June 7, 1929 WILMETTE > = Marmon, R oosevelt New Water Pump Packing Cars Given Tests Is Called a Labor Saver A water pump packittg that ca~ be on G~eat Sp~edway in stalled easily and in quick time is , just announced. This nev.- packing, kn own as Grapho, offers several un t~sual features that ar e planned to save ~tme and trouble and as ·ur c a better LIFE · Ano~her Memorial day 500-mile race of the Indianapolis Speedway is now a matter of history and since th e Marmon Wasp, designed bv Col. Howard Marmon, won th e fi~st 500mile race in 1911, it has been acknowledged that the event is of ines ti mable value to the entire aut omobile industry. The principal feature of modern race car design-eight cylinders . in line-continued, as in form e r years, supreme. The great majority of entrants, a s well as the great majority of finisher s. in this year's Indianapolis co ntest were cars with straight eight m ot ors. Since 1919, the growth of the s traight eight principle on th e speedway ha s bee n constant and rapid. No other type of motor is favored hy speedwa\· experts and it is only natural that this significant development be extended to the passenger car as it has . been in an important and \\·iclespread way. Marmon, for example. ha s been full advantage of the "lesson of the speedway." AJt of its passe nger ca;-s are s traight-eight s) tested on the very Indianapolis track where th e e ight cylinder principal was initiat ed ;:tnd then proved in uperiority. The pre . cnt ~1 annon-built produ ct s. th e Roo:-.evelt, the Marmon ()8 and the ~f anuon 78. were driven in extended da,· and night trials over the sa m e brick - tra ck as was the scene of th e 500-lllile sweepstakes May 30. Having the advantage of a location adjacent to the famous Indianap ol is track and employing an engineering staff that has been fullv con scious nf the value of speedway- r e. ults since the year when the Marmon \\'a . p emerged victorious, the !\1 ann o n colll panY has maintained a constant check on the re su lt s of each 500-mile co nte st . But' ~1 ann on engineer:; d o IJt)t ston at that. for \vhcn a ce rtain device or method of construction is successful in a Memorial Dav race, it is not ac ; ccpt('d as pract~cal or useful until . it is taken again to the track and proved to their own sa tisfacti o n in trial s that are tmh1tmpered hv the excitement and strain of race day. JOb. Th e feature of greah.'st in tere·3t to s~10ps i~ th.e ope n · side de sign of the nn .r: \\'h1ch 1s d1e-hnned to proper · siz e for all makes of car..;, trucks and buses. Because of thi · patented design Grap ho can be opened up and slippe d over the pump shaft. It i.s lhlt necessan· to tear do·wn the pump nr remm·e the -radiator: The old packin g is ren1o,·ed anrl t1ie operations arc then to slip on the:' Grapho rin .~·. clnse it back into a solid ring-.. ti g l.1ten the pump packing nut and the JOb 1s complete. Another feature is the manner of ~nan_uf~tcture hy which th e entire packlllg 1s tmprcg-nated \\'ith g-raph it e. maki_n~ . it se lf- lubri cating and reducing tnctwn and \\'Car .on the pump s haft . Crapho packing- is being used bv t\\'enty-fi,·e of the l<:ading- thirh·-thre~ leading manufacturers of passenger cars. THE SUMMER SCHOOL of eight weeks of enjoyable art training in the studios and out of doors begins July 8 and ends August .31. There are sketching classes along the lovely lake front and in the woods and gardens, and there ts work indoors in the beautiful, spacious and airy class rooms that overlook miles of trees on the shore line. To those who are interested to learn what the very advanced methods of this School give them in the eight weeks' Intensive training course we would be pleased to send full information. Th~ regular dav-school year begins September 9, 192 9 and ends June 6, 19 JO. Evening School continues throughout the iehool year. Enrollment& are accepted at an11 time. Junior Classes meet Saturday mornings. THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF. FINE ARTS 626 CHURCH ST. EVANSTON GREENLEAF 1674 AGAIN AT INDIANAPOLIS Shif>ments by Nash Cnntinue to Show 1)11! Demand for Car Following- an April v.·his:h regist e red a gain of 92.68 percent in dom <'s tic shinments of "400" Serif's cflrs m ·er ·the month a vear af.W, the !\ash Motors compan~· r.eports that deli\'eries d ilf'"' Na·~ h cars during tbe week endecl ~fav 18 were 43.04 percent above deli\·e~ ie in the same cities for the corrcspondmg week in 1928. ., During- the vreek ended May 18. New York agents reported an increase in Nash deliveries amountin~ to 56 percent over the same week last year. In metropolitan New York, d~ri.ng the first four months in 1929. offic1al new car reg-istration figure'.; show the Nash "400" first among all cars except Ford and Chevrolet. . . Chicago rolled up a 42 percent gam while the other leading Nash markets for the week-Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, · San Francisco and. Los Angeles-brought the average ga111 to -43.04 percent. A corps of salesmen ?f . Butler Motors, Inc., Chicago Reo d·s.tnbutors, a few days ago, flew to Lansmg for a sales conference and to hear an address by C. E. Eldridge, general sales manager. They also drove away from the factory more than 100 cars. RE O SALESME N Ff.Y ---------------- Wilmette Battery·· & Eleetrie Serviee ·140 Twelltb Sa.eet Pboae WUmette 691