Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE June 14, 19.29 BOY SCOUT ·NEWS of the NORTH SHORE TROOPS A ngW.r fHturt IMfl' pttpcrttl Ncb WHit by mtmhrt of tht Boy Sco~t Pteu club, 'North Shott Art· Council Wilmette Boy Seoul Rally on Saturday Attracts Big Crowd The \\'ilme tte Boy Scout rally held on Village Green last Saturday, June 8, pro\'ed to _ !?_e a drawing card for the public and a real jamboree for the Scouts. The program · opened with a parade of the S~outs from the Village hall to the green led by the American Legion Drum and Bugle corps. The Scouts passed the re,·iewing stand and then assembled to be welcomed anJ addressed by E. E. Orner, Village president, Karl D. King. council president. Major Geo. R. Harbaugh, head judge of the rally and Frank \\'ilson. president of \Vilmette Scout organization. StaC\· Bennett. district commissioner for \\'ilmette wa in charge of the meet. ~~ r. Fowler, ~lr. Hoffman, ~{r. Baker and others were on the stand. The \'arious contests got underway immediate]\' after these short talks. The first ot these C\'ents was ignaling: Troop 2 won tht> or:tly banner in signalling ha\'ing 50 out of 60 letters right in the 5.emaphore code. Lowell Comee of Troop ..J the only scout to get fire IH· friction in the allotted time. Two Scouts. George Schapen of Troop 9 and Dave Hendersnn of Trl10p ..J finished in the fire In· Hint and steel race. Tn the allotted . time l)f tl'n minutes no team wa:; able to make their quart of water come to a bt)il in the water boiling contest . Some energetic scouts from Troop ..J who iailed to get fir ·? with onh· t\\'0 match6 built their fir,· hy frict.inn. The~· " ·ere disqualif1ed hut had thl' hcst fire of the hunch. The rope lashing event proved tn he the \\·inning en'nt ior mns t nf the troops. Trnop 2. ..J. ~- 0. 10. and 12 all won banners. Tl!t.'\" constructed a bridge hy lashing log-; -nr hoards tll gether. Troops 2. -L Q, and 12 finished the first aid problen1s to win the award . In the flag . . huttlt: relay race all Trnop . . .2. J, ..J. 5. 1). 10. and 12 qualified . Final . . tandin~ ... hm,·s that Trn tlp ~ won fiH' har111ers. Troops 2 and <) \\' 0!1 f,,ur. Troops ~ and 10 won t\\' c), Tro·)P 12 won thrt·e and Tr,H>P 3 won nnl'. After the llll'd the ~cnuts ·put nn St'\'nal ~tunh and \H'fl' sernd hot dogs and cocoa . The Scnub of \ \'ilmette lnok forward tc1 this rallv being made an annual affair. - Scouts Entertain Parents Scout Executives Make Arrangements for Camp Opening Chas. A . . Steele of Glencoe, chairman of the council camping committee, and the Scout executive, Myron C. Rybolt were at Camp ~{a-Ka-Ja-\\'an for the week-end making some final arrangements about the camp. Here are some interesting items of information which they brought back. The large main . hall is completed. Trails are being cleared from it to the four troop camps and the vvaterfront. ~aterial such as the refrigerators, engines, etc .. are arriving. The Latrine. work house and wooden platforms for the tents arc under construction. The ,,·orkmen sa,- that each morning four deer can he seen at the upper end of the lake. Messrs. Steele and Rybolt saw a deer in the road as they drove to camp. On stopping to take its picture it left hurriedly for parts unkn::>wn. They saw two pike in the lake about 18 inches long besides wild life such as birds. chipmunks. squirrels, / · Report Enjoyable Trio to Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan J. R. C ne tz. r! en ut,· .-cout comn1issioncr for \Yinnetka -\\"ith ~fr:-~ . Goetz and H. ~ - l"rion repnrt ·d a \·e ry enjoyable trio tn Camp \fa-~a-Ja-\\'an at Elchn. \\'i . . .. thr pa:;~ \\'eek-end.. ~[r. Goetz. \\ h, 1 wa . . in~trumental in findin~ thi.- camp ),)cati :1 n report~. "Th.e camp . . ite i. . mnrl· hl'autiiul thar T have ever setn it. The th'\\' l< )<ke j, nt·arlv fini . . he cl "ith it.; large . creened porcli. roz\· firt"place. it... roomy dining hall and 'ell t:quippl'd kitch('IL It is goingto make an iclt"al plaL·e f()r the north sh~re ~·cnut.... TheY ha\·e built a beautiful wi nrli Ill.! t rai( t hr\ ·ti~h the matn· white l>irrht: . , up irc)ltl t1w lakt· leaciing tn the llld.:..!t." ~fr . Gnt' z plan~ to ).!<l to ramp till' la~t ptriocl \\ith Tr'H'P 1~ <1i \\'innetka (lf whi~1e l a.- been ~cout master f(1r ~OIIll' timl'. "Fun not found in cities K nowl<-dg-e not in book " Re~ister know f0r Camp ~fa-Ka .. Ja'\'an R::>y Scout Troop 12, sponsored by Club Vista del Lago was ho:-;t to parents of its members at a dinner at the club. Scoutmaster R. G. \\'atb was tb·astmaster. Guests of honor were Charles A. Steele. chairman of the camp committee of the Xorth Shore Area Scout council. C. A. Hyatt, noted swimming instructor. and Carl E . ~~c~tarus. ass istant Scout executive of the etc. Xorth Shore area. (Photo by Lehle) The ,,·ater is warm enough that people ~·e re swimming in the lakes . FRANK WHITNEY AWARD SEND HIM TO CAMP throughout the region. There is enry At the a:;semblv of the Scouts of Do you earnestly \\·ant your hny to reason to helie,·e that the camp will he grO\\' :Troops 16. 17. 18. -19. 20 at community nne of the best Scout camps in the · House on Thursday evening, June 6. Send him to calllp. country. the Frank \\~hitnev award was made. The rule ~ rtt health and :--trl'ngth to Regrets have been express~ed by ~fr. \\'hitne\·, wh~ is a ,,·ell known kil o\\·? mam· ,,·ho aimed to regi:;ter f::>r the artist in \\-;.innetka. is making this first- session a.f camp. There is e\'ery Send him tn camp. a\-\'ard each ,·ear to · the first cia :::.:-~ To ll'arn tt) k \'l' th<: ,,·ind and rain. likelihood that late comers \\-ill be disap... cnut in each tn Ot> who lives U" ,., to Thl· \\ oods and lake-;, the hill and 1 pointed for the second and third se.-the ideals of Scouting. The ·cout i ... plain. sions. \\'hy not mail that registrati J n selected hy those in his O\\·n twop. Till' lilt "i the lark and thl' h(lh-o-link\ 111 110\\'. The medal. which was designed ancl .;;train : There are only 300 places. 100 ior executed by ~fr . \\'hitney. is a replica I SeiHl him t 11 camp. each session. One hundred fiftY-six nf the painting- which he pre:-;rnterl tn Dn , .<·tt \\'ant that boy to learn to are taken. \\'ill your registration cnme th l' ~Cnti t s and \\.hi c h now hangs in . . \ri ll1 : in on time to get in the remaining 1~.f? ~r a tz halt. ( )n the face of the medal ~end him t<l camp. arc twn _ _ lwrse s representing energy I Ts he a littk tuo iat nr a little trJ() and amllltlnn cnntrnllt by a man rep ..,)inl? Making Paddles to Be One re.;cnting- rea-;on. The m~dal i..; cast in Send him tc· camp. of Summer Camp Projects bronze and heautiiully finished by Hi ... temper yu u liay need-., Clmtrnlling Did vou see the instructions on hand . The name nf the scout recei\'a hit: canoe pacidle making by Capt. F. C. in~ it i.- engra\'ed nn the other side . He can't ' tt'lll t<l \\nrk \r it hnu t "thru,·: ~[ills in the June c~py of "Scoutin g"? Thc first medal \\'a..; presented to Dr. ing a fit"? Da,·ies. a~ "Chid" of the scnuts of ( ~t· t IJtby ri.L{ht lW\\' to pack up hi::. kit. Get "Scouting" and look it over. l! will gi\'e you an idea of one of t :,e \\'innetka. ior all that he ha..; clone it)r ~t'l l< l him t 1) camp. the hn \·..; in . . r ,1uting. The meclals \\'i th othl' r h<H· ~ can he hotel his 0\\ ' 11 : project~ nf Camp ~[a-~a-Ja-\\"an this summer. Paddle making is a lot of wer !;resented by ~r r. Rummier. : ~end him tn- camp . chairman of the \\'inn~tka tro ~ p com- : r' he airaid ui the dark \\'hl'll it find::. fun and not such a long hard job a::; \'~U may think. After you have finmittee. to the followintZ scouts wh n I hill! alnm· :ished your job you ,\'ill haYe a heautiqualified: Tr np ln. John Rallenger: ~end him t11 ra!llp. Troop li. ~tanttln ~chuman: Tr nop IR. ; n (l t'S he knt"l\\' h< )\\' tn kad an d hO\\' tn iul piece of work and :' ometh1ng ~- nu ,,·ill think a lot of-a real accompli:'hJ all!e s l.~· ons: Trnnp 19. Fln o rv S:1\\ - . to he Jeri? _ n ·r: and Trt) 'P 20. \ ·ictor Han:'nn . 1 T <, carl' j,1r hi~ l·l< ltht.: ' and mah· up a ment. Tt doesn't make any difference if you never ha\·e paddled a canoe. if The.-e. Scouts were " ·elcomed intn tlw hed: 1 rhl'l·r up hi . ; ch ttn h \\·ht·n they're you arc a "he-h~v" vou will \\'ant to. ne,,· honor group hy "Chici" Davie :-~ T < hut in the mean time the paddle with and cnngrattilated hy ~fr . Snell. gc11fl'eling quite "dead"? the fane_\· design.;; you ha\·c painted on era! chairman ~ f the \\'innetka counSend hilll to camp. cil. \\' ould your b1)y sec (,,l(j 111 the ~un- it " ·ill make a dane!~· trophy far your 'id.... .1 .!1()\\ : rnom at home. And ""ouldn 't Dad be , PRACTICE FOR RALLY ~ e nd hin1 t< ' camp. proud to ~ee this handiwork:-Pat Thur . . day. June _ ;_ Trnnp .f prepared .-\nd :ll"ain in t lu.: L'a!np firc burning Role. ior the ralh· " ·hich \\·as held la~t :-atlow? urclav ~~ r-. Leach. our Srnutmastt~ I ·e nd him t11 camp . CAMP AT WAUKEGAN helped the hrid~· c building- team 81 H~ To th~, p~th n i right ha.; he learned tn On \Yeclne~dav. Ma\· 29. three memthey . . urely needed help for a fe\\' ;>t cli_ng · . · . bers nf Tr0op 21 and t\\'O Scouts of the ielln\'::; couldn't lash the hnarcls And JI)Y to the llves ot the home Troop 22 of the Glencoe C nion church tngether . The other teams fL)r the folk.;; hring? . camped at \Vaukegan flats, four miles tlH'r l'\'Cnt-- did wcii.- Repnrtcr Rill Tn he _hat~PY and helptul. to laugh and north oi \\'aukegan. The camp lasted Lc hk. Trnop ..J. \\' i !met te. Sttl£.! ~ until Sunda\·. Six more Scouts 'from ~end him tn camp. Troop 21 joined the camp for 2 day:; .. \' o u h a \'l' heard the c a ll o i t h e 0 ffstarting Friday. The group was under :;hore wind . WALTER HAGEN SAYS: the leadership of Prescott Lothrop, And the ·\·oice ni the deep --;e a rain "The hr~t ach·ice that J can give to assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 21. Y nu have heard the ::;ong. How long~ the readers of Bov:-~' Life. who are he- Bill McAllen was the cook. Hikes~ l!nw long? ginning- the game of golf. is to start at swimming, building camps. and eating Pull out tll1 the trail again~-· the beginning and. learn every step of \\'ere the feature events of the stay. Rudyard Kipling the game properly." -\Valter Roberts, Troop 21. 1 · ,, )

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