Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1929, p. 51

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May 31, .1929 . . 11 WILME·T·TE··, ·LIFE $ ' 51 I'OK 8.U.B-BOU8B8 81 SI:rUATJON WANTED-]JALE 87 FOR RENT-Af ARTME.; NTS· 7S FOB BENT-8TOBES .t Of.:t'I~ES HOUSE OR GARDEN WORK IJY HOUR ·2 APARTMENTS FOR RENT IN NEW O)_.,FICE ltOOM AND STORE ROOM day or contract. Drainage. Phon~ Smith building-1, one-room, other 2for rent. George F. · Gonsalves, 746 Winnetka 1288 after 6 p. m. room. Mrs. Smith, 819 Oak St., or call :- Elm St. Winnetka 62. 73LTN36-ltp 61LTN31-tfc Winnetka 112. 67LT32-tfc ::E::-X:-:--------.......,. , ....-------.....: STORE OR OFFICE, EXCELLENT 5 ROOM · BRICK . BUNGALOW, SUN PERIENCED GARDENER WANTS FOR RENT-ONE 3 ROOM MODERN ground lo·c atton in Winnetka. Will porch, ·. fireplace, Hot W:ater heat, tile work by the day or week; good referapartment. Schell Building, Chestnut decorate to suit. Ph. Winnetka 165. bath, landscaped. SpeCial at $12,000; ences. Tel. WHrnette 570. Court, Winnetka. 67LTN36-ltc $l,OOQ ca~h. balance like easy rent. 73 LTN 3-4-tfp W iillmme1t1t<e - ------61_LT_N2_9-_.:.tfc 1ST FL;, 3 RMS. AND BATH. KIT- STORE ON SHERIDAN RD. ADJOINGERMAN CHAUFFEUR AND GARD- ' c henette apt; furnished or unfurni s hed. ing Highland Park Post office-suitable e_!ler, married, wants · permanent posiGarage optional. East side, conven. for ladies' ready to wear, millinery, bon. Best No. Shore ref. Winn. 3218 all transp. References. Wilmette 204. photographer or other high class lines. between 5 and 6. 61LTN36-1 tp 67L36-ltp W. H. McKillip, 548 Central Ave., Highland Park 3025. 73L36-ltc WO~K WANTED-GARDENER, TREE tr1mmer, s hrubbery, janitor. 75e hr. STORES EVANSTON Alfred Marchetti. University 8103. WILMETTE 61LTN36-llp KENILWOTRH NOW OFFERING ATTRACTIVE SU.M ... TO RENT WINNETKA AND YEARLY RENTALS, EXPERIENCED GERMAN GARDENER .1\IER GLENCOE work by day or hour. Tel. Winnetk:{ HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FURNAll fine bu~iness locations 1549. ~1LTN36-ltp . ISHED AND UNFURNISHED, . BOTH IN EVANSTON AND ALONG THE SITUATION \VANTED .A.S CHAPF- XORTH SHORE. Our listings are personally feur. References. Call ¥lilliam. inspected and we are ready to Greenleaf 5523. 61LT~36-1 rp 1505 Chicago A\'e., EVANSTON give you every assis'tance in Phones-Greenl. 1080 and Rog. Pk. 0053 finding the right place. EXPERIE~CED C'HAUFFELTR \\'!SH73LTN36-ltc e~ work on North Shore. lfniH·rsity 74:~o or Ken,\·ood 1:l!l1. 61LTN36-2tp 2 NEW STORES-ONE COR~ER 24 1,(~ by 42 ; one 16 by 44; basements; r eas. EXPERIEXC'Ell ~fA:\' FOR PAIXTI:\G Ph. \Vinnetka 112. 73LTN28-tfc :serf:'ens, wind<1W \V al'hing and gE>ne1·a1 1505 Chicago A \'enue Greenleaf 1080 W<·rk about h<·me. Tel. \Vilmette 570. 67LTK36-ltc o;o; 1-'0it S.ALE-HOrSES 61LT :\'29-tfe GLENCOE EAST SIDE. CHARMING 6.2 SIT. \L\ ~TED-)L\LE & }"'E ~IALE NILES CENTER English home of 10 room~. just completed Li\'ing room 18x28. Six bed:;\IARRIED COl'PLE, COLORED. :\fAX t-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large, light, modern. Near Dempster "L" rooms, 4 Laths, Ia vatory, tiled kitchen, f'Xpd. ('hauffeur, huu~eman. wife maid. terminal station and North Shore elecattached 2-<:ar garage. ·w ithin 3 blocks expd. in care of ('hildren. Phon Kenof station, l'ehool and lake. 248 Hawwood 4518. tric. 29 minutes to loop. 62 LTX 3 G-ltp thorne A \'e. Price *50,000. For information phone Glenc·oe 561. COUPLE " .ILL CARE FOR 77LTN3G-tfc home during summ£-r while vnu a r e Demp~ter Street at Bronx Ave. tra\'t-ling or on y(lur ntcation. Exc. Phone Niles Center 93 ref. \Vritt- Wilmt-tte Life B-101. 67LTN36-tfc 62LT::'\36-ltp SCBLEASE- ONE R00:\1 KITCHEK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ette apt. unfurni sh ed. Tile bath. 63 !-!hower, immediate oceupancy. Call ATTRACTIYE 7 RM. BRICK HO.\IE, BOARD AND ROOJI best ~- E. location. 'Vondt- rful cornPr Glencoe 13. 67LTN36-ltp lot 100x176. Owner gone, offers barR00:\1 WITH BREAKFASTS FOR FOR REXT-::\IODERX 4 ROO~! APT. gain at $35,000. s ummer, near Indian Hill club. Men Ph. \Yilmette 23!19. 67LTN24-tfc only. North Shore Country Day School. \Vinnetka 674. 63LT~35-3~p 68 FOR RE:ST-FURN{SHED APTS. · o o o ~Ml@'lill~·it: & fll~Ihl~rt ' y - REALTORS 1177 Wilm ette Ave. Ph ..Wilmette 273 77L36-ltc_ 6 ROOM ENGLISH BRICK, JUST COMpleted. Tile bath. Breakfast nook. Frigidaire. Wooded lot. North Evanston, near trans. and schools. $14,600. Tel. Glenview 174-W or Winnetka 2988. 77LTN36-ltc FOR SALE OR FOR RENT-9 ROO!.{ house, excellent condition, beautifully landscaped, 2 blocks from station and Hchonls. Easily financed. Marshall. Ph. Glencoe 779. 77L36-ltp HUBB~t\RD \VOODS THE BRONX H.EDl'CED FROM $33,000 TO $27,000. This beautiful 7 room Brick Colo.nial with tile roof on land~ ca ped corner lot. Well arranged ftoor plan, 4 bedrooms, 2 tile baths. Plenty of extras r:::v with house. Owner will sell all furni shings. Thil' must be seen to be appreciated Don't oYerlook thi s good buy. QUI~L.A.X & 714 Elm St. 'fYSON, INC REFI~ED ~1. J. FAHERTY §JP)~~ntaJ.ll 'Vinnetka 2198 77LTN36-ltc FOR S....\LE- \VIL:\tETTE DEPOT 3 blk~. Exc~ptional 8 room stucco breakfast r oom, 2 enclo~ed . porches H. ,V. oil heat , garag·e, frUit trees, $20,\100. Adjacent landscaped corner lot a \·ai lable. Address Life B-104. 77LTN36-ltp REALTORS 66 FOR RENT-ROOI\IS - ~ MI JJ ©llinm~U:© llli & C© E.t\S'l' SIDr: WOULD LlKE TO CO~IMUXICATE with parties de~iring one or two room~ with kitchen and dining room, privileges in family of two adults. Garage. Protest~nt. Hubbard \Voods. Ph. Winnetka <>67. 66L36-lttl FuRl'\ISHED SIXGL~ R00::\1, $4 PER wet>k. Phone \Vilm ette 623. 66L:~6-1 tc FOR REXT- PLEASAXT Fl"R:\If.IHEn room. Gentlemnn preferred. Phone Winn. 1878. GLTX3G-ltc FOR REXT- ROO~I IX PRIYATE home, <.'a~t ~i d e, ~·oung man, nt"ar all tramm. Ph. w ·ilmette 20fl,. 6t.iL:16-l LC FOR REXT FCRXISHEn ROO.\T near tran~p ortation. Gentleman preferred. Phone \\.i lmet t e 312-1. 66L~6-ltp !\lUST RENT 1\IY APARTMENT IN REALTORS Orrington hotel, Evan s ton, for summer :~ 40 Linden An:>. ~T iJm ette 68-4-14 ,or lon&:"er, furnished or unfurnished. I 7iL36-ltc, now pay $162 monthly but will ref no reasonable offer. Two very la GLE~COE rooms, three ample closets, bath with -;- ROO~I ST"CCCO, -1 BEDROO::\IS, 2 ~ shower, electric kitchenette. Complete baths, sunroom, 2 car attached h eated hotel service. Phone Greenleaf 46110 garage, oil heat. R:wint' lot 75x2lfi. evenings. 68LTN35-tfp Attractin·ly la ndscaped. Priet-d ffJr quick ~ale $31,000. Tt>rms. 1OGa COLONIAL RESIDENCE, LARGE LIV. 1 69 FOR RE:XT-HOl:'SES .:\leadow Road. rm., 6 bedrooms, 2 bath~. Garage. Large wooded lot. Close to New Trier, grade IX GLEXCOE OX VALLEY RD., KEWschool and transp. Circumi'\tances per ly de1 ·orated G room frame home, EXCLrRIVE AGEXTS mit u~ to offE-r thi~ for $24,000. screenE-d poreh, furna<'e ht. Ph. " ' ilREALTORS mette 88~·Y 4. 6~·LTl'\36-ltc 386 Ce~atra l An:·. Hi C" hiand Park 1212 77LTN36-ltc i R00::\1 HOCSE, e~FuR~I~HED, from J uJ~· 1 to :\lay, 1!t30. 4 bedroom~, HOUSE FOR SALE-i R~TS.: LOT REALTORS 2 IJ:1th~. Oil h ent. garage. Convenient 50x16ll, sell for almo~t gmund Yalut'. i 4G Elm ~tn· et Winn. 1617 Winnetka to Huhhard ' " oods sc-hools nnd trans2:36 Laurt.·l AYe. Ph. " ·ilmette 19:{5. 77LT~36-ltc portation. ~200 month. \\·inn. 115. 77LTX36-1tc BRIC'K HOUSE 0~ FL'LLER LANE \VinnHka. living room, dining room kitchen, sun room, breakfast room, at tac-hed gar::ige, :{ bedroom!', 2 baths, tile roof hot water h ea t . George F. · Gon c..:alv~~ 7413 Elm St. \Vinnetka 62. . ' 77LTN36-ltp FOR S£t\LE 1E ~lt wlliiDJTil®1t1k~ v ~nlill® H. & R. AKSPA.CH 6!1LT~36-1tc KE~IL\VORTH T.::~EXPRESSABLE HOUSE VALUES, R00:::\1 FOR Bl.!SI~ESS :\TAX 'VHO FOR RENT-S ROOl\1 HOUSE WITH SEE YOURSELF would appreciate nic-E> honw in good Joe. sleeping and dining porches, attached Red Bri<:k C"ol., 5 bf'drms., 3 baths, 100 ft. Bathrm. facilitie!-! and tra n~p. t-xeell t-n t. garage, Oil burn er, near transportation lot, $40,000, want offer; also 4 bedrm!':., r~eferenee~. \\·ilm ettt- 20-1 . 6GL36-l tp and schools. Call 'Wilmette 1468. 2 baths, :lrd fl. space, cost $27,000, tak~ 69LTN~l-tfc ~23.000 : 'Vhite Clapb. Col. with 6 bedLARGE PLE.ASAXT FROXT ROO~T, rm~.. :J baths, only $20,000 ; all up-tocnn\·enient u, bath, rt-ac..:onnble. 'Vil- SEYEX ROO~T HOl'SE. 4 BEDR::\1~. 2 date modern homes, H. \V. het., 2 car mette 3206. 66LT36-J tp bathf', oil ·h eat, iltta('hed ~nragt-. C'on~arages. Very easy terms. Keys with YE'n. to tran~. and ec ·mmunit:-· ~(t)f f:utter, Winnetka, 545 or 1729. CHEER}\l'L, \\.AR::\f ROO~T. PRIYATE <-OUr!'e. :1:1 aO mo. unfurn ., ~175 mo. 77LT35-ltp bath, garage. Ph. 'Vinn etka 1543 . furn. Also <1thE>r hou~e!-! for ~ale and for r ent. Phone 'Vinn e tka 11f14. 6GLTX36-ltc 1 OR 2 DESIRABLE ROO:\IS, EAST s ide. Ph. 'Vilrm·tte· l!t40. 6GLT36-ltc 7 6!1LT~36-1tc AX AL:\IOST :::"0... \\. FIXE C'OLO~IA L bric·k h ome with a tile roof, within a block nf the lal{ f', may be had at a genuin<' hargnin . !\Tdiuire & Orr, 150fi Chicago An·.. E\ iln!<ton or 122 Sheridan Rd., Kenilworth. 77LTN36-ltc 1 ~~- FUU SAJ.F:-YACANT DCY LII<E RENT LARGE LIGHT HOL"SEKEEPIXG room near trnn~. Ph. Wilmdt e 1!.113. 66LTX36-ltp NE,\'LY DECORATED RCO~L ~rARrred <·ouplf· prt'fe rred. Prott:'~tant. (il~n('Oe ~liG. 66LTX36-ltc QUINLAN & TYSON. INC. FURNISHED R00:\1 FOR 2 ADULTS e mployed: light and pleasan t; hot and TO RE~T FOR SUl\l~TER MO!'JTHS, I* co ld running wat er . Ph. Wil. 4207. ~mall furnished hom e in Winne tka . ~ ATTRAC1.'IVE SEVEN ROOM HOME OF 6GL28-tfc car garage. No childn·n. Rensonahle Engli~h design adjacent to beautiful to right party; referen ce~ n ·quired. Ph. estates. Large living room with open HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAU87 FOR Jt'ENT-APARTJlEYTS tiful lots left of the few remaining in 'Vinnetka 3295. · 70LT='J36-1tp fireplace and adjoining sunroom. LavaWinnetka. Bullding restriction. On a tory off of large reception hall. Dining qui~t drive-no trees but a beautiful room, kitchen and breakfast room. Four FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RE.XT. outlook at a price at least $30 a foot corner bedrooms and two tile batl1s \Vinnetka, June 15 to Sept. 7. R roc·m~. L~1 ET1~E under anything comparable. Addrefls with Rhowers. Two car garage. Electri<' ~ baths, lavatory. Double garagf'. JOfl Talk A-221. 78LTN13-tfc refrigeration. Hot water heat. A real yards to public golf cour!'ie. $600.00 for 2, 3 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS home in a beautiful location. Price Here in Wilmette's mos t convenient and ~ea~on. C'all ~' innetkil 624. 7 70LTN36-J tc $28,000. Reasonable Terms. exclusive location, you will find well-ar\ ranged apartments. All apartments rHERE ARE STILL AVAILABLE TWO have out!'iide rooms which provide an 6 WEEKS BEGINNING JUNE 20-7 beautifully wooded half acre plots for room English hou se, 2 baths. Con venabundance of light and air. Amp!e REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE those who prefer trees, in Westmoor ient to transportation and lake. Pri('(· closet space. Schools, churches, and Trail. Permanently protected, unusual Winnetka 2033 566 Center Street r easo naJ.le. Call Winn etka 2745. shopping facilities within immediate privacy, highly restricted, the right 77LTN36-ltc 70L36-1tp access. See these ·apartments today. kind of Winnetka neighbors. Priced Agent on premises. much less than anything of comparFOR SALE BY OWNER, 7 ROOMS, 2 7:J FOR RENT-STORES k OF}~ICES able desirability. J?hone Wlnnetka 1016. baths. H . w. h ea t, fireplace, screened Glen .C. Bull. 78LTN26-tfc porch. Close to schools and trans. Lot STORE OR OFFICE MAIN FLOOR, 1157 REALTORS Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2399. 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 460 ~~~J.87. Price ~:13,500. cav7~~~:-\~~ MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE , 5Z 73LTN29-tfc 67LTN2-tfc.. TRCE ".HITE A:\TERfCAX COLONIAL; RMS., H. ·w. HT.. GAR. GOOD fi bedroom~. ~ hath~. h . w. ht ., ~un 80 acres of park for ~:our FRONT YARD. trans. $75 a month. Glencoe 235. Th e great open space forever pro~leeping- 11orehe~, extra toilet-la\'atory, fi9LTN31-t fc tPcted at the end of a · private drive. 2-ca r garagt', chniee northeast section : All the advantages of a countfy estate . $1!1,(1fl0. FOR RF.XT-FITR~. HOUSES iO with all the conveniences of the Vih HFJ~\SEX lage. The premier location in Win----------------------------------------------------------------FOR RE~T-7 R00:\'1 FURNISHED netka for the finer home. 358x165 or REALTORR home, 4 bedroom!=;, 3 Lloc-ks to transp. 720 Elm ~t., ·winnt-tka Ph. ·winnE-tka 2fi4 will divide, at a reasonable price, to 2-car garagE>, July or Augu~t or hoth acceptable purchaser only. Write Wil77LTN:~6-lt c months. Rea~. Ph. w·innetkn 2~6i. mette Life B-32. 78LTNM-tfc 70LTI\'~6- ~ tp \ racant-Winnetka REA.l/f'Y CO. Hubbard Woods Bargain V ACANT-12Sx160 WINNETKA lJKDEX CRES'r .APTS. \\'"I CROSBY REALTY CO. acant-Winnetka

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