Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1929, p. 50

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so WILMETTE LIFE May 31, '1929 LOANS HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED EXPERIENCED WHITE girl over 20. 2nd work and care of children. Ref. Ph. Kenilworth 1514. 56LTN36-1tc . ao CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ....a.-1 Nott· ,.,_classified advertisements will be G... ....,.'" "' to resident! of the · district from Charles H. Brethold only 1st and 2nd mortgages Insurance 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 30L17-tfc 1W111ar subecrtben to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLBNCOE NEWS. Evanston to GleDCOe lacluslve whose names appear in the telephone directory. or who are charged WANTED- GIRL F 0 R GENERAL housework, to go to country June 15 to Aug. 1. Phone Sunday a. m. Winnetka 1713. 56LTN36-ltc WANTED WHITE WOMAN F 0 R housework by the day. Ph. Wilmette 2682. 56L36-ltc .. - 16 ceb'ta centa a line In one paper. 25 cents a line In any two papere. R111-11-ao a line In all three papers. HINIHUM CHARGE 60 eea&e. A.verqe of five· words to the line. No black face type used. - 10% discount on all caah with order advertisements when brought to our office at 123% Central Ave., Wilmette. or 664 Lincoln Ave·· Winnetka.· MONEY TO LOAN ()N FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reaRonable rates, quick, courteous, WANTED WHITE MAID FOR GENeral housework, 4 in family, wages $20. con fiden tia 1 service. Ph. Wilmette 1556. 56LTN36-ltc EV ANSHORE REALTY FINANCE CO. 1 nsertions-~:~:~fte~P ~~vW!~~~;;!; 5 ~·cl:clc Suite 403-State Bank & Trust Bldg-. Orrington Ave. at Davis St. Univ. 8383 WANTED TUTOR FOR FIRST Y]j::AR the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o"clock for the 30LTN16-tfc WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. high school German. One hour daily Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka Z000-2001. during July and August. Write giving WATCHES references and qualifications. B. 102 Winnetka Talk. 56LTN36-ltc CLOCKS-ALL MAKER AND SIZE}S repaired by expert. Clocks called ~or wANTED EXPERIENCED WHITE and delivered. Prices reasonable. Paul second maid, for Glencoe summers and J'OR SALE-AUTOS liA TRUNKS Davey, Jeweler. H65 '\Vilmette Ave. Florida winters. Phone Glencoe 52 or Phone Wilmette 6. 34IJ36-tfc call at 540 Washington Ave. Glencoe. PRICES USED CARS Trade Your Old Trunk 56LTN36-ltc W ATCHMAI{ER AND JEWELER ME.A~ LITTLE lF YOUR OLD TRUNK IS TO LARGE, WE CARRY A HIGH GRADE LINE OF CLEI~K-FOR GENERAL VILLAGE pocket watches and wrist watches. ~ ' -UNLESS YOt" ARE URE OF SATIStoo small, too weak or shabby, trade office. Must have high school educa~peciallze in clock and watch repairfaction in p4"rformance. A re~;;ponsible it in on a new one. We will give you n tion . Starting salary $65.00 month ing. A11 work guaranteed. Mail orders good allowance. conct>rn cnn ~;t-Il nn no other ba~ls. This Apply to H. L. Woolhiser, Village l\4n receive prompt attention. Dr. S. Rosen. hous Is responsible. l(aehler Lock "frunk Shop optometri~t seen by app't. ager. Winnetka. 56LTN36-ltc 1 \ '\ '\. ~ .\ 1421 Sherman Ave. Univerl'ity 5637 MIDDLE AGF~D WOMAN OH GIRL .~L~\'ELT DEAl El"S 17ALTN36-1tc MAl ~l\f()'-."-R() .. .... r_ .. "'.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 113!l Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette Ph. "'TiL white, for light housework, no objection 662 Lincoln Avt> . Winnetka '- 4!'i1G. 34LTN36-ltc to child. Ph. Wilmette 3667. 4LTN36-1 tc 20 GARDENING 56LTN36-ltc WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXpert. Wn tches cleaned nnd adjur-;teo . EXP. GIRL FOR GEN. HS\VK. GOOD. TAKI~ :\D\~:\X'f:'\GF. HaYe your old moYement put in a moo- home and wages. Ref. Ph. Glencoe 694 ern caRe. Paul Davev. Jewe1er. 1165 56LTN36-ltc Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. 34L35-tfc WANTED- EXPERIENCED W H 1 T E Landscape Planners Sir.O 1n · Mnrmon "6, " C'm1p(' . . $375 1H2S F.s~PX ( '():l<'h maid for general housework, no wash ~lUSICAL INSTRU~IENTS and Contractors . . sr)s:; 1!l:?7 ~tudebnk ·r St>dan ing, family of 5. Ph. Wilmette 212R. $775 1!l2 ' C'hrv!'lf·r ~Nla n 56LTN36-ltc GREENLEAF 2930 FOR SALE-VIOLTN, GOOD C"OND. $!!7;) Z016 CENTRAL ST. l!l2i C'he\Tnlt-t Coad1 (Nursery at Deerfield, Ill.) n.ea~onable. Call WinnE'tka 2220 a ftPT 6. $:?!15 1!126 Oakland ( 'o:H"h 20LTN27-t!c 3fiLT36-1tn 57 HELP W ANTED-l\IALE .... $6 5 1927 Willy:.. Knl~ht $2S5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· 1926 Dodge Sedan GARDENER WANTED, RELIABLE, !19 PETS S-tao 1927 Nnsh Stand. 6 Hedan room and board $50.00 per month. Good 1928 Na~h Conn·rtil>le Coupt> .Si:'iO Home. Middle aged preferred. \Vin PEDIGREED POLTf'E DOG FOR SALE $2!l5 1926 Nash C'o:tl'h , netka 270. 5iLTN36-ltp cheap to good hom e. · Thoroughly $600 1927 Na~h 7-Pa~~- Ht:· dan housebroken, excell ent watrh <log: or $~!lj 1!\27 .!'\a ~h Coupt' ANNl A L PLANTS will trade for malfl Bnston Bull. f'a n :;s HELP WANTED-1\IALE & FF~MALE SEE ALL TIIESF. .JOHX OSTHOSKY be seen at Dr. Erwin's k ennel, 1000 AND 20 MOHE AT :!~4:l W . Park AYe- Telephone Highland Ridge Avfl .. Wilmett.-. 3!lLTN::l6-lt!' 7 l'a rl{ 2(1fiSY -1. E\ .A~STO~ North Shore En1p. ~L\gency 20LTN36-3tp 42 RADIOS Jlh .Jlk!':. ~o. DitYi~ ~t. "(." . tation 1616 SHERMAN AVE. Cor. Benson Aw. & Clark St. Urt>t>n . 5500 Maids Couples SUBURBAN HOME SERVICE CO. 4L36-ltc Chaffeurs G:nc1 e nt>rs USED LANDSCAPE GARDENING 'WHITE OR COLORED BLACK DIRT - FERTILIZER FOR YOUR RUl\DfER TTO:\TE Two phones: Univ. 934; Grel·n. 6130 . · SHRUBS - PERENNIALS A NUMBER OF RELIABLE USED 58LT:;o..I36-ltc Lake Shore !vlotor Sales CONCRETE AND STONE WORK rndioR priced from $1 fi to $50. Radio 1101 CENTRAL AVE. PH. WIL. 570 ServicP shop, 'Winnetka 1~40. 1017 Chicago Ave. 20LTN32-tfc 42LTN36-lt<' Scandinavian En1p. ~~ge ncy '26 Dodge ~erlnn . _. . . _. . $325 MALE AND FEMALE HELP '28 Oldsmobile Coal'h $650 43 RF.PATRING \ND RF.FIXISUING LOOK- LOOK 701 Davis St. Univ. 9596. '28 Dodge Serln.n .. ... _. . ..... $450 58LTN'36-1 tc '29 ChryHler 7fi, Sedan . . . . . . . .. $1350 Now is the time to have your lawns cared for and reseeded where necessary. Ph. '26 Ford Tudor ... Sl!iO Wilmette 1579 after 5 p. m. REP ATRTNG AND RE:\TODELTXC: . 60 SITUATION W ,\NTED-FIDfAI,E '28 Oldsmobile Coupe . . $650 Cheverolet Credit - big di~<·otmt. 20LTN 3 4-3tp A l f;o work in your home~. be~t servic-e. MANY OTHEl'~ FHO:\l $:?5 UP 4 26 Lind en A w . \Yi 1. Ph _ \Vi 1. 2!\6 SIT. WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR ------------------------------------------------------nurse maid or 2nd work. Ref. Ph . Wil 4LT~36-ltc EXPERT TREE RERVICE Rmn('h, 994 LindPn Aw. Tluhhard me_tte 2637. 60LTN36-ltp PRP~INC:. TREATING, SPRAYING. Woods, Ph. Winn. 2!l6. 43LT~~6-lt c Thornhill Bros. Phone Wilmette 2295 -- - · 20LTN36-tfc CARPENTER WORK. ALL KINDS. RE- NEW TRIER H. S. GIRL, MOTHERS Jtf\RG:\IXS helper, neat, exp. Sunnyside 7146. ~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~ pniring and rPmofleling- dnnP by reli::thle 40 % DOW~ PAYMENT BALA~CE 60L36-ltc 2r, . IXSTRUCTION man. Call Mr. Ruttar, Winnetka 271. 12 MO~THS 4~LTN~5-?tn 1927 Buick 2 pa!<s. <·oupe . _. _..... $675 DO YOU NEED TUTORING 2 OR 3 HRS. A DAY HS.WK. MORNINGS 1926 Bukk 5 !<edan .. _... $695 FOR FINAL EXAMS? prefered. West Wil. Ph. Wilnwtte 964. 45A. SIJ,YF.RPI,A 'riNG 1927 Buick 5 sedan ... . _...... ~725 Isabel \\Tarring-ton Heaps and her assist60L36-ltc Packard 6 4-door sedan _.. . ....... . $785 antR offer individual instruction in all HAVE YOli R OLD l'IEf'ES RENE"'rED subjectR from fir~t grade through high 2 pasr-;. Dodge c-oupE· ... ... ........... $290 336 JVY at a r~'asonnhle pri<'e. Silver re- WANTED-1 FAMILY WASH. !':Chool and college. 5 paRs. Dodge !<<'dan .. .. ....... ·... $225 Court. Ph. Kenilworth 4576. fini~h<'d nnd mnde ab~olutely tarniRh' Essex Redan . . . . . . ... . ...... $63.5 814 Ridge Terrace, Evanston Univ. 4198 60LTN36-1 tc proof. Paul n:n-ev . .Tf'weler, 1165 WilEssex coach $125 25LTN36-1 tc mette AYe., Ph·. Wilmette 6. 40 % DOW.!'\, BAL. 1~ MO~THS COLORED 45A-L~5-tfc DAY WORK, ' 1ST CLASS lnundress, cleaning. Ref. Ph. Drexel D.L\NCI~G 6124. 60LTN36 -ltc :.o GF.NF.RAI, RF.PAIRS orth Shore Buick Co. ALL TYPES OF DANCING TAUGHT; Any used car taken as ca~h priYnte or r la ss. Fernnndo Maione, JEWELRY REPAIRING AND RE- WANTED-WASHING AND IRONING. 1027 DAVIS ST. WIL. 3750 934 Spanish Ct. " rilmette. Will call and deliver. Ph. Wilmette modeling by n crnft~mnn of rnrP Open EveningR and Sundays 25LTN36-ltc 3599. 60LT35-3tc ability and originnlit:v. Df'sign~;; created 4L36-ltc for individual ~. Paul Dnve:v, Jeweler, INTl:RIOR DECORATING CAPABLE COL. GIRL, LAUNDRY OR 1165 Wilmettfl Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. OWNER OF 3 PAC'KARD 8'~;;, 'WILL cleaning by day. Phone Winnetka 1053. 50L~5-tf<' sell hiR 7 passenger Packard sedan. INTER I 0 R DECORATOHS S. R. 60LTN36-1 t c black with orange wire' wheeb. excelBt·own & Son, T el. Greenleaf 3264. J,OST AND FOUND lent condition, fu11y equiped, low milr27I:.TN36-ltp EXP. WHITE LA UNDRESS WANTS age reasonablf', Call Randolph 3, 15. laundry work by day. Ph. Wil. 4073 CINNAMON CHOW, 10 YEARS OLD. 4LT~36-1tc evenings. 60LT36-ltc lo~t Monday in Wilmettf'. Rewaro. Tel. \YI:\00\\r SHADES WinnPtka ::!~~55LT36-ltc BUILDING li l..!ONTRACTING 11 ".JUST A SHADE BETTER" A-1 GENERAL MAID WANTS POS., 58 IlELP lVANTED-FE~IALE capable of managing $25 per w eek. Tel. WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. Greenleaf 3327. 60LT36-ltc New and repair work. Get our estimate. 943 Chim~o A w. Univer~ity 2211 WHITE GIRL WITH F.XPERIENC'E TO Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc 27LTN36-ltc take care of 10 monthR old baby. Refer- SITUATION WANTED- COLORED ences req. T el. Hig-hland Park 1863 woman, experienced cook, week or hour. mornings before 10:30. 56LTN36-ltp Ph. Douglas 1800. 60LTN36-ltp De11dline for I ro; · OF Y'ERY EF:>.S"'l'I-:n ". IO'l'OR CO. & I-I. GREENBAUM OF 'fHF.SF. OFFERIXGS CG~~® ~liilcdl JJ©Ircdi&Inl B.ARGAINS SHRVBS PERENNIALS X:\SH CO. RADIOS UPHOLSTERING 1 STUDIO H. E. TENG\Vi\LL Baa J'OU Waat Ad Ia Evaastoa, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 families in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. WANTED EXP. WHITE GENERAL EXP. COLORED WOMAN mairl for cooking and downstairs work. day work or mornings. Ref. ref. Ph. Glencoe 1370. 56LTN36-ltc 1307. WISHES Ph. Univ. 60L36-ltp WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- CAPABLE WHITE WOMAN WANTS eral housework or to assist. Ph. Wilcleaning or laundry, Wednesday only, mette 1472. 56LTN36-ltc Wilmette 3353. · 60L36-2tp GENERAL MATD FOH. PLAIN COOK- COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS CARE ing. $18 per wk. Ph. Wilmette 313. , of children in her own home. Winnetka 56LTN36-ltc 1433. 60LTN30-tfc Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 -

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