Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1929, p. 38

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38 WILMETT ·E' LIFE June 7, 1929 Garden Tour Is Feature of National College Benefit Mary· Louise Scbeidenbelm Lecture, Luncheon, Announces Wedding Party Gatden Tour Will Miss · Mary Louise Scheidenhelm, Benefit N. K. E. C. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. "The Making of a Gardeu" ·will be the subject of an illustrated lecture to be giv<'n by Mrs. Linn \\ hite in the auditorium oi the .K ationa l Ki11dergarten and Elementary college on Tue day morning, June 18, at 11 o'clock. A group of the college governing board i - sponsoring the lecture which will be followed by a luncheon in honor of Mrs. vVhitc at the Club Vista del Lago and a tour of beautiful north shore gardens to take place directly aft a the lun cheon. Mrs. ~ . . Landon Hoyt of \Vinn etka is general chairman of arrangements for the dav. Mrs. Frederick Scott of Hubbard \\oods is plaPning the garden tour and 11 rs. Harry G. Phillips of EYanston is in charge of all arrangement for the luncheon. i'fhe governing board committee sponsoring this e\'e nt feels confident that it is offering a full day of enjoyment. Mrs. Linn \Vhite is an unusually charming lecturer and in her talk, accompanied by colored lantern slides, will show the possibility of creating a garden from unattracti,·c conditions, tran sforming a small area into a lovely spot. This should prove ~specially helpful to many who are working out small gardens. Through the courtesy oi club members, the hospitality of the Club Vista del Lago is extended to those who hold tickets for the lecture, and make .. luncheon reservations with M r:-. . Harry G. Phillips, 1615 H.idgl: avenue, Evanston. Mrs. Herman Fabry, 2-+05 Lincoln street, E,·anston, is in charge of the sale of tickets and Mrs. Florence S. Capron of the Orrington hotel is publicity chairman. Tickets for the lecture may be purchased either from Mrs. Fabry or at the college office from Miss Jessie \Veiler. The event is a college building fund benefit. Scheid en helm of 804 F vrest avenue, has chosen the attendants for her marriage to William Edmund Schweitzer, son of Mr. a'nd Mrs. Richard J. Schweitzer of Chicago, which will take place Tuesday, June 25. The ceremony will be read in the First Congregational church at 8 :30 o'clock in . the evening and the reception will follow at Shavmee Country club. Miss Frances Scheidenhelm will be her sister's maid of honor and the bridesmaids will include Miss Mildred Burn~tt of New York City, Mrs. Albert K. Scheidenhelm, Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor, (Joy Scheidenhelm) and Mrs. Norman S. Clark, (Eloi se Arms) all of Evanston, and Miss Isabelle Pope of \Vilmett e. Nancy and Peggy Pierson, daughters of Mrs. Leland V. Pier-so n of \Vilmctte, and ni eces of the bride, will act as flower girls. Mr. Schweitzer "·ill have as his hest man, Ellis Cook of Kansas City. Ushering will be Frederick Schweitzer, brother of the bridegroom, and Eric Jones of Chicago. Albert K. Scheidenhelm and Alfred H. TaYlor of Evanston, and Edward L. Scl~eidenhelm, Jr., and Joseph Glover of \Vilmette. Arranges Benefit Affairs Commence for Helen M. Seng and Bridal Party Miss Helen Marie Seng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius' T. Seng, 1222 Chestnut avenue, will be married on Wednesday, June 19, to Marshall Cresap Co..rns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orja G. Corns, of 1121 Chestnut avenue, at 11 o'clock in the morning at St. Francis Xavier church. The Rev. Brady ·will perform the ceremony, which is to be followed by a wedding breakfast at the Club Vista del Lago. Miss Seng has chosen f0r her attendants her sister, Miss Virginia Seng, to be maid of honor, and the Misses Winifred Seng, a cousin, Agne : Bichl, Florence Byrnes of \Vihnette, and Mary Louise McCaskey and Louise Brown of Pittsburgh, classmates of Miss Seng at the National Park seminary, to be bridesmaids. Miss McCaskev and Miss Brown will arrive next \v ednesday from their h01nes in the East to be the house guests oi Miss Seng until after the wedding. James Corns will serve his brother as best man, and the ushers will be Joseph Cordell, Thomas Smyth, Oscar Hollenbach all of Chicago, and Edwin Dempsey anci Seng Schager of \Vilmette. After a motor trip through Canad:t a·nd the New England states the bride and groom will be at home after September 1. at 809 Noyes street, E\·atb ton. A great many pre-nuptial affairs are being given in honor of Uis s Seng, among which \Yas a luncheon and bridge party on Tuesda~· given bY Mrs. Charles Hollan at her home in Chicago. Mrs. Frederick Brunnel entertainr~ d at a handkerchief shower Wedne sday afternoon for Miss Seng at the Edge-water Beach hotel. Miss Florence R~-rnes, Miss Agnes Biehl, and ).f r s. Edwin Fischer have all heen hostesses recently at showers in honor of M i:-;s Scng. · The bride -to-he will give her Trousseau tea from 3 until 6 o'clock tonwrrow afternoon. _ ~f r. and ).! rs. Orja C . .Corns will gi,·e a dinner clance at the Drake hotf'l next Saturday evening for the bridal rarh·. and Mr. and 1\I rs. Julius T. Seng will gi\·e the bridal dinner at their ho111c on ~fonday, June 17. League of Women Voters to Be Guests at Shawnee The \Vilmette League of \Vomen Voters has a gala occasion in store for it Wednesday, June 12, when its members will be entertained at lunch COil at Slla\Ynee Countr ' club, at 12:30 o'c lock. This affair, o \vhich a special program has b e arranged, will conclude the season. The members attendt g this social event will hear Mrs. La · Laxman sing and Mrs. Carey Culbertson read. The latter has been a popular reader on club programs throughout the state. At the luncheon \\'cclncsdaY, the nominating rommittl'c will subinit its report. · Resen·ations are to he made with !\f rs. T. ]. ~lor au by :\fonday morning, June 10. }.1 rs. M ric n. Sn~·cler. program chairman, is in charge oi the clay. Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt of \Vinnetka is general chairman in charge of arrangements for the garden day and luncheon on Tuesday, June 18, which will benefit the ever swelling building fund of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college. The program for the event \viii comprise a garden lecture, luncheon at the Club Vista del Lago, and a garden tour in the afternoon. Feted With Parties Entertaining at Luncheon Mrs. \Yilliam A. Durgin i:: giYing a luncheon at her home, 627 Forest aYenue, todav ft)r the members oi the Bulletin committee of the \\Toman's club of \\'ilt1H:ttc. ior Mrs. IIaryey A. Bush, the IH~\\" prc:-;id<.·nt of the club, and for it::; retiring president, Urs. Hayes ~fcKinney. Luncheon for Bride l\1 r .. C. ~. Hoherts, 1135 Lake aYenue, will entertain at a luncheon and shower for twl'ln: guests tomorrow in honor oi ~tiss ~L1rie E. Rcs:ler of Chicago, whn i, tu he married the latter part oi Junc to Gt:orge D. Rein r of Springfield, Yt. Open -Gardens June 8 Cnder the au~pic('s of the Lake FN est Garden club the garden . ni ~r rs. Cvru s 11. ~fcC o rmick. ~fr .. Clnk ~f. C~rr, ~fr .. . Charles H. ~cll\n~ pj)c , and Mr. . ~amuel '1'. Cha-.t·. all ()i Lake Forest. will hl' optn to the public ~at urday m(!)rning . JutH: 8. Among the bon voyage parties thc:tt are being gi \'e n for :\1r. and Mrs. Albert :\. Page, ·who are leaving . oon ior a trip abroad, is a small dinner t onight to be given by ~Ir. ancl Mrs . H . E. Poronto of 901 Elmwood flvtntH.'. at the Indian Hill Countrv club. ~1 rs. Thomas L. Grisamorc ·of .fll Lake a\'cnue and Mrs. L. \\'illis Strong of 1115 Chestnut avenue \\"ill be hostOpen Season Today· esses tomorrow at a luncheon and At 2 o'rlock todav the \Vnman's bridge party for sixty-fi,·e guests at society of the \\·itmet.te naptist church ~ha \\ lll'e Cm111tn club in lwn nr of is opening it. th.'\\" season at the par- ~Irs. Page. . sonage, 1028 Forest a\'enttc. The meeting will he conducted hy Mrs . \V. S. Campbell, the new president. The Gioe Party for Seniors speakers of the afternoon "·ill he Dr. ~f rs . \ \' ctHIPiin P. Seng, 401 Lake -George D. Allison and ~f rs. George an·nue, and h ~ r daughter, · :\fiss Mary n. \\' illiams. Announcement of new _lane, will entertain t\\·entY-flve mem"link" mcmhers ""ill be made :1t this bers of the senior class of ~1allinckrodt time . :\ social meeting will follllW the lligh srlwnl tomorrow at luncheon in husi m'ss session. the Crystal room of ~farshall Field's. In the afternoon tlH' \· will take their g-uest ~ to the nnt. ical.comech·. "Doom~ Hostess at Musical Entertains Visitor :\frs. ~[. 11. ~~c~lillen, 125 Fiitcl'nth st1 ret, o1tertained at a luncheon and bridge part~' \Vednesday at the ~ortlt Shore Golf club in honor of ~1 r~. \\"illiam Grant Jerome of Kew Yor k who is the guest of her sister. ~frs . \ \.illiam A. Durgin. :\f rs. Ilerman Srhulllan, SOl Laurel :hemte. '"a" hostess at a musical and tea at Iter hom<.: reccnth· for 1warh· sixty guests. ~I iss JJelen. Koch. pian ist, prcscntrci scn'ral lllu:-;iral readings. \1 i. s Billie Hitchie pia n:d Yi olin selec1inns. and ~frs. Schuinan's daughter, Welfare Meeting -Monday · ~1i s :\farian, who i. a student at The . <:nior hoard l1f the Infant \Vel- \'orql\\'I.'S tt'rn uni\'nsit,·, read sclecfare . c·ci d ,. \\"ill mn~t ~fonda\· 1tttte ti<nh fro111 hlna FerlH·i·'s "So Big." 10, with ~-fn . l~rJht· rt 1·:. Kt·ti,'· (l~l .lt her home at · 0l'crpath arcnue and Hosts at Dinner Waukegan r<1ad. Lake Forest. Mrs. t\ unzio Russo. 725 Sheridan road, entertained several gue~ts at At Home June 9 dinner last Sunday e\'cning in hon0r Mr. and Mrs. Jo ·eph ~fichael~ ()[ of T. Albrione, who is Iea,·ing for 1202 S. Sheridan road. Highland Park Australia. The gtte . ts were the Italian will be at home ~ unday e\·ening, Junc consul and his wife. Dr. and Mrs. G. 9, in honor of the confirmation of th<.·ir Ca . pruccio, Dr. aud :\f rs. N. Lauro. son, ~alph. and Cmherto Beduschi. ~1 r.. 1\ onnat; Krait. 1350 Ashland a\·cnue, and ~irs. Allen \\'. Mrl'()nnell, 1~OOill ~·· . 1.125 1fighland ;.wcnue, cnt<;rt ained a-t a dancing party at the HO\\ .lrd scJH,ol Luncheon for Brides-to-Be · gymnasium last Friday evening ior ~f rs. I-1 erbcrt Arms ' and 1-lrs. Kor- members of the graduating cla s:-- of · man Clark of E\'an . ton, formerlv 0f 1fP\rard school. \ \ 'ilmettc, were host esse at a b;idae luncheon \\'edncs,day, June 5. ';t Club Plans Supper Bridge ~1-:okie Country 'club in honor of 1\Lss A buffet supper that will be folElizabeth Pond and \[iss ~lan Louise lo\\'ed by pivJ ot bridge has Leen arScheidcnhl'im \\"ho are to i>c' June · ranged hy \Vcstmorcland Country club brides. ., ; for Saturday evening, June 8. A prize will be given for each table. Supper Is Dinner Hostess will be served at 7 :30 o'clock. I :\frs. Charles Sanford Clarke of S20 \Yashington avenue entertained t\\"e'ntv Dance for School Set guests at dinner Tuesday evening at A clancinR party will be · given at her home in honor of Mrs. Frank the Georgian hotel tomorrow evening . Daker:. of California, a_;former resident by Regina Swirles, Lucy Clagett, Marof \\ tlmettc \\·ho is visiting on the jorie Seibold, and Eileen Burke for a north shore. · number of their school friends. I Give Dance for Seniors

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