so WILMETTE LIFE June 7, 1929 I Week-end Tours for Motorists Kankakee River I fOR a pleasant day of autoing with familv · a nd lunch basket none quite as alluri~1g as the Kankakee river tour is to he found within a short distance of Chicago. A visiting tour along the picturesque Kankakee river is the outline of this week's sojourn compiled bv the Tour ing Bur.eau of The Auton~obilc Club of Illinois, in cooperation with this new spaper. It is far enough off the regular beaten path of travel to make the trip one of pleasure. The drive along the river. that is the wl..'st drive or Illinois .Ko. 113 is paved the entire stretch. The cast drive for the most part is gravel. but in fairly good shape. Here the autoist will find himself wending in and out of shapely twists of the road with tall trees on either side. Here ~and there lofty trees and foliage as well as archways go to make the journey a hand-picked treat for nature lover s. Su'mmcr homes dot the banks of the rin·r, with picnic groves at intervals \\·here the family may stop for a "bite." The trip going takes one· through L\'ons, Joliet, \Vilmington. Custer Park at~d intn Kankakee, while the return is made through ~I omencc. Chicago Heights. Homewood, Blue bland and Chicago :-ts follows: CIIICAGO TO KA~K.\KEE Jackson Blvd. and ~lichigan Ave .. WJ · west on Highway Xo. 4. CHICAGO 0.0 Cicero . o.8 Berwyn 9.1 I L\·ons ll.i Jotid 3ri.9 Zarlevs -W 0 Elwood 4o.9 \Vilmingt on 5-t.3 Take Illinois 113 to Kankakee (\\' e;; t side of river). · Approximately 22 miles. K .-\~KAKEE TO CHIC .-\GO Take Highway Ill. ~o. 17 Kankakee 0.0 Momence 13.6 Take Ill. ~o. 1 Grant Park 19.9 Be'llget you il you don't wateh out The traffic officer rna y give you a ticket for- having inefficient brakes, because they endanger your life and the lives of others. If your brakes ·are not in good condition, drive 'round and let us fix them. BRAKES TESTED FREE OM I Beecher Crete Steger Chicago Heights Harvey Blue Island CHIC.-\ GO 27.8 35.0 36.8 38.8 51.7 70.0 .to s NASH SHIPMENTS UP Reports from the Nash Motors company covering April shipments to the Dominion of Canada show the month to have been substantially the largest in the history of the company. In addition the report for an ei~ months' period closed April 30, show. an increase in shipments of 167 percent over the same period a year ago. FOR YOURSELF Right before your eyeson accurate b.r.draulic sauges-the JUMBO 8rab Tester reveals the true gmdition of the bnb HYDRO ·ELECTRIC BRAKE MACHINE on each wheel. Fljminates all chance for humaD error -no guesswork. A.ans positive equalizaticm ad perfect balance ofbrabtmu:imum braking effie. iency - "guaranteed ufety!" EXCLUSIVE OFFICIAL SERVICE BENDIX LOCKHEED Mechanical Hydraulic Brakes Brakes BY FACTORY. TRAINED EXPERTS Open Evenings Modernize Your · Car · with DUCO colors Our paint department, established in 1915, is equipped to serve you . with the best materials, workmanship, and tools. Prices are now lower than ever. Triple Hydraulic Shock Absorbers AUTO REELITES-The Spotlight with the extension trouble cord reel HYDRO-ELECTRIC BRAKE SERVICE 2212 West Railroad Ave. at Noyes St. EVANSTON Greenleaf 212 2 562 LINCOLN AVE. WINNETKA 165