Saturday morning. classes of the Art Institute school, in children's · mu se um. On June 11 the entire· ten galleries ·of th e east wing wer e hung with the work done by students of the Art In stitute school, to continue until Ju~· 7. IGraduating Class DC at Northwestern Is seen during June and July at the Art · · Largest tn H tstory I"nstitute · are as follows: J apane sc AT THE ART INSTITUTE Interesting exhibitio~s which may Northwestern university will have thi year the largest graduating class since th e doors of what is now Old Col1ege were opened in 1855. More than 1,400 students. w1ll receive degrees at the seventy-first annual commencement in Patten gymnasium Monday, June 17. The college of liberal arts will lead all the other schools in the number of candidatesl with 326. Commencement week activities got under way Monday night with the annual concert in Music hall of original compositions of students in the school of music, and a reception hy the deans of the school of commerce and school of speech. Th e a.n nual commencement concert of the school of music " ·as given at the \Voman's cluh in F.van:;ton Tue sday night. On the McKinlock campus the law school held open house from 10 to 12 \VedncsclaLmorning. In the afternoon, John K. Edmunds of Chicago, the class orator, delivered an address in Lincoln hall, following the installation ceremonies of the Order of the Coif. honorary legal fraternity. Alumni clinics were conducted in the dental school \Vednc sday and Thursday. and in the medical Bchool arc being con ducted Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Student . on the Evan . t o n campus participated in the class clay exercises in Patten gymnasium Thursda~·. Fri daY night is illumination night. \\'ith a clisplay of fireworks along the lak e fr o nt on · th e camous. The \\Tck's activities \Yill wind up thi s Saturda~·. J un c 15, with the annual alumoi parade. games and sport s. cla:o:s and fraternit\· reunion s. meetings .)f thr alumni of the various schools and the general alumni dinner. The prl'sident' s recept io n will he in Patten gym na si um that night. Dr. Frederick Carl Eisekn. president of the Garrett Biblical in st itute. \\·ill de .. Jiyer the baccalaureate sermon at 3 o'clock Sundav afternoon in the g~·m nasium, and Dr. Frederic C. \Vood,vard. acting president of the l.Tniversity of Chicago. will deliver the rommcnrc mrnt ~ddrcss at the exercises on \fon da~· morning. Wear Rimless Glasses Nowhere in public now are the heavy and unsightly shell rimmed glasses considered good taste-except for sport. The .new unobtrusive rimless styles i.ntroduced by Almer Coe have re- . placed them. The e\·iJence is all about you. And in the nearest Almer Coe store you will find one uf these rimless models most becoming to you. For those who require rims, a wide selection of finely designed white gold rimmed frames are available. TO WED MARSHALL DOTY, JR. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Curtis Barnes of Boston have announced the engagement of their daughter, Esther, to Mars hall Lloyd Doty, Jr., of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs . M. L. Doty of Bannockburn, formerly of Wilmette. Miss Barnes was graduated recently from the Leland Powers Dramati~ school in Boston. Mr. Doty is a grarl'uate of the University of Illinois. The wedding will take place this fall at the Rarnes' summer home at Damariscotta, Maine. AlmerCoe &Company Scientific Opticians 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston Orringto11 at Church . PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS TATMAN the name that stamps a Lawrence Pahhuan Wins in Golf at Campion College For th.e second consecutive year Lawrence Pahlman of 2o55 Asbury avenue. Evanston. formerly of \\·it nH.:tte, has captured the Campion college golf championship. Oddly cnoug)1 his opponent in the fin~l s \vas h.ts brother, J crry, the winmng margm being seven strokes. The contest ':v~s staged on the college links at Prame du Chien. vVis. Eighteen holes were played. For his victory Lawrence 'yas a\\'ardcd a trophy, whjlc a gold medal \vent to J t'rry as runner-up. Wedding Gift as choice "the. house of gifts" 517 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON :\f r. and 'M rs. ) ohn C. Carpenter, 239 Essex road, · Kenilworth, left with their famih· this \\'eck for their summer home- at Bluemont, Va., in the Rlnc Ridge mountains. 625 N. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO

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