Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 24

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. 24 ======~========================================================= Margaret Elizabeth Bush English Announces Plana Wedded at Sister's Home for Rockford Expansion Wins Honors WILMETTE LIFE June 14, 1929 We Specialize in the Stock of NEIG. HBORHOOD BANKS Analysis free on request CHARLES STRAUSS &: COMPANY 134 NO. LA SALLE ST. Franklin 860 I CHICAGO \\.iJliam F. English ] r., 729 Ninth .street, \Yilmette, newly elected vice president and financial director of Rockford colle~e. has announced plans ior the expansion of the college into ~ center of education riYaling the most tamous women's schools in the east. ~[ r. English. who spoke at the Rockford alumni , banquet last Saturdav night. stated that an initial 'fund d£ $3,000,000 will be raised, and that the plan formulated bv the trustees is to assure establishme~t of the institution in a thoroughly . modern plant on a new campus. .Mr. English reyealed. that a recently formed syndicate is holding a tract of land in Rockford in the inter~:-~ts of the college. · ~liss Elsie C. Hannon of 1755 \Vashington a\·enue \\'a:-; among the alumni of Chicago uninrsity who attended the reception gin.'n Sunda" bv Harold H Swift at his home in Chic;go in honof of Dr. and ~f rs. J~ohl'rt ~fay nard Hutchins. - Macaroon Bisqut, Strawbtrry Orders taken for fancy Ice Cream Moulds Vanilla Snider.Cazel Drug Co. Wilmette ~~iss Dorothy Jane Adair of Kenilworth has been one of the members of the ireshman cla!'·s at \Yelle ley college who \\'as prominent in athletics durini: the past year. as well as being the recipient of other ·honors. She has bc:t:n captain of her class la crosse team, and won her letter in golf last autumn. In addition, she has been secretary uf the )\~ellesley Athletic association, a member of the executive committet of the freshman clas:o;, anJ pn:sidcnt of her dormitory. The home of Mr. and Mrs. · Roger E. Williams in W~lmette, handsomely decorated in varied · spring flowers and greens, made a lovely setting for the marriage of Mrs. William's sister, Margaret Elizabeth Bush, daughter of Mrs. Edwin S. Bush of Evanston, and Edward Harvey Alling. ] r .. of Los Angeles. Dr. John R. Nichols read· the service by candle light at 8 :30 Saturday evening, ] une 1, before an improvised .altar of spring flmycrs. The bride, who was given in marriage by her uncle, William H. Bush of Chicago, wore a gown of white satin made with long sleeves. There was a court train of satin covered with silver cloth. Her veil, which was of tull~. was trimmed with heirloom rosepoint lace. Her bouquet was of valley lilies and forget-me-nots. Mrs. \Viqiams, "·ho was matron of honor, wore pale blue chiffon and carried an arm bouqu~t of blue delphinium. Little Betty Williams, her daughter, as flower girl, wore a frock of pink chiffon and carried a ba::,ket of rose petals. Roger \Villiams, ] r., and Duncan Edwin \Villiams, carried the ribbon . . Ur. Williams was best man for Mr. Alling. Among guests from out of town, were Miss Sara :Maude \Veyerhauser of St. Paul, Mr. and ~frs. Herbert B. DePrez of Shclby,·ille; Ind., and Mrs. John H. \Viles of Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Alling are motoring \\'est to make their home in Los Angeles. ~f rs. George Kingsley, who has been Yl'n· ill at her home on Cumnor road in -Kenilworth for many ":eeks, is slo\\' ly gaining in strength and health. Her mother, Mrs. Llpyd Grassctt. from Geneseo. X. Y .. is with her. ..... .., Feed the Lawn whea it needs itUse LAWM-VEX onee a month ANDERSON & NELSON Distributors For Hinckley & Schmitt, Inc. 1920 Railroad Ave. Lawn-~ex ~s the mo~t ~oncenh·a ted fertilizer known. It is 100% plant food _and watet S?luble; 1t 1s a neutral and leaves no residue. LA \VN. VEX rontams 46% a.vatla}?le nitrog~n, the quivalent to 55.9% ammonja. LawnVex has no . . odor, ts non~potsonous and will not stain. It is so highly concentrated that one .cartndge .c~:mtains as much real plant food as a 50 to 100-pound sack of orclt nary ferttllzer. EVANSTON, ILL. U nivenity 980 Thi~ cat·tridge dissolves to the propet· solution a~ the water pas:-e~· throug-h the cylmder. ~hus ~n even flow uf life-g-iving food i~ spread over your lawn as you spnnkle It. Vex Refills One caruidge is sufficient to fertilize 2,500 square fttt or a plot 50 feet by 50 feet. SOI,D-On n )Ioney Back Guarantee. It it does not improve your Jawn to your sutisfnctlon-.tust return It to us for fulJ fredlt. ~1-.LEN 1219 lVILliETTE AVE. HARDWARE COMPANY PHONE WILMETTE 8060

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