22 WILMETTE LIFE June· 14, 192? New Trier Seniors Hold Annual Hop I When the train pulls out and you· settle back in your seat--or when you. push down the throttle and your car leaps out Wisconsin-wards-be able to grin! Know you are fully equipped with Tennis Rackets- Golf Sets- Fishing Tackle Swimming Suits- Bathing Shoes- Beach Toys Bridge Sets - Bridge Keno - Other Games Novels - Detective Stories Kodaks and Films We carry a complete line of Kodaks and Films. Finishing and developing 24-hour service. Event of 1929 at north sho_re school is g~y and colorfu!, with seniors, juniors, alumni and guests dancmg to the strams of Peterson s orchestra.. F. C \\'indocs and ~fiss Helen Maloney were the faculty sponsors for the affatr. · (Photo by Staff Photographe r) Chandler's 630 Davia St. Evanston University 123 Wilmette 724 1567 Sherman Ave. 2,300 Students Get Degrees at U. of I. as 1929 Term Ends Aoproximatelv 2,300 degrees are being. -c o nie rre~l h)· the 'Cnive_r ~ ity of Illinoi s thi s we ek, and the rec1p1ents come from practically every n ook and cor ncr of the state. A few o f course arc fr om other states, hut the percentage o f the se out siders is small. Pre ident Kinley started the process o i con ierring the degre es at Chicago o n Saturday, J unc 8. \\·hen about 400 sheCJ2. skin s \\'ere a \\·ard ed_ to tho se w~o had complet ed the n :qUJrcd work 1p the Chicago department::; of the um \·er .:; it,·-t he Coll ege o f }.f edicine, th e College of Denti :o~ try, and the School ,.=.:- When Friends Visit _. _.. _. Remember The Georgian ELIGHTFUL. quiet rooms comm~nding marvelous views of the Campus and Evanston's m;agnificent shore line ··· reasonable daily, weekly or monthly rates . . . and not a ripple in your usual home routine t At The Georgian your guest is assured privacy and th<~t cordi01l hospitality for which The Georgian is so widely known. M<~ke reservations by phone, or call and ptrsonally select the room or suite to best please your guest. New Children's Radio Program Tunc in on \\ ' ~L\Q at 5:45 P. ~f., for an interesting radio program for children called "~fy Bookho use Storytime." E\·ery Monday, Tuesday. \Vedne ·day. Thursday and Friday at 5:45 P. M. Storirs and Fun for the Children- and an important secret. Adv. D --·LOA.Ms--· We loan yoa from ttO.tO to tSOO.H at legal ratea. Confidential. Don't hesitate to use our service. will FRANK FINANCE CORPORATION Salte 1101, II N. LaSalle St., ChlClago State tiiG·I8·17 of Pharmacy. The 1900 odd other de grees were conferred at Urbana on \Yednesday, June 12, at the fifty-eighth annual commencement. The t\Yin cities of Urbana-Champaign were thronged Sunday and \Vednesda~· to see the most inspiring sight whic h the state affords-the slow proc ess ion of the hundreds of young on · and daughters in caps and gown s wending their " ·av to the baccalaureate and the commencement exerci e . Headed hy the university's famous concert band. th e candidat~s for degree s march in a column four abr.ea st from the libran· building to the men's new gymna sium where the exercise s are held . The baccalaureate address was giYcn In· President Kinlev while the Com mencement address -wa s given by Hon . H . ~1. Beardsley a prominent Kan sas City attorney and a graduate of the university. Among those gTaduating from the C rbana departme~ts of the Cniversity are the following from the north shore villages : \Vilmette-Daniel Roberts Brower. Jr., B. S .. Robert Clayton Garret son. B. S .. Cecile Grav Gilrov, A. B .. Edgar Alan Howard. B. S . Helen Gertrude Newey, A. B., and Edward Todd Wheeler. B. S. Kenilworth-John Leonard Fix, B. S .. and Maxine Stewart Lill, A. B. Glencoe-George Stanley Daniels. -· A. B. The ~eorgian DAVIS u THE ·INDUSTRIAL WORKSHOPS OF CHICAGO Lingerie, Negligees, Maids' Aprons and Uniforms Smocks, Woven Rugs and Baby Blankets All Articles Made by the Handicapped and Not ~old for Profit Ttkphont GREENLEAF 4100 STREET AT HINMAN A VENUE An Addresa of Distinction" Rtnttlll Dirrction of 0. E. TRONNES ORGANIZATION Summer Di1plt1y Room: MARION I. CALKINS SHOP B. E. DB MuaG ,..,., 724 Elm Street, Winnetka